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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. We are looking more and more like "Lepers on Pluto" no one with any football pedigree wants to come to us. Getting Mitch Clark was a "Fluke" a tremendous fluke but remember he can't do it all himself!
  2. I'll tell you what it tells me.. That we are light years away from anything Sydney are able to do. I'll give you some more reasons, Sydney oozes Class, Grunt, Poise and that word again "Culture" I'm glad you are sold on Neeld's footy philosophy because I for one am a long way from being sold!
  3. Theres only one thing wrong with your logic Maldon Boy 38 Magner, Couch , Sellar are depth only and would not be expected to be the type to launch a game plan on!
  4. Yeah well you know these things start somewhere right or wrong, I'm happy to offer an opinion and like everyone else on this forum I am entitled to my own! Ok I'll start again IF IF IF and AGAIN I say IF this actually happens then yeah I'd question the Footy Dep't decision. I reckon a few more would as well! But it aint up to me... just those who are paid some tidy money to get it right! Ok ?
  5. What is going on?? Roden one day Ray the other. another extreme NQR DO OUR FOOTY DEPT EXPECT TO BUILD OUR NEXT SUCCESFUL PERIOD ON GUYS LIKE THIS?? I am bewildered!
  6. Buddy's kicking biomechanically is very very iffy at best. His set shot routine and technique are very poor. On the run he gets more than most but his set shots are probably the most hit and miss in the competition.His record sans finals was 69 goals 64 points. A one goal one miss avg is not a great return.His set shots are by far the area where he scores most of his points. Reason is that his exaggerated arc means that for him to kick a goal he must time the ball precisely at the optimum piont of contact for the ball to travel on a straight trajectory which given his arc is nearly impossible! Its a bit like imparting swing on a cricket ball. The times he nearly gets it right the ball will curve left to right and if lucky slightly straighten at the end which might MIGHT result in a goal. If he aims left then he has some chance of scoring a goal. If however he gets the timing slighly wrong the ball either swings too far left to right because of his leg rotation arc swing and veers prodigiously left to right and goes through for a point on the right hand side or he kicks straight and the ball goes true through on the left hand side and doesn't deviate! Result point on this left side side. On the run this is less of a problem as he seems to time the ball much better probably because he is actually more balanced on the run than with set shot. In my estimation the Coaches at Hawthorn have probably decided not to tinker with his action, however with a better procedural biomechanical approach his set shot ratio would improve if it improves then relatively easy shots which he had in the Grand Final would have been nailed!! I reckon Hawthorn would be seriously thinking about this very thing because 69-64 is a very poor return. If they don't attempt to rectify it then this error will continue and ultimately cost games and in fact maybe Grand Finals just like we saw on Saturday. Another big gun Roughead was very poor which meant two misfiring Hawks left Hawks wanting alternate avenues to goal which didn't eventuate! A look at Mitch Clarks technique is almost copybook and as a result he scores consistently from set shots. Further back Peter Mc Kenna was the best kick for goal I have ever seen. Dead eye, rehearsed, simple and timed to perfection resulting more often than not in premium goalkicking! Roughead is overrated and both he and Buddy will have the sceptre of what could have been hanging over their heads for a very long time!
  7. Groan, lets see Roger Moore might just be able to do a James Bond impersonation and he too might be of some use!! Are we really that desperate people??
  8. I hear Sylvester Stallone is available! big body, not scared, would be a great inside mid maybee we should......
  9. If, IF, this is true then I'll tear up my membership, no, on second thoughts, I'll keep it and ask some HARD question at the AGM. Surely the recruiting department would not think that Rodent is viable at the MFC !! I'll second the above comment An aging pygmy with three knee reconstructions who struggles to get a game at Port Adelaide. RODAN.... CHEEZUS WHO NEXT???
  10. No No No Noooo We have enough outside players, he is selfish ,and the big negative is that his shoulder is like a ckicken wish bone!! keep away from at all costs!!
  11. Chunky Jones, put him in a good team and he would be a A++ Grader Deserves all the accolades he gets, Lurve him!
  12. I think youve got it wrong! Not bashing Cale Morton at all ..My original query was to question the integrity of what the club is putting out! So is it Ok for the club to put out whatever it likes and we are expected to absorb and be like Winston out of 1984 and be fed any information and believe it, is that how it works? I would only ask this question then, How are we to take this information? Because if just informal for casual observation, then fair enough keep putting it out and I along with others will form my own opinions. I personally hope Cale Morton can deliver as a number 4 draft pick should! I hope the appraisal turns out to be a sign of things to come! I hope!!
