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The way you carry on RF, anyone could be excused for thinking that the ABC comprises nothing but left wing political coverage and nothing else... when in fact it has, over the years, produced some of the greatest Australian products for television which get far more airtime than any of the political coverage. The best bar none, locally produced comedy has come out of the ABC, some of the best Australian produced dramas and some of the best Australian produced documentaries.

I am more than happy to have my taxes go into funding the ABC for those very reasons.

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The way you carry on RF, anyone could be excused for thinking that the ABC comprises nothing but left wing political coverage and nothing else... when in fact it has, over the years, produced some of the greatest Australian products for television which get far more airtime than any of the political coverage. The best bar none, locally produced comedy has come out of the ABC, some of the best Australian produced dramas and some of the best Australian produced documentaries.

I am more than happy to have my taxes go into funding the ABC for those very reasons.

The ABC produces rubbish and I stopped wasting time watching it long ago. Give me some of the names of these locally produced comedy shows you talk of. Some of the most self indulgent, unfunny, anti Liberal hacks, who think any time they mention something derogatory against the Libs is funny, are they the ones you are thinking of? The documentaries they wouldn't be all the Climate Change scare mongers telling us the World is ending like Richard Attenborough?

Of course it doesn't surprise me that you love it, I'd expect nothing else.

Edited by RobbieF
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Jesus RF you can be a cantankerous old bugger... I find it funny that you constantly refer to others as being "anti liberal" or dismiss the ABC content as being produced by "anti liberal hacks", yet here you are doing exactly the same thing over and over and over ad infinitum. And please don't take your usual apologist stance of saying that you have voted labour in the past and that you would turn against the liberals if they started implementing policy or governing in a way that you disapproved... you are nothing less than an welded (not rusted) on liberal supporter. Much like your accusations against another poster for choosing not to vote... when you were accused (rightfully) of saying the same thing yourself, suddenly you had what you considered a reasonable excuse and didn't see any need to take any side as you had suggested that poster do.

As for the TV shows, I suggest you search up the wiki page that lists Australian made TV shows over the years. But as a starter, the ABC has always led in sport commentary (maybe not the so much the image quality, but certainly in commentary and in balanced views of the game), the ABC has given us a couple of our most successful TV comedies in "Mother and Son" and "Kath and Kim", they have given us and continue to give us, the best of children's television, they gave us Denton, HG & Roy, Harry Butler, GTK, Rage, Countrywide, Spicks and Specks, The Fast Lane, Rockwiz, Towards 2000, The Inventors, Why Is It So?, Rush, Bill Peach's Gold, G.P, Blue Murder, Brides of Christ and on it goes...

However, if your preference is for shows like A Current Affair, 60 Minutes, Wheel of Fortune, Neighbours and so on, all filled with informative advertisements, I can see where you are coming from.

I very rarely watch television, but when I do I want to watch quality local product... and the ABC provides that (I m NOT talking about politically oriented material) and we would be much poorer for it if they were to lose the ability to continue doing so. Unfortunately, you simply let your unrelenting hatred of the labour party cloud your vision on all things related to the ABC. You follow your master like a faithful dog.

Edited by hardtack
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Jesus RF you can be a cantankerous old bugger... I find it funny that you constantly refer to others as being "anti liberal" or dismiss the ABC content as being produced by "anti liberal hacks", yet here you are doing exactly the same thing over and over and over ad infinitum. And please don't take your usual apologist stance of saying that you have voted labour in the past and that you would turn against the liberals if they started implementing policy or governing in a way that you disapproved... you are nothing less than an welded (not rusted) on liberal supporter. Much like your accusations against another poster for choosing not to vote... when you were accused (rightfully) of saying the same thing yourself, suddenly you had what you considered a reasonable excuse and didn't see any need to take any side as you had suggested that poster do.

As for the TV shows, I suggest you search up the wiki page that lists Australian made TV shows over the years. But as a starter, the ABC has always led in sport commentary (maybe not the so much the image quality, but certainly in commentary and in balanced views of the game), the ABC has given us a couple of our most successful TV comedies in "Mother and Son" and "Kath and Kim", they have given us and continue to give us, the best of children's television, they gave us Denton, HG & Roy, Harry Butler, GTK, Rage, Countrywide, Spicks and Specks, The Fast Lane, Rockwiz, Towards 2000, The Inventors, Why Is It So?, Rush, Bill Peach's Gold, G.P, Blue Murder, Brides of Christ and on it goes...

