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MFC Communications Failing?


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In the Mitch Clark thread I've had a rant about the seemingly incorrect information provided to the members from Dave Misson. It's very disappointing. Don't the club realise that it's disappointing enough to have an injury list that's crippling the start of the season but it's doubly disappointing to be given false hope each week only to have it dashed. It will be interesting to see if Watts plays Sunday - if he doesn't we can mark it down to another bit of missing information to join the Jordie piece from last week. Doesn't the club understand the concept of Japanese management. Tell people the bad news well in advance so when it happens they've had a chance to adjust to it.

One of the items I used to enjoy last year and in previous years was the report on how those that played for Casey went on the weekend. The descriptions were a bit apocryphal but the flavour was usually there. Not only that it gave a good indication of at least who played.

I've been eagerly awaiting this item this week but unless I've missed it it has yet to appear. I'm wondering how Viney went, Kent, Salem and Hunt. But not a word.

There are a couple of other small things from a personal perspective that I'm not going to detail which have been disappointing but to borrow a famous expression "what we have here is a failure to communicate".

Common MFC, you're better than this.

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BB, the Casey reports may actually happen during the season proper, not practice matches

I take it you are a qualifiied doctor/physiotherapist/homeopathic practicioner who will be able to second guess the medical and fitness staff at the club, on the timeframes associated with injury

Jordie McKenzie actually thought he would be ok, I asked him, but he didn't come up.

Mentioned next time this happens, if you provide your mobile number, he'll ring and let you know (THIS IS A JOKE)

The medical report from Dave Misson is on a Tuesday, the picture of Watts in a pressure sock was yesterday, let's publicise the fact 3 days out that he won't play, let the Weagles plan around him not being there, great move, or shall we just leave it and leave them guessing

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All those injured youngsters need a week at Casey. Viney, Kent, Salem, they will play at Casey. No one in the midfield warrants being dropped, anyway, and expect Salem to play at VFL level until at least round 10.

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BB, the Casey reports may actually happen during the season proper, not practice matches

I take it you are a qualifiied doctor/physiotherapist/homeopathic practicioner who will be able to second guess the medical and fitness staff at the club, on the timeframes associated with injury

Jordie McKenzie actually thought he would be ok, I asked him, but he didn't come up.

Mentioned next time this happens, if you provide your mobile number, he'll ring and let you know (THIS IS A JOKE)

The medical report from Dave Misson is on a Tuesday, the picture of Watts in a pressure sock was yesterday, let's publicise the fact 3 days out that he won't play, let the Weagles plan around him not being there, great move, or shall we just leave it and leave them guessing

Saty I hope you're right that the reports happen during the VFL season proper. But we played AFL last week and again this week and it's information in relation to AFL I'm interested in. The Casey players are in contention this week aren't they?

Read my Mitch Clark rant and you'll recognize that your comments re "qualified doctor.." are misplaced. I'm taking about communication here, not medical diagnosis.

And if you really think WC don't know about Jack's situation you are dreamin, if it's all over the internet and media I reckon Dave talking about it on Tuesday may not have let WC in on a huge secret.

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Saty I hope you're right that the reports happen during the VFL season proper. But we played AFL last week and again this week and it's information in relation to AFL I'm interested in. The Casey players are in contention this week aren't they?

Read my Mitch Clark rant and you'll recognize that your comments re "qualified doctor.." are misplaced. I'm taking about communication here, not medical diagnosis.

And if you really think WC don't know about Jack's situation you are dreamin, if it's all over the internet and media I reckon Dave talking about it on Tuesday may not have let WC in on a huge secret.

Yes Casey players are and the Club website said Gawn may play, but not Viney

Who knows what is going on with Clark, but the club now has to abide by privacy provisions

What Jack situation, who knows, just a picture of him looking miserable (supposedly), on his birthday, how can Dave Misson talk about something that may be nothing

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BB i could not agree more. Misson is starting to really annoy me. What is the point of the weekly Dee TV injury update with him and Burgo? It is usually just rubbish and in fact i would argue more often that not it is misinformation. Your examples perfectly illustrate this. Of course injuries sometimes don't respond but once you see a pattern its hard not assume the truth is not being told.

Watch the last one. It is a terrific study in someone not comfortable with what he is saying. Watch Missons body language, note how he flushes and listen to his tone when discussing Dawes, Hogan and Garland. He looks like he is, if not lying, then concealing the truth. As fans we deserve better and to be honest i don't understand the logic for not being transparent. It's not as if other clubs are going to be fooled.

If Misson can't or wont be frank then don't have the segment.

Saty i appreciate your posts and much of your feedback from your preparedness to ask insiders what is going on. However, whilst it has been said before your sensitivity to the club being criticised is curious and not a little irritating, chap.

