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McLardy: Players signed, extension for Schwab & response on list management

Range Rover

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I'm glad Jimmy came out with this. Hopefully now full scrutiny will be applied to those who deserve it. Bailey and players were scapegoats. We still have a divided club with low morale and no fighting spirit. Things won't change for the better until changes are made at the top.

Hang on, how the heck do you know we are still a divided club with low morale? the supporters are divided (they always will be, and yeah our morale is low cos we have lost a crap load of games)

The change might have occured last year with getting rid of Bailey, telling Schwab to do what he is supposed to, and keep your nose out of the football department, and to move Connolly aside into the role he currently occupies.

Are you telling me that this hasn't worked? Because from where I sit, it looks as though Connolly and Schwab are not dipping their finger in the footy pie, We have Greg Healy as the football director, and Neil Craig in place that reports to the board... and Schwab looks like he is up for a contract extension

The scrunity has been applied and is relevant for then, not now. Explain for what reason do we need another blood letting?

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Nothing new, from my understanding, was written in the excerpt.

Schwab is a very lucky person to still be in the job he enjoys so much.

He meddled and the coaches and players didn't like it. And he rubbed people in the FD the wrong way - evidently telling people how to do their jobs is not welcomed.

I strongly believe, that if we have an option for a better CEO we would take it in a heartbeat, but we do not seem to have that and we have a situation with a blank slate from a sponsorship point of view and the revamped FD.

So that 'clean' environment has given the board the option of keeping Schwab and is it the right call?

There's a hypothetical...

Oh, and it isn't as simple as Schwab running around as Paul Revere warning us about "Bailey's Curse" - nothing is ever that black and white.

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Funny though.... He (cs) meddled and coaches and some players objected ...... Just about all of them have moved on or will be. Coincidentally the club is starting to turn around.

Hmmmmmm !!!!!!

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Hang on, how the heck do you know we are still a divided club with low morale? the supporters are divided (they always will be, and yeah our morale is low cos we have lost a crap load of games)

The change might have occured last year with getting rid of Bailey, telling Schwab to do what he is supposed to, and keep your nose out of the football department, and to move Connolly aside into the role he currently occupies.

Are you telling me that this hasn't worked? Because from where I sit, it looks as though Connolly and Schwab are not dipping their finger in the footy pie, We have Greg Healy as the football director, and Neil Craig in place that reports to the board... and Schwab looks like he is up for a contract extension

The scrunity has been applied and is relevant for then, not now. Explain for what reason do we need another blood letting?

The one KPI we all look to, the AFL ladder tells us that it hasn't.

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The business of the MFC is to win games of football and Premierships. I know people don't want to hear this but at the moment we are a laughing stock. And we are a laughing stock because after 5 years of rebuild we look like winning one game of footy this season against non development clubs.

And MFC is profitable because of the generosity of its members, not through the recurring revenue the club generates from its business.

We owe a lot to those that contributed last night.

Fan I agree and if what others are posting than Schwab made his point about Bailey that the board may have rejected at the time, Schwab as a CEO was doing what has in the best interest of the business. Our members and supporters have contrbuted to the club, but most clubs have had the White Knights over the past 10 years contribute large cash to them. We are fortunate to have many white knights that continue to support our club financially. With out Dicker Hawthorn wouldn't be in the position they are, add Pratt for both Carlton and Collingwood, Costa for Geelong, Smorgon for the Bulldogs, Richmond has copied Melbourne in their efforts to raise funds. This has to be stop gap measure and you are right we need to get the on field performing to generate the revenue to replace what we currently receive from the AFL and our Foundation Members.

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I know he would have signed off on the deal, but didn't the Storm have a very similar deal, what I am saying is that several sporting clubs got burnt by Energywatch. Heck even the company itself got burnt and had to remove the guy, the negative publicity from that idiot has probably all but killed off the company. You sound like you are happy to broad brush everyone that had a dealing with Energywatch and blame them for doing business with them as being irresponsible and negligent?

One thing I will say is that Schwab handled the Energy watch thing like a genius! We could have been in real strife but we came out looking great and got new sponsors lining up!

The other fact is the he wanted Bailey gone after we lost to the Bulldogs by 10 goals on the Friday night. He went hard to have him ousted and they were unhappy with the way things were being handled with things like Junior and the goings on.

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I'm glad Jimmy came out with this. Hopefully now full scrutiny will be applied to those who deserve it. Bailey and players were scapegoats. We still have a divided club with low morale and no fighting spirit. Things won't change for the better until changes are made at the top.

You must be young ADC, I have never seen this club in a better financial posistion than now......For the first time in a long time I am not concerned that my club will go to the wall....

CS, turned the Fremantle club around financially...his job at the time...but in doing so stepped on a few toes....also led the Richmond financial come back with the "Save our skins"policy.....but still upset people with his manner.....Again at the Demons, has (with Jim) led us to a very sound financial position and to do this has stepped on toes and has been told to butt out of the football dept.....

Due to this position we are now in....we have the funds to compete with other clubs...in the football side of things....and I for one am glad he is with us....

