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Boo Hoo

3183 Dee

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Boo Hoo

Boo fookin Hoo, you lot.

Now, don't get me wrong - I was there yesterday and very frustrated, especially because Essendon irritate the [censored] out of me with their arrogance and self-righteousness. Yuck. I left frustrated and annoyed that we were beaten in all aspects of the game, especially since I was also at last week's game and saw the pride and spirit that forced the Demons across the line.

What I don't get is all this rushing about with skirts over heads, crying about this being the darkest day in Melbourne's history, how this is it! Tearing memberships up, never coming back to the G, had it with Melbourne etc etc etc.

Now, I've not been following the Dees as long as the vast majority of you - I came to Oz at the end of 2005 and have been a die-hard Demon ever since. That's one year of finals in 10 years of football - surely I'm statistically better placed to call it a day than most people ?. I won't though, because despite the performance yesterday, I firmly believe that we have the nucleus of a great side. However, in the build up, we are always going to have these days, just like we are going to have the Geelong victories and pull Richmond and Collingwood's pants down. Days like Saturday will get fewer and fewer over the next few years.   

I find it laughable that on these forums last weekend, we were bragging about our new young guns and this week, we are hanging them out to dry. Despite some putrid performances yesterday, I saw Jack Watts hit up Hogan with an inch perfect pass from the wing and also get right into the grill of some Bombers players; saw Angus Brayshaw bang one through off one step from outside 50; saw BenKen run all day, saw Clayton Oliver tough at the ball and with clean hands; saw Jeff Garlett run half the pitch to smack the ball right amongst the Bombers fans.

I'm proud to be a Melbourne supporter, proud to be part of the vociferous 30k that lifted the roof of the G last Saturday. The dark days are gone now: we are heading the right way, but we are going to get these sort of inglorious days along the way. Onwards and upwards, I say.




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I'm not sure where you're from originally 3183, but maybe in your 11 years so far you haven't picked up that although Aussies aren't generally overly emotional and are very matter of fact to the point where our humor is based on irony and sarcasm, we take our game very seriously, and the emotions from a loss such as this ride high for at least 24 hours. After that, most calm down, think ahead and reconsider where they think we're really at. It's just the Aussie football way mate, and part of what makes our game so great.

There's posters in this forum who have passionately followed the Dees for 50 years and not seen the biggest success, so I don't know that mentioning your 10 years of struggle will help your cause, although I do get where you're coming from.

Deep down we all now things are gradually changing, but on top of the frustration of how slowly it's happening (while we watch the Doggies fulfill our dreams), there's the continual losses like this just when we start to let ourselves hope again, and not just that, but before you moved here Essendon absolutely bullied us in a rare Grand Final appearance and they have the least gracious supporters possibly in the world.

Everyone cops the wack differently, it doesn't make one a better supporter than another, we all have our ways but anyone who is still an MFC fan after the last 10 years is a true die-hard guts of steel supporter.


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Yes good spot 3183 Dee, agree, if those bustards hadn't have won yesterday there would have been 10,000 heart attacks.

I know who I would rather support. What are they gunna do now go home and say now the whole Club is in the clear.To my way of thinking this performance brings up more questions than answers....

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Boo Hoo my ass mate. Any team that drops games like that so easily when it should have pantsed a team of nancy boys and washed up retiress only put together 2 months ago and decides to move on as if everything is all fine is going nowhere fast.

If you accept that that performance is ok and think its a sign of us moving forward then I have pitty on your poor Demon soul.

The same applies to Roos and anyone else connected with the club. For as long as pea heart performances continue I will continue to demand better. No other genuine club members would accept BS like we witnessed Sat. Dont see why our hard earned and sacrifices to get to games and support is any diff to other supporters. They dont accept it and they certainly dont go quietly and wouldnt if they had to put up with the rubbish we are dished up with most games

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41 minutes ago, 3183 Dee said:

Boo Hoo

Boo fookin Hoo, you lot.

