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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Ah yes, before it all went wrong. I bet Mark Neeld would like to go back to the day of that photograph.
  2. Heard him mentioned as the worst ever Coleman Medallist last week. That got me riled up.
  3. I'm sure the exterior decorators on the Titanic would have done the same if you'd told them to chuck out the furniture.
  4. Not a fan of the old one week in, one week out. McKenzie was the sub and was terrible when he came on anyway; but Grimes is our ex-captain and did a fine to great job on Ballantine. I would have kept him in the side. I love the rest of the changes, but wouldn't mind a late Grimes for Watts swap. Maybe Roos will do that to avoid two days of "Where's Watts at?" sniping from the Media. Here's hoping.
  5. A bicycle helmet stops injuries because its material acts as a crumple zone that reduces sloshing around. Foam helmets do a similar thing, though obviously not as effectively. Helmets would reduce concussion rates in the AFL as long as players didn't use them as an excuse to go even harder at one another.
  6. That's funny. I've been told not to watch Melbourne games because their they're full of negativity too. EDIT: Just committed the cardinal spelling sin.
  7. Part of it is because we didn't do our due diligence. Word is that Barry Prendergast didn't feel it was worth his time to interview Dustin Martin, for example. Now you may say "Thank God" on that one; but it really just shows a complete lack of care from those who were most responsible for shaping our list. They were so sure of where they were going that they didn't stop to make sure they'd missed anything along their way.
  8. Harley Bennell carves sides up on a regular basis. Jack Watts sometimes kicks a ball that makes you go "Hmm, that's ok I guess." There's the difference.
  9. Chook


    If Garry Lyon is expected to be neutral, I don't think it's too much to ask for the Match Review Panel to stumble upon a little neutrality too.
  10. Pretty sure Garland was first to the ball when he got pinged after a nanosecond of possession in the goalsquare against Richmond the other week.
  11. It's like a high jumper who can't jump high. Or a cricketer who can't cricket.
  12. Jesse Hogan just got the softest free kick you will ever see.
  13. Now here's the big question. Will Roos attempt any changes, or will he let the game go like he did against GWS?
  14. Brayshaw is so important for us. He just sets the tone with his tackling. Everyone needs to bring that to the table today.
  15. Our foot skills are just going to roit us all day long.
  16. Jack Watts wins the toss. Is there anything this kid can't do?
  17. It's the one that complains a lot. That doesn't help? Ok. It's the one who roughed up an injured Nick Riewoldt. Still nothin'? It's the one who coaches a whinging, staging club full of entitled doofuses. After that, I can't help you. Sorry.
  18. You want to see warriors? I draw your attention to the Melbourne Football Club, c. 2015.
  19. Merrett didn't even get cited for something I thought was much worse against Pedersen last year.
  20. Admiration doesn't exist in footy. There is only envy.
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