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The reason given was medical. MC is scared about falling back into depression..... which is fair enough. MFC reminded him of a time when he was in a very dark place. His doctors recommended not moving back and suggest a fresh environment.

What a crock of [censored].

I have a lot of sympathy for his situation but there's a limit.


Really?? sometimes it's just not worth it mate, it really isn't...

"dog act" - it's almost as if you're saying it because everyone else is.

Heaven forbid MFC help out a guy that has depression to get him back on his feet, a guy that put his head on the line every time he ran out on the filed for us (sometimes even bloody landing on it!) a guy that took his health in to his own hands and said that he had to step away to get it right.

You fickle little vermin that keep calling it a "dog act" really need to start coming up with your own opinions because this "dog act" comment doesn't fly.

If anything this could be a success story for Melbourne - able to get a bloke that was done and dusted and in the lowest point of his career and life and we've been able to assist in getting him right enough to not only look forward in his life but actually get back to doing what he loves - wherever that may be.

I continue to support the MFC for assisting Mitch with this and acknowledge we will be rewarded for it in one way or another. COUNT ON IT.

Not a dog act, go read GNF's recent post.

Yours truly,

fickle little vermin

Convenient to use MFC as the place where the black dog startled circling.
I wish MC all the best for his ongoing improve mental health, but besides that, ultimately he dudded Lions/Freo to Melbourne. Now he's doing the same to Melbourne, $cully like behaviour.

Don't use Clark to justify Scully's decision to take a million a year over six. He made the right decision. If anything, Clark's move to Melbourne after saying his Grandma was ill in Perth is closer to what Tom did.

I have forgiven Tom Scully for everything but lying to Jim Stynes in his own kitchen.


Thats [censored] up man...regardless of what he has done

It is no longer the responsibility of anyone associated with the MFC to wish Clark well if what GNF said is true.

He's not our problem.

Which it pretty clearly is.


My parents drilled into me as a kid the age old saying, "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". I am really really really struggling with this concept right now....................................


It's bloody annoying for us supporters who have been through so much but I don't think any of us are in a position to question his health or state of mind.

If it is all true then we should just try and get the best possible trade for him and move on (as much as I hate to say it).


The reason given was medical. MC is scared about falling back into depression..... which is fair enough. MFC reminded him of a time when he was in a very dark place. His doctors recommended not moving back and suggest a fresh environment.

His shrink is obviously not a Melbourne fan then.


The reason given was medical. MC is scared about falling back into depression..... which is fair enough. MFC reminded him of a time when he was in a very dark place. His doctors recommended not moving back and suggest a fresh environment.

Convenient for Mitch,eh? Who is going to challenge it!

Given your excellent posts previously I'm glad I stuck up for you yesterday. I just knew it had to be a case of the Club being blindsided rather than you/your sources being incorrect. Thanks for the great feedback. While this isn't calming like your posts on Mitch usually are its good to have a bit of fact thrown into all the hiatus. Thanks.


It's bloody annoying for us supporters who have been through so much but I don't think any of us are in a position to question his health or state of mind.

If it is all true then we should just try and get the best possible trade for him and move on (as much as I hate to say it).

I think we are actually!


Will be interesting to see which Victorian club has gotten in his ear...


Will be interesting to see which Victorian club has gotten in his ear...

And I wish them nothing but eternal failure for being scumbags.


I made the comment upon Neeld's selection that he could be the next premiership coach of the MFC or the last coach of the MFC. I was bloody close with the latter.

IF Clark leaves in this manner, it has the potential to rip the heart out of this club, or give it more than ever. Again, I hope I'm right with the latter.


I reckon if Mitch leaves in this manner he'll be taking the Norm Smith Curse with him ;)


Wow. Just wow. If true, pathetic by MC, pathetic by MC's manager, and pathetic by the clubs that are trying to lure him.

All the club can do now is play hard ball and do what is best for the club, not MC. Do we have a 100% definitive statement from the AFL or the club on the process of trading, given the unique set of circumstances.


Not even surprised, he dogged Brisbane saying be wanted to return to his home state only to be lured by our $$$ the blokes a mercenary... Used us up for our bucketload of $$ and now wants to get out and cash in somewhere else. Now everyone will say what a good story it is his back playing again rather than the fact his shafted us. I'm sickened this man ran out in the number 11 jumper, jimmy would be turning in his grave,,, your a fkn dog mitch


every non MFC person I have spoken to is disgusted by this as much as we are and every single one says we should be getting a Priority Pick in the top 5 as compensation


Now everyone will say what a good story it is his back playing again rather than the fact his shafted us.

Not so sure about that, many will recognise the doggedness

Regardless we come off looking like a pathetic bunch of saps again though


That's all well and good but why didn't he say this from the beginning? Instead of stringing the club along?

Presumably because he had his own agenda and wanted to milk the MFC/Misson goodwill and facililties for all it was worth. No wonder he gets depressed he must suffer from being guilty an awful lot.

No wonder he didn't go to the B&F. Wouldn't have the courage to look anyone in the eye and given what GNF said Roosy probably would have biffed him one...I jest but the imagery is good!

Have all the 'dark clouds' over our beloved club now gone?


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