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Yeah, it's hard call time.

He hasn't stood up all year. Frankly, he's been downright awful. And that petulant bullsh*t in the goal square when Nicho took the shot is the last straw. When you're having a rotten day as captain, you have no right to do that sort of crap to a first year player who has shown far more than you this year.

If not with immediate effect, Green needs to be removed at the end of the year.

Note - yes I may be sounding a bit harsh, but if the club is willing to sack the coach, it needs to take a serious look at the playing group as well after that. Hold the administration to account, sure, but if there's a malaise in the playing group, it starts at the top. The playing group voted him as captain.

Edited by Striker475
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Yeah, it's hard call time.

He hasn't stood up all year. Frankly, he's been downright awful. And that petulant bullsh*t in the goal square when Nicho took the shot is the last straw. When you're having a rotten day as captain, you have no right to do that sort of crap to a first year player who has shown far more than you this year.

If not with immediate effect, Green needs to be removed at the end of the year.

Note - yes I may be sounding a bit harsh, but if the club is willing to sack the coach, it needs to take a serious look at the playing group as well after that.

I agree Striker. For me he was done when he had a go at Bater after that messed up attempt at a mark last week. Really bad leadership that. Inexcusable in fact. Follow it up the next week having a go at a kid who is at least having a go, and I've had enough. I love ya Greeny, but not as Captain. Some blokes have it and you don't.

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While i'm annoyed with Green's antics this weekend he is still one of our leaders and most valuable players so I don't think getting rid of him is the answer.

Maybe we should appoint another captain next year but i'm not too sure if they will do a better job.

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I like Nick Maxwell's stance on the captaincy, and that he believes it should be voted on each year, and that he doesn't want the job unless he has the full endorsement from the players.

He also raised other players he thought would make great captains, and said he would urge his team mates to vote for who they belived was the most deserving of the honour.

A very mature attitude to the whole topic, and shows he has the club and players at the front of his thinking at all times.

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While i'm annoyed with Green's antics this weekend he is still one of our leaders and most valuable players so I don't think getting rid of him is the answer.

Maybe we should appoint another captain next year but i'm not too sure if they will do a better job.

not suggesting delist but certainly no more captain

Although, isn't his contract up?

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At the risk of over reacting green must go. He too must recognize his short comings as a leader and see the need for a fresh start for the group under a new coach. A vibrant young leadership group must take the reigns of the group and command their own destiny. As has been said in other threads, Greens actions of leadership over the last few years have been unquestionable but his ability to lead this year has not eventuated and his performances have suffered horribly as a result. Free your self up Greeny and pass the Batton to the next generation to lead. You may still have an impact on leadership on the ground without the burden of captaincy and let's see you once again display the actions which earnt you the honor in the first place.

Trenners (capt), Grimes (VC), Frawley, McKenzie & Watts. Let's make an uncharacteristally bold statement MFC and appoint a budding young man to lead this group forward because it's not going to come from anywhere else.

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not suggesting delist but certainly no more captain

Although, isn't his contract up?

Oh sorry I misunderstood you there,Yeah I agree with you there and I think we should do what Maxwell has suggested,Hard to believe a Collingwood player could be that smart.

Not sure if his contract is up at the end of the year.Anyone know?

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I agree that Green has had rough year but, I'm totally against getting rid of any of our experienced older players. One, two or even three experienced leaders can't drag a team along by themselves. We need 7-8 of them. Our leadership group contains young inexperienced players, because our list has a serious imbalance.

Some would argue that this is a youth policy aimed at creating a strong group in the future and there is certainly merit in the concept but to become great leaders, young men need to be exposed to great leadership, not by an authorative figure, like a coach, but by his peers.

Sacking our coach, CEO or any other administrative position are not moves made to help our club win more games directly, they are simply moves to appease sponsors and of course you and I. They are money moves.

I must admit, I'm a disappointed man tonight. Would have loved to have seen our club show some courage and weather the storm, at the very least until the end of the year. But, having said all that, I understand that if this site is an example of the sentiments of the supporter base, I am overwhelmingly outnumbered in my views.

I truly believe there are still great times ahead.

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Hard to believe a Collingwood player could be that smart.

Have you forgotten the betting scandals already .

He isn't very smart .

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The Bailey decision was a pretty obvious one. Alot more thought needs to go into Green and his future as captain. Yes he was a bad choice in hindsight, but we've already shafted J Mac (I keep harping on about that on this site and I make no apology for it). Shafting the captain who succeeds him could be downright disastrous in terms of fracturing the playing group.

Edited by P_Man
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Nothing can be gained from getting rid of Green now. A new coach hopefully will instill a new set of values and the players should be given the opportunity to see who can best lead with this focus in mind. I seriously hope we go out on a limb and dont appoint any of the old regime. I would love to see us appoint someone who will grow into the role than look for a short term stop gap.

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I was out on Saturday night at a birthday in Chapel Street and almost spat my beer all over the bloke in front of me when i saw Jared Rivers and Nathan Jones amble into the bar.

Could not believe it...

What is going on down at AAMI Park? Are these people morons? If i had put up such an insipid effort i wouldn't want to show my face in public for at least 24 hours let alone go and have some drinks at a night spot. As i am a Melbourne supporter I was incredibly disheartened to see this.

Am i alone here in thinking that something stinks with this? Do these blokes give a $#!t?

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I was out on Saturday night at a birthday in Chapel Street and almost spat my beer all over the bloke in front of me when i saw Jared Rivers and Nathan Jones amble into the bar.

Could not believe it...

