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ND blames Travis

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Guest baysidedave

Daniher has started blaming the players now, after 3 insipid quarters he blames Travis Johnstone's kick-in when we were 5 points up for the loss?????????????????????????

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....this is what ND said -

""You should be able to keep possession on a point kick-in, (but) we were out on our feet and lost our organisation and gave them a stop-play, and all of a sudden you're behind again … footy sucks sometimes," Daniher said."

TJ took the kick in, but I don't think ND has come out and blamed him for the loss.

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Guest baysidedave
....this is what ND said -

""You should be able to keep possession on a point kick-in, (but) we were out on our feet and lost our organisation and gave them a stop-play, and all of a sudden you're behind again … footy sucks sometimes," Daniher said."

TJ took the kick in, but I don't think ND has come out and blamed him for the loss.

point taken, I heard a grab on 3AW and thats what they said, I know you shouldn't believe crap tabloid radio

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I think you'll find he was critical of the other players not giving him an option to kick to to keep possession.

I think ND should have made the point that our kicking in all day was atrocious! There were several very poor kick ins which immediately put the defence under pressure or resulted in Roos shot for goal. MFC is slowest in taking kick outs and virually no run! very predictable.

Roos in sharp contrast take off immdiately and hev 2 or 3 possessions up the field in about 30 seconds. TJ is usually up the field when a point is scored and takes him that time to get back.

Major problem is defencders cant kck in! Carroll, Holland etc are not good.

Surely spending time in the off season doing drills on kick outs would have been better spent time than the handball happy time MFC did have over the summer!

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99.9% of the time a coach would adhere to "praise in public - chastise in private". Nothing like a using a sensational headline! Though I must confess to being mighty peeved to see us loose possy some some 60 sec's with a 5 point lead. But the Roos were desparate and knew to man up and force a turnover.

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Clearly the poor guy is more shattered than all of us put together we will get there, but I have to say I could murder Trav

I think the first three quarters should be taken into consideration.

Also why wasnt there MFC players standing the defensive side of the throw in to prevent Swallow's clean break and goal? Thats what get me mad.

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I think the first three quarters should be taken into consideration.

Also why wasnt there MFC players standing the defensive side of the throw in to prevent Swallow's clean break and goal? Thats what get me mad.

Never a truer word spoken.

The first 3/4's were rubbish, mistake ridden football.

Nathan jones must have a crook back through carrying the side at that stage.

I simply left the ground wondering, again, why can't they play like that all the time, do they realise they have strong marking forwards, where is the on field leadership when its time to ice the game. (remember the Port game)

Anyhow, welcome back brock, he will only get better.

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the other thing is that danners was probably asked about the kick-in, and that was his response. and i don't think it was critical of trav, more that he had no options.

but definitely killed me to see swallow finding space when he should've been surrounded by players, memories of brad johnson anyone?

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....this is what ND said -

""You should be able to keep possession on a point kick-in, (but) we were out on our feet and lost our organisation and gave them a stop-play, and all of a sudden you're behind again … footy sucks sometimes," Daniher said."

TJ took the kick in, but I don't think ND has come out and blamed him for the loss.

And yet for 5 years we have struggled to clear the ball out of defence.

When we stuff up that simple action 4 out of 5 times, how can he expect us to maintain possession when the heat is on?

We have got to work on that and we have got to get better at it. I don't know how many times a season someone brings this topic up on these boards, and if we can see it, I'm sure the coaching staff can too.

Also, as usual, no accountability for the first three quarters in which he instructed his players to handball at all costs. We have stuffed up our most basic game plan at the MCG, a plan which has won us all but one game there last year.

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It just dumbfounds me that we are so far behind most other teams at kicking in. The opposition must relish the opportunities this presents. I find it incredulous that Danners could be surprised about this. He must surely win the "Captain Obvious " award for the week. He comments upon a situation which is essentially of his own making...just maybe if he coached the team (or by proxy, instruct his othre coaches ) to teach them better and more fruitful ways !!

other teams take advantage of the quick kickin and look dangerous at it, when we do I honeslty have my heart in mouth , waiting for the stuff up. Why are we so inept?

