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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Could it be that we snare Del Santo out of Kangaroos clutches or even Montagna???? Do it in a heartbeat!
  2. I would seriously entertain offering Carlton pick 2 for Mitch Robinson.. Would anyone else consider this a viable option?? I like his grunt, ability to kick a goal and most of all his mongrel!
  3. Not unhappy at all !!Sylvia has escaped scrutiny for poor perfomances for far too long. He is a cultural attaché to the archtype inconsistent performer that we should be quite happy to see go. Happy to get a pick of some description for him. Move on I say!
  4. Why?? Don't you like "Robust" insightful threads? Ok I'll tell you the point, as so often in previous years, our most palpable need was again overlooked! WE NEEDED STRONG BODIED MIDS!! Question, what good is an outside mid when the inside mids can't get the agate? Get It?
  5. Some Wines mature exceedingly well and quickly! Just like the "Ollie" variety! Particularly in cut and trust "Finals" Pressure! Named in BEST, 2 Crunch goals, An irresistable package! Hnmmmm, not a bad player!
  8. Surplus to needs Enjoy wherever Neil!
  9. Don't make me laugh, Beamer should still be one of ours except for mister Commandant Klink and his all or nothing Mantra!! Ok Where was I ?? Oh Magner.. anyone that cannot kick 25 yards and is slower than me must be surplus to needs! Now NEEEEEEXXXT??!
  10. Wow Biffinator, (I didn't see that coming!!) For me it was after this statement made just after round 1 in press conference
  11. Yeah well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, Like it or not, this is my assertion about JT , IMO he is very much an outside receiver in the mould of Cale Morton. Of his 15 or so insignificant ( read don't hurt!!) Possesions, 13 were uncontested. Right ?? So If I want to have an opinion on a very outside receiver I will! You have your opinion about players as obviously you and others have and I have my opinion and will express it about the type of player we have drafted. Don't like it? Bad luck! If this Kid turns out to be any good I will withdraw all comments and recount! Hope for our sake and his he can!! Take it or leave it. "Fence"
  12. Can't believe we were watching the same game, Toumpas was extremely POOR gee we made a bad draft decision picking him instead of Wines. People talk about Watts not having a go!.. this bloke is Cale Morton mark 2
  13. Last round in season '87' Footscray Vs Melbourne Footscray 10.8 (68) Melbourne 12.11 (83) Western Oval 31,249 29 August 1987 26 years ago almost to the day Balmy Spring weather , near record crowd and I witnessed one of the greatest wins in the History of the MFC Some recollections Gary Lyon breaking leg early Brett Lovett, playing a sensational game Earl Spalding, marking everything that came his way at CHB Graeme Yeats, controlling the wing Danny Hughes, the Trojan up back Brett Bailey, typical workmanlike performance Jim Stynes , winning the ruck Brian Wilson, one of the architects of this great win. Ricky Jackson, Lively as always Warren Dean. ah what could have been, a rare talent Sean Wight, Brilliant game in defense! David Williams "Has marked left wing , Right Wing and left Wing in a matter of minutes "Tim Lane" Robert Flower, Held well early, then cutting lose and kicking three "Brilliant Goals" to win us the game! Including a freak mark in the last Q The rooms afterwards were "Electric' and not to mention the after match which was sensational! Just for melancholy I will put the second half replay CH2 Replay ( which I still have, on for Fathers' day and Bask in the glory I still feel to this day to have been, a very proud Demon Supporter! I won't ever forget!
  14. If Craig gets the Job then that's it for me over FOREVER no more memberships. Too tared with the same brush as Neeld A big ginormous NO from me. Name for me one player thats shown anything under Craig?? NO NO NO!
  15. How Shannon Bynes gets a game in front of Rodan should be the stuff of judicial enquiry. Rodan one of our best two weeks ago and not that bad last week! This is a horrid decision! David Rodan. Sorry about your treatment, I think you have grounds for complaint!
  16. Absolutely not no way known !! We finally get some solid leadership up forward and you want to trade?? What are you smokin?
  17. Ahem like the opportunity to draft "Ollie Wines" but as usual went for the promise of silky disposal!
  18. Carlton's loss made my weekend! No 1 hate team closely followed by Essendon, St Kilda and Hawthorn GWS not all that highly thought of either! The Sheedy influence is why not to mention the former no 1 draft who is performing ordinarily! Strangely,I admire Collingwood and Brisbane, love Swans and Geelong as well. Interesting I have followed the DEES for a million years and am only now coming to appreciate other teams! Still despise the ones listed! Gee I hate Carlton and the arrogance misplaced, but arrogant all the same!
  19. Let's just drop it... Mark Neeld is/ was yesterdays Greek Tragedy, and will go down arguably as the worst coach Melbourne have ever had! Why persist with analysis, discussion about him any further! MOVE ON!
  20. Strauss can compose symphonies, end of story! Sellar? poor mans "Juice" Pederson, poor mans poor man who knows rich man!!!! Tippett? Put Dunne on him with one instruction!!!
  21. Even more mind Boggling that we continue to accept that our recruiting in the last few years has been .... SPOT ON!!
  22. Toumpas?? Vs Wines?? as per one of my earlier threads.... Hijacked as per usual! No Contest Wines is easily much much better than Jimmy, who will be OK when ball is delivered to him on platter!! A better mans Cale methinks We have stuffed up yet again! Wines was sensational last night! Irresistable! Until Jimmy learns a bit of... ah confidence... You do know the rest!! And if any are in Doubt just take a close look at last weeks game early in the second quarter! Wines... well what a great pick he should have been!
  23. I would rate Cameron Ling WAAAYYYY ABOVE Gary Lyon, for footy nous and ability to Mould success through practical experience! Come to think of it I rate Cameron Ling Above Gary Lyon ... Period!! Yes please!
  24. For most part it not only resembles shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic but on the 'S.S. Minnow" as well! Gee if only Fitz and Kent actually played?!! But nar Stuff progress,it will probably be... lets just stick to Nicho, Spencil, Sellar,and the "Elite Disposer" Strauss! Even though not a Magner fan, gee he came in and picked up some excellent possesions the week before last and Now.. Cast Off.. How the hell do you build any sort of confidence when one week in next week or so OUT?? Rodan, he must feel like a passenger in an express train that only goes from Richmond to St Yarra with a dodgy Myki card in a carriage load of ticket inspectors!! Pederson et al but only slightly less so! I will almost bet its in this week and out the next!
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