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41 minutes ago, Deestar9 said:

Cannot believe the angst and vitriol being posted on here over basically unsubstantiated rumours by “click bait” journalists. I for one haven’t been overly happy with Trac’s social media etc since the injury. He’s made many a comment on “ his interests” outside of footy but has never been overly complimentary about the MFC. Players of his ilk as in Cripps (no premierships) & Bont (1 premiership) who have literally carried their team (aka Gawnie) never criticise their club (in public). I absolutely get the severity of the injury and all that and obviously understand that there would be unhappy players etc etc .. but to be honest if a club came and offered 2 first round picks I’d be happy. He loves the limelight ..loves the big crowds & to be honest we’re not going to give him that. I wish the carry on here translated to supporters showing up and actually supporting their team  at the ground !! 


Bont's frustrations with the dogs were well documented over the off-season:


“While everyone’s talking about Naughton re-signing, Jamarra, English; Bontempelli comes out (of contract) at the end of 2025 – next year.

“You would think that their best player, you would get on one of these eight or nine-year deals, it hasn’t happened.

“Marcus is sitting back – because I know for a fact that over the summer he was very frustrated, he spoke to several people about the messiness of Whitten Oval (between coach Luke Beveridge, and football director Chris Grant).”


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8 minutes ago, KozzyCan said:

Are you suggesting a straight swap for Trac?

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45 minutes ago, Deestar9 said:

Cannot believe the angst and vitriol being posted on here over basically unsubstantiated rumours by “click bait” journalists. I for one haven’t been overly happy with Trac’s social media etc since the injury. He’s made many a comment on “ his interests” outside of footy but has never been overly complimentary about the MFC. Players of his ilk as in Cripps (no premierships) & Bont (1 premiership) who have literally carried their team (aka Gawnie) never criticise their club (in public). I absolutely get the severity of the injury and all that and obviously understand that there would be unhappy players etc etc .. but to be honest if a club came and offered 2 first round picks I’d be happy. He loves the limelight ..loves the big crowds & to be honest we’re not going to give him that. I wish the carry on here translated to supporters showing up and actually supporting their team  at the ground !! 


If it’s blatantly untrue, all Tracc has to do is come out and say he’s got no issues and there’s no story. 

Gawn basically only said that Tracc has a contract with the club and so did the MFC. That doesn’t mean there aren’t issues. 

If neither Tracc, Gawn or the club is explicitly coming out and saying it’s not true and these are indeed just rumours, then the only sensible inference to take is that it’s true.

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Just now, BoBo said:

If it’s blatantly untrue, all Tracc has to do is come out and say he’s got no issues and there’s no story. 

Gawn basically only said that Tracc has a contract with the club and so did the MFC. That doesn’t mean there aren’t issues. 

If neither Tracc, Gawn or the club is explicitly coming out and saying it’s not true and these are indeed just rumours, then the only sensible inference to take is that it’s true.

There are two separate truths here tho

That Trac is unhappy with the direction of the club, and that Trac wants to leave.

I think the first is correct, and frankly what senior player should be happy from going from 4th to bottom 6th?

The second however, is a very big stretch.

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1 minute ago, Gawndy the Great said:

Are you suggesting a straight swap for Trac?

Dogs wouldn't do that trade.

I think some are being a bit harsh on Trac and soft on the club. Some saying Trac shouldn't let his frustrations get into the media but the footy world is a bubble and people talk. Hell, the club was happy to openly air their dirty laundry to try and send Oliver a message over the off-season.

The Peter Ryan article suggests that he made his issues known to the club before his injury. Since then it seems those issues have either been ignored or left unresolved to the point where he apparently would seek a trade if he could. That is a massive indictment on the football department.

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57 minutes ago, DistrACTION Jackson said:

Yep. I was at both the GWS and Port games....

It's not the forum going people that are the issue, it is the general supporters who only turn up when it suits them.