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The medical report from Dave Misson is on a Tuesday, the picture of Watts in a pressure sock was yesterday, let's publicise the fact 3 days out that he won't play, let the Weagles plan around him not being there, great move, or shall we just leave it and leave them guessing

The only thing WC need to guess about, is how much they will belt us by.

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BB i could not agree more. Misson is starting to really annoy me. What is the point of the weekly Dee TV injury update with him and Burgo? It is usually just rubbish and in fact i would argue more often that not it is misinformation. Your examples perfectly illustrate this. Of course injuries sometimes don't respond but once you see a pattern its hard not assume the truth is not being told.

Watch the last one. It is a terrific study in someone not comfortable with what he is saying. Watch Missons body language, note how he flushes and listen to his tone when discussing Dawes, Hogan and Garland. He looks like he is, if not lying, then concealing the truth. As fans we deserve better and to be honest i don't understand the logic for not being transparent. It's not as if other clubs are going to be fooled.

If Misson can't or wont be frank then don't have the segment.

Saty i appreciate your posts and much of your feedback from your preparedness to ask insiders what is going on. However, whilst it has been said before your sensitivity to the club being criticised is curious and not a little irritating, chap.

The teams are announced days before the match. The rumours of inclusions and exclusions come days before that. There is no tactical reason that makes any sense to not tell us. Right now I'm paying a membership as a charitable donation to a basketcase with ambition. I want and as a member demand better bloody information - especially given it is of no loss (tactically) for the club to reveal it. I want to know what to expect. Then my expectations (at least in this regard) have a basis in reality.

Saty, your defending of the club had bordered on quite silly in the past; it is now genuinely unnecessary.

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Call me a cynic but I place no credibility in FD fitness reports. Its been shown o be consistently erroneous.

Ppl are surprised now ?

Anything emanating from the club now just smacks of damage control spin.

A hopeful season cut off at the knees etc.

They cant really tell you what they dont know either so they spoonfeed the general populous with sanitised shlt.

Wholly surprising. ..not

Whats new I ask ?

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Im with you BB. I think the club, in its bid to attract new members, or resign old ones, is attempting to hide bad news. But all it's doing is creating separation between the members WHO HAVE signed and the club. Its frustrating enough to have the frikn injuries.....its making it worse to be told they're one thing when they're CLEARLY another.

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Call me a cynic but I place no credibility in FD fitness reports. Its been shown o be consistently erroneous.

Ppl are surprised now ?

Whats new I ask ?

What is new is that there is a devoted weekly segment on Deetv as part of the clubs efforts to provide content. Sure the culture of footy has 'long been of rubbery injury reporting but this institutionalizes it and i say is more akin to misinformation.

Also the difference from the past is such content makes an implied promise of providing reliable information to members. Increasingly there is an expectation - not just in football, but other sports eg racing - in this time of increased information flow and access to multiple media platforms that stakeholders are kept well informed. This was not the case even 10 years ago. This information flow is important if clubs don't want to lose the faith of their key stakeholder - the fans and particular the members.

Twenty years ago footy fans might have accepted that their club fed them bull dust but that is changing and the risk is fans who become disenchanted or even annoyed by this culture of rubbish may decide not buy a membership. Instead hey might but one with Melbourne Heart.

Look at membership numbers now. Twenty years ago a club could survive with 20, 000 members. Not now.

Look at American sport. The have long recognized the importance of providing accurate information - and for that matter meaningful media access to players and coaches - to fans and the risks associated with not doing so .

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I think there are two factors at work here:

(1) With some of our injured players - and particularly the 3 big forwards - Misso et al genuinely don't know when they will return; and

(2) If they told the truth about this in blunt language - "clark, dawes and hogan might not return until the 2nd half of the season, if at all" - you could kiss goodbye to several thousand memberships.

Telling it like it is would have destroyed the momentum and lift we received over the summer, hurting attendances and memberships by stating to all and sundry that we're unlikely to win a game before June or July.

I find it hard to believe that your hopes are raised each week listening to Misso's report; surely you can read between the lines better than that.

This isn't some new phenomenon, and it's not unique to Melbourne.

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Im not trying to defend the club

Its rubbish, but Im just not surprised.

Nor do i think youll attract members by telling the truth

Anyone who supports this club quite frankly must by definition , or at least association be settled into la-la land

Jessep understood !!

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I have watched very few videos apart from Speeches since "Whiteboard Wednesday". It is spin. It has to be at this stage.

Don't watch. You will feel better.

