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The adventures of President Donald Gump

Earl Hood

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On 6/25/2017 at 0:48 AM, Wrecker45 said:

Ha,flattery can't excuse you from a poor argument. Prodee can argue for himself just fine,but I feel embarrassed to be associated with him. He is one of the great football contributors to demonland.

I love a bit of political banter on this site. You and choke provide the left wing argument. I like it. Some of your mates are hopeless. 


I resemble that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trump Jnr is the kind of person that keeps the Nigerian Scam emails going. 

There are a few points I can see after reading about this.

1) There was no collusion between Trump and Russia. Unless the released email chain is a decoy.

2)  The information Trump Jnr thought he was getting was about the Clinton's colluding with Russia. 

3) There is no way Trump Snr didn't know about it

4) Turns out Both camps thought the other was colliding with the Kremlim

4) The Democrats actually did collude with Ukraine


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  • 1 month later...

As predicted, Donald Trump has redefined the new normal. We can't even get outraged enough about his continuing outrageous behaviour to be bothered posting. Meh - is just more of the same from Donald. 

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Bannon leaving is interesting.

He was certainly the brains of the current administration.

then again,Obama did two terms copying the cadence of MLK whilst the contents were thin air.

It is fairly easy to see the racial divide in the states re Charlottesville.

Half the country invests itself in destroying America and a fringe element of Trump supporters can't even gather to preserve a 150 year old statue without being attacked by urine wielding ,chanting drones.

"They here in Charlottesville cos they raycisss.

gotta stop the rayciss.

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15 hours ago, Biffen said:

Bannon leaving is interesting.

He was certainly the brains of the current administration.

then again,Obama did two terms copying the cadence of MLK whilst the contents were thin air.

It is fairly easy to see the racial divide in the states re Charlottesville.

Half the country invests itself in destroying America and a fringe element of Trump supporters can't even gather to preserve a 150 year old statue without being attacked by urine wielding ,chanting drones.

"They here in Charlottesville cos they raycisss.

gotta stop the rayciss.

Why did Bannon leave? It just seems everyone working for Trump is jumping ship or being asked to walk the plank, except Trump's near of kin! What is going on on tje inside, although we may not want to know, as it is just chaos. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ross Gittens puts the reasoning and theory behind wanton, populist immigration to the test in the Fairfax news today.

Great explanation of the lack of vision behind it.

The feds let 'em in.The states and workers pay for the diminished infrastructure and productivity, the suburbs suffer,those born here doomed to rent forever, the economy expands but does not grow.but the stats show marginal overall growth.

The same theory leads to Brexit and Trump and will see Pauline pick up more seats even though she has no FKN idea but she taps into the reality of those in Melbourne and Sydney.

Jim Goad discusses the phenomenon of idiotic cultural suicide and rampant zombie multicultural marxists as well.he was perhaps first to notice the cultural fraudulence and vandalism of this blind open border thinking,or lack of.

Yet to hear anyone call Gittens a racist for this article but I have little doubt there will be some fabulously informed articles on our food culture to counter balance tomorrow.

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/16/2017 at 11:54 AM, nutbean said:

As predicted, Donald Trump has redefined the new normal. We can't even get outraged enough about his continuing outrageous behaviour to be bothered posting. Meh - is just more of the same from Donald. 

You are right nut.

Having said that, I find the decision by Trump to retweet anti-muslim videos posted online by the far-right Britain First party very worrying. Even the mob at InfoWars described it as 'bad optics'. 

We've gone from targeting the legitimate threat of Islamic extremism to open season on anyone with a middle eastern appearance.

Here's Trump acolyte Ann Coulter:

Confronted with the suggestion that she was spreading "fake news" by claiming one of the films showed a "migrant" beating up a Dutch man, when in fact both people pictured were citizens of the Netherlands. Coulter said: "Nobody cares about `migrant' against 'child of migrant'. He is not a 10th-generation Dutchman, he is beating up a 10th-generation Dutchman."

She added: "Anybody can look at this video and see it is a Middle Easterner. If you would prefer, we'll say 'Middle Easterners born in the Netherlands.' but if you don't accept that, we're going straight back to `Middle Eastern' in another 30 seconds. It could not be more supremely irrelevant - it is a difference without a distinction. "The issue is all these Middle Easterners and Muslims being brought in. To pretend there's no difference between a 10th-generation Dutch person and a migrant or the child of a migrant is preposterous."

As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, this language is downright frightening. The references to 10th generation Dutchmen suggest notions of racial purity, while the line about 'anybody can see it is a middle easterner' is beyond belief. Forget wearing yellow stars (or similar) to denote ethnicity / race / religion / origin - anyone who looks middle eastern is fair game. I know I definitely don't look like a 4th-generation Australian, I look much more middle eastern. Will I be spared when I inform the marauding hordes that I'm Jewish and not Muslim? 

