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On 8 August 2016 at 9:27 PM, Abe said:

I wonder if Dawesy would be of interest to a side like Brisbane who need basically everything, package Dawes and Garland up for them


Think you will find they will be offered up, question will be, are there any takers. 

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I don't believe there is a need for wholesale list culling as was the case at the end of 2013 through to the end of last year. That being said, 3 need to be moved on by the end of the year so we can have our full compliment of draftees.
Clearly, Grimes and Terlich are going to be moved on. Jack has publicly discussed the possibility that he won't be back next year and Terlich has not been considered a likely senior starter since 2014. 
Which leads us to others such as Newton, Michie, Garland, Trengove, Dawes and Dunn. All these blokes are struggling for a game in the ones. All have contracts (as far as I can tell though I get the feeling Dawes may be out of contract). Some may be traded on for rubbish picks ala us trading pick 88 to Port for Rodan. I think with most of them, the club is honor bound to get them a new home if they can as most of them were part of the lost 'Red and Blueprint' generation at the club. A lot of them were let down and I think that to make up for that, we should send them somewhere where they might get a game (that is the million dollar question though, is said club out there?)

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Interesting that Dave Misson in his weekly report said that Lumumba will be spending a couple of weeks away from the club.  

Seems like there is more to this than the quoted concussion issues. 

He is contracted for next year but surely a retirement must be on the cards.

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On 8/11/2016 at 5:09 PM, hells bells said:

Interesting that Dave Misson in his weekly report said that Lumumba will be spending a couple of weeks away from the club.  

Seems like there is more to this than the quoted concussion issues. 

He is contracted for next year but surely a retirement must be on the cards.

Purely speculation but it did sound a bit like he was going away to have a good think about where his life is at.

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8 minutes ago, hells bells said:

Interesting that Dave Misson in his weekly report said that Lumumba will be spending a couple of weeks away from the club.  

Seems like there is more to this than the quoted concussion issues. 

He is contracted for next year but surely a retirement must be on the cards.

i think you're right, there is more than meets the eye here.

“’H’ is having a couple of weeks away from the club and we’re hoping he’ll come back and do a little bit of training towards the end of the year,” Misson said.

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I've been to training twice this week and the feeling was amazing between the guys. There will only be a handful of changes this year. The list is stable and young. They are understanding the workload required and are starting to see the results.


ANB - Keep, we haven't seen his best. He will be something special and has a little X factor, especially when he gets some size.

Trengove - A high quality midfielder who needs more fitness, he has got quicker over the year. His best will be in the next 3 years. he has the maturity and the footy nous. So much time on the sidelines makes you hungry. He is the heart of the club. Tell the other clubs to bugger off.

Max King - Needs more time.

Spencer - His time will come, just like it did for Max and Jeff White.

Dunn - Great experience and is fit. Good depth player.

Garlett - needs to train in the off season. Classic symptoms of not enough fitness, as the season goes on, he fades. He is also playing on the wing more, I'm sure it is more running and that is why he isn't scoring as many goals, he is doing the team thing.

Pedersen - Keep, has a heart as big as Pharlap, courageous, occasional brain fade, necessary back up for what we saw on the weekend. Good follow up and two way running.

Grimes - former captain, how we treat our loyal players is noticed by those who aren't. Keep him, he is only a wing away from games. Excellent depth player and will be good for us. How we treat him will be seen by marquee players who are looking to change teams.

Garland - Has been passed by O Mac, White and Wagner. Good depth player.

Matt Jones - Generic (good thing) and does what is asked of him. He has worked on his fitness and runs out games well. He is getting better as he gets older. No chance of trading him. He gets on really well with his team mates as well. He also has a business with Gawn and Max King, called Max Jones and Co. Buy a tshirt.

JKH - Four goals at Casey on the weekend. Has worked on his fitness after injury. Hasn't lit the world up yet, however it will come.

Wagner - Will be on the list

White - Will be on the list


Terlich - I like the bloke. He has worked really hard this year on his game and body this year, is a great leader for Casey. Contract him to Casey to train the young Demons.

Dawes - See what we can get for him. He's not going to be here next year.

Lumumba - Retire, thank him for his service. Pay out his contract.

Newton - good size and in the mould of the modern midfielder, just doesn't do it and coughs it up when he has possession. See what we can get for him.

Michie - great VFL player like James (biggest biceps in the VFL) Magner. Needs to get it together.