What is going on down at AAMI Park? Are these people morons? If i had put up such an insipid effort i wouldn't want to show my face in public for at least 24 hours let alone go and have some drinks at a night spot. As i am a Melbourne supporter I was incredibly disheartened to see this.

Am i alone here in thinking that something stinks with this? Do these blokes give a $#!t?

No you're not alone. They clearly don't care on the field, so I guess we shouldn't be suprised that they don't care off it either.

I advocate the idea someone had to dissolve the leadership group now.

Be bold and appoint Trengove captain!

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Why are they not allowed to go out? You were out after the loss! Seriously get a life. The one night a week they can go our and have a few beers and you want them home in bed.

The best course of action would have been the whole team go out and have a few beers together and work there sh... out.

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Why are they not allowed to go out? You were out after the loss! Seriously get a life. The one night a week they can go our and have a few beers and you want them home in bed.

The best course of action would have been the whole team go out and have a few beers together and work there sh... out.

Yeah you're right.

Sorry i forgot to be a stereotypical, apathetic, Melbourne supporter.

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I was out on Saturday night at a birthday in Chapel Street and almost spat my beer all over the bloke in front of me when i saw Jared Rivers and Nathan Jones amble into the bar.

Could not believe it...

What is going on down at AAMI Park? Are these people morons? If i had put up such an insipid effort i wouldn't want to show my face in public for at least 24 hours let alone go and have some drinks at a night spot. As i am a Melbourne supporter I was incredibly disheartened to see this.

Am i alone here in thinking that something stinks with this? Do these blokes give a $#!t?

Wow. Just wow. Normally I'm a strong advocate for players relaxing after a game and heading out for a drink, but in this instance it is inexcusable.

If they don't give a rat's backside, why should we?

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Now that most people seem to be aware of the lack of 'leadership' within the senior playing group, I think it's

about time we appoint a member of the younger bregade.

Grimes, Trengove, Scully, Tapscott.

We can no longer guide, develop and nurture these type of players to the best of their ability if Green is their


That is the mother hucking truth.

Give the captaincy to one of them and appoint two more of them to the leadership group next year.

Green valuable? I've heard it all.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Has green ever been that player? We gave him captaincy because

of the ammount of games he has played.

I couldn't care less if he joined Bruce at Hawthorn next year. They are both down hill skiers. Hawthorn is the perfect club for them. Let Hodge, Mitchell, Lewis, Sewell, Osborne etc do the hard work. God what I would do to

have more of those types at Melbourne.

The emotional attachement people have with our captain will continue to impair their vision.

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I really thought Green turned the corner last year with his leadership and attack on the ball.

Disappointingly though he's gone back to selfish, downhill skiier 2000-2006 Green.

I'd keep him on the list but don't want him as captain next year.

The incident with Nicholson in the goalsquare was a disgrace especially when you think back to Green and Bate against Adelaide.

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Wow. Just wow. Normally I'm a strong advocate for players relaxing after a game and heading out for a drink, but in this instance it is inexcusable.

If they don't give a rat's backside, why should we?

All of the players should have been made to put on a hairshirt, face a corner and have cold buckets of water thrown over them, for crying out loud, what do you want them to do!!!!..they went out and had a drink did they!!!!!...what did they drink......surprised they had the 'bottle' to show their faces in public.....please, they are human beings perhps they just needed to sit down have a beer and relax....don't forget nobody died on Saturday...a bit of reality please

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I never said that they can't have a drink.

I'm saying i'm surprised that they don't have the brains to realise that it isn't a great look to be out on the town after such a pathetic showing while representing the financial members of this once great club.

They would have been better advised to give it a rest this week and perhaps have a drink in private with the other players. I'm pretty disappointed to see that they wouldn't have the common sense to know that.

I agree wholeheartedly that they are human and are allowed to have a drink.

It doesn't come across well for the group if they are out on the town after such a disgraceful showing.

I'm surprised that people think it is appropriate for them to do so.

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Yeah, it comes across as pretty unprofessional to me. Rivers and Jones are meant to be leaders too. Do you really need to be in a bar to get a drink? I think not. As a footballer your life is in the public sphere. They might be human, but the way they should conduct themselves in public is different to you or I.

Edited by AdamFarr
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All of the players should have been made to put on a hairshirt, face a corner and have cold buckets of water thrown over them, for crying out loud, what do you want them to do!!!!..they went out and had a drink did they!!!!!...what did they drink......surprised they had the 'bottle' to show their faces in public.....please, they are human beings perhps they just needed to sit down have a beer and relax....don't forget nobody died on Saturday...a bit of reality please

Don't paint me as some teetotaller detached from reality. The Moloney thing was an overreaction, and I think footballers should be allowed to live normal social lives. This however is an exceptional set of circumstances. It is one of the darkest days in our history. A small number of players hitting up the town after that kind of performance is a stupid and careless act, as is even attempting to defend it.

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Yeah, it's hard call time.

He hasn't stood up all year. Frankly, he's been downright awful. And that petulant bullsh*t in the goal square when Nicho took the shot is the last straw. When you're having a rotten day as captain, you have no right to do that sort of crap to a first year player who has shown far more than you this year.

If not with immediate effect, Green needs to be removed at the end of the year.

Note - yes I may be sounding a bit harsh, but if the club is willing to sack the coach, it needs to take a serious look at the playing group as well after that. Hold the administration to account, sure, but if there's a malaise in the playing group, it starts at the top. The playing group voted him as captain.

I agree, we need to move on, from all the previous to 2007 regime. Soft & slow, Out. New breed leadership with some aggression and some take it on urgency.

Green out!

Moloney/Jones/Rivers/ Sylvia/Jamar/Grimes/Frawley, those who weren't in the 2000 - 2006 leadership groups.

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