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Everything posted by Chook

  1. We all talk about Melbourne being better "in the future." But many of us forget that the longer it takes for the future to come, the fewer of us will be able to see it. My grandfather is gone too, and he never got to see us get better. From 2007-2011 I kept saying we'd "be better next year." We weren't, and now (just like Ray) he'll never see it. I wonder how many Melbourne supporters have died having never seen a premiership, or never seeing another one after our one in 64...
  2. If a ruckman's job is to stop the other ruckman from running amok, it kind of shows you that you want a ruckman that can run amok...right? Great ruckmen are really important.
  3. Discussing diet is a bit like discussing politics or sexuality, so I think I'll stay out of this one. Suffice it to say I do it, and it works for me.
  4. Thirty years ago you couldn't watch it from home with a 50 inch LCD screen.
  5. I'm a Generation Y, and I proudly subscribe to the above theory.
  6. Generation "Y should I work so much if I don't have to?"
  7. I would definitely like to see a "lowlights" tape accompanying every draftee's video. It would be a larf, and might actually be a better depiction of some players' ability.
  8. Predictions: 1. Tom Scully 2. Mitch Clark 3. Brock McLean
  9. Well I guess you can lock the Suns in for ALMOST winning a flag over the next few years. Winning one? Not so much.
  10. Some jokes are like a fine wine. They need to be aged just right.
  11. So how is McCartney such a good development coach if the Bulldogs players disliked him enough to get him sacked? How does that work? I'm honestly asking.
  12. Georgiou has played 7 more AFL games than me. Given that I'm an absolute spaz, that's not that impressive.
  13. Gawn. In the immortal words of why you little, "picks 1 & 2...what a f'kn waste they were."
  14. I think Brock was probably right about all the things the club was doing wrong. Unfortunately it ended up hurting us a lot more than it hurt him to let everyone know that. If things had gone better, I'm sure he would still be around at Melbourne. Still the inspiration for my username as well, for what it's worth. Never got around to changing it after he left.
  15. "Wow wee. You just feel like this is going to be massive for the VFL, don't you? And it's great that Channel 7 has the rights. I just love the way they go about it down there. Every angle will be centimetre perfect around the place."
  16. Harry Houdini made things disappear. I feel like we've done a pretty good job of making our high draft picks disappear too.
  17. Seven billion, plus or minus 6,800,800,000 supporters.
  18. I'd say 10% is a very large proportion, relatively speaking. It means that 1 out of every ten players you draft will leave your club after you've put 6-8 years into them. And what do you get in return? Cale Morton, Jordan Gysberts, Lucas Cook. Maybe a Tom Scully if you're lucky.
  19. See ya Mitch. Don't let the Dawes hit you on the way out.
  20. Smell ya later Mitch. Thanks for the memories. Welcome Harry. People give you too much shite. I always liked you, so I'm glad to see you at the Dees.
  21. I really think these players should pull their heads in a bit. They're starting to think they run the game and can do whatever they want whenever they want.
  22. I rate Dean Kent second only to Jesse Hogan on our list in terms of players I think have what it takes to become top 1% elite AFL players. That's not to say either one of them will make it that far, but they definitely have the tools. I'm excited to see what 2015 has in store for them.
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