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Guest baysidedave
It just dumbfounds me that we are so far behind most other teams at kicking in. The opposition must relish the opportunities this presents. I find it incredulous that Danners could be surprised about this. He must surely win the "Captain Obvious " award for the week. He comments upon a situation which is essentially of his own making...just maybe if he coached the team (or by proxy, instruct his othre coaches ) to teach them better and more fruitful ways !!

other teams take advantage of the quick kickin and look dangerous at it, when we do I honeslty have my heart in mouth , waiting for the stuff up. Why are we so inept?

the obvious reason being that none of the backmen can kick well enough so they wait for Trav, I say give it to Bizzell(when he's playing), the bottom line is we are CRAP when it comes to kicking in

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I agree, Beelzebub.

I've been boring readers to sods for years with my posts on our poor kick-ins. I've now simplified my pleas down to "TAKE THE KICK-IN QUICKLY", before the opposition have time to organise their zone. All the top sides do this.

There was no more important opportunity to follow this than that last, vital,kick-in on Sunday. "Flash" got the ball, but he waited for TJ, and by that time there were no options upfield.......game, set, match.

Admittedly, during the game, we'd been quicker than usual at kick-ins, perhaps because of last week's(in Perth) lamentable performance.

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other teams take advantage of the quick kickin and look dangerous at it, when we do I honeslty have my heart in mouth , waiting for the stuff up. Why are we so inept?

I have to say I am the same. I also get angry as well when they always concede the first kick when the opposition kicks in but for us its a trial to even kick out. I think its all about confidence and its just not there right now

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Judging by the way the ball is handed over to certain people , there is obviously a set play type thing happening. which by many thinkings would be the case. But i have to say we need to expand this play book because its just far too limiting and time wasteful. As observed..there are opportunities for the opposition to reset it self in that interim.

The whole element of 'suprise' has lapsed and they put themselves under the pump. Good teams will go coast to caost with effective and quick kickins. This to me is purely a coaching deficit, as before, maybe not Danners but his minions need to rectify this. Its glaringly obvious and yet nothing seems to change ?

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Also why wasnt there MFC players standing the defensive side of the throw in to prevent Swallow's clean break and goal?

That wasn't the first time it happened yesterday either unfortunately.

What Neale said was right, and I can't see how he was having a go at Travis Johnstone. As the kick-in man, you've only got a limited time to kick the ball before the umpire blows his whistle. As not one single clown gave him an option in the pocket, he did the right thing by playing on and kicking long to a teammate on the boundary. Unfortunately, our lack of defensive discipline cost us at the thrown in.

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You can't blame Travis. Twice he threw his hand in the air because no one was leading, his only option was to kick it to himself and kick it towards the boundry. Bell almost got it, but it bounced badly and went out of bounds. I hardly blame Travis.

I'm sure he is cold about the 3 quarters, but we were ahead and it was like the 30th minute mark.

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the problem ( to me ) is the wooden-ness of options coming back in. By the time the apparent kicker designate looks to inbound the opposition has had all day to close it down. Its not that hard to figure. why isnt the team drilled in "closest the pill kicks in "..everyone else adjusts to suit. Too often precious seconds are wasted as the ball is handed over from player to player. We need to get the jump on the other team, not hand them a present !

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for the first three quarters in which he instructed his players to handball at all costs.

Woah, let's back up a little here. Were you present during Neale's addresses to his players? How can you say that he instructed his players to handball at all costs as if it were 100% certain fact?

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Woah, let's back up a little here. Were you present during Neale's addresses to his players? How can you say that he instructed his players to handball at all costs as if it were 100% certain fact?

He probably wasn't there, but that has obviously been included in the game plan all of this year. They absolutely butcher the ball. They did yesterdat big time. If it wasn't included in the game plan by Danners, I'm sincerely worried about the mental capacity and football smarts of our players...

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