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The business of the MFC is to win games of football and Premierships. I know people don't want to hear this but at the moment we are a laughing stock. And we are a laughing stock because after 5 years of rebuild we look like winning one game of footy this season against non development clubs.

And MFC is profitable because of the generosity of its members, not through the recurring revenue the club generates from its business.

We owe a lot to those that contributed last night.

I disagree with this little bt - Pedantic I know but I think it is relevant to this debate

There is a business element and the football department in every clube structure - The football department is run to win game/preimerships and the business side is to finance the clube (clearly) but the overall goal as you put it should be to win games/premierships.

in this structure the board are accountable for all football club matters - and the CEO is employed to run the 'business'. I think in the past this position has been blurred to ir's role as we (MFC) has not had the resources to run an efficent structure.

Sorry fan that may have been what you meant but I agree wholeheartedly with everything else you said - This club owes a lot to it's extremly loyal supporter base

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I'm glad Jimmy came out with this. Hopefully now full scrutiny will be applied to those who deserve it. Bailey and players were scapegoats. We still have a divided club with low morale and no fighting spirit. Things won't change for the better until changes are made at the top.

Scrutiny has been put on the whole football department since '186'.

I think the club has evaluated the situation and moved on.......... As for the players - I was at the ground that day - I wanted to punch everyone of them, I don't know if you were there but i have never been more upset in my life at a football game, and I will never forgive anyone involved ever for what happened that day..............

As for the rest of your statement - After last night's response I am not sure how you can continue with your fact-less statements.

If the club was/is divided - why are these people not stepping up now???

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There are a few issues that involve Schwab, Bailey etc and it's not always as cut and dried as it seems.

So lets start with Bailey, selected by G.Lyon as the man best available at the time for our needs. It must be remembered we were heavy in debt and therefore strapped for cash. The FD didnt have the luxury of giving Bailey the best available to help him with (KPIs) player performance and existing targets that Neeld and Co now have at hand to compare where our players need to be. So he was already was behind the 8 ball.

You could say we had a 3rd world FD, no fault of anyone in the FD but more like lack of funds, so we had to make do with what we had.

Bailey didnt have the luxury of having the experience of a Neil Craig to call on, someone that has been there done that, and offer advice.

This is no way a defence for Bailey or his demise, but a matter of circumstances he had to endure.

Stynes wasn't at his best at making decisions, he had his own issues,nothing major mind you, just life threatening, to the big guys credit, he kept the club going.

What Bailey did have was Connolly and Schwab, perhaps both offering support, or perhaps Bailey relied of both or either for guidance or a 2nd opinion, or maybe he told them what was lacking.

Knowing the shortfalls, and seeing the team struggling, in their efforts to help Bailey where they could, both or either without realising, were slowing undermining what was being helpful to being over bearing to the point of being now seen as sticking their noses in too far, and getting everyone offside.

Schwab, I believe wants to see Melbourne successful, but in doing do, nearly lost his job, by not just offering advice when and where needed, but now thought by jumping in and virtually taking over,  did more harm than good.

Thats probably why he was told to step back, and concentrate on his job at hand, and leave the FD to run its own course. We now have experienced professional people running the FD.

They have the finances to get whatever that is required to succeed. If they fail to do so, they fall on their own swords, and havent got any excuse to get to where we need to be. 

In the meantime, Schwab goes about what he should be doing, If Neeld needs advice, support, or whatever, he talks to Neil Craig. And through the chain of command it goes.

No need for Schwab to be seen as poking his nose in, when its not required, or to be seen as being overbearing, though his intentions may have been in his mind in the best interests of everyone.

With the FD cashed up, the onus is on Schwab to do what he can do best, thats to get the best sponsors and do HIS job. The board now sees Schwab doing the right thing, if he doesnt measure up they will make the call, but for now, his fate is in his hands.

What we need is too be pulling together, stabilise, and seen to be in control.

Chris Connolly, is an interesting one, he got pushed sideways, so perhaps he was meddling a bit too much for everyone's liking; again I am sure he thought he was helping,but over-stepped the mark.

Changes happen to every club, for a number of reasons. Some good, some bad errors of judgement will be par for the course.  The MFC board with all what has happened this year, now needs to take a deep breath and nut out their best options. For now they are happy with the personal.

The FD / Player list is about go through their turn.  Neeld and Co, will make the call,thats their job. They wont have any excuses, we have the best available,and as the norm,it will be refined,to make it better.

G.Lyon shouldn't be again required  to be called on for advice, McLardy has stated he is happy with the board. Lyon has make his stance, he doesnt want to be involved with running the club.

Let them run their own race, and hopefully, we end up with a strong footy club, with the right personnel, and everyone is happy. It's a lot easier on everyone when the team wins, but we just have to bide our time.

There is always room for improvement, changes will always happen, and need to happen, but not for sake of change. Not everyone will get along, all of the time. There is no 'I' in Team.

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There are always room for improvement, changes will always happen, and need to happen,but not for sake of change.Not everyone will get along,all of the time. There is no 'I' in Team.

No, but there's 'me'!

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Deevoted- excellent post.

