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Watts waiting on coaching appointment


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Don't ignore the gargantuan effort West Coast have made in developing Naitanui.

I've no doubt whatsoever that we wouldn't have invested even half the resources they have in developing him.

We'd be lucky if he'd reached the level of Majak Daw by now - a handful of highlights, but not a lot of substance.

Daw has done more than Watts. At least he has a highlight reel. Watts has a couple of good moments and a bloopers reel a mile long. He's a talented spud. Always will be. No heart and no guts. Brain may or may not work depending on the luck of the draw. Now he wants his stay conditional on the coach? Delist him. Make him play for GWS and be Cameron and Patton's understudy in the magoos. It'd be worth losing the value he might have on the market to make a statement to the rest of the team - if you can't play here with heart then you are worth NOTHING to us. NOTHING. There are too many underachieving sooks on our list, and we should never be a party to helping then find a new home.

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jack needs time for what?

he already has the skill set

will he wake up one day and magically decide he has a liking for the contest?

accept it....he is just too soft for afl football

we can't just keep saying another year, a few more games, a new mentor. its not in his dna

if he still has currency get what we can for a trade

yeah i know its sad, but i don't want to do nothing and be condemned for another long period on the bottom with players going nowhere

I agree with what you say. He has the skill set, should not need more time. Certainly plays soft most of the time. I have seen him contest and have have seen him tackle and even 2nd and 3rd efforts,

BUT he like the whole side it seems have lost any enthusiasm for the game.

Where is the intensity and competitive effort? why dont our coaching staff concentrate on this. I obviously dont get to training but reckon these boys should be training at an intensity level early in the week that they leave the field absolutely spent. Watch some (any) of the other teams at this level and see how they contest.

This is a coaching issue. using the skill and improving it making game patterns around and with the skill sets inspiring intensity and will to win. Yes it is within and expressed more overtly by some eg Viney Jones clark but the coach needs to use that intensity correctly as well.

I am going to next weeks game and will be watching closely and carefully. I will be expressing my thoughts more clearly and loudly I will display my passion proudly and hope that the players display similar, a definite improvement on last week is needed intensity and energy is where it starts.

Watts will certainly be in my vision as I have been a supporter of his and think I can understand his frustration. I do not expect him to win every contest every time and understand he can be inconsistent Next week he must run hard and play hard and use his skills to maximum. I would like his teammates to do the same and use him, demand this of him, but allow him space, protect him when required, show some bloody passion.

I reckon he can deliver and the side can be better than it is

I reckon we need a coach who understands that and can get the result through better selection, positioning, strategies and tactics.

A good coach needs Watts also

so please be careful in releasing him.

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jack needs time for what?

he already has the skill set

will he wake up one day and magically decide he has a liking for the contest?

accept it....he is just too soft for afl football

we can't just keep saying another year, a few more games, a new mentor. its not in his dna

if he still has currency get what we can for a trade

yeah i know its sad, but i don't want to do nothing and be condemned for another long period on the bottom with players going nowhere

Im finding it harder and harder to counter this line of thinking. Id really like to think he does have it in him.

What irks me though is this notion of 'who the coach will be " as if by that proclamation he will find incentive and inspiration to step up.

Jack..its all about the self. Its not what others will do for you its what you will do for yourself. If you cant get that through your thick sconce then NOTHING will magically invigorate you son.

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I think JW is more a keeper, for the simple reason he is has more value than any trade will offer.

Clubs want to rip each other off, not give value for trades.

I'm not sure anyone Carlton delists or gives up is going to be of any worth, else Mick would keep them.

If Jack opts to leave, I'd rather he go in the draft (to GWS) than accept some consolation deal from the Carltons of the league.

Edited by GM11
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I think JW is more a keeper, for the simple reason he is has more value than any trade will offer.

Clubs want to rip each other off, not give value for trades.

I'm not sure anyone Carlton delists or gives up is going to be of any worth, else Mick would keep them.

If Jack opts to leave, I'd rather he go in the draft (to GWS) than accept some consolation deal from the Carltons of the league.

That's just stupid. Letting a player go to the draft because you aren't willing to accept 'some consolation deal' is ridiculous, would you not rather have pick 40 for a player rather than nothing at all, even if the player may be worth pick 15 or what have you?

This is definitely not the time to make emotional, idiotic decisions like that and thankfully, our club wouldn't let that eventuate. They'll squeeze every drop of value from it (if it happens), I'm sure.

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Im finding it harder and harder to counter this line of thinking. Id really like to think he does have it in him.

What irks me though is this notion of 'who the coach will be " as if by that proclamation he will find incentive and inspiration to step up.

Jack..its all about the self. Its not what others will do for you its what you will do for yourself. If you cant get that through your thick sconce then NOTHING will magically invigorate you son.

We seem to forget that AFL footy is now a full time, professional form of employment, which, compared to other forms of employment, has a limited life as a career.

As with any employee, you have a right to investigate what remuneration may be available to you, the environment and nature of the infrastructure at any new work place and whom your potential new boss may be. That is just life.

