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A well crafted statement from the Pres. imo, and exactly the sort of communication that we, the loyal MFC supporters, deserve. It was music to my ears, and another signal to the wider football community that we are becoming a club that will once again 'stand for something'. Bring it on!


I hadn't realised Linford Christie had written anything.

his autobiography for starters lol


so why isn't she being sued

I asked this question in the tanking thread.

It, to me as a layman, appears to be libellous or slanderous or whatever.

I've said it several times, under Australia's new uniform defamation law, corporations like MFC cannot sue for defamation, only individuals within the club.

DB possibly could over her suggestion about him "not coaching to his utmost", and statements like "Melbourne manipulated football results in 2009. Bailey knew it," could be looked at. At first glance, they appear defamatory of Bailey.

If she ever actually called McLardy a liar, he could.

The good thing is, she's wild as a cornered snake.


Billy I am so over the whole thing.

I just wish I that I get up tomorrow and there will be some result but alas I think it has got a few days yet.

I keep promising myself I will stay away from these threads but here I am.

This has more episodes than " blue Hills"

Old, this is why I fail to understand the love toward CC. There is more chance than not that he will be charged. Going by Kero's article, she has obviously had word that Schwab is clear. Bailey, I don't know how I feel toward DB, I think I feel sorry for him. But if the AFL decide that there is enough evidence to charge CC, and don't think for one minute that they wouldn't do it without their own legal advice, then it will potentially get to the point that CC is the reason for this investigation.

My recent posts on here (mostly the tanking thread) are probably written with the expectation that CC is in strife. I am basing my level of support for him on nothing other than what I have read in the media. If I am wrong, then I have no hesitation eating humble pie, and will apologise to the man given the chance.

For a long time I have had concerns about CC's involvement in all of this. There has been nothing reported that should make me question my level of concern, if anything, the more I read just confirms why I think this way.


It's not a bloody slip up!

FMD, it's a simple bloody language, and the sentence does NOT indicate there WILL be a hearing.

There is a qualifier.

I do believe that is what I said.


The thing that concerns me about Caro's appearance on AW is her "sources inside Melbourne". Can we please plug these leaks and get rid of those "supporters" who would prefer to settle their vendettas at the expense of their club.

has it occurred to you that perhaps we have been leaking incorrect things on purpose to weed out the rats? or to throw everyone off the scent of our real argument? perhaps the club realised that caro would chase hard until she got something, so threw her something she would believe but was also wrong? nothing wrong with a bit of misinformation every now and then ;)

Has it also occurred that she maybe a little liberal with the truth, her source if she has one or some within the club might be a receptionist, the cleaner, or someone else in a position of power like these with a direct knowledge of our submission. Who knows they probably framed the submission.

Guest José Mourinho

I do believe that is what I said.

And we are in furious agreement!


Billy I am so over the whole thing.

I just wish I that I get up tomorrow and there will be some result but alas I think it has got a few days yet.

I keep promising myself I will stay away from these threads but here I am.

This has more episodes than " blue Hills"

Blue Hills? You are proving your name true with that reference, OD ... :)


has it occurred to you that perhaps we have been leaking incorrect things on purpose to weed out the rats? or to throw everyone off the scent of our real argument? perhaps the club realised that caro would chase hard until she got something, so threw her something she would believe but was also wrong? nothing wrong with a bit of misinformation every now and then ;)

Likely story.


She mad.

She very very mad.

Seems also some silence from her biggest "fan".

Well done Don. It has now come down to football Clubs having to defend themselves from opportunistic, ground hugging sporting "journalists".


Did you mean groudhugging or groundhogging? Everytime I read one of Carro's articles it feels like ground hog day.


Nice quick response and will hopefully be picked up by the Age's competitors!

Hardly quick but timely nonetheless.

We should pursue her in court.

I hope she is sent a letter advising her to stop the crap.

If she continues to report supposition as fact we could earn enough to get Cotchin.


My reading of Wilson's stance is that it's continually shifting. Continuity seems to be a real problem. Last week on classified she stated that the MFC would be charged along with Bailey and Cuddles. This assertion seems to have dropped off the radar in the last week. Previously she has asserted that Schwab was going to be charged and now is back tracking on that statement. She continues to make deceptive comments in regards to the vault. I'm surprised that people continue to hang off her every word as if she's the Oracle of bloody Delphi. Who by the way was a mad woman experiencing hallucinations caused by a gas leak from a volcanic vent.


I've said it several times, under Australia's new uniform defamation law, corporations like MFC cannot sue for defamation, only individuals within the club.

DB possibly could over her suggestion about him "not coaching to his utmost", and statements like "Melbourne manipulated football results in 2009. Bailey knew it," could be looked at. At first glance, they appear defamatory of Bailey.

