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Neita takes a different view to the Prez

warren dean

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I just dont get your blanket approval of gardner.you keep justifying his position by inanely repeating the business of the game and how its a big boys league.I would imagine gardner and his lackies would have hoped plenty of time would be spent on figuring the best and most professional way to travel inter state for games.Its a business and all the i's need to be dotted.

Why then not spend time on transition.It was a [censored] up in immediacy .unprofessional.they wouldnt put neita in an economy seat to perth.why get the playing group odff side with the board when a more calculated plan would have been accepted.

it was about respect and they recieved zero.you take respect from a playing group and you may aswell trade them all.

who is our next coach?.conjecture, a great recipe for success.the clubs in no mans land.atleast when maguire shafted shaw he had malthouse waitng in the wings.thats professional.our guy has shown impulsive leadership when more business like profesional heads should have prevailed.

professional?it was amateur hour at the local footy club at melbourne this week.

Can't help but agree with everything you've said bjs. There are many plaudits for the Prez and his handling of the situation from people here, but what has he actually done? A process was put in place which was agreed to by all parties, or so it seems, and then completely abandoned after a poor half against Richmond. FWIW, I think ND new his time was up very early in the season, but at the time felt that he would at least be able to see the year out. This whole thing proves that the Prez cannot be taken at his word, and this mre than anything else would have rankled with ND, and subsequently Neita. I reckon the whole thing looks like a standard shoddy St Kilda operation, and our Prez comes out of it looking more than a little like the spin doctor in charge of the Saints!

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This isnt local footy..its big boys leagu. ....behind closed doors as Im not intersted

Correct. But someone forgot to tell goose Gardner.

Agree WD & BJs. A gulf now exists within the club and the media is again all over this one. Unfortunately, the club is to blame.

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Oh, the prez should have said nothing, but it's ok for neitz to come out and open his mouth, damm you have double standards.

I'll take that a little bit further and ask if it Neitz thought that the "process" (word used repeatedly in the television interview I saw) in deciding to reappoint the coach was so important and essential to keep it in-house, where was he when the various players came out and said Daniher should be given a new contract?

He's a champion of the club but these statements, made the next day after he had (or should have had) the time to consider exactly what he was saying was disappointing.

FWIW, I think Melbourne have handled the situation reasonably well. There have been some injudicious comments but when the decision was made, it was made quickly and gave the coach the opportunity to sign off.

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Some people just like to criticise others' opinions without making positive , relative suggestions. Gardiner doesn't have "lackies" that go along only with his ideas. If any thing Neita has got out of his area of expertise to opinionate on a fellow clubman. Our pres at least has made some clever decisions and did not openly criticise any players or officials. Would we all like to have a "patsy" calling the shots for our club again? Presidents preside and players should play! Neita, you are better than that, so get yourself fit and go out and give me some more fantastic memories of your sublime football talent. By all means be upset but get off this theory that our Pres is not in a position to do what had to be done. Danners, thanks for a wonderful effort. To our players , lets get out there and rebuild some respect for this club.

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Yep, we finally have someone in charge who has the balls to make the tough calls, and now people are bitching and crying about it.

A few weeks ago nearly everyone was in favour of finding a new coach at the end of the season. Now they got their wish, and yet they still find reasons to be unhappy.

When a coach leaves a club after 10 years, it's never going to be a big sweet farewell. Feelings are bound to get hurt, and people are bound to be upset.

What has transpired over the last week has been handled with the utmost dignity and transparency, in order to avoid an ugly media circus. It was short and swift instead of nasty.

Daniher chose to not coach out the season, he was not forced into anything.

I really don't understand how anyone who wanted him gone, can be unhappy with this situation? Not only is he not the coach of the MFC anymore, we now also have an extra 9 weeks to find a replacement. This is probably the best outcome given the circumstances.

Neita and the rest of the players will get over it.

One positive we can take from this affair is that the senior players who don't give their all every week (I don't need to name them) and have been around Neale for 10 years and are complacent to the environment can finally understand the responsibility they have to perform for their coach and club and the repercussions of not doing so.

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Lets face it Neale's time was up, the season was done and dusted, Neita is excused for making the comments on the basis of his efforts on the field over 15 years.

I like Alastair Clarkson's comments. Rest assured Alastair that you won't even make it to 10 years at the Hawks without a flag along the way.