Let’s be real here

The economy is down the drain - 2/3 of people doing it tough, living standards down the drain. Kids’ (or your own), weekend sport, late night games (home late), cold weather. Lots of things on people’s minds.

If going to watch fairly uninspiring football given the above isn’t at the to of peoples’ list, they can hardly be blamed.

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3 hours ago, SPC said:

This is not a hard fix. Get everyone together and thrash out the issues. I would ask the players for input on the game style. Then plan out and execute our biggest preseason yet.

Behind the scenes I would look to change some coaching personnel. Refresh and go again

I beg to differ. This internal bickering will get ego's hurt and create a rift between sections of the playing group. If those rifts are allowed to set in or cannot be resolved, then kiss any chance of returning to finals until the list is effectively rid of those involved. 

With Trac's trip to Noosa for mental recovery, the fact that there was frustration from the playing group tells me a) they really don't understand the significance of Trac's injury and his mental state following, which in of itself is a reflection of broader issues between players and the environment they all work in or b) Tracs dedication to the club or commitment to the club had previously been questioned and this trip further contributed to the optics around deserting the club when they need him to be around and uphold the standards he had been having issues with.

This isnt about whether his trip to Noosa was right or wrong, it is around managing the optics within the four walls of the club. That is where terms like culture and high performing teams come into the picture and it appears that we do have issues on that front. To let it play out in the media and have all of this coming back on Trac is going to further inflame the issue and tension between the players. Stuff like this is really difficult to weed out as they can resurface when things get tough again. 

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14 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

There are two separate truths here tho

That Trac is unhappy with the direction of the club, and that Trac wants to leave.

I think the first is correct, and frankly what senior player should be happy from going from 4th to bottom 6th?

The second however, is a very big stretch.

That could very well be the case. It’s out there now though that there are these two different truths and the only people that can control the narrative is Tracc and the club.

If they don’t dispel either or both and until they do, then it’s a claim without refutation and it will continue to swirl around. The fact it hasn’t been strongly rebutted as of yet is in and of itself saying something. 

I of course don’t know what’s in Tracc’s mind, but one social media post saying he is all onboard to play with the Dees next year would quash that aspect of the claims. 

But that hasn’t happened so what are people supposed to think conclusively?

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Regarding the discussions surrounding Tracc and whether he should comment on the situation, I strongly disagree with those who think he should stay silent because it's a "non-story."

In reality, this narrative has taken on a life of its own. The statements we've received from the Melbourne Football Club, whether from the CEO, the coach, or the captain, haven't been particularly reassuring. They've mostly focused on the fact that Tracc is contracted for next season, with Goodwin stating firmly that he will be playing in the red and blue next year. But once again, this implies the club is relying on his contract to keep him, rather than providing any clarity on his desires.

What’s notably absent is Tracc’s own voice in all of this. We haven't heard directly from him about whether he wants to stay or leave. Maybe it is just a rumor, or maybe he’s waiting until the final siren of Round 24 to address it. We simply don't know. But dismissing the narrative won't make it go away.

It's also reasonable to assume that Tracc isn't entirely pleased with what’s unfolded at the MFC over the past 12 months. Frankly, no one connected to the club, from supporters to the players and staff, should feel satisfied with the current state of affairs. Everyone should be demanding changes to get the club back on track.

The only way to definitively put this narrative to rest is for Tracc to come forward and unequivocally state his commitment to being a one-club player with the Demons. Without that, the speculation will continue to grow, and the uncertainty will only deepen leading to any potential recruits getting cold feet about joining a club that their best star may not even want to be at.

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20 minutes ago, Superunknown said:

Let’s be real here

The economy is down the drain - 2/3 of people doing it tough, living standards down the drain. Kids’ (or your own), weekend sport, late night games (home late), cold weather. Lots of things on people’s minds.

If going to watch fairly uninspiring football given the above isn’t at the to of peoples’ list, they can hardly be blamed.