However, if your preference is for shows like A Current Affair, 60 Minutes, Wheel of Fortune, Neighbours and so on, all filled with informative advertisements, I can see where you are coming from.

I very rarely watch television, but when I do I want to watch quality local product... and the ABC provides that (I m NOT talking about politically oriented material) and we would be much poorer for it if they were to lose the ability to continue doing so. Unfortunately, you simply let your unrelenting hatred of the labour party cloud your vision on all things related to the ABC. You follow your master like a faithful dog.

I haven't voted Labor for 30 years so I'm not sure what you're on; if I don't vote for the current Liberal Party in Victoria it's because they are incompetent and I can't see one of them that could lead the party, the same applies to the Labor Party. I may vote for an independent but I doubt it, irrespective the Libs will win the seat I'm in by a mile, with or without my vote.

Now let's get on to your choice of Comedy and Drama; are you serious? Roy and HG, Mother and Son, no thanks. Denton is an obnoxious little [censored] but I guess he suits you, the rest of them I wouldn't bother with but even if I did do you think that producing a couple of successful shows, by ABC standards, justifies the vast amount of money spent?

Christ how long ago was Kath and Kim; one of your favourites was it?

Why on Earth would you think I'd watch A Current Affair, 60 Minutes, Wheel of Fortune, Neighbours and so on, do you I certainly don't; oh! I get it that's your feeble way of trying to insult me, good job.

"You follow your master like a faithful dog." Now there's an interesting comment I don't have any masters; oh! that's another effort to insult me, silly me?

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I haven't voted Labor for 30 years so I'm not sure what you're on; if I don't vote for the current Liberal Party in Victoria it's because they are incompetent and I can't see one of them that could lead the party, the same applies to the Labor Party. I may vote for an independent but I doubt it, irrespective the Libs will win the seat I'm in by a mile, with or without my vote.

Now let's get on to your choice of Comedy and Drama; are you serious? Roy and HG, Mother and Son, no thanks. Denton is an obnoxious little [censored] but I guess he suits you, the rest of them I wouldn't bother with but even if I did do you think that producing a couple of successful shows, by ABC standards, justifies the vast amount of money spent?

Christ how long ago was Kath and Kim; one of your favourites was it?

Why on Earth would you think I'd watch A Current Affair, 60 Minutes, Wheel of Fortune, Neighbours and so on, do you I certainly don't; oh! I get it that's your feeble way of trying to insult me, good job.

"You follow your master like a faithful dog." Now there's an interesting comment I don't have any masters; oh! that's another effort to insult me, silly me?

Ok, on the first comment re your following of labour... I apologise as perhaps I was getting you mixed up with another poster in the thread.

The reason I raised Kath and Kim (not one of my favourites at all... but worth a chuckle on occasion) and Mother and Son... they were very successful on an international level, something that not many other Australian comedies can boast. As for Denton, HG & Roy etc, of course they are a matter of personal taste, but regardless of whether you or I like them or not, they were successful and were critically acclaimed.

And I find it rather funny that you pull me up for casting a couple of what you considered attempts at insults, your way, yet have no qualms about doing it yourself? (the Denton and Kath & Kim asides and your earlier aside as to my liking the ABC)... oh, and you were wrong on the "following your master" comment... that was in no way meant as an insult.

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Ok, on the first comment re your following of labour... I apologise as perhaps I was getting you mixed up with another poster in the thread.

The reason I raised Kath and Kim (not one of my favourites at all... but worth a chuckle on occasion) and Mother and Son... they were very successful on an international level, something that not many other Australian comedies can boast. As for Denton, HG & Roy etc, of course they are a matter of personal taste, but regardless of whether you or I like them or not, they were successful and were critically acclaimed.

