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Post Match Discussion - Round 11


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What do you mean there is an immeasurable distance from last year? THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG LAST YEAR!!!!

Cou;dn't help yourself could you, there is a difference as to how the team was playing last year and this, and a myriad of reasons which have been done to death on here as to what and why, but then again some of us have moved on looking for the positives, you never will get how I think, bit above you methinks, but feel free to keep taking potshots, if it compensates for something else missing in your life, at least it is achieving something Edited by Satyriconhome
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my point was that we lost the game when we didn't score a goal at the start of the fourth quarter, Westhoff kicking goals was how we lost, not why, when as you comment, McDonald didn't put the body on. We'd already done all the defending we had needed to do, it was the counter punch we didn't take. If it hadn't been Westhoff then someone else might/would have bobbed up.

I just saw the press conference where Hinkley conceded that Port had been playing Melbourne's game, i.e. it had become ours to lose when we didn't take our chances. That is not us bringing someone down to our level, that is us imposing a plan, which is why I'm not inconsolable about the loss.

Can agree to a point, but, for us to get better and win these games small and large things need to be worked on. I have made a point in the past that Mc Donald at times is outpositioned to such a degree that he fails to have an awareness of where his opponent actually is! This can and has resulted in his opponent taking an almost uncontested mark! This has cost him in the past and when the game was in the balance cost us two goals. As I said, no one factor, loses games, but this does need to be worked on. Just check back and you'll see what I mean. I'm sure the coaches will be working with him on this! The great defenders of the game always knew where an opponent was and the skill then was one of positioning and body on body creating pressure! Chris Mew, Bruce Doull, Glen Archer, Anthony Ingerson, and not forgetting Brett Lovett all had this ability.

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Gee! I have pointed out before that some of the Fence's posts border on the ridiculous, hopefully he will go away and have a long hard look at himmself and rectify this

Thanks, Defender of the Realm.

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I put my hand in my pocket for membership, but I know exactly how deep I have to reach. I think your implication that supporters who don't take out memberships don't actually support the club is patronising and ignores the economic reality of a hell of a lot of Australians. Hope you don't mind the shirt-front, H&S

And our connection with NT is a very positive aspect of MFC.

We have a lot of MCC members that have failed to convert to an MFC member. It costs $65 to become an MCC/MFC member. If you really care, that's the cost of a weekly petrol fill up for most. If you're an MCC member, an extra $65 isn't going to put you out on the streets.

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Cou;dn't help yourself could you, there is a difference as to how the team was playing last year and this, and a myriad of reasons which have been done to death on here as to what and why, but then again some of us have moved on looking for the positives, you never will get how I think, bit above you methinks, but feel free to keep taking potshots, if it compensates for something else missing in your life, at least it is achieving something

Yep, I sure don't. Who could understand a way of thinking where you can just insert punctuation marks in the place of letters, let alone one where you can write sentence after sentence without inserting a full stop? It's a pretty revolutionary way of thinking!

I think if I did come to understand how you think, I reckon I would have to lock myself away in a room while lying in the foetal position and weeping softly.

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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Cou;dn't help yourself could you, there is a difference as to how the team was playing last year and this, and a myriad of reasons which have been done to death on here as to what and why, but then again some of us have moved on looking for the positives, you never will get how I think, bit above you methinks, but feel free to keep taking potshots, if it compensates for something else missing in your life, at least it is achieving something

I'm glad you've moved on, because your stance last year that nothing was wrong at the club, even though blind Freddie could see there was, proved to be a ridiculous, naive and narrow-minded outlook. And because you have a tendency to howl down others with a different opinion, it was particularly painful for the rest of us.

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Lets get over trying to blame individuals for the loss, i think Robbie Flower showed the right attitude in his interview the other day when he was asked about Jimmy giving away the 15m penalty that resulted in Hawthorn winning that infamous final in the 80's. Flower said that he and others missed easy shots and wasted opportunities that would have put them further ahead so Jimmy's infraction would not have lost us the game. Individually Grimes did not give away 4 goals through errors, neither did Dunn or McDonald or Terlich. The team lost no point blaming individuals.