As far as the worth of Jack Watts is concerned and whether he has it or not, to make an A-grade AFL player, the market will determine that, as it will with any AFL listed player.

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Thats bull [censored], the kids got no heart and he doesn't give a [censored], TRADE.

I agree... Please Jack Watts don't wait ... Go Now.. ! After what I saw on Saturday.... Weak Heart, Soft , Soft, Not much ability either... We do not need him ... Nothing to offer this Club.... :mad:

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Daw has done more than Watts. At least he has a highlight reel. Watts has a couple of good moments and a bloopers reel a mile long. He's a talented spud. Always will be. No heart and no guts. Brain may or may not work depending on the luck of the draw. Now he wants his stay conditional on the coach? Delist him. Make him play for GWS and be Cameron and Patton's understudy in the magoos. It'd be worth losing the value he might have on the market to make a statement to the rest of the team - if you can't play here with heart then you are worth NOTHING to us. NOTHING. There are too many underachieving sooks on our list, and we should never be a party to helping then find a new home.

100 percent correct !! Culture change please.... NOW !! Fark the sooks off.. along with those who are defending them... Saturday was the nail in the current lists coffin... I do not care anymore how long it takes ... just weed them out...!!

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We seem to forget that AFL footy is now a full time, professional form of employment, which, compared to other forms of employment, has a limited life as a career.

As with any employee, you have a right to investigate what remuneration may be available to you, the environment and nature of the infrastructure at any new work place and whom your potential new boss may be. That is just life.

As far as the worth of Jack Watts is concerned and whether he has it or not, to make an A-grade AFL player, the market will determine that, as it will with any AFL listed player.

I dont see it as anything to do with remunerations.

I see it as everything to do with drive and effort.

He can be good, and its sterling and he can be bad and its often.

This guy ought to be personally sponsored by Russell ( the yo-yos not athletics...lol )

I get the impression Watts is waiting for the magic bus, the one with the driver and onboard help that will be the missing pieces of his personal jigsaw.

This is what I see as flawed. Nothing will help him if he cant help himself. And he doesnt seem capable of doing that on an ongoing basis.

Good players dont wait , they just do

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I dont see it as anything to do with remunerations.

I see it as everything to do with drive and effort.

He can be good, and its sterling and he can be bad and its often.

This guy ought to be personally sponsored by Russell ( the yo-yos not athletics...lol )

I get the impression Watts is waiting for the magic bus, the one with the driver and onboard help that will be the missing pieces of his personal jigsaw.

This is what I see as flawed. Nothing will help him if he cant help himself. And he doesnt seem capable of doing that on an ongoing basis.

Good players dont wait , they just do

Correct, but remuneration is part of anybody's job outlook, is it not? I would reckon anybody looking at the prospect of a new job would look at the remuneration package as well as the other employment conditions which may apply, as I pointed out above.

There is another topic on this forum which speaks about a "soulless club". If even half of what is being said in that thread is correct, it is little wonder players may be looking elsewhere. And that is no fault of their own. Rather, it is the workplace provided by the administration to its "employees", that is the main problem. As I said, whether the perception that Jack Watts is good enough or not, will be determined by the market. JW is well within his rights to see what his future employment conditions may be, before making a decision. As it is with any employee.

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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I have read this thread over the last couple of days.

Let me say one thing loudly.


Shame on the MFC for its absolute shoddy treatment of this kid with potential, which started with that disgraceful Queens Birthday farce where he was thrown to the wolves whilst the PA system announced it.

It was horrible. Thankfully all the clueless fools who initiated that rubbish are gone.

Lets see Roos coach Watts. Not Malthouse, because they do want him. That i know.

Wake Up.

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I have read this thread over the last couple of days.

Let me say one thing loudly.


Shame on the MFC for its absolute shoddy treatment of this kid with potential, which started with that disgraceful Queens Birthday farce where he was thrown to the wolves whilst the PA system announced it.

It was horrible. Thankfully all the clueless fools who initiated that rubbish are gone.

Lets see Roos coach Watts. Not Malthouse, because they do want him. That i know.

Wake Up.

Some common sense, at last.

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Correct, but remuneration is part of anybody's job outlook, is it not? I would reckon anybody looking at the prospect of a new job would look at the remuneration package as well as the other employment conditions which may apply, as I pointed out above.

There is another topic on this forum which speaks about a "soulless club". If even half of what is being said in that thread is correct, it is little wonder players may be looking elsewhere. And that is no fault of their own. Rather, it is the workplace provided by the administration to its "employees", that is the main problem. As I said, whether the perception that Jack Watts is good enough or not, will be determined by the market. JW is well within his rights to see what his future employment conditions may be, before making a decision. As it is with any employee.

mate I think we're close but as though on parallel train lines :)

Ive been in situations where ive been offered more money and it just didnt work out. If your heart isnt in in it becomes a lie.