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19 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

I don't believe there is a need for wholesale list culling as was the case at the end of 2013 through to the end of last year. That being said, 3 need to be moved on by the end of the year so we can have our full compliment of draftees.
Clearly, Grimes and Terlich are going to be moved on. Jack has publicly discussed the possibility that he won't be back next year and Terlich has not been considered a likely senior starter since 2014. 
Which leads us to others such as Newton, Michie, Garland, Trengove, Dawes and Dunn. All these blokes are struggling for a game in the ones. All have contracts (as far as I can tell though I get the feeling Dawes may be out of contract). Some may be traded on for rubbish picks ala us trading pick 88 to Port for Rodan. I think with most of them, the club is honor bound to get them a new home if they can as most of them were part of the lost 'Red and Blueprint' generation at the club. A lot of them were let down and I think that to make up for that, we should send them somewhere where they might get a game (that is the million dollar question though, is said club out there?)

Col- the r&b print is working mate...

Tank,select,tank,select,trade,double bottom out , rise,rise,rise,souffle,rise.

Thanks Schwabby=Genius.

Thoughts SWYL?

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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

Col- the r&b print is working mate...

Tank,select,tank,select,trade,double bottom out , rise,rise,rise,souffle,rise.

Thanks Schwabby=Genius.

Thoughts SWYL?

As usual, this board doesn't deserve you Biff. Your lateral approach to what was once a settled matter is akin to casting pearls towards swine. 
The greatest unbeliever of them all, WYL, will validate this belief as soon as he arrives here full of pith and vinegar to slap you down.

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On 8/11/2016 at 7:16 PM, Captain Todd said:

I've been to training twice this week and the feeling was amazing between the guys. There will only be a handful of changes this year. The list is stable and young. They are understanding the workload required and are starting to see the results.


ANB - Keep, we haven't seen his best. He will be something special and has a little X factor, especially when he gets some size.

Trengove - A high quality midfielder who needs more fitness, he has got quicker over the year. His best will be in the next 3 years. he has the maturity and the footy nous. So much time on the sidelines makes you hungry. He is the heart of the club. Tell the other clubs to bugger off.

Max King - Needs more time.

Spencer - His time will come, just like it did for Max and Jeff White.

Dunn - Great experience and is fit. Good depth player.

Garlett - needs to train in the off season. Classic symptoms of not enough fitness, as the season goes on, he fades. He is also playing on the wing more, I'm sure it is more running and that is why he isn't scoring as many goals, he is doing the team thing.

Pedersen - Keep, has a heart as big as Pharlap, courageous, occasional brain fade, necessary back up for what we saw on the weekend. Good follow up and two way running.

Grimes - former captain, how we treat our loyal players is noticed by those who aren't. Keep him, he is only a wing away from games. Excellent depth player and will be good for us. How we treat him will be seen by marquee players who are looking to change teams.

Garland - Has been passed by O Mac, White and Wagner. Good depth player.

Matt Jones - Generic (good thing) and does what is asked of him. He has worked on his fitness and runs out games well. He is getting better as he gets older. No chance of trading him. He gets on really well with his team mates as well. He also has a business with Gawn and Max King, called Max Jones and Co. Buy a tshirt.

JKH - Four goals at Casey on the weekend. Has worked on his fitness after injury. Hasn't lit the world up yet, however it will come.

Wagner - Will be on the list

White - Will be on the list


Terlich - I like the bloke. He has worked really hard this year on his game and body this year, is a great leader for Casey. Contract him to Casey to train the young Demons.

Dawes - See what we can get for him. He's not going to be here next year.

Lumumba - Retire, thank him for his service. Pay out his contract.

Newton - good size and in the mould of the modern midfielder, just doesn't do it and coughs it up when he has possession. See what we can get for him.

Michie - great VFL player like James (biggest biceps in the VFL) Magner. Needs to get it together.


I think most of, if not all of that list could be traded or delisted, can't see any being part of the long term future besides maybe Trengove and ANB if they find another gear

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19 hours ago, Abe said:

Purely speculation but it did sound a bit like he was going away to have a good think about where his life is at.

Maybe he is missing his thinking Chair

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On 8/12/2016 at 9:56 AM, Bombay Airconditioning said:

Regardless of who we want we need to think about what some players will do after their reviews. I think Grimes, Trengove, Dunn and Garland will all want to change clubs, whether they do is another thing.