Edited by Grapeviney
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32 minutes ago, DaveyDee said:

This is a very funny thread - it reflects and mirrors where we have come from as a football club over the last 50 years. 

Go dees

I can see the link between Hillary Clinton's home server and papers in the drawer of Melbourne officials.

I can see the link with Trump making America great again and Melbourne appointing Peter Jackson as CEO.

I just wish we could drain the swamp (AFL)

Edited by Wrecker45
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On 01/12/2017 at 2:42 PM, Grapeviney said:

You are right nut.

Having said that, I find the decision by Trump to retweet anti-muslim videos posted online by the far-right Britain First party very worrying. Even the mob at InfoWars described it as 'bad optics'. 


I find so much of what he does worrying.  He is completely unhinged.

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The Trump loathers are a fragile lot.  Groupthink is alive and well when it comes to Trump.

He's not borderline insane, he's not neurotic, and he's not dangerous.  You should be thankful the West has a strong leader. 

The reason Islamism is thriving is twofold, i.e. the West's decades long clumsy interference in the Middle East and Obama's horrible limp-wristed presidency. 

Now let me be clear about Islam.  It's as much, or more, a political ideology than a religion.  It has a complete set of rules and beliefs that are entirely incompatible with freedom and democracy.  Put simply, Islam is evil.  (Cue: this is the moment the more deranged Leftists start potting Christianity).

Btw, how those with a matriarchal lineage to Judaism are still ignorant of Islam is somewhat astonishing to me.  Although, I accept they're non practising Jews and their Leftist leanings usurp their heritage. Besides, if you're ignorant on a subject you're ignorant.

If there's a Leftist on here prepared to debate me on Islam in the West put your hand up and have a go.  I will utterly shred you, but with luck you'll start learning about the dangers presented by Islam.   If you're not prepared to debate then just make cowardly snide remarks and expose yourself as a low intelligence mendicant.


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49 minutes ago, ProDee said:

The Trump loathers are a fragile lot.  Groupthink is alive and well when it comes to Trump.

He's not borderline insane, he's not neurotic, and he's not dangerous.  You should be thankful the West has a strong leader. 

The reason Islamism is thriving is twofold, i.e. the West's decades long clumsy interference in the Middle East and Obama's horrible limp-wristed presidency. 

Now let me be clear about Islam.  It's as much, or more, a political ideology than a religion.  It has a complete set of rules and beliefs that are entirely incompatible with freedom and democracy.  Put simply, Islam is evil.  (Cue: this is the moment the more deranged Leftists start potting Christianity).

Btw, how those with a matriarchal lineage to Judaism are still ignorant of Islam is somewhat astonishing to me.  Although, I accept they're non practising Jews and their Leftist leanings usurp their heritage. Besides, if you're ignorant on a subject you're ignorant.

If there's a Leftist on here prepared to debate me on Islam in the West put your hand up and have a go.  I will utterly shred you, but with luck you'll start learning about the dangers presented by Islam.   If you're not prepared to debate then just make cowardly snide remarks and expose yourself as a low intelligence mendicant.


But but but Christianity is worse...

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7 hours ago, ProDee said:


Btw, how those with a matriarchal lineage to Judaism are still ignorant of Islam is somewhat astonishing to me.  Although, I accept they're non practising Jews and their Leftist leanings usurp their heritage. Besides, if you're ignorant on a subject you're ignorant.


Not quite sure what you're getting at here Pro. How many Jews do you know - practising or non-practising - who are ignorant of Islamism and it's existential threat to Israel and Jewish people generally? We're no.1 on the hit list, before the rest of the infidels. There's a vocal 'left' minority in Israel, but world Jewry is extremely conservative (read right wing) on these issues, and Australian Jews particularly so. 

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2 hours ago, Grapeviney said:

Not quite sure what you're getting at here Pro. How many Jews do you know - practising or non-practising - who are ignorant of Islamism and it's existential threat to Israel and Jewish people generally? We're no.1 on the hit list, before the rest of the infidels. There's a vocal 'left' minority in Israel, but world Jewry is extremely conservative (read right wing) on these issues, and Australian Jews particularly so. 

I disagree.  And so does the great Dennis Praget.

Your viewpoint utterly makes sense, but unfortunately most Jews are non-practising and most definitely left-leaning.

I once assumed your position to be the correct one, but upon scratching deeper I found it's not the case.  

Btw, and I know I don't need to say this, you're my favourite Leftist.  In fact, I can't believe you're Left.  I'll wager you turn.

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1 hour ago, ProDee said:

I disagree.  And so does the great Dennis *Praget.

Your viewpoint utterly makes sense, but unfortunately most Jews are non-practising and most definitely left-leaning.

I once assumed your position to be the correct one, but upon scratching deeper I found it's not the case.  

Btw, and I know I don't need to say this, you're my favourite Leftist.  In fact, I can't believe you're Left.  I'll wager you turn.