Well if that’s how you feel, don’t whinge and complain when we go down the gurgler again & no player wants to come to he club & our great players want to leave

Can’t have it both ways

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14 minutes ago, Kiwi Dee said:

Regarding the discussions surrounding Tracc and whether he should comment on the situation, I strongly disagree with those who think he should stay silent because it's a "non-story."

In reality, this narrative has taken on a life of its own. The statements we've received from the Melbourne Football Club, whether from the CEO, the coach, or the captain, haven't been particularly reassuring. They've mostly focused on the fact that Tracc is contracted for next season, with Goodwin stating firmly that he will be playing in the red and blue next year. But once again, this implies the club is relying on his contract to keep him, rather than providing any clarity on his desires.

What’s notably absent is Tracc’s own voice in all of this. We haven't heard directly from him about whether he wants to stay or leave. Maybe it is just a rumor, or maybe he’s waiting until the final siren of Round 24 to address it. We simply don't know. But dismissing the narrative won't make it go away.

It's also reasonable to assume that Tracc isn't entirely pleased with what’s unfolded at the MFC over the past 12 months. Frankly, no one connected to the club, from supporters to the players and staff, should feel satisfied with the current state of affairs. Everyone should be demanding changes to get the club back on track.

The only way to definitively put this narrative to rest is for Tracc to come forward and unequivocally state his commitment to being a one-club player with the Demons. Without that, the speculation will continue to grow, and the uncertainty will only deepen leading to any potential recruits getting cold feet about joining a club that their best star may not even want to be at.

 “They've mostly focused on the fact that Tracc is contracted for next season, with Goodwin stating firmly that he will be playing in the red and blue next year. But once again, this implies the club is relying on his contract to keep him, rather than providing any clarity on his desires.”
That’s the only leverage the club still hold on him. He wont get 5 seasons on huge coin at another club because he cant prove he hasn’t lost any ability due to his serious injury until he plays next season. 

Another hypothetical is that the club has doubts on a full recovery and may be trying to offload him.

Edited by John Crow Batty
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1 hour ago, Fork 'em said:

All I know is this clubs ability to self implode is second to none.
I also know this clubs ability to regularly embarrass their supporters is also second to none.
For some reason we just don't seem able to handle any sort of success or pressure ... At all.
For whatever reason.

Saints fans say hi.

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22 minutes ago, John Crow Batty said:

That’s the only leverage the club still hold on him. He wont get 5 seasons on huge coin at another club because he cant prove he hasn’t lost any ability due to his serious injury until he plays next season. 
Another hypothetical is that the club has doubts on a full recovery and may try to off load him.

And that’s precisely my point to those dismissing this as a non-story or just another piece of clickbait.

Yes, there’s undeniably a clickbait element at play here, as there always is this time of year, especially when it comes to star players and clubs teetering on the brink of crisis, whether real or perceived. But what concerns me more is that none of the statements coming out of the MFC have directly addressed the underlying issue.

The elephant in the room remains untouched. In fact, the way they’re implying that they’ll hold him to his contract, suggesting that supporters don’t need to worry about whether Tracc will remain a Demon next year, almost seems to lean into the narrative that Tracc is, indeed, unhappy and possibly looking to leave. It feels as though they’re saying, ‘He might want out, but we’ve got a contract, so he’s staying, end of discussion.’

This brings up a troubling thought: If he does, in fact, want to leave, will the club really enforce his contract? And if they do end up parting ways with him, will we receive fair value compensation in return? Or will we be left feeling shortchanged, watching a star player walk away for less than he’s worth?

I suppose that’s the next issue we’ll all be losing sleep over.

Edited by Kiwi Dee
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Trac has been upset with the club for a while. I think the KBD game and the days following pushed him over the edge.

His unhappiness has been an open secret for some time. 

The club and Petracca are both in no win situations now regarding public statements. Everyone involved, including his management share the blame for this ridiculous situation.