While we lost I am seriously impressed with what Roos has been able to do with this team in so short a time, after our first up loss against St Kilda and then the beating at the hands of the Eagles there was a lot of worry that Roos had bitten off far more than he could chew. But since then the team has continued to improve. Yes a few wins probably got away from us but the team seems to be improving every week which is pretty impressive given so many new players and a totally new game plan for everyone to learn. As I have said before this year is about turning the ship around to be competitive and put in the basics, at the end of the year we will be loosing a few more of our beloved team members as Roos and co go shopping to add to our list. Hopefully our resurgence this year will make us an attractive destination for better quality players to the demons and set us up for a great 2015 and beyond

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Yes we could've won and were in a position to win, but to me it did feel different to the Bulldogs game where we really should've won the game.

With Port's fitness and last quarter exploits, there was always that lingering feeling they would come home hard. And, while we did make mistakes in the last quarter, Port played a far superior final 8 minutes of the match than we did (due to the fact that we tired). Dermie said the Melbourne players were out on their feet and you could tell we just didn't have the legs to finish off the game (understandable due to the fantastic effort we had put in). Port won all the key contests in the final 8 minutes, especially around the stoppages, and ran out the game better.

On the other hand, I felt we were superior to the Bulldogs for much of the night (including the last quarter) and that at times the Dogs were holding on. I really thought we were going to run over them at the end but a combination of missed opportunities and some lucky goals really hurt. All night they just scored so many soft goals and to let a team with as poor a forward set-up as the Dogs kick 15 goals from 50 inside 50s (30% conversion rate) was a bad result (and probably the only time our defence has let us down this year). To put this into perspectice, Freo conceded 6 goals from 67 inside 50s yesterday against the Dogs (9% conversion rate).

To me the game against the Dogs was one we really blew a great chance to win. Against Port I never had that same feeling that we were going to run away with it. I cannot blame anyone or anything for losing because it was a tremendous effort and we simply ran out of legs to compete in the closing stages. Disappointing of course (losing always is), but very encouraging performance.

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I'm glad you've moved on, because your stance last year that nothing was wrong at the club, even though blind Freddie could see there was, proved to be a ridiculous, naive and narrow-minded outlook. And because you have a tendency to howl down others with a different opinion, it was particularly painful for the rest of us.

Give it a rest, you are joining that select group on here who deliberately misquote to make a point.

Try going back and reading some of my posts, last year the point I was making was it didn't matter how much sanctimonious bleating was going on on this site, it mattered little, as most of the heroes on here who sit behind the anonymity of their keyboards taking potshots at everything and everybody, to try and make themselves relevant, have no impact whatsoever on the direction or the decisions the Club makes or takes

(We have even have CFB this morning critiquing my posting grammer and punctuation, how relevant)

Of course I knew there were issues, but some of the 'issues' quoted as being 'issues' on here were in fact as far from the truth as you could get

There are a handful on here who actually get quite a bit of inside information, but have to be careful what they write, as they are under certain constraints

Going back on topic, with the Club hopefully heading in the right direction, the hairshirt wearing, hindsight gurus will have less and less to bleat about

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We have a lot of MCC members that have failed to convert to an MFC member. It costs $65 to become an MCC/MFC member. If you really care, that's the cost of a weekly petrol fill up for most. If you're an MCC member, an extra $65 isn't going to put you out on the streets.

I'm well aware that there are MFC supporters amongst MCC members who haven't stumped up the $65, though a heck of a lot of them do. But a whole lot more MCC members don't support the Dees. And if they really cared, they might give the money to Doctors without Borders. I don't regard MFC as a charity, it's a business, and there's no moral imperative for anyone to give money to the club.