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i dont like how paul gardiner used david neitz emotions as a reason for david saying what he did, was that the first thing that came to your head paul, did the media not give you enough time to think think think, maybe youll change youre mind in a few weeks time when we lose more games!!!!!!moron.

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Whether or not you agree with the decision. Gardiner lied to the club, why shouldn't he be held accountable for that? If you go back on your word, you lose trust. So I think Neitz as the captain, was entitled to say what he did. Besides, they were hardly explosive comments.

Gardiner was aware of what he said, but he obviously thought it was a decision that needed to be made. So maybe the end will justify the means.

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A gulf now exists within the club and the media is again all over this one.

I don't agree. It's inevitable with a coach leaving after ten years that the media are going to sniff for blood. At the moment they're not finding much, except for one stray Gardner comment. There'll be a few more loosish lips, but generally the event has been handled positively. Certainly not the sort of press that went with Thomas leaving, for example.

A week from now the Daniher issue will be over, the only news will be rumours about who's putting their hand up.

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spot on ML

If anything it has galvanised the lub. Its all been done with very little collateral dmage. Sure some egos and raw nerves breached, but hey if thats all !!!

If there was even the remotest hint or scent of club discontent the media circus would be circling like vultures... but its more a case of "nothing to see, move along !!"

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spot on ML

If anything it has galvanised the lub. Its all been done with very little collateral dmage. Sure some egos and raw nerves breached, but hey if thats all !!!

If there was even the remotest hint or scent of club discontent the media circus would be circling like vultures... but its more a case of "nothing to see, move along !!"

Hmmm! Galvanised the club? Maybe galvanised the players (us v them has been known to work before) - I'd suggest the "club" is far from galvanised! Time will tell.

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I don't agree. It's inevitable with a coach leaving after ten years that the media are going to sniff for blood. At the moment they're not finding much, except for one stray Gardner comment. There'll be a few more loosish lips, but generally the event has been handled positively. Certainly not the sort of press that went with Thomas leaving, for example.

A week from now the Daniher issue will be over, the only news will be rumours about who's putting their hand up.

The contrast in opinions from within the club on Daniher's future and football issues has been unashamedly laundered through the press. Haven't you heard Maurie. Better switch on the ol' earin aid. And BTW, the club went to them. Its been regrettable. I hope that if the club had its time again it would have the sense to conduct themselves more appropiately & professionally. A commitment to an agreement and an internal process was what was reqiuired.

And Maurie, loose lips sink ships. Heard that one? The club should go into lockdown to prevent any further unnecessary damage & Gardner should be thankful for the way Daniher has handled himself.

And Maurie, Thomas & Butters was a classic case of non- football 3rd rate opera. Did you enjoy it? They might as well have asked the dogs for a years worth of page 3 exclusivity with 'The Truth'. In case you hadn't heard this gem either, it been whispered it had nothing to do with Sherrins, pies, 4 points and ladder positions. Turn the bloody thing up Maurie!

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something to consider.

There will always be some differing of opinions from within or outside the club, thats the very nature of opinions.

But today Monday..I dont see a club in damage control. I dont see its sides split and haemoraging. I dont see a media lining up to call for this person or that person's head . I dont see any of it !!

I see a club getting on with business. The next few weeks will allow a few sensitvities to abate and clearer visions to focus. I also see that quite a few players will have the jitters. Their little comfort zones dissipated overnight. They should never have been llowed to have one.

The clu b as a whole i think has been well controled in its commentary. Players such as Neeta were alwasy going to make sure something was said, he has after all been there all the time with Neale: aspecial bong for those and quite frankly not the best for a football club, just my view. In all reality David was quite measured and cicumspect in his murmurrings, a credit to him.

I honestly think anyone thinking the club is in some sort of damage control or 'spin' mode must have the bar set quite low. In the world of AFL this has been something akin to a surgical strike with minimum fallout.

If there is fallout.. where is it ?... I dont mean phantom whispers in the corridors, i mean dissent. Not everyone was always going to agee with it all, they never were.

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i dont like how paul gardiner used david neitz emotions as a reason for david saying what he did, was that the first thing that came to your head paul, did the media not give you enough time to think think think, maybe youll change youre mind in a few weeks time when we lose more games!!!!!!moron.