  13. If you are right then I would wonder why bother to put this stuff up at all. Agree not in anyones interest to bag a player publically but I would rather the club then said nothing than peddle puff, after all I would suppose the majority of Demonland readers would/ should be able to see through smokescreens and mirrors! Or am I just thinking some just gobble up whatever is said from the club and take it as accurate? Not sure Norm Smith would agree with this puff!
  14. So we have a coach who "Calls a spade a spade" Are the assistants of the same ilk? I wonder if Neeld believes the same thing which assistants write? I suppose he would. I wonder if Melbourne supporters in reviewing the appriasal given to Cale Morton's year feel the same way, and by association are we trying to build some confidence by producing a glowing endorsement because we don't want to hurt feelings? A bit like underage footy where each player is publically lauded! I'm not sure and those of you who saw more footy than I live might have an opinion, anyway judge for yourself on this example!! .Cale Morton Cale Morton broke into the AFL side and played eight games this year. He put together a real block of consistency, playing as an inside mid around Rounds 4, 5 and 6, and showed some real glimpses that he could develop into an inside midfielder. His ability to run and spread, and to get out in space, is as good as any player on our list, and Cale just needs to continue to develop his contested areas. Unfortunately he sustained a shoulder injury against Gold Coast, which interrupted the end part of his season, but Cale will have a strong summer, working on getting his strength back and getting his body ready again for an AFL season in 2013. Cale played a number of roles in the VFL - back, midfield, as a tagger - and again, just showed his versatility. Cale just needs to keep developing that consistency in his game. - Aaron Greaves (midfield development coach)
  15. Yeah and guess who picked him up??? Cheez between Neeld the absolute and Craig the metronome .... Good Luck
  16. Campbell ... selfish Yeats... uncharacteristic miss Eishold... Innnnnnnept Result?..... more pain, and news report had me swearing again over my weeties "Just when you thought it was safe to go back" Memories linger..,.
  17. Disgraceful umpiring tonight... a few thoughts, 1 Umpires put the whistle away in first three quarters and refused to pay Holding the ball. Team affected Adelaide! Then in last quarter Hawks get paid some highly dubious frees against Adelaide in same circumstances. Consistency???? Nup 2 Highly questionable 50 for soft interference results in "Gift" Hawthorn goal. 3 Last quarter Adelaide player clearly had disposed of ball in forward 50 and Hawks late grab impeded progress, result.... Play on! Shocking decisions in context of close game. Adelaide Advertiser tommorrow "We wuz Robbed" Yep agree!
  18. This is a disgrace IF this is right! Some serious questions of those in decision making need answers! Letting really good young promising kids go is ripping the fabric of this club down to its bones! Gys, great young fellow some really serious injuries and we use him as trade bait! Don't forget his first few games were sensational ... I am really wondering where we are going? What next ? Jones for Tippett? Hmm !! WONDERING NOW, BIG TIME!
  19. You'd rip the fabric of the club out if you agreed to this I believe, but can see your rationale Viney 12! If IF it brought us closer to a flag
  20. So hypothetically Viney 12 "Jones for Tippett plus draft pick" would you be happy assuming Jones is one of your favourites?
  21. Yep! This bloke has come into the place demanding this that and everything else without realising respect MUST be earnt!! Don't give a hoot if it's the president or the boot studder. In this day and age managing and inspiring people is the name of the game in any role! I agree and from what I see he has lost players because of the way he tries to present as an authoritarian without "Gravitas" Don't care if he coached the best mid field in the comp in a premiership year, don't care if he coached some surfies to a premiership. What I want to see is a people manager and inspirer. Sorry but cannot see it given the vids that have been presented so far on this site. Understand that although it appears the process for his appiontment was questionable not sure the current administration can do anything about it! One thing I am sure of never ever let Garry Lyon anywhere near the process of coach appointment as consultant or whatevever his role was again. Yep we have gone backwards massively! I can relate to Tex and his arguements .Massive test awaits next year, would not like to be zip 4 or so at start of year that result would be catastrophic for all concerned!
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