And I find it rather funny that you pull me up for casting a couple of what you considered attempts at insults, your way, yet have no qualms about doing it yourself? (the Denton and Kath & Kim asides and your earlier aside as to my liking the ABC)... oh, and you were wrong on the "following your master" comment... that was in no way meant as an insult.

Critically acclaimed by who, left leaning lovers of the ABC I would imagine. Denton has a brain but the other two are brainless morons and I cannot imagine anyone that had who had half an ounce of intelligence would like them.

You're a gem Hardtack, you manage to slip in a number of snide comments and then accuse others of doing the same; perhaps you should look at what you are about to post before you do. You have an aggressive method of posting, as do I , but I realise it you just don't.

And if the "following your master" comment wasn't snide, then what was it?

Whenever someone on here criticises the ABC, types like you always throw up the "Current Affair, HUN, 60 minutes" as a form of insult to try and denigrate the other poster.

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Critically acclaimed by who, left leaning lovers of the ABC I would imagine. Denton has a brain but the other two are brainless morons and I cannot imagine anyone that had who had half an ounce of intelligence would like them.

You're a gem Hardtack, you manage to slip in a number of snide comments and then accuse others of doing the same; perhaps you should look at what you are about to post before you do. You have an aggressive method of posting, as do I , but I realise it you just don't.

And if the "following your master" comment wasn't snide, then what was it?

Whenever someone on here criticises the ABC, types like you always throw up the "Current Affair, HUN, 60 minutes" as a form of insult to try and denigrate the other poster.

As I recall it, the only comment I denied was meant as an insult, was the "follow your master" comment... that was meant as a statement of fact as it seems in your eyes Abbott and his cohorts can do no wrong. Perhaps the fact that you took it as an insult says more about your insecurities than it does about mine.

And there you go again RF, referring to the fact that you realise you have an aggressive method of posting and I don't? Once more on the back foot with the old, "I know you are, but what am I" approach. Laughable! Read back to my original post on the ABC and your response... you will see that it was you who took the aggressive stance to which I reacted - why do I need to tell you if I know I have an aggressive method of posting anyway? Pointless.

What "type" am I RF? You criticise the ABC as an entity, based solely on what you perceive to be its political leanings... therefore, in your mind, nothing that the ABC produces can have any merit whatsoever. In my first post on this, I deliberately tried to take the ABC discussion away from the political issues and point out that it has had success in producing good Australian television and yet you refuse to acknowledge it has done a single worthwhile thing and come back with "Of course it doesn't surprise me that you love it, I'd expect nothing else."

Yes, the Current Affair, 60 Minutes comment was meant as a derogatory comment, but if you don't watch the ABC what do you watch? I assume that must be the case as you are so set against the ABC.... and please don't use that old "I watch it because it's best to know your enemy" defence.

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I take issue with these negative comments about Roy and HG. Listening to them on triple J radio in the 90's was hilarious stuff taking the [censored] out of our obsession with sport and sports commentary. The had a brilliant low cost show on ABC TV, this Sporting Life that was brilliant stuff, just two talking heads, a desk and a microphone, not unlike the old League Teams, people talking absolute rubbish can be very entertaining if they are supremely talented and these two are. Thay are also successful as individuals in other areas.

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I take issue with these negative comments about Roy and HG. Listening to them on triple J radio in the 90's was hilarious stuff taking the [censored] out of our obsession with sport and sports commentary. The had a brilliant low cost show on ABC TV, this Sporting Life that was brilliant stuff, just two talking heads, a desk and a microphone, not unlike the old League Teams, people talking absolute rubbish can be very entertaining if they are supremely talented and these two are. Thay are also successful as individuals in other areas.

Isn't it good that we all have differing taste; one man's comedian is another man's fool.

This is the issue, I have I don't care if some of you like these guys, I just don't like having to contribute towards the cost of it.

I don't watch much in the way of Television I'm not that interested, I like cooking shows, some of the shows on the CI Chanel also some of the shows on UK TV are very good, but the thing is I pay for Foxtel and don't expect anyone to subsidise me.

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As I recall it, the only comment I denied was meant as an insult, was the "follow your master" comment... that was meant as a statement of fact as it seems in your eyes Abbott and his cohorts can do no wrong. Perhaps the fact that you took it as an insult says more about your insecurities than it does about mine.