For once I agree with WYL, don't watch the bloody thing, I don't, I go to training and form my own opinion, one training report I pointed out the issue with McKenzie, so posters on here were actually better informed on that occasion

As for anybody's opinion on what I post, I don't really care to tell you the truth

i just get a bit bored with the constant carping by a small group of posters on here, who must spend many hours trying to think of what aspect of the Melbourne Football Club to whinge about next.....you do really need to get out more

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What is new is that there is a devoted weekly segment on Deetv as part of the clubs efforts to provide content. Sure the culture of footy has 'long been of rubbery injury reporting but this institutionalizes it and i say is more akin to misinformation.

Also the difference from the past is such content makes an implied promise of providing reliable information to members. Increasingly there is an expectation - not just in football, but other sports eg racing - in this time of increased information flow and access to multiple media platforms that stakeholders are kept well informed. This was not the case even 10 years ago. This information flow is important if clubs don't want to lose the faith of their key stakeholder - the fans and particular the members.

Twenty years ago footy fans might have accepted that their club fed them bull dust but that is changing and the risk is fans who become disenchanted or even annoyed by this culture of rubbish may decide not buy a membership. Instead hey might but one with Melbourne Heart.

Look at membership numbers now. Twenty years ago a club could survive with 20, 000 members. Not now.

Look at American sport. The have long recognized the importance of providing accurate information - and for that matter meaningful media access to players and coaches - to fans and the risks associated with not doing so .

Please - you mean liking hiding the linebackers coke habit, or the dog fighting ring.......American culture a thing of beauty

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The teams are announced days before the match. The rumours of inclusions and exclusions come days before that. There is no tactical reason that makes any sense to not tell us. Right now I'm paying a membership as a charitable donation to a basketcase with ambition. I want and as a member demand better bloody information - especially given it is of no loss (tactically) for the club to reveal it. I want to know what to expect. Then my expectations (at least in this regard) have a basis in reality.

Saty, your defending of the club had bordered on quite silly in the past; it is now genuinely unnecessary.

"a basketcase with ambition"...love it

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consider if you will the alterrnative

i.e the Club tells you plainly where we're at

doesnt bear thinking about really does it.

would kill all enthusiasm of the many in an instant

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The $cully Press Conference was a classic example of how the media dept. runs.

It has to churn out spin at this stage. The truth is too harsh.

The playing list recruited to our club is a Dogs Breakfast. But that cannot be said with Sponsors Logo's all over the screen.

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In the Mitch Clark thread I've had a rant about the seemingly incorrect information provided to the members from Dave Misson. It's very disappointing. Don't the club realise that it's disappointing enough to have an injury list that's crippling the start of the season but it's doubly disappointing to be given false hope each week only to have it dashed. It will be interesting to see if Watts plays Sunday - if he doesn't we can mark it down to another bit of missing information to join the Jordie piece from last week. Doesn't the club understand the concept of Japanese management. Tell people the bad news well in advance so when it happens they've had a chance to adjust to it.

One of the items I used to enjoy last year and in previous years was the report on how those that played for Casey went on the weekend. The descriptions were a bit apocryphal but the flavour was usually there. Not only that it gave a good indication of at least who played.

I've been eagerly awaiting this item this week but unless I've missed it it has yet to appear. I'm wondering how Viney went, Kent, Salem and Hunt. But not a word.

There are a couple of other small things from a personal perspective that I'm not going to detail which have been disappointing but to borrow a famous expression "what we have here is a failure to communicate".

Common MFC, you're better than this.

The MFC Injury Report is a trap for fools who haven't figured out how AFL club injury lists work, even with decades of precedent...

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The club has methodically been building up our chances since day 1 of Roos.

Unfortunately first a washer then a nut then a wheel, then another wheel fall off of our little red and blue wagon

we're dragging our arrse in the dirt.

Try selling that to the public ....just saying

The FD , aka Ministery of Truth dont have much choice ...not really.

They like us just hope a couple of lads get back on the track sooner rather than later and start getting things happening in a more positive manner, so REAL stories can be spread of good times (maybe ) ahead

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As I said in the other thread it is possible Roosy is playing Rope-a-Dope and all the pieces (well some) come out to fire round 4 Vs Carlton.

If Viney, Hogan and Dawes are up and going by then I think we've got a good show.

Yes I know long odds....(that that is a strategy)

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Like Judd, whose return has now been pushed out by another 2 weeks, I don't place much emphasis on when players are due back because some injuries heal quicker than others, some players with identical injuries heal quicker than other players, some players can play with niggles and others can't, some players are actually not all that honest with medical staff in their hunger to get on the park.

I question anyone who goes to the bank with the guesstimates any clubs present as to when a player will return. Its taken it with a grain of salt.

I will agree that I believe for memberships sake and the like clubs will present a more optimistic estimate rather than tell supporters that there is chance that "you'll never see Mitch Clark in a Melbourne jumper again". ( as some on here have suggested)

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