Workplace environment.. Now heres something. I can see this as being perfectly valid as a constituent to ones demeanor. Not the cause, just an ingredient to it all.

in Jacks case , the club presents ( probably as a bit of a pigs breakfast ) a less than homogenous environ ( currently ) Though one would tend to think a direction is palatable.. Its not just a coach though. Its the Board, its the FD in its entirety , the training facilites etc.

Jack will have no say in any of this and yet its really just the coach apparently he's waiting on ?? Again goes to the desire for the magic wand effect ( for mine )

I think what irks many is he isnt that bloody good he can command such special distinction of platitudes etc.

I think hes putting his cart before the horse...imho

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funny if they appoint a coach of jacks liking but the coach don't like jack and plays him in ressies

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I have read this thread over the last couple of days.

Let me say one thing loudly.


Shame on the MFC for its absolute shoddy treatment of this kid with potential, which started with that disgraceful Queens Birthday farce where he was thrown to the wolves whilst the PA system announced it.

It was horrible. Thankfully all the clueless fools who initiated that rubbish are gone.

Lets see Roos coach Watts. Not Malthouse, because they do want him. That i know.

Wake Up.

I think it's time for you to wake up WYL. Watts will never be the gun he was apparently supposed to be, not at the MFC at least anyway.

Far too much water has gone under the bridge and he is way too mentally weak - waiting on a coach to show you the way instead of trying to stand on your on two feet speaks volumes about his character. He could learn more than a few things from Jones and Garland.

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funny if they appoint a coach of jacks liking but the coach don't like jack and plays him in ressies

He will be four years too late jazza.

Watts should have spent way more time there in the beginning.

But as usual we want miracles from kids in their first couple of years.

I think Jack actually thinks he is way better than he is because he has believed the MFC propaganda

that started in 2009.

I actually think we need to retain him but at the right price.

If that is not possible trade for the best deal we can imagine and if no one takes the bait.

Well guess what Jack you stay here or go to another low side in the Pre season draft.

Edited by old dee
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That's just stupid. Letting a player go to the draft because you aren't willing to accept 'some consolation deal' is ridiculous, would you not rather have pick 40 for a player rather than nothing at all, even if the player may be worth pick 15 or what have you?

This is definitely not the time to make emotional, idiotic decisions like that and thankfully, our club wouldn't let that eventuate. They'll squeeze every drop of value from it (if it happens), I'm sure.

Nothing emotional about it.

We need to harden up as a club and not just on field.

You know we would never get anything like value for Watts.

Line in the sand time.

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dunno old dee

if they trade him , I think the highest possible draft selection will be better than a player of similar ilk

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dunno old dee

if they trade him , I think the highest possible draft selection will be better than a player of similar ilk

If the player is a ready to go midfielder aged 22-25 then I'd take the player thanks as long as the value of the player equals the value of Watts.

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I think it's time for you to wake up WYL. Watts will never be the gun he was apparently supposed to be, not at the MFC at least anyway.

Far too much water has gone under the bridge and he is way too mentally weak - waiting on a coach to show you the way instead of trying to stand on your on two feet speaks volumes about his character. He could learn more than a few things from Jones and Garland.


That attitude will kill us.

Jack Watts came to this club as a number one draft pick SCHOOLBOY.

He has since been coached by 2 FAILED ROOKIE COACHES

Amidst a club that until March this year has been politically pulling itself to bits.

What chance has he had??

If we lose a second number one draft pick to a bigger club who then thrives, this club is finished.

Jackson MUST get a topline coach and Footy Manager into this club real soon so players want to stay.

This is Serious sh!t now.

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dunno old dee

if they trade him , I think the highest possible draft selection will be better than a player of similar ilk

That is one part of why i say I would like to keep him jazza.

What I am suggesting is drive a hard bargain.

Only accept the a deal more than what we believe he is worth.

If there is a taker take it if not he stays.

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That is one part of why i say I would like to keep him jazza.

What I am suggesting is drive a hard bargain.

Only except the a deal more than what we believe he is worth.

If there is a taker take it if not he stays.

do you think other clubs don't scout our games

believe me theyd be aware of his value

im just in the realm of a DC for the new coach to start fresh

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That attitude will kill us.

Jack Watts came to this club as a number one draft pick SCHOOLBOY.

He has since been coached by 2 FAILED ROOKIE COACHES

Amidst a club that until March this year has been politically pulling itself to bits.

What chance has he had??

If we lose a second number one draft pick to a bigger club who then thrives, this club is finished.

Jackson MUST get a topline coach and Footy Manager into this club real soon so players want to stay.

This is Serious [censored] now.

The wrong attitude is to hold on to a mentally weak player in the hope that another coach will make him into a star. That is a classic MFC thing to do, which we have been doing for a while.

Jack Watts has had a huge opportunity to pull his socks up, make a stand on field and say 'I want to help this club become good again and I will play to my potential', instead of stating that he will only sign depending on who the coach is.

In contrast to your views I believe that if we lose Watts, depending on the deal that is wrangled of course, the club can benefit nicely.

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