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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Apparently rumour doing the rounds is that someone in the band is very very sick. Malcolm Young has reportedly moved his family back to Oz Stand by for more!
  2. Pig Dog maybe the one. Played well on the weekend Jordie, but really still consider it a mistake to have put a tagger on a three year deal!
  3. Never forgotten Big Head Kernahan's comment a few years ago "We are Carlton @*%# the Rest Loving it even better than a buy one Big mac get another for free! Also loving the interference of Bruce Mathieson , magnificent soap opera of the highest order! Hope the whole place totally implodes!
  4. I have also seen him play and he's better than Mc Kenzie by far! Will complement our mid field nicely. Just what the Doctor ordered a not so poor mans Ollie Wines! Love it!
  5. Yep agree and therin lies the problem. Would not play him until he starts to win his own ball. Not hard to get into space and pick up cheap possessions. We are not yet at the stage where we can afford the luxury of an outside mid paced receiver. We won on the weekend because we had more goers than in previous games. We had more players that were prepared to work hard and win the hard ball and do the 1 percenters. Add the flair with Roosy's coaching moves and you had a very committed playing group that worked extremely hard. Nup, Jimmy Toumpas needs to show a lot more to earn a call up in my book!
  6. Just enquiring Whispering , how many of Toumpas possesions were contested?
  7. One change Terlich for Clisby, maybe depending on Blease form bring him in for consideration otherwise that's it!
  8. What I don't want to see is us taking him just because he is the son of a past player. I hold my point, we cannot afford any other mistakes re our drafting! Gone are the days of sentiment in footy! How many on this site who want him have seen him play? I would do thorough research and only ONLY select if he was the best player in the position of the draft. Otherwise don't draft on father son woulda, coulda, shoulda fantasy!
  9. Yer what a wonderful thing if he can establish himself in Casey Ones!
  10. Yessiree the Fence put a Rock lobster on it for a very nice sum. Love the jangle of moola so did Mrs. Fence who negotiated for part of the stake!
  11. Belted Bail behind play about 4 years ago at Visy park Casey Vs Carltank ressies, Got weeks for it. One to be avoided! I have reservations about him.
  12. Would be absolute Gold Smithy, in fact I might tape it and file away for times when I need a good laugh!
  13. Au contraire, Logic?? Well my friend "The eyes move, the mouth speaks but Mr.Brain has long since departed" Really not that hard to work out is it. Pederson into the ruck with support of either Georgio or Mc Donald and lets face it in wet slippery conditions its all about contested ball at a lot of stoppages. Break even in the ruck ( something Spencer was not capable of doing last week) he got absolutely slaughtered, so you wont lose much by not playing him and after all he takes bugger all marks around the ground and in the wet will be a liability. Re jig back half slightly so that my plan can work and you hope we can win our share of stoppages and move ball quickly to Dawes, Watts, Dunne and whoever. Dunne once kicked Ten goals I think it was for Casey in the wet so why not give the Fence Idea a shot?? Logic my friend??? well at 0-3 zip lets try a little Edmund Blackadder "Out of left field Logic" "A plan so cunning you could brush your teeth with it"
  14. Call me as mad as Queenie in Blackadder, Simple as Lord Percy, Brainless as Baldrick, but I'm going to put $ 20.00 on the Dees to win at " Edmund Blackadder Odds"! Anyone else game for the upset of the round possibility?
  15. How spencil gets a game after having his opponent get 60 Hitouts is totally mystifying!!! Get Pedo and or Georgio in Ruck as it will be wet and bring in another in and under! Jetta desperately unlucky not to get a gig, should have replaced Bail.
  16. Understand that but given his previous wage at Brisbane and his Melbourne Wage lets say 2 Milllion to date at age 26 That's not a bad start. When I was 26 I was a first time homeowner with a sizable mortgage, I toddler and about 7 Grand in the bank as savings! I know what money I would rather have been on AND whatever he does outside footy might lead to a long and prosperous career! Remember he still has about 35 years left to work!
  17. Thanks Master interesting comment! I suppose how much is enough? As an ordinary wage earner I cannot fathom the enormity of this type of money !The chance to earn in excess of 1.5 Million for three years of work is bonanza money in anyone's language. Those of us who will be luck to retire on the average of 400 or so thousand ( and I think this above the average) can only Dream of being able to have a 1.5 mill sort of money to pay for family concerns and enjoy comfortable retirement. I can only hope his issues do not become permanent!
  18. Credibility is backing up your statements Machy but obviously you are not prepared to do that so can I suggest in future unless you plan to engage in useful debate and provide some evidence of argument that you not comment in future about any of my posts! Can I iterate I was not criticising Mitch Clark in any way, plenty would have done just as he did. I'm just providing opinion based on his volition to choose MFC over Freo. I have provided some "Food for thought" Something different and opinionated. I think at this stage Clarks wellbeing is the no 1 Priority. In so saying I wonder if he regrets signing with MFC Given the way things have panned out?
  19. I'm still waiting for a reply Machy????
  20. I.too heard the very same thing from an exceptional source! Typical MFC
  21. CARE TO EXPLAIN MY IGNORANCE ?? WHY, what don't you like? Elaborate rather than abuse without substance. What have I said that is incorrect? If you want to be ignorant can my posts without giving reason, now that is ignorant!
  22. I think Trengove would have and should have been dropped last year and only the captaincy probably saved him!
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