And there you go again RF, referring to the fact that you realise you have an aggressive method of posting and I don't? Once more on the back foot with the old, "I know you are, but what am I" approach. Laughable! Read back to my original post on the ABC and your response... you will see that it was you who took the aggressive stance to which I reacted - why do I need to tell you if I know I have an aggressive method of posting anyway? Pointless.

What "type" am I RF? You criticise the ABC as an entity, based solely on what you perceive to be its political leanings... therefore, in your mind, nothing that the ABC produces can have any merit whatsoever. In my first post on this, I deliberately tried to take the ABC discussion away from the political issues and point out that it has had success in producing good Australian television and yet you refuse to acknowledge it has done a single worthwhile thing and come back with "Of course it doesn't surprise me that you love it, I'd expect nothing else."

Yes, the Current Affair, 60 Minutes comment was meant as a derogatory comment, but if you don't watch the ABC what do you watch? I assume that must be the case as you are so set against the ABC.... and please don't use that old "I watch it because it's best to know your enemy" defence.

What an idiotic comment to make, but I guess you're good at that aren't you.

I'm not on the back foot, I'm just letting you know I'm smart enough to realise what I am and your're not, simple as that.

No, I criticise the ABC because in my opinion, they are a waste of public money and produce crap, which is why I no longer bother watching it. You can please yourself but don't get carried away in to thinking that because you like it it must be good.

Why do I have to watch anything? I wouldn't waste my time watching the ABC but I don't really have to explain that to you, do I?

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UK TV eh Rob? Which shows? The Bill and Coronation Street perhaps? A bit of Keeping Up Appearances? The Good Life?

I shudder to think of a world with just commercial television. What a horrendous thought.

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UK TV eh Rob? Which shows? The Bill No and Coronation Street No perhaps? A bit of Keeping Up Appearances? No The Good Life? No

There have been several vey good mini series on UK TV lately, on a Saturday night, the last two Secret State and Fallen finished last night.

I shudder to think of a world with just commercial television. What a horrendous thought.

i guess you were really worried as we approached the year 2000, were you one of the many, majority I would say, that thought the Earth would come to a standstill at the stroke of midnight?

Climate change reminds me of time surrounding that non event, it cost me $000's to become Y2K compliant which I had to o or companies wouldn't deal with me.

Planes were gong to fall out of the sky, boilers in multi story buildings were going to explode and set fire the the building. People were going to be trapped in elevators and die because the time locks on buildings wouldn't allow rescuers in.

You a Y2K believer too? There was a lot of evidence to sow that we were doomed then wasn't there.

Swine Flue, Bird Flue all these things were going to wipe out the Planet; didn't happen though did it. Funny thing is all those that predicted it were scientists with impeccable credentials. Just goes to show.

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got 2 words for you hardtack


D Generation again. Same mob who did The Late Show (Rob Stitch, Tommy Gleisner et al )

Yes Rob, I get it, you don't believe climate change is real and it's all just another Y2K. Keep me posted on the next time you're going to be phoning up Alan Jones and I'll tune in. :)

Wrong thread by the way mate.

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D Generation again. Same mob who did The Late Show (Rob Stitch, Tommy Gleisner et al )

Oh yes that's right the D Generation they were on the ABC weren't they; well actually no they weren't. Sitch is a big Liberal supporter.

Yes Rob, I get it, you don't believe climate change is real and it's all just another Y2K. Keep me posted on the next time you're going to be phoning up Alan Jones and I'll tune in. :)

Wrong thread by the way mate.

True it is, I'm quite old now so I get mixed up.

Why is it that you guys from the left try to bring Alan Jones, the HUN, Andrew Bolt etc etc in to the conversation when you've got nothing else; oops I answered my own question, I told you I was getting too old.

Surely you're smart enough to insult me without stooping to the Jones, HUN stuff; it really just makes you look stupid and you're not, are you?

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True it is, I'm quite old now so I get mixed up.

Why is it that you guys from the left try to bring Alan Jones, the HUN, Andrew Bolt etc etc in to the conversation when you've got nothing else; oops I answered my own question, I told you I was getting too old.