If she ever actually called McLardy a liar, he could.

The good thing is, she's wild as a cornered snake.

It doesn't matter how many times you say it its not right I believe.....

Under the old system of individual state laws, almost anyone or any organisation or company could bring an action for defamation. However, under the Uniform Defamation Law, corporations with 10 or more employees cannot sue. However, be warned that individuals or groups of individuals employed by or associated with that corporation - such as company directors, CEOs or managers - can still sue if they are identified by the publication.

Not-for-profit organisations can still sue for defamation, no matter how many employees or members they have.

We qualify under the last line....


Has it also occurred that she maybe a little liberal with the truth, her source if she has one or some within the club might be a receptionist, the cleaner, or someone else in a position of power like these with a direct knowledge of our submission. Who knows they probably framed the submission.

While we may have put out some misinformation to a 'friendly' journo the rat/rats in the ranks will be well documented in the 800-1000 pages of crud that the AFL has put together....


This issue has been very damaging to our brand..... The media have branded us guilty for well over a year..... Our name has been tarnished and dragged through the mud...... if found not guilty by the AFL or the courts, then the lose of earnings has to be recovered from somewhere.... Brock McLean, Caroline wilson, mike Sheehan, Adrian Anderson, Greg denham should all be held to account for their media bashing of the MFC....


Likely story.

Why wouldn't it be so; isn't one of the reasons CS is disliked by at least one journalist because he gave him a story that wasn't true?


Billy she did noy say "he is a liar"

But from her comments there can only now be one of them that is telling the truth.

You will notice I did not say who was wrong her or DM

But IMO from what has been said since 5pm today someone is wrong.

I expect we will know by the time our first Nab cup game is played

I refuse to believe for one moment that Don McLardy would lie to the members in such brazen fashion, OD.

What's his record like in terms of telling the truth and not misleading the public?

What's Caro's record like?

Has she really come out and labelled Don's response as "total [censored]" or is that Ben's unique spin on things? If true then wow, she has seriously painted herself into a corner on this one.


It doesn't matter how many times you say it its not right I believe.....

Not-for-profit organisations can still sue for defamation, no matter how many employees or members they have.

We qualify under the last line....

It's tricky but I believe where once MFC would have been an unincorporated association, now it's an incorporated company and hence does not qualify as a "not for profit" organisation.

Are there any examples of a footy club suing for defamation? It was certainly possible under the old Vic defamation laws (i.e. common law) which is now superceded.


It's tricky but I believe where once MFC would have been an unincorporated association, now it's an incorporated company and hence does not qualify as a "not for profit" organisation.

Are there any examples of a footy club suing for defamation? It was certainly possible under the old Vic defamation laws (i.e. common law) which is now superceded.

Its out of my league now!!


Given the amount of lip biting the club has done throughout this saga, I suspect the club has taken the view enough is enough and responded to the Wilson article. It would be incredible to think a club president would come out and lie, and that the statement wasn't very carefully prepared.

Wilson on the other hand has serious form. Remember her allegation against Brayshaw that he categorically said at the Norf AGM the club would not play games interstate and so he had a massive credibility issue when they then said they would? Maintained her position despite being shown tv footage that she was wrong! She's completely nuts but no-one has ever held her to account.

That may have just changed.


Its out of my league now!!

You may however be right, I hope so... I will check tomorrow.

(it might also have something to do with whether MFC is a "public body"... getting too late for this!)


Old, this is why I fail to understand the love toward CC. There is more chance than not that he will be charged. Going by Kero's article, she has obviously had word that Schwab is clear. Bailey, I don't know how I feel toward DB, I think I feel sorry for him. But if the AFL decide that there is enough evidence to charge CC, and don't think for one minute that they wouldn't do it without their own legal advice, then it will potentially get to the point that CC is the reason for this investigation.

My recent posts on here (mostly the tanking thread) are probably written with the expectation that CC is in strife. I am basing my level of support for him on nothing other than what I have read in the media. If I am wrong, then I have no hesitation eating humble pie, and will apologise to the man given the chance.

For a long time I have had concerns about CC's involvement in all of this. There has been nothing reported that should make me question my level of concern, if anything, the more I read just confirms why I think this way.

Billy I understand your thinking on Wilson. Why would she put so much on the line over this? But then again why would DM also risk everything with his statement. Given that we know DM has read the report and we have no way of knowing if Wilson has or hasn't, I for one would back Dons account. To me Wilson is trying her damnedest to influence a outcome that she knows is pending. A bit like a politician in the last days of an election campaign. The fact is she went way too hard from the start and has been slinging mud ever since to justify her position. More than anybody Wilson needs to AFL to charge us with something. As to her motivations I can only suggest that she has become a victim of her own over inflated ego and in her mind she simply cannot be wrong.


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