Grimes, Dunn and Garland would be silly not to look at options

Trengove i think will be rookied, i really think a full pre season and he'll be a chance to break into the side and lock down a spot, he's certainly playing very solid footy at Casey


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1 hour ago, Abe said:

Grimes, Dunn and Garland would be silly not to look at options

Trengove i think will be rookied, i really think a full pre season and he'll be a chance to break into the side and lock down a spot, he's certainly playing very solid footy at Casey


Who comes out? Salem still to come back in.

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It has been a tough year for fringe players at the MFC. We have had virtually no injuries, particularly to the midfield group, we've had a couple of kids come on, and we've competed most weeks. 

Usually the guys on the fringe (ANB, Grimes, Trenners, Newton, BenKen) would all play 8-12 each and we'd be taking about how important it is that we have depth.  With our best 6 available almost every week and kids rotating through the last couple of mid spots, these guys just haven't been given the opportunity. 

Unless we get upgrades, I hope we have some stability.  Dumping good depth performing at tier 2 for the equivalent incoming from the opposition won't help us.

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5 minutes ago, WA Demon13 said:

Where does that leave Salem ?

His kicking is absolutely lethal and it sticks out like a sore thumb (given the disposal of our other backmen).

However, Salem has failed to show enough hunger and desperation for the ball for mine. He is valuable to our side no doubt, but he is not indispensable for the right offer.

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On 8/11/2016 at 5:19 PM, Dante said:

i think you're right, there is more than meets the eye here.

“’H’ is having a couple of weeks away from the club and we’re hoping he’ll come back and do a little bit of training towards the end of the year,” Misson said.

If Misson is just hoping that a contracted player, who is not injured, concussion issues aside, will come back and do a little bit of training before the end of the year, then he has other issues and we should look at helping him retire.

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I think ANB has done more than enough to justify his place on the Senior List for another two seasons. We're a much better football club now than what we have been in years - a better culture and a considerably stronger best 22  which is much harder break into and then even harder to maintain you're place. If  by the second half of his fourth season, he's still not a best 22 player, then you would be thinking aboot moving him on. It's a luxury we haven' t had for a long time - the ability to be patient with our young guns and  let them develop in the reserves with occasional games in the seniors over the first three or four years rather than being immediately thrown to the wolves and expected to be the club's savior-  being good again is taking a bit of getting used to!!!!

Having said that, he definitely needs to add another string or two to his bow in order to become one of the best 22 and be more than just a back up inside mid. He comes across as very coachable and I'd like to see Brendan McCartney and the midfield coaches work some magic with the likes of ANB, JKH, Salem, Joel Smith and Mitch White and try to convert them into competent, AFL standard outside mids / wingmen.  Clearly our two way running and run and spread are still major areas of concern that need to be significantly improved. I do think with another pre- seaon under their belts, the added fitness and better understanding of the game plan will allow the likes of Brayshaw, Oliver and Petracca to get to the outside much more easily and often  to receive and run and carry - I cannot wait until these three have a break - out game on the same day - the opposing team won't know what hit them!!!

When it comes to adding speed and class to our midfield, we need to getback into the first round and to do that, I'd like to see us do a deal with Brisbane where we package up Salem,our 2017 first rounder, our 2018 second rounder and any ( or quite frankly! ) all of our fringers, the likes of Dawes, Dunn, Grimes, Garland, Lamumba, Mitchie,;Newton, Terlich and unfortunately Trengove ( most if not all of whom would see plenty of  senior action for the Lions next year!) and in return we would receive their 2016 first and third rounders and 2017 second rounder.  With pick two we can possibly take this year's best outside mid / wingman - Sam Petrevski- Seton looks like he could someone really special, as does Ben Ainsworth.

If  there's any of our emerging young guns that I'm not overly invested in, it would be Salem and if Brisbane want a good player from us in order for this trade to go through then he would be the one gun I'd consider tradable. I do think if Christian can get his thyroid condition under control, get his fitness up to AFL standard and starts stringing together multiple senior games, he'll become a very dangerous weapon for whomever he plays for- I just am not confident his body will do the right thing by him - we may be better off  trading him in for somebody who is similarly talented but is healthy. 

As for the backline it appears a forgone conclusion that Hibberd will be traded in.I'd rather we didn't go after Hurley as I believe he will cost too much, instead I'd prefer it if we brought in one of Nathan or Mitch Brown as a free agent to backup O&T Mac and Frosty.