Now, don't get me wrong - I was there yesterday and very frustrated, especially because Essendon irritate the [censored] out of me with their arrogance and self-righteousness. Yuck. I left frustrated and annoyed that we were beaten in all aspects of the game, especially since I was also at last week's game and saw the pride and spirit that forced the Demons across the line.

What I don't get is all this rushing about with skirts over heads, crying about this being the darkest day in Melbourne's history, how this is it! Tearing memberships up, never coming back to the G, had it with Melbourne etc etc etc.

Now, I've not been following the Dees as long as the vast majority of you - I came to Oz at the end of 2005 and have been a die-hard Demon ever since. That's one year of finals in 10 years of football - surely I'm statistically better placed to call it a day than most people ?. I won't though, because despite the performance yesterday, I firmly believe that we have the nucleus of a great side. However, in the build up, we are always going to have these days, just like we are going to have the Geelong victories and pull Richmond and Collingwood's pants down. Days like Saturday will get fewer and fewer over the next few years.   

I find it laughable that on these forums last weekend, we were bragging about our new young guns and this week, we are hanging them out to dry. Despite some putrid performances yesterday, I saw Jack Watts hit up Hogan with an inch perfect pass from the wing and also get right into the grill of some Bombers players; saw Angus Brayshaw bang one through off one step from outside 50; saw BenKen run all day, saw Clayton Oliver tough at the ball and with clean hands; saw Jeff Garlett run half the pitch to smack the ball right amongst the Bombers fans.

I'm proud to be a Melbourne supporter, proud to be part of the vociferous 30k that lifted the roof of the G last Saturday. The dark days are gone now: we are heading the right way, but we are going to get these sort of inglorious days along the way. Onwards and upwards, I say.




2005? Really?

that's yesterday

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Thanks for the reply - I should clarify that I have over 35 years supporting Plymouth Argyle back home, so I'm certainly no stranger to futility and despair.

And I understand the frustration and emotion - believe me, I've totally bought into it. But yesterday was not as gut wrenching as watching Port or Brisbane kicking bags against us with no reply, like a few years ago. Then, we didn't even have the cattle - now we have, at least, the basis of a really good team. Still a lot more hard work needs to be done and lessons to be learned.

I also get the frustrations, when looking at the Doggies' rebuild, but they were never coming from as far back as we were: they played finals, had a couple of lean years and then re-loaded. None of the rebuild teams had such a rotten off-field culture as we have had. Getting rid of the stink of that  has been hard enough, but to turn around years of shithouse recruiting, attract players to the sinking ship and formulate some semblance of a game plan was never going to be an easy fix.

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1 hour ago, Canplay said:

Agree 3183.   Too many sooks in the Dee supporter ranks.  Harden up, stick fat, learn to enjoy the ups and grow a thick skin for the downs.   So sick of supporter negativity and emotional rants.  Dees by 21 points next week.

What a load of crap. We have one of the most resilient supporter bases given our history. If Collingwood, Essendon, Hawthorn, Richmond or Carlton had gone through our dour last decade there'd be very few of them left, yet we still manage to get mid 30,000 members. Given how pathetic we've been as a football club for too long, I don't blame anyone for being negative and it's pretty bloody rich to simply say harden up and stick fat. WTF do you think we've been doing for the past decade? Sticking fat. 

The only part of your post I agree with is that we're a chance next week.

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As much as I have sunk pretty low from this appalling game and its loud testament to our defective club, a couple of things have comforted me since.

a) The fact that round 2 has been a glorious mess all round.

b) The fact that GWS solidly beat an alleged 'top team', which makes us look more like we are wildly fluctuating in form, rather than just 'ordinary then craptacular'

c) We are ahead of Fremanlte (see 'a')

d) The sheer throat-cutting intensity of wailing on here is reminding me that things aren't actually all that bad. It's kind of like when someone who is 'a bit authoritarian' is in a conversation with an out and out loony fascist... at first its all 'yes, I totally agree I think a bit of conscription to bring some discipline into young people would be a good idea' and then suddenly they other guy is saying 'and teach them to organise into roving bands enforcing god's law on the heathenfags and protecting our vital bodily essences from the commie prevert fallen women with their evil flouride'. I guess what I'm saying is, the wild unreality here is sometimes a handy check on where reality is.




