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I liked Tony's speech to the Forestry Industry forum yesterday. Basically he nailed it with his claim that there are too many national parks, too many bloody trees, let's be honest! I mean what have forests ever done for us? I think this line captures the sentiment of his speech:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Hard to argue with this I reckon!

Please tell me you are making that up?

Even the Monk would not be so stupid!

Wait I think I will take my last comment back.

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I believe that in response to his application to join the ministry god spake unto Tony suggesting he go forth and multiply... and so he took up a ministry of another kind and has since been applying his lord's suggestion to just about anything he can think of (well, anything instigated by the opposition).

Hardtrack good point but what are we going to do about all these trees? All these national parks? I mean it is a huge problem to have all these trees locked up away from "the ultimate environmentalists", the loggers, for God sakes. We will be over run with bloody furry marsupials at this rate. Leadbeater possums eating out the crops of hard working National Party voting farmers for instance.

Where is Greg Hunt when you need him.

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Please tell me you are making that up?

Even the Monk would not be so stupid!

Wait I think I will take my last comment back.

Yes I am. DF sorry I used some poetic licence from Genesis to try to capture the essence of his thinking. I still think it is a good fit though. And I am sure Tony and I are both using the same reference book

We are but hewers of wood according to Tony.

Edited by The Hood
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Now that's a smackdown.

The only thing I disagree with is the Fact we want the Monk anywhere near us in WA.

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I liked Tony's speech to the Forestry Industry forum yesterday. Basically he nailed it with his claim that there are too many national parks, too many bloody trees, let's be honest! I mean what have forests ever done for us? I think this line captures the sentiment of his speech:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Hard to argue with this I reckon!

well, I guess it may come down to which gods interpretation he follows. so if as suggested god sent the serpent to oversee us this past 2000 years, so as for us to learn the correct way after our misdeeds, from our mistakes, & to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak, then I wouldn't be surprised that Uncle Tony wants to further damage Lifes Carbon Capture Reserves, so he can make more toilet paper, cheaper.

one day when Dawn Breaks, Uncle Tony will wake up with more than a stink on him.

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well, I guess it may come down to which gods interpretation he follows. so if as suggested god sent the serpent to oversee us this past 2000 years, to teach us the correct wat by our mistakes & to sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak, then I wouldn't be surprised that Uncle Tony wants to further damage Lifes Carbon Capture Reserves, so he can make more toilet paper, cheaper.

one day when Dawn Breaks, Uncle Tony will wake up with more than a stink on him.

Well, to quote a Wayne Wang film title, "Life's Cheap. Toilet Paper's Expensive" - it all makes sense.

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Hardtrack good point but what are we going to do about all these trees? All these national parks? I mean it is a huge problem to have all these trees locked up away from "the ultimate environmentalists", the loggers, for God sakes. We will be over run with bloody furry marsupials at this rate. Leadbeater possums eating out the crops of hard working National Party voting farmers for instance.

Where is Greg Hunt when you need him.

scurrying up the union jack flag pole like rat in a great flood, or the nearest flag pole he can get to while the music's still playing.

It may even be the 'Rising Sun' pole, where he dances to ' the flight of the last jumbo '

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Just been chopping down some massive gum trees.doing my bit for the country and our fearless "lame churchy loser" leader .

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greed isn't a natural part of us dc, its a response by some, to the the rules of the day, & the tall poppies amongst us take the latitude within those rules & run with it, for all they can; because we are in a nuclear family existence, at a time of plenty.

those greedy think, "I'm off" "outa here" & away they go with their newfound freedom of not needing others, accept their 'Own-erships'.

as the prophets seem to say, inc' , the bible,,, this is the end of days, of the old world; eventually culminating in a big war, "like no other", then the return to christ? alah? snake? buddha? creator?... God? of all, whether that be in the flesh? or the spiritual?

they all say the same/similar,

...... then we all work together, not for greed or profit, but for one another. & then peace for a millennium.

the world doesn't End apparently, for a few thousand years yet. after we've left this place, & the sun explodes.

call it greed or lust or power, but it is certainly in our genes o-d, like it or not

disagree,,, but we are full of a free spirit to explore & learn; notice the 'We'. no 'I'

our brains have the ability to grow according to our needs. When our 'wants' in a time of plenty, are transferred into our 'wishes', & become desires, the brain has the ability to alter its neural networks, to suit those desires. re-wiring on the job. sadly.

... this is also how some therapies work, to try to undo some of the damage done by abuse.... & people with spinal cord injury, can train to grow new neural networks, so their limbs can again receive the messages intended for them.

the moral is, to not let the greed overturn the good,,, and let the bad re-program your brain, to its end.


eg: http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/two-men-found-guilty-of-selling-trade-secrets-to-china/story-fn5lic6c-1226846843705

'like no other'

eventually will end in a trad' War, & then later, with some nuclear explosions.

before the world changes.....

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Just been chopping down some massive gum trees.doing my bit for the country and our fearless "lame churchy loser" leader .

You forgot the bit where she called him 'gei' as well. (Sorry about the spelling. The censored button on this forum is going overboard. It's not even an insult, lewd or degrading)

Edited by Colin B. Flaubert
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our brains have the ability to grow according to our needs, when our wants in a time of plenty, are then transferred into our 'wishes' & become desires, the brain will alter its neural networks to suit those desires. re-wiring on the job.

... this is also how some therapies work to try to undo some of the damage done by abuse.... or for people with spinal cord injury, can train to grow new neural networks, so the limbs can again receive the messages intended for them.


lets hope so choke

lets hope it goes that far, to help these conditions as well.

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Or a bad Mother. Or a bad female Boss!

