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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Nup Inside grunt beats outside run and carry in my book ANYDAY! Our greatest need is WINES not Toumpas!
  2. And that friends is my greatest fear!! We need Wines Not Toumpas! Huge mistake coming I feel! Too many on this site have been seduced by run and carry But have we the Grunt to get it out consistently to him?? My answer is a big NO WINES WHO WILL STAY CLOSE TO THE VINES!
  3. "I'm not wearing this, don't care if he is better than Robbie Flower, a kid from a Greek close knit Adelaide family, with two broken hips,....surely for once the MFC footy Dept. will not stuff this up, refers to Jackie Watts,and Little Tommy, Cale the Whale, Broke McQueen, Silvia ,Maric, Cook,...good lord no, just for once, please.....NO TOUMPAS..sorry kid..your probably a good bloke." I'm with Bluey 100% on this and I iterate *Looks too much outside *Potentiality of injury/reinjury( two hip surgeries already) *Strong Greek family ties and I mean strong Our most palpable need is inside ball winning GRUNT! For those reasons above I hope HOPE we go the Philosophical driven Neeld Grunt strong body Model. Same as you Bluey sorry kid BUT OUR GREATEST NEED IS GRUNT! WINES! IS THE MAN FOR OUR CLUB NOW !To borrow from my "Ology" post
  4. Taken from big footy draft guide, "Purely Toumpas will be an outside Midfielder" And therin lies the danger, just watch his highlights reel and count his contested possesions, I counted 1 in about ten highlights! For reasons I have already stated we need hard nut ball winning mids, A running reciever IS NOT OUR GREATEST NEED at the moment. A Wines who goes and gets it IS! Sorry but our club needs big bodied grunt mids... a BIG mistake if we don't draft Ollie Wines regardless of Jimmy Toumpas availability IMV oh and the other Go homer was Nathan Bassett. Ho hum to Scott Thompson?? I still regret the whole episode. You want to take the risk OK go ahead.
  5. Dodgy Hips ( didn't test) And Strong "Go Home factor" "CAVEAT EMPTOR" I'll leave it there Mr. Hur!
  6. As many as we can get!! Give me inside grunters than any outside mid any day, hour,second of the week Rotate your insiders who will at least get the pill. No good having a Toumpas who might not get as much of it if we can't get our hands on it and get out! First priority in footy GET IT! a rotational mid field of the likes of Viney, Jones and WINES makes much more sense to me . That PLUS as mentioned the strong sense if my spies are correct that Toumpas has strong family ties in Sth Aus and the very real "Go Home factor" Can we risk another Scott Thompson debacle??? No bloody way known I also do not like the sound of TWO sets of surgery on hips. WINES MUST BE THE MAN PICKED AT 4
  7. Toumpas a big NO from me. Far too much probability of go home factor against this kid if my mail is right! WINES WINES AND WINES without a moment's hesitation.
  8. Yep he would get my vote easily, as it is I'm struggling to put Trengove in the best 22 Clarke would lead seamlessly!
  10. I think you are compromising Dr. Paul Callery Senior lecturer sports and exercise scientist and well known Humanitarian. He is a very smart and lucid man.
  11. Agree and agree again I want WINES WINES AND MORE WINE Barossa will do just fine!
  12. www.thefreedictionary.com/berateCached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo tr.v. be·rat·ed, be·rat·ing, be·rates. To rebuke or scold angrily and at length. See Synonyms at scold. [be- + rate.] berate [bɪˈreɪt]. vb. (tr) to scold harshly ... By this definition I don't think I've justified your appriasal. So to answer a few questions. I can't see Strauss in our best 22 can you?? So if I can't then IMV and reality says he plays at Casey AND if he does kick ins there then yes lets see some big torps. I don't think i saw anything before his broken leg to suggest "Elite" footskills and as result have commented accordingly. I hope he can come back and play but IMV I don't think he is quite up to it at this level! Would LOVE to be proved wrongand maybe footy dept might rate him higher and that is the prerogative of the footy dept! Finally who do I like? Jones Jones and have I mentioned Jones! Frawley Clark Maccas Both DAWES. Entitled to my opinion. I think thats what a forum is about! Troll? Nar just prudent judger and say it like it is.
  13. Yeah will look forward to him unleashing the torp I reckon he might make the fifty line at Casey with a bit of luck more often than not. Particularly when the wind picks up from the North West end. On those days and there A few.. watch out!
  14. Verrrry Lucky, from SOME reports superb/elite kicking skills!! I await with great interest, That is if IF he gets a game!
  15. I have never ever seen anything to suggest Strauss is anything more than an honest battler. Has anyone else seen "Elite" kicking skills coz I havent!
  16. Give me Cheap wine and a three day growth anyday Iv'e seen this bloke play "Live" and Similar to Viney Hunts the ball and is ferocious Not sure what it is with Viney and Wines BUT they seem to go better when hurt!! Gotta Love that! Wines Wines and Wines again!!
  17. We got something for him..... a verrrry generous pick 88 I don't know what else you were expecting! Soft, outside, frontrunning, space creating space and space again types like Cale are absolute surplus to needs at this club. I reckon we did well outa the deal!
  18. Yeah well the jury's out on that one! And it begs another question can the coach Coach?
  19. Just came on trade radio Morton for pick 88 according to that source!
  20. Correct on all counts. Jordan Gysberts was/ is a great coachable young fellow. He has had some shocking injuries and the only thing he lacks which was not instilled into him last year was CONFIDENCE! He doesn't lack a tank he lacks confidence. I'll spew everytime he plays well and he will at Kangas I'll put money on it. I certainly hope Neeld knows what he is doing because his quick fix would want to work immediately. If Not???!!
  21. Morton and pick 49 for Pederson is more like it!
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