As far as a backup for Max goes,it's fairly slim pickings - I think eventually Mitch King could be good but you'd have to think he's at least three years away from being able to do the job - we may have to scour the state leagues in order to find a suitable backup for Max. As for Max King, I think he's a goner- perhaps if he's still available when we have our last pick in the Rookie Draft we may take him again. If all else fails, so long as they're free agents ( preferably DFA,s!) Ivan Maric or Zac Clarke could be viable short term options. 

So what I'd like to see happen in the Draft/ Trading period is:

Round one: Petrevski- Seton/ Ainsworth

Round two : Hibberd ( Trade)

Round three: Outside Mid

Round three: Ruck / Forward

Round four: KPD

Upgrade: Wagner, White

Free Agent: Nathan Brown

Mature Age Recruit / DFA: Ruck / Forward

Delist, Retire, Trade:  Dawes, Dunn,  Grimes, Garland, Max King, Lamumba, Michie, Newton, Salem, Terlich and Trengove. If Lamumba, Salem and Trengove could get their bodies right and Garland could get his confidence back and reduces the brainfades and if Max King somehow finds himself back on our Rookie List and finally starts to show some marked improvements, then they may be worth persevering with. The others as far as being on Melbourne's senior list is concerned - are done for. That being said, it would be great if any or all of them stuck around and kept playing for Casey as I think a strong Scorpions side can only be good for us.

[censored]!!! What a ramble - sorry - Go Demons - win our last three matches and finish the season with a winning 12 / 10 record and send Roosy off in style!!!!

PS: Does anyone know if we can purchase 2017 memberships yet ?


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31 minutes ago, flamindees said:

I think ANB has done more than enough to justify his place on the Senior List for another two seasons. We're a much better football club now than what we have been in years - a better culture and a considerably stronger best 22  which is much harder break into and then even harder to maintain you're place. If  by the second half of his fourth season, he's still not a best 22 player, then you would be thinking aboot moving him on. It's a luxury we haven' t had for a long time - the ability to be patient with our young guns and  let them develop in the reserves with occasional games in the seniors over the first three or four years rather than being immediately thrown to the wolves and expected to be the club's savior-  being good again is taking a bit of getting used to!!!!

Having said that, he definitely needs to add another string or two to his bow in order to become one of the best 22 and be more than just a back up inside mid. He comes across as very coachable and I'd like to see Brendan McCartney and the midfield coaches work some magic with the likes of ANB, JKH, Salem, Joel Smith and Mitch White and try to convert them into competent, AFL standard outside mids / wingmen.  Clearly our two way running and run and spread are still major areas of concern that need to be significantly improved. I do think with another pre- seaon under their belts, the added fitness and better understanding of the game plan will allow the likes of Brayshaw, Oliver and Petracca to get to the outside much more easily and often  to receive and run and carry - I cannot wait until these three have a break - out game on the same day - the opposing team won't know what hit them!!!

When it comes to adding speed and class to our midfield, we need to getback into the first round and to do that, I'd like to see us do a deal with Brisbane where we package up Salem,our 2017 first rounder, our 2018 second rounder and any ( or quite frankly! ) all of our fringers, the likes of Dawes, Dunn, Grimes, Garland, Lamumba, Mitchie,;Newton, Terlich and unfortunately Trengove ( most if not all of whom would see plenty of  senior action for the Lions next year!) and in return we would receive their 2016 first and third rounders and 2017 second rounder.  With pick two we can possibly take this year's best outside mid / wingman - Sam Petrevski- Seton looks like he could someone really special, as does Ben Ainsworth.

If  there's any of our emerging young guns that I'm not overly invested in, it would be Salem and if Brisbane want a good player from us in order for this trade to go through then he would be the one gun I'd consider tradable. I do think if Christian can get his thyroid condition under control, get his fitness up to AFL standard and starts stringing together multiple senior games, he'll become a very dangerous weapon for whomever he plays for- I just am not confident his body will do the right thing by him - we may be better off  trading him in for somebody who is similarly talented but is healthy. 

As for the backline it appears a forgone conclusion that Hibberd will be traded in.I'd rather we didn't go after Hurley as I believe he will cost too much, instead I'd prefer it if we brought in one of Nathan or Mitch Brown as a free agent to backup O&T Mac and Frosty.