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1 minute ago, JJJ said:

Trac has been upset with the club for a while. I think the KBD game and the days following pushed him over the edge.

His unhappiness has been an open secret for some time. 

The club and Petracca are both in no win situations now regarding public statements. Everyone involved, including his management share the blame for this ridiculous situation.

Open secret? First I've heard of it... tell that to my 5 year old who waited an hour for his signature at the family day... he was great BTW.

We worship Trac and deserve to know what's happening and why it can't be sorted and he stays happily. 

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36 minutes ago, Billy said:

Well if that’s how you feel, don’t whinge and complain when we go down the gurgler again & no player wants to come to he club & our great players want to leave

Can’t have it both ways

I’m not complaining about the crowds at all, nor have I wrung my hands at Houston’s apparent about-face, nor ANB leaving, nor CP5s situation. 

In any case, it’s an observation of the near calamitous decline in living standards for a non trivial portion of the population and discretionary spending decisions. 

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Christian is a regular on AFL 360, and he's made appearances (from home) since the injury. Does anyone know if he's scheduled to be on it again anytime soon? Perhaps he's holding off on speaking until that if it's upcoming? Wouldn't be a total shock if Fox, or his manager, have advised him it's best to save it for a paid media spot.

If he doesn't have an upcoming slot on it though, then I agree with others saying he really should make a comment soon.

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3 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

Ageee 100%

As Jordan Lewis said, good clubs keeps this in house without the leaks etc.

From the article 

The 28-year-old has not been able to keep his sense of dissatisfaction with the club to himself, with teammates, opposition players and industry figures increasingly aware of his feelings as he recuperated from the life-altering injury suffered on King’s Birthday.

It's damning and incredibly disappointing to read that Petracca is airing and venting his frustrations about the footy club to opposition players and industry key figures.

I get he's an emotional person but this is very poor look.


Reading between the lines re Jordan Lewis' comments about people ''running their own agendas'' I couldn't help but sense he was taking a significant swipe at Petracca.

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5 minutes ago, Superunknown said:

I’m not complaining about the crowds at all, nor have I wrung my hands at Houston’s apparent about-face, nor ANB leaving, nor CP5s situation. 

In any case, it’s an observation of the near calamitous decline in living standards for a non trivial portion of the population and discretionary spending decisions. 

Cost of living is definitely an issue for some and totally understand that.

But there would be a decent chunk of supporters who aren't effected by COL and just choose not to go.

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7 minutes ago, Rednblueriseing said:

Open secret? First I've heard of it... tell that to my 5 year old who waited an hour for his signature at the family day... he was great BTW.

We worship Trac and deserve to know what's happening and why it can't be sorted and he stays happily. 

I posted about 2 months ago that there were some disgruntled players. Trac is one of the players.

I don’t want him to leave, nor Oliver, but I think we could bring in some new people and ideas to our footy dept. I think that would go a long way to appeasing some of the players. More so than a new home base etc

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2 minutes ago, JJJ said:

I posted about 2 months ago that there were some disgruntled players. Trac is one of the players.

I don’t want him to leave, nor Oliver, but I think we could bring in some new people and ideas to our footy dept. I think that would go a long way to appeasing some of the players. More so than a new home base etc

Interesting to hear JJJ. Sounds like you have some inside information. Do you happen to know what they were disgruntled about specifically? Is it a game style thing given you mention new ideas?

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My son (8) came home from school yesterday and confidently confirmed that the word in the schoolyard is “Christian Petracca spelled ‘TRADE ME’ in noodles in one of the recipes he was making for his cooking channel”…

The signs have been there all along, apparently.

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7 minutes ago, The Jackson FIX said:

My son (8) came home from school yesterday and confidently confirmed that the word in the schoolyard is “Christian Petracca spelled ‘TRADE ME’ in noodles in one of the recipes he was making for his cooking channel”…

The signs have been there all along, apparently.

Was on The Front Bar last night 

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