I didn't like Paul's comments either of "Neita's a pretty emotional guy". I don't think Neita spoke like that because he was emotionl, this is a guy who has a degree in PR. I honestly think he knew what he was saying and wasn't happy with Gardner at all, hence the reason for his comments - that wasn't emotional.

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what ???

Of course Neetas an emotional guy in this context. He practically grew up in AFL with Danners !! It would have been quite strange I feel had he said nothing.

Ppl are taking 'word grabs' and trying to run with it. everyone..Its OVER !!!! we all move on....well those that want to. Those that dont will be left behind.

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something to consider.

There will always be some differing of opinions from within or outside the club, thats the very nature of opinions.

But today Monday..I dont see a club in damage control. I dont see its sides split and haemoraging. I dont see a media lining up to call for this person or that person's head . I dont see any of it !!

I see a club getting on with business. The next few weeks will allow a few sensitvities to abate and clearer visions to focus. I also see that quite a few players will have the jitters. Their little comfort zones dissipated overnight. They should never have been llowed to have one.

The clu b as a whole i think has been well controled in its commentary. Players such as Neeta were alwasy going to make sure something was said, he has after all been there all the time with Neale: aspecial bong for those and quite frankly not the best for a football club, just my view. In all reality David was quite measured and cicumspect in his murmurrings, a credit to him.

I honestly think anyone thinking the club is in some sort of damage control or 'spin' mode must have the bar set quite low. In the world of AFL this has been something akin to a surgical strike with minimum fallout.

If there is fallout.. where is it ?... I dont mean phantom whispers in the corridors, i mean dissent. Not everyone was always going to agee with it all, they never were.

Couldn't agree more!!!!!!!

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The contrast in opinions from within the club on Daniher's future and football issues has been unashamedly laundered through the press.

So what have we had?

A little sound bite from Paul that probably made him look just as much like a "can-do President" as a divisive influence, a little off-the-cuff jibe from Neitz after he got through an emotion-filled game, and a whole lot of likeable words from Neale, none of which were disparaging towards the club. Throw in some press pieces from the likes of Caroline Wilson, Tim Lane, Gerard Healy et al about the problems that caused it, the need to be working forward and the possibilities for a new coach, and that's about it.

As clean a break as you would want to find ... no club getting rid of a coach before season's end has ever had it easy. This was about as turmoil-free as you could get, thanks in no small part to Neale's own integrity and candour.

A day or two later and it's all about Didak and Fevola. The heat's off. The story now will be what replacement we will pick.

Hardly time to slash the wrists over "divisions and turmoil". Unless a few members like you want to concoct something to keep it going.

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There have been comments made from both "sides" of this that have not sounded great publicly.......

But please lets be honest Neale's time as coach was up, it was only a matter of when, and if the timing of it is what people are bitching about then we really need to get over it - it got accelerated by a disgraceful loss, the type of loss that can hit at the credibility, even the integrity of a club, but that is what happens in what is an extremely cut throat industry and now that its done, hopefully it will be proven to be for the betterment of the club.

As for the comments I admit I wasn't completely wrapped in some of Paul's public statements, some of them were even a little out of line, but I can totally understand why he has done what he has done. And I even applaud him for at least trying to put Melbourne first and his (or our) personal feelings second, because whether we like it or not that is the kind of action that will get the job done for us off the field both now and in the future.

But whether or not you have faith in Gardner, or whether or not you agree, disagree or just plain dislike some of his actions and comments, it doesn't really matter and it doesn't change the fact that Neitz probably should not have said what he said on radio after the game on Friday. And it is just plain hypocritical if you think that Gardner can't speak, but Neitz has the right to speak out against club decisions, which is essentially what he did.

As for the speculation of a rift between the players and the board..........

Demon boss denies Daniher rift

I hope that this is just wayward rambling on the part of some here. Because it could be stated that the players assisted in Danihers downfall nearly as much as he did it to himself, and therefore their love and respect for the coach (which I don't doubt) didn't really see any of them through.

I understand the emotion and disappointment of losing a friend coming out in the moment, but at the end of the day the players need to keep playing (their asses are on the line now as well) and try to give Melbourne a boost, because that is what they are paid to do. And I hope now that this seems to have settled down to an extent that there will be some reconciliation because I truly believe, or at least hope, that everyone wants what is best for the club.

And frankly if any of them want to vent, then I hope that they keep it in house because there is no point giving the media anything else to chew on.

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