As far as a backup for Max goes,it's fairly slim pickings - I think eventually Mitch King could be good but you'd have to think he's at least three years away from being able to do the job - we may have to scour the state leagues in order to find a suitable backup for Max. As for Max King, I think he's a goner- perhaps if he's still available when we have our last pick in the Rookie Draft we may take him again. If all else fails, so long as they're free agents ( preferably DFA,s!) Ivan Maric or Zac Clarke could be viable short term options. 

So what I'd like to see happen in the Draft/ Trading period is:

Round one: Petrevski- Seton/ Ainsworth

Round two : Hibberd ( Trade)

Round three: Outside Mid

Round three: Ruck / Forward

Round four: KPD

Upgrade: Wagner, White

Free Agent: Nathan Brown

Mature Age Recruit / DFA: Ruck / Forward

Delist, Retire, Trade:  Dawes, Dunn,  Grimes, Garland, Max King, Lamumba, Michie, Newton, Salem, Terlich and Trengove. If Lamumba, Salem and Trengove could get their bodies right and Garland could get his confidence back and reduces the brainfades and if Max King somehow finds himself back on our Rookie List and finally starts to show some marked improvements, then they may be worth persevering with. The others as far as being on Melbourne's senior list is concerned - are done for. That being said, it would be great if any or all of them stuck around and kept playing for Casey as I think a strong Scorpions side can only be good for us.

[censored]!!! What a ramble - sorry - Go Demons - win our last three matches and finish the season with a winning 12 / 10 record and send Roosy off in style!!!!

PS: Does anyone know if we can purchase 2017 memberships yet ?


I like the drafting and trading scenarios, but too many changes for me. I don't think we need to delist or get rid of that many and I'd be inclined to keep Salem, Trengove, King, Newton, one of Dunn/Garland. We're at a point where these wholesale changes aren't required, and we need to build the list stability to have a real crack at the finals in the next few years. Removing that many players again will set us back before we move forward.

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On 11 August 2016 at 7:16 PM, Captain Todd said:

I've been to training twice this week and the feeling was amazing between the guys. There will only be a handful of changes this year. The list is stable and young. They are understanding the workload required and are starting to see the results.


ANB - Keep, we haven't seen his best. He will be something special and has a little X factor, especially when he gets some size.

Trengove - A high quality midfielder who needs more fitness, he has got quicker over the year. His best will be in the next 3 years. he has the maturity and the footy nous. So much time on the sidelines makes you hungry. He is the heart of the club. Tell the other clubs to bugger off.

Max King - Needs more time.

Spencer - His time will come, just like it did for Max and Jeff White.

Dunn - Great experience and is fit. Good depth player.

Garlett - needs to train in the off season. Classic symptoms of not enough fitness, as the season goes on, he fades. He is also playing on the wing more, I'm sure it is more running and that is why he isn't scoring as many goals, he is doing the team thing.

Pedersen - Keep, has a heart as big as Pharlap, courageous, occasional brain fade, necessary back up for what we saw on the weekend. Good follow up and two way running.

Grimes - former captain, how we treat our loyal players is noticed by those who aren't. Keep him, he is only a wing away from games. Excellent depth player and will be good for us. How we treat him will be seen by marquee players who are looking to change teams.

Garland - Has been passed by O Mac, White and Wagner. Good depth player.

Matt Jones - Generic (good thing) and does what is asked of him. He has worked on his fitness and runs out games well. He is getting better as he gets older. No chance of trading him. He gets on really well with his team mates as well. He also has a business with Gawn and Max King, called Max Jones and Co. Buy a tshirt.

JKH - Four goals at Casey on the weekend. Has worked on his fitness after injury. Hasn't lit the world up yet, however it will come.

Wagner - Will be on the list

White - Will be on the list


Terlich - I like the bloke. He has worked really hard this year on his game and body this year, is a great leader for Casey. Contract him to Casey to train the young Demons.

Dawes - See what we can get for him. He's not going to be here next year.

Lumumba - Retire, thank him for his service. Pay out his contract.

Newton - good size and in the mould of the modern midfielder, just doesn't do it and coughs it up when he has possession. See what we can get for him.

Michie - great VFL player like James (biggest biceps in the VFL) Magner. Needs to get it together.


Top post. Spot on.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Couldn't find the previous thread...

Who will the Dee's delist in the coming weeks?

Usually there are 6-7 that make way. I think all below are on shaky ground. 

Michie, White, Dawes, Terlich, Newton, Grimes, Max King, Pederson

Not too sure who else is shaky, who will be traded and who will be on Rookie list. 


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