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        At  the  end  of  the  day  we  walked  away  with a   pretty  bad  loss.        it  was  horrible  to  watch.  Walking  out  of  the  G  an  Essendon  supporter  got  in  my  face  and  told  me  to  go  back  to  the  snow.

  I  looked  him  in  the  face  and  told  him  overly  loudly  " we  might  have  been  beaten  today  but  Essendon  are   drug  cheats  forever."

 I  thought  he  was  going  to  floor  me  but  calmer  heads  prevailed.i

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Can we start to merge some of these threads. 

- Post match discussion 

- Roos coaching 

- Supporters leaving/venting

+ We have about 3-4 threads for every game.

- Changes for next week

- Pre match discussion

- Game day thread

Could they not be a continuation?

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2 minutes ago, Bombay Airconditioning said:

Can we start to merge some of these threads. 

- Post match discussion 

- Roos coaching 

- Supporters leaving/venting

+ We have about 3-4 threads for every game.

- Changes for next week

- Pre match discussion

- Game day thread

Could they not be a continuation?

There are always some who feel their thoughts on the game are more important, and rather than just discuss it in the post match thread they start a new topic. 

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6 hours ago, Little Goffy said:

As much as I have sunk pretty low from this appalling game and its loud testament to our defective club, a couple of things have comforted me since.

a) The fact that round 2 has been a glorious mess all round.

b) The fact that GWS solidly beat an alleged 'top team', which makes us look more like we are wildly fluctuating in form, rather than just 'ordinary then craptacular'

c) We are ahead of Fremantle (see 'a')

We are not only well ahead of Freo but more importantly we are ahead of Essendrug, Collingwood and Carlton (plus Port, St. Kilda and Brisbane) and we are on the same number of wins as the Crows, Giants, Cats, Eagles, Hawks, and Richmond! Surprisingly, their supporters all intend to turn up next week regardless.

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I have almost collected myself after Saturday.

My only comforting fact, is that I thought a 1-1 start would be the way we would start our season, obviously just the games the other way around. And even more happy with the GWS win after they rolled Geelong.

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30 minutes ago, CBDees said:

We are not only well ahead of Freo but more importantly we are ahead of Essendrug, Collingwood and Carlton (plus Port, St. Kilda and Brisbane) and we are on the same number of wins as the Crows, Giants, Cats, Eagles, Hawks, and Richmond! Surprisingly, their supporters all intend to turn up next week regardless.

Suppoters of those clubs, possibly excluding Brisbane, will turn up next week knowing there is a very good chance their players wil come out and have a red hot crack next week and every week after that. Us suppoters may have a 50% chance. And it will be a 0% chance if North come hard at us physically in the first 10 minutes. We are bruise free and have been for 15 years. Zero pride in the jumper. There is little for supporters to admire about what our club is.

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4 minutes ago, rufus said:

Suppoters of those clubs, possibly excluding Brisbane, will turn up next week knowing there is a very good chance their players wil come out and have a red hot crack next week and every week after that. Us suppoters may have a 50% chance. And it will be a 0% chance if North come hard at us physically in the first 10 minutes. We are bruise free and have been for 15 years. Zero pride in the jumper. There is little for supporters to admire about what our club is.

We are not bruise free. Jones, Vince, Viney, Brayshaw, Oliver, Hogan (I can go on) have seen to that.

We just suck.

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1 hour ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Plymouth Argyle!! Used to go out with him in my undergrad days.

No that was Bury St Edmunds


8 hours ago, AdamFarr said:

What a load of crap. We have one of the most resilient supporter bases given our history. If Collingwood, Essendon, Hawthorn, Richmond or Carlton had gone through our dour last decade there'd be very few of them left, yet we still manage to get mid 30,000 members. Given how pathetic we've been as a football club for too long, I don't blame anyone for being negative and it's pretty bloody rich to simply say harden up and stick fat. WTF do you think we've been doing for the past decade? Sticking fat. 

The only part of your post I agree with is that we're a chance next week.

Short memory there Adam......merger not ring any bells

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