Or a bad female politician.

Equality does go Both ways.

The Monk does not believe in equity.

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Greg Hunt Minister for the Environment! Track record so far. These issues are all going south under Greg.

Carbon tax gone

Climate change authority gone

Mining tax gone

Green energy funding gone

Trial cattle grazing in Victorian Alpine regions

Open season on culling sharks in WA

CSG fracking anywhere you might want it

Great Barrier Reef dredging spoil from ports

Didn't send a boat to the Antarctic to oversee the Japonese Whaling Fleet - no science involved.

Oh and let's excise 74000 hectares of native forest from The World Heritage Area in Tasmania for what reason? To aid the ultimate conservationists, the loggers in their bulldozers?

Yes lets Clear fell an area, wood chip the proceeds, fire bomb the degraded area, reseed the area and plant poisons to ensure every furry marsupial dies before it can eat your seeds. Great system. Greg must be proud of his achievements so far.

Wonder how Greg keeps a straight face really.

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Greg Hunt Minister for the Environment! Track record so far. These issues are all going south under Greg.

Carbon tax gone
Climate change authority gone
Mining tax gone
Green energy funding gone
Trial cattle grazing in Victorian Alpine regions
Open season on culling sharks in WA
CSG fracking anywhere you might want it
Great Barrier Reef dredging spoil from ports
Didn't send a boat to the Antarctic to oversee the Japonese Whaling Fleet - no science involved.

Oh and let's excise 74000 hectares of native forest from The World Heritage Area in Tasmania for what reason? To aid the ultimate conservationists, the loggers in their bulldozers?

Yes lets Clear fell an area, wood chip the proceeds, fire bomb the degraded area, reseed the area and plant poisons to ensure every furry marsupial dies before it can eat your seeds. Great system. Greg must be proud of his achievements so far.

Wonder how Greg keeps a straight face really.

even IF greg Hunt were to be the aniti-christs disciple, the loggers & the bulldozers are not natures enemies. the wood-chipping machines are the antithesis of natures balance, its not the chainsaw that's the problem. its the methods of the GREED, that drives the cogs in the machine.

its the cheapness the Right Wing of politics is prepared to chop & sell off our forests, cheap as chips.

Clearfelling is Just Plain Wrong.... in any language you like. accept for maybe the Rights language, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . 0000000000

its only the ignorant who don't understand the damage done by clearfelling... & natures need for bio diversity, thats lost with this mongrel act of clearfelling, & burning of our Old-Growth forests.

I have no issue with selective harvesting of timber logs, AIR Lifted out; for the timber industry... the old time loggers were selecting logs for milling & use in building & joinery/furniture. they were conservationists, within reason.

I look forward to the day when I get the chance to frack tony abbotts, & greg hunts rumps. turn abo_'t could simply Not pass Go, & not collect $200.00, on his way his new abode on the boards corner.

.... greg hunt, on the other hand could be para-chuted in to the Ant-Arctic, with a pair of floaties, flippers & a trans-ponder pinned to his Fore-Head; to hitch a ride with Moby [censored].


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Hunt is just a complete clown. It's odds on that when he opens his mouth, something idiotic is going to spew out of it. His BBC interview where he took the interviewer to task for swearing at him when she was quoting Tony's "climate change is crap" remark has to go down as one of the more absurd interviews I've heard. The man is an idiot and belongs in the thread title every bit as much as Tony.

He's actually the perfect face for the portfolio under Abbott. As you pont out, it's been a shameful start to what is going to be a tough slog for anyone who gives even half a [censored] about the environment.

Only Brandis nudges ahead of him for the title of most intensely unlikeable.

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Hunt is just a complete clown. It's odds on that when he opens his mouth, something idiotic is going to spew out of it. His BBC interview where he took the interviewer to task for swearing at him when she was quoting Tony's "climate change is crap" remark has to go down as one of the more absurd interviews I've heard. The man is an [censored] and belongs in the thread title every bit as much as Tony.

He's actually the perfect face for the portfolio under Abbott. As you pont out, it's been a shameful start to what is going to be a tough slog for anyone who gives even half a [censored] about the environment.

Only Brandis nudges ahead of him for the title of most intensely unlikeable.

they're both just cheap imitations of John Howard.

And John Howard was just an average politician, who kept on keeping on.

so really the thing that is running the country & the public perception is the media. led by the right wing media of news . & the few cocky arrogant front anchors, who are on mega bucks.

I never thought I'd see the abc pushing for greed. but then again they could yet be sold.

or we could be sold down the river, as it were.


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And John Howard was just an average politician, who kept on keeping on.

Disagree completely - whilst I did not like Howards politics he was the consummate politician who ( until the last months of his premiership) rarely made a gaff. He was all over his policies and was not prone to the absurd like Abbott.

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Disagree completely - whilst I did not like Howards politics he was the consummate politician who ( until the last months of his premiership) rarely made a gaff. He was all over his policies and was not prone to the absurd like Abbott.

Agreed. Howard was arguably the most accomplished polly we've seen. You don't last as long as he did without knowing all the tricks of the trade.

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Disagree completely - whilst I did not like Howards politics he was the consummate politician who ( until the last months of his premiership) rarely made a gaff. He was all over his policies and was not prone to the absurd like Abbott.

consumate ?


to say he comsum mated us, you may be right. Iraq, Afghanistan, Free Trade agreements that Aren't, Lies, children overboard, have a baby for the country tax incentive, smashing of awards, etc etc.

fulfilled his dream, yes

consummate, perfect in every respect? No

but to me, an average politician who had the backing of his party, after others fell by the wayside. He was there (in the liberal party) so long, he eventually became fashionable, in his 5 mins.


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