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(We have even have CFB this morning critiquing my posting grammer and punctuation, how relevant)

No, just pointing out that apparently you are a bit too academic and intelligent for me and my sad little life (as you pointed out when you said that your way of thinking would go over my head). So much so, you have chosen to ignore the basic rules of grammar.

Maybe you are like some kind of outsider artist who sees things a bit differently to the rest of us?

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Give it a rest, you are joining that select group on here who deliberately misquote to make a point.

Try going back and reading some of my posts, last year the point I was making was it didn't matter how much sanctimonious bleating was going on on this site, it mattered little, as most of the heroes on here who sit behind the anonymity of their keyboards taking potshots at everything and everybody, to try and make themselves relevant, have no impact whatsoever on the direction or the decisions the Club makes or takes

(We have even have CFB this morning critiquing my posting grammer and punctuation, how relevant)

Of course I knew there were issues, but some of the 'issues' quoted as being 'issues' on here were in fact as far from the truth as you could get

There are a handful on here who actually get quite a bit of inside information, but have to be careful what they write, as they are under certain constraints

Going back on topic, with the Club hopefully heading in the right direction, the hairshirt wearing, hindsight gurus will have less and less to bleat about

It's a discussion forum, mate. People vent on here, but they don't expect the Club to heed anything they post, or at least they shouldn't. It's simply about sharing opinions with fellow supporters. So differences of opinion are important for debate and become stimulating fodder for discussion.

Anyway, I hope you're right and there will be even less to take issue with, but I've always been taught that to question isn't to criticise for criticism's sake or even cynicism's sake. It's about keeping people in power honest.

Edited by AdamFarr
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I'm well aware that there are MFC supporters amongst MCC members who haven't stumped up the $65, though a heck of a lot of them do. But a whole lot more MCC members don't support the Dees. And if they really cared, they might give the money to Doctors without Borders. I don't regard MFC as a charity, it's a business, and there's no moral imperative for anyone to give money to the club.

I agree, there isn't. I'd prefer to offer my support for the club by financial means - and no, I'm a filmmaker, so certainly not flushed with cash. I go every week though and pay my membership every year. Not for everyone though, I get it.

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It's a discussion forum, mate. People vent on here, but they don't expect the Club to heed anything they post, or at least they shouldn't. It's simply about sharing opinions with fellow supporters. So differences of opinion are important for debate and become stimulating fodder for discussion.

Anyway, I hope you're right and there will be even less to take issue with, but I've always been taught that to question isn't to criticise for criticism's sake or even cynicism's sake. It's about keeping people in power honest.

I know it is a discussion forum and people vent, yet you have just criticised me above for doing so, bit contradictory wouldn't you say, and as for the Club not heeding to anything they post, try telling WYL that
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No, just pointing out that apparently you are a bit too academic and intelligent for me and my sad little life (as you pointed out when you said that your way of thinking would go over my head). So much so, you have chosen to ignore the basic rules of grammar.

Maybe you are like some kind of outsider artist who sees things a bit differently to the rest of us?

Here is a challenge for you, I think you may be up to it..just...try posting something to do with the topic rather than taking potshots at other posters, go on I dare you, poke your head above the parapet with an opinion on the game from Saturday and then engage in some debate, that is if by a strange quirk, you may find other posters don't agree with you
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I know it is a discussion forum and people vent, yet you have just criticised me above for doing so, bit contradictory wouldn't you say, and as for the Club not heeding to anything they post, try telling WYL that

I only criticise your personal attacks on others. I'm sure no one has a problem with you offering your opinion. That's what a messageboard is for. But so often, you take things personally and seem more about defending anyone who is questioned (often legitimately) by a Demonlander, rather than offering an opinion of your own.

And I think WYL is frustrated (rightly) by the Club's progress across years and years of failure.

