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Everything posted by Chook

  1. That would require having someone to kick the ball to, and Melbourne players don’t have any friends.
  2. Actually, no they don’t. That’s the point.
  3. Looks like Fox Footy has decided to boot Adelaide out of the finals.
  4. At the Rohan Bail pavilion.
  5. ... Bemoan our loss to Carlton as a sign we haven't improved.
  6. Luke Hodge sprays his teammates fairly often. Coaches yell at their players. Forwards have been demanding better of midfielders since Moses wore short pants. It’s good. EDIT: Obviously there can be too much of a good thing though.
  7. In order to get out of the mire, we need everyone to demand better of their team mates. I’m okay with it, TBH.
  8. And people want us to trade him...
  9. This thread is everything that’s wrong with Demonland.
  10. I remember when Brock McLean stole the show and Nathan Carroll took down a monstrous Saint called Fraser Gehrig.
  11. 6 McDonald 5 Watts 4 Grimes 3 Mitchie 2 Newton 1 Salem I feel dirty even posting on this thread.
  12. Hogan’s team mates need to show more care. Hogan cares, and he lets it out. Who else does in this side?
  13. It’s hard to go from “disgusted mode” to having that primal beast within me that wants out mob to beat their mob start to come out again. This is surely just another trick from the Melbourne players to hurt me twice in the same game.
  14. At this point, winning this game would almost feel like more of a loss than losing it by a hundred. It would just mask over all our cracks and effort problems.
  15. Ah yes, our token “good” quarter per game. Too bad the game is already lost.
  16. We said that 3 years ago. And then 3 years before that. It’s a neverending story.
  17. This is Melbourne’s official application for a priority pick.
  18. How many Melbourne players block for him and make space for him?
  19. Melbourne FC Est. 1858 "​Insulsis damnas opus. Insulsis damnas histriones. Insulsis damnas clave."
  20. Our transition from attack to defence is deplorable. Do we ever have more defenders back than our opponents have forwards? Good teams work hard, so that they outnumber the opposition both back and forward. We’re too lazy to do that.
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