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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Chook

    Round 23

    Something tells me you have failed as a father.
  2. I just did a quick Google search for Bill Knowles, who is mentioned in the Petracca article as the physiotherapist we want to go see. I came across a YouTube video of him at a conference in London. He seems to know his stuff. Here it is, for anyone who’s interested:
  3. Batman is real in that the character called "Batman" has been in existence for over 70 years (longer than you, likely) and has definitely never flown under his own power during all that time. Smart-arse.
  4. Literally two weeks ago. Of course, here on Demonland anything beyond a week ago is a time of myth and legend…where the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and plagued mankind with suffering
  5. Is Jack Viney aware that not even the real Batman can fly?
  6. I agree with you on everyone except Garland. IMO, he has a long way to go before he gets anywhere near his best form.
  7. I’ll believe they’re a contender when they win the Premiership. Nothing else will convince me. Richmond supporters would do well to adopt this mindset also.
  8. You should have asked him that question eight years ago.
  9. Replaying the Melbourne vs Collingwood game in the lead to Roos vs Buckley on 360 is a good move. I don’t usually watch these Monday night shows, but I might do the rounds this week. I’m prepared for a lot of Richmond coverage though….
  10. Make that the normal woeful commentary team plus Huddo. EDIT: For me it was always a non-issue, since I record all our games and then delete them after we’ve lost. This week there was no need though, since we won.
  11. I’m in the “Derm’s not that bad” camp, but this time he was definitely more on the inane side.
  12. And a skilled footballer with no guts wouldn’t get slaughtered?
  13. I swore to myself I’d never make that mistake. Blame the drinks I had last night.
  14. Yes, followed very distantly by Jesse Hogan and James Angus Brayshaw.
  15. I think it’s Bernie Vince. I see a lot of Bernie Vince in Jack Watts’ current playing style, and Jack obviously holds Bernie in high esteem (see his recent 3AW interview).
  16. If that was an indigenous dance, I dance like an indigenous man every Friday night.
  17. I’m gonna be honest. I thought he’d be better for us; but he’s still best 22. So there’s that.
  18. “Still lookin’ for that money."
  19. Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna Tumbaletaurëa Lómëanor
  20. 6 Vince 5 Brayshaw 4 Watts 3 Viney 2 VandenBerg 1 Gawn EDIT: Forgot Viney
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