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2 hours ago, ProDee said:


Your viewpoint utterly makes sense, but unfortunately most Jews are non-practising and most definitely left-leaning.

I once assumed your position to be the correct one, but upon scratching deeper I found it's not the case.  


It's true that most Jews aren't observant but I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion. The large majority, both practising and not, are extremely hawkish on Islam, immigration and all related issues. 

And while many Australian Jews are socially progressive, they're politically conservative. The state MP who represents Caulfield / St Kilda is a Lib and has been forever and a day, and if the Coalition put up a half-decent Jewish candidate who was strong on Israel, the same people would be more than happy to turf Michael Danby from the equivalent federal seat and install a Lib. All other 'Jewish electorates' are and always have been conservative strongholds (Kooyong, Goldstein, Wentworth et al). 

The bottom line is that most Australian Jews don't trust Labor on Israel (or the economy, foreign policy, and border protection), probably in that order. It's even more pronounced in the UK, where British Jews are talking about leaving England rather than staying under a possible Corbyn Labor Government.  


2 hours ago, ProDee said:


Btw, and I know I don't need to say this, you're my favourite Leftist.  In fact, I can't believe you're Left.  I'll wager you turn.

Ha! thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm too much of a pragmatist to be an ideologue.  

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21 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

It's true that most Jews aren't observant but I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion. The large majority, both practising and not, are extremely hawkish on Islam, immigration and all related issues. 

And while many Australian Jews are socially progressive, they're politically conservative. The state MP who represents Caulfield / St Kilda is a Lib and has been forever and a day, and if the Coalition put up a half-decent Jewish candidate who was strong on Israel, the same people would be more than happy to turf Michael Danby from the equivalent federal seat and install a Lib. All other 'Jewish electorates' are and always have been conservative strongholds (Kooyong, Goldstein, Wentworth et al). 

The bottom line is that most Australian Jews don't trust Labor on Israel (or the economy, foreign policy, and border protection), probably in that order. It's even more pronounced in the UK, where British Jews are talking about leaving England rather than staying under a possible Corbyn Labor Government. 

In truth, I was mainly referencing American politics.

I should add, I'm a pragmatist too.  It's what we conservatives do.

Edited by ProDee
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9 hours ago, Grapeviney said:

It's true that most Jews aren't observant but I don't see how it's relevant to this discussion. The large majority, both practising and not, are extremely hawkish on Islam, immigration and all related issues. 

And while many Australian Jews are socially progressive, they're politically conservative. The state MP who represents Caulfield / St Kilda is a Lib and has been forever and a day, and if the Coalition put up a half-decent Jewish candidate who was strong on Israel, the same people would be more than happy to turf Michael Danby from the equivalent federal seat and install a Lib. All other 'Jewish electorates' are and always have been conservative strongholds (Kooyong, Goldstein, Wentworth et al). 

The bottom line is that most Australian Jews don't trust Labor on Israel (or the economy, foreign policy, and border protection), probably in that order. It's even more pronounced in the UK, where British Jews are talking about leaving England rather than staying under a possible Corbyn Labor Government.  



When it comes to being Jewish I don't think the labels observant and non observant are as useful as identifying and non identifying - but that is a whole different discussion.

I'd agree with most of what you have said  except to say that I have found the younger generation of Jews ( my two daughters and their circle - mid 20's) are much more left leaning except on the issue of Israel. I would go even further and say that they are heavily conflicted over Israel and the actions of Netanyahu Government. There is a strong belief in the state of Israel however some angst over the current government.

Edited by nutbean
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Dennis Prager, a conservative Jew I greatly admire, often tells of how he grew up a Democrat.  He says, "I was a Jew, who grew up in Brooklyn, what choice did I have ?".

He regularly laments that most Jews are to the Left when it comes to social issues and politics.

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3 hours ago, ProDee said:

Dennis Prager, a conservative Jew I greatly admire, often tells of how he grew up a Democrat.  He says, "I was a Jew, who grew up in Brooklyn, what choice did I have ?".

He regularly laments that most Jews are to the Left when it comes to social issues and politics.

As the old saying goes, 'if you're not a liberal in your 20's you have no heart, if you're not a conservative in your 30's you have no head'.

Prager will be pleased to know that the remarkable capacity of ultra-orthodox families to rapidly procreate is changing the demographics of America's Jewish population, and its politics

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Careful, Grape. When old Pro starts telling you you're his favourite lefty, you're on a slippery slope.He's contagious.  Before you know it, you'll be a twisted and bitter old man hissing and spitting and punching your computer.

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10 hours ago, nutbean said:
10 hours ago, nutbean said:

I'd agree with most of what you have said  except to say that I have found the younger generation of Jews ( my two daughters and their circle - mid 20's) are much more left leaning except on the issue of Israel. I would go even further and say that they are heavily conflicted over Israel and the actions of Netanyahu Government. There is a strong belief in the state of Israel however some angst over the current government.

And the angst is surely justified.


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