In any business structure be it sporting or otherwise, when there are weaknesses such as lack of resources, both financial and human, you will find dysfunction - People involved in areas they should not be involved in. I can see this happening during the bleaker days at the end of Baileys reign.

We seem to be in a completely different situation now where the business side of the club is quite settled. The football department, even though it has delivered little to date looks well structured,well resourced and stocked with reasonable people. There seems little reason for interference from the business side of the club (aka CS).

To want to blame our showing to date on the CEO firstly shows that there is little acknowledgement of our reality. But it is also deflecting blame from those who are primarily responsible - the players and then secondly - the coaches.

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Deevoted- excellent post.

In any business structure be it sporting or otherwise, when there are weaknesses such as lack of resources, both financial and human, you will find dysfunction - People involved in areas they should not be involved in. I can see this happening during the bleaker days at the end of Baileys reign.

We seem to be in a completely different situation now where the business side of the club is quite settled. The football department, even though it has delivered little to date looks well structured,well resourced and stocked with reasonable people. There seems little reason for interference from the business side of the club (aka CS).

To want to blame our showing to date on the CEO firstly shows that there is little acknowledgement of our reality. But it is also deflecting blame from those who are primarily responsible - the players and then secondly - the coaches.

Demondlanders being civil to one another, what will happen next? Good post Nutbean
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You expected it to turn around in one season?

No, but the quote replied to is "Are you telling me that this hasn't worked?"no one can tell me it's worked yet. It hasn't as this years results show and I have still have reservations with the admin of the club and their ability to see through the changes required. Hope I'm proved wrong but I don't know if the balance sheet is as heathy as we are told. Let's wait and see.

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No, but the quote replied to is "Are you telling me that this hasn't worked?"no one can tell me it's worked yet. It hasn't as this years results show and I have still have reservations with the admin of the club and their ability to see through the changes required. Hope I'm proved wrong but I don't know if the balance sheet is as heathy as we are told. Let's wait and see.

The comment was referring to the fact that it has worked and those guys have no visible role in the football dept. Not that it's worked and the club is winning games as a result of the change :huh:

Apologies if that wasn't clear to you

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Demondlanders being civil to one another, what will happen next? Good post Nutbean

fear not it wont last long....never does !! ^_^
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Scrutiny has been put on the whole football department since '186'.

I think the club has evaluated the situation and moved on.......... As for the players - I was at the ground that day - I wanted to punch everyone of them, I don't know if you were there but i have never been more upset in my life at a football game, and I will never forgive anyone involved ever for what happened that day..............

As for the rest of your statement - After last night's response I am not sure how you can continue with your fact-less statements.

If the club was/is divided - why are these people not stepping up now???

No, I wasn't there, but this debacle made me ask questions as to why it happened. Why did the players lay down for the club? Why was the promising game plan developing 12 months earlier unravelling? Why was there discontent within the senior player ranks and reflected in their performances? Why were most of our developing players who showed something earlier going backwards? I was a critic of Bailey but what was happening at our club was something beyond his control as a coach. IMO the problem was elsewhere up the chain of command. No matter what the apologists say, there has been a mutiny and it is still continuing as reflected by our below minimum AFL standard performances. There are only two viable options to cure this cancer. Sack the management culprit/s or 80% of the players immediately and start afresh. If neither then the discontent will keep on propagating itself until this club hits the wall.

Edited by america de cali
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Yep...great post Deevoted.

My only addition would be about Bailey. He had no FD to speak of and given that, realisitically he really did ok. Especially so given how average the list turned out to actually be. Perhaps ultimately this was his biggest failure. Do we blame the recruiters or blame Bailey? In the end it's the coach that pays for those calls. I dont remember the name of the Richmond recruiter who must have suggested Tambling, only that Wallace was coach. But what Bailey DID do was get the players playing for him and to their strengths. Without knowing the inside workings of the club Im yet to really feel the players are playing for Mark or that he is maximising players potential. I hope Im wrong or that that is still developing. Time will tell. I just hope we get both right this time. Recruiting and coaching. Draft day and 2013 is going to be massive for the Dees.

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One thing I will say is that Schwab handled the Energy watch thing like a genius! We could have been in real strife but we came out looking great and got new sponsors lining up!

If he had been more attentive he would never have associated us with such a fly by night company. When the scandal hit, to save his face he had no option but to run away from it as fast as he could.

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. There are only two viable options to cure this cancer. Sack the management culprit/s or 80% of the players immediately and start afresh. If neither then the discontent will keep on propagating itself until this club hits the wall.

couldn't agree more - if we have peeheart footballers who still want to sook over administrators who have put us in a more secure position financially, moved us into great facilities and put in a place what looks to be a solid football department structure (albeit one that is not yet producing results) then I say sack 80% of the footballers.

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couldn't agree more - if we have peeheart footballers who still want to sook over administrators who have put us in a more secure position financially, moved us into great facilities and put in a place what looks to be a solid football department structure (albeit one that is not yet producing results) then I say sack 80% of the footballers.

Logistically the other option is more viable. But the culprits have done a good job in shifting the blame to the players and former coach.

Edited by america de cali
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