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Lets get over trying to blame individuals for the loss, i think Robbie Flower showed the right attitude in his interview the other day when he was asked about Jimmy giving away the 15m penalty that resulted in Hawthorn winning that infamous final in the 80's. Flower said that he and others missed easy shots and wasted opportunities that would have put them further ahead so Jimmy's infraction would not have lost us the game. Individually Grimes did not give away 4 goals through errors, neither did Dunn or McDonald or Terlich. The team lost no point blaming individuals.

While we lost I am seriously impressed with what Roos has been able to do with this team in so short a time, after our first up loss against St Kilda and then the beating at the hands of the Eagles there was a lot of worry that Roos had bitten off far more than he could chew. But since then the team has continued to improve. Yes a few wins probably got away from us but the team seems to be improving every week which is pretty impressive given so many new players and a totally new game plan for everyone to learn. As I have said before this year is about turning the ship around to be competitive and put in the basics, at the end of the year we will be loosing a few more of our beloved team members as Roos and co go shopping to add to our list. Hopefully our resurgence this year will make us an attractive destination for better quality players to the demons and set us up for a great 2015 and beyond

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not scapegoating anyone, just trying to point out a valid football judgement ( well I reckon it is anyway)

As alluded to, many microseconds make up a game of footy and skill, luck, and infinestables all play a part. Just saying Mc Donald needs to develop more awareness that's all!

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I only criticise your personal attacks on others. I'm sure no one has a problem with you offering your opinion. That's what a messageboard is for. But so often, you take things personally and seem more about defending anyone who is questioned (often legitimately) by a Demonlander, rather than offering an opinion of your own.

And I think WYL is frustrated (rightly) by the Club's progress across years and years of failure.

I only have a go at certain posters who add nothing (in my opinion) to topics apart from getting a rise under their desks
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underestimating Ports run and spread I would say is the same as being asleep. Everybody knows that is their strength. No excuse for not being aware of it.

It's not the same thing. I think the team responded well after going out there expecting the game to be played on their terms early on. Yes they were caught out, but we won a lot of the ball early on but simply didn't capitalise, they did.

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Anyone else find themselves very frustrated at Cross near the end of the game? He took a mark/free on the far wing and after a lot of indecision chose to kick it backwards. The game was on the line. We had several winners up forward. Surely it was time to take the risk and pump it forward and go for the win. I just couldn't work out why he chose such a negative option. Yes, they had Westoff sitting in our forward line, but why not drop it on his head and let Pederson or Howe use him a s step ladder? Kick it close to the line and cause a throw in 40 metres out? There wasn't the time to reset and send it back around the other way. Really felt it was the time to attack and take a chance.

Anyway, happy with the result. Wish we had Dawes in the team and still unhappy we chose not to fight such a howler. Some glimpses of exciting things to come with some of the youngsters. The line was 36.5 points which going into the game I felt was pretty right, so a 20 point loss was above my expectations.

Nice going into the QB game thinking we have a realistic chance.

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Don't misunderstand me, I'm not scapegoating anyone, just trying to point out a valid football judgement ( well I reckon it is anyway)

As alluded to, many microseconds make up a game of footy and skill, luck, and infinestables all play a part. Just saying Mc Donald needs to develop more awareness that's all!

Still only a young player Tommy Mc, but yes he does need to develop more awareness. As for Westoff getting away from him in the last, he does that to the best players in the biz. At some stage he will make you pay, another lesson for Tommy which I'm sure will be pointed out.

Question...who takes Cloke next week? will it be Tommy, to much of a monster for Dunn and Garland is more use as a running back in the Enright mould. Do we move Chip back for this one with Dawes coming in.

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Question...who takes Cloke next week? will it be Tommy, to much of a monster for Dunn and Garland is more use as a running back in the Enright mould. Do we move Chip back for this one with Dawes coming in.

I thought the exact thing the other day. I'm a little worried about that match up. I think we have to play Garland on him, but I think Tommy Mac will start on him. I wonder whether it would be equally plausible to play Garland forward and throw Frawley back. It'll be an interesting match up and one that certainly worries me. Hopefully Dawes will provide a similar threat at the other end.

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