Surely you're smart enough to insult me without stooping to the Jones, HUN stuff; it really just makes you look stupid and you're not, are you?

I think you need to ease up. Gotta watch that ticker.

Not everything is an insult mate. Some of it is just banter. Emphasis on "some". :)

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I think you need to ease up. Gotta watch that ticker.

Not everything is an insult mate. Some of it is just banter. Emphasis on "some". :)

Nothing wrong with my ticker buddy, did a quick 45 minutes on the exercise bike before and I feel great.

I just get passed of when someone tries to insult my intelligence.

Now Adrian Richardson awaits.

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The Late Show and Frontline, the shows mentioned, were on the ABC.

The D Generation also started on the ABC in 86/87. It then moved to Seven in 88/89.

I can tell you get [censored] off. That is abundantly clear.

Nice work on the bike. You've reminded me that the missus wants an actual bike for Christmas. Flowery basket on the front is optional.

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The Late Show and Frontline, the shows mentioned, were on the ABC.

The D Generation also started on the ABC in 86/87. It then moved to Seven in 88/89.

I can tell you get [censored] off. That is abundantly clear.

Nice work on the bike. You've reminded me that the missus wants an actual bike for Christmas. Flowery basket on the front is optional.

I'm pleased that I don't have to explain it to you again.

Actual bikes are too dangerous, there are too many idiots that ride them and too many motorists that hate bike riders.

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Nothing wrong with my ticker buddy, did a quick 45 minutes on the exercise bike before and I feel great.

I just get passed of when someone tries to insult my intelligence.

Now Adrian Richardson awaits.

The stupid left, like the dolt you're engaging, spend their life insulting conservatives, but coil at the slightest insult to them. Complete hypocrites.

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The stupid left, like the dolt you're engaging, spend their life insulting conservatives, but coil at the slightest insult to them. Complete hypocrites.

Pot, kettle, black....

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The stupid left, like the dolt you're engaging, spend their life insulting conservatives, but coil at the slightest insult to them. Complete hypocrites.

That's actually quite true, you cop the snide remarks and the condescending tone from them but they scream from the rooftops if you return the favour.

The sad part about it is they don't even recognise they do it; I guess they are either stupid or just delusional. There is a sense of superiority from the left which is unwarranted.

P_Man is certainly not the worst of them, Hardtack takes that cake he sits there waiting for someone to mention anything to do with race and he bounds in to the room and screaming racist, I doubt that there is any other poster on this site that would use the term racist anywhere near the amount of times he does.

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That's actually quite true, you cop the snide remarks and the condescending tone from them but they scream from the rooftops if you return the favour.

The sad part about it is they don't even recognise they do it; I guess they are either stupid or just delusional. There is a sense of superiority from the left which is unwarranted.

P_Man is certainly not the worst of them, Hardtack takes that cake he sits there waiting for someone to mention anything to do with race and he bounds in to the room and screaming racist, I doubt that there is any other poster on this site that would use the term racist anywhere near the amount of times he does.

Go ahead and round up a few links to posts where I have done that RF... you are very ready to insult, to condemn and to feign indignation when you are called out... now let's see you come up with some solid evidence when it is you making the accusations. Words are cheap RF.... actions speak volumes.

To help you along, there was one post in which I responded to someone who was suggesting that aboriginals and dedication could not really have any relationship... I suggested his post was terrible (can't recall the exact wording), but I don't think I actually used the term racist.

The floor is all yours RF.... go for it or retract!

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Go ahead and round up a few links to posts where I have done that RF... you are very ready to insult, to condemn and to feign indignation when you are called out... now let's see you come up with some solid evidence when it is you making the accusations. Words are cheap RF.... actions speak volumes.

To help you along, there was one post in which I responded to someone who was suggesting that aboriginals and dedication could not really have any relationship... I suggested his post was terrible (can't recall the exact wording), but I don't think I actually used the term racist.

The floor is all yours RF.... go for it or retract!

You and I have done this dance before, I know it and you know it, so let's to kid each other, if you want to pretend it hasn't happened then go ahead and delude yourself. Both here and Ology, deny it all you want, I'm not going to waste my time looking for stuff both of us know exists.

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