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Training - Monday 24th February, 2014

Mister Ed

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Just went past Goschs Paddock on my way to town and there seems to be some sort of training session going on.

Checked the club site and it confirms there is a session today and on Wednesday at 9.30am.


Everyone is still out on the turps celebrating last Thursdays Intraclub win.


Would've thought they'd put it up on the club site a week in advance to let fans know, unless it's a closed session. Don't know how it can be closed at Gosch's, unless they pull one almighty shower curtain around it.


This is what the site says:-

Upcoming open training sessions:

Monday 24 February - 9:30am - Gosch’s Paddock
Wednesday 26 February - 9:30am - Gosch’s Paddock

All other training sessions are closed sessions.

Well ... if there are no reports, we won't have the usual hysteria or mass panic we otherwise might had if one of the players had a scheduled rest morning and didn't turn up. :unsure:


This is what the site says:-

Well ... if there are no reports, we won't have the usual hysteria or mass panic we otherwise might had if one of the players had a scheduled rest morning and didn't turn up. :unsure:

Where is the fun in that WJ?


This is what the site says:-

Well ... if there are no reports, we won't have the usual hysteria or mass panic we otherwise might had if one of the players had a scheduled rest morning and didn't turn up. :unsure:

Wondered why this Monday felt really flat! What's a Monday without the usual mass panic?

By the way, I can't let the word "hysteria" pass without mentioning that my ex used to complain about the implicit put-down of women in the word. So, to describe anxieties that were specifically masculine (including anxieties about sports teams), she coined the words "scroteria" and "scroterical"! Does this apply here?


Wondered why this Monday felt really flat! What's a Monday without the usual mass panic?

By the way, I can't let the word "hysteria" pass without mentioning that my ex used to complain about the implicit put-down of women in the word. So, to describe anxieties that were specifically masculine (including anxieties about sports teams), she coined the words "scroteria" and "scroterical"! Does this apply here?

And that's why she's your ex right?


Clark was running laps.


Clark was running laps.

At long last we have a post with meaning.

So DZ was he on his own? Did he run with a limp?

Was his thigh bandaged?

I am desperate for info.

I'll see you all there on Wednesday 9:30 sharp


And that's why she's your ex right?

You got that right!

It was also why I never got scroterical about her.


This is what the site says:-

Well ... if there are no reports, we won't have the usual hysteria or mass panic we otherwise might had if one of the players had a scheduled rest morning and didn't turn up. :unsure:

I was there very briefly (a breather while riding to work). Not much to report except that there was one other spectator there apart from me, and that Watts, Trengove and Roos spent a few minutes talking with the first-year players before the main session started. Then it was time to get back on the bike and to work ...

Oh, and I couldn't see too many houses nearby, so the boys must have trained them down ... :)


Wondered why this Monday felt really flat! What's a Monday without the usual mass panic?

By the way, I can't let the word "hysteria" pass without mentioning that my ex used to complain about the implicit put-down of women in the word. So, to describe anxieties that were specifically masculine (including anxieties about sports teams), she coined the words "scroteria" and "scroterical"! Does this apply here?

She's nuts!


At long last we have a post with meaning.

So DZ was he on his own? Did he run with a limp?

Was his thigh bandaged?

I am desperate for info.

I'll see you all there on Wednesday 9:30 sharp

It was a joke, he is always running laps.


breaking news colin garland still on mitch clark full and broke his Foot againz

Surely you are joking!


If he is he's due for a long rest from this site.

If he is not than MC is due for a very long rest.

Like the rest of his career.


If he is he's due for a long rest from this site.

And that's just for crimes against the English language.


breaking news colin garland still on mitch clark full and broke his Foot againz

I sincerely hope your account has been hacked...


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