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Dean Bailey has been sacked


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FWIW and it is just my opinion (which I'm sure will be shouted down) I believe that Dean has created a list that will be good enough to challenge in years to come. Yes it will be a fair way off, but he has recruited some very good raw talent.

I agree that our list will be good enough to challenge in the not-too-distant future, but I reckon BP would take issue with saying DB has recruited some very good raw talent :P

Motivator and tactician. He is the number 1 going around. 3 years just watching, he would be fresh and informed.

What makes you say he's a good tactician?

I'm pretty sure that his own players are on the record as saying he wasn't big on tactics.

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Guest The Tweed Pig

I've grappled with the decision to terminate him now. I wasn't a fan of him continuing, but somehow didn't think he should be axed 5 weeks out. In the end I applaud the move. If the club knows he won't be offered a new contract and the players know he won't be offered a new contract then it's best to end the charade now.

I admire the man even though this year I've been a critic.

Oh, and he won't spill the beans on tanking. He has too much class.

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I think Brad Green should hand the captaincy over to Brent Moloney too.

Brent Moloney had zero possessions, zero tackles, zero involvemnet in the half a game he played and you want to give him the captaincy. I don't care if he was sick, he shouldn't have been playing. there were supporters there that did more than him...

I think all leadership should be stripped from the players and make the next leaders work hard to be the replacements...Might even turn out to be the same guy's, but at leased they worked for it....

At the moment we don't have leaders

Edited by tatu
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Thought you said yesterday you are not supporting MFC anymore?

You're back....

One day I will be as holy and infallible as you Peanut. Until then I'll continue to post on a footy website as I see fit.

Yes, I'm pi$$ed off and disillusioned. It's like they say; if you think you understand Irish politics, you're probably confused.

But I must apologise, to you, personally, for being outspoken after the loss to Geelong, and not withstanding the context that we are 4 years into the 'rebuilding' phase and should be a competitive outfit by now. How dare I?

If you're happy that we are further from winning a premiership than we ever have been despite the promises and money thrown at the club by many, including myself to the tune of 5K, then clap your hands. I'm outraged and reserve the right to a rant here and there when we lose by 31 goals.

God Bless.

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Sad day for the club today but much sadder yesterday.

Dean Bailey did a lot for the club including sacrificing his own personal record for the good of developing a young list. I felt that sacrifice the most when we played the Bulldogs a month ago in a game that was crucial to his season, he gave Sam Blease a chance. I think that showed above all, that he was single minded in achieving something unique in coaching. Unfortunately it wasn't working on a number of levels and now he's gone.

We thank Dean. He was the coach that we had to have during the time he was at the club.

We move into an interesting five week period. History tells us that with players freed of inhibitions under a new coach, a team can rise to new heights. Matthew Primus and Port Adelaide showed that last year. Mark Bickley proved it to an extent today.

Make no mistake. Despite yesterday, it's possible with a new approach to team selection, tactics and game strategies the team can win every one of the five remaining games. There are players whose cards might have been marked this morning who have new opportunities. Some will be liberated to play in new roles, others will go back to more familiar roles.

The playing group has produced teams capable of winning games by 15 goals on more than one occasion this year. Such a team, with the right direction has the chance for redemption against its next two opponents. We owe them both big time for what they did to us earlier this year. Let's make it pay back time.

Oh, and it goes without saying that the recriminations against players can wait. They have five weeks to show what they can do - from the captain down to the rookies.

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Besides his floored game plan (total lack of forward pressure) I think Bails will concede he backed the wrong horse as captain. Green has been the other big failure of the year, I still can't shake that image of him playing against Adeialde when he snubbed Bate on the joe the goose handball. Bate had been out of the side for weeks and needed a confidence boost. A real leader seizes the opportunity to lift those around him - Greeny just wanted the goal.

The worst thing about that incident was it looked as though he actually went to give the handball but when he saw it was Bate or saw the open goals he thoughts "stuff this I'll just dob it myself". Bate looked shattered after that goal. Selfish, selfish play which is everything a captain should not be.

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One day I will be as holy and infallible as you Peanut. Until then I'll continue to post on a footy website as I see fit.

Yes, I'm pi$$ed off and disillusioned. It's like they say; if you think you understand Irish politics, you're probably confused.

But I must apologise, to you, personally, for being outspoken after the loss to Geelong, and not withstanding the context that we are 4 years into the 'rebuilding' phase and should be a competitive outfit by now. How dare I?

If you're happy that we are further from winning a premiership than we ever have been despite the promises and money thrown at the club by many, including myself to the tune of 5K, then clap your hands. I'm outraged and reserve the right to a rant here and there when we lose by 31 goals.

God Bless.

Nice reply...

Just checking you found out that you can't simply deny the red and blue blood in your veins...

Although we all wished we could yesterday...we know we can't.

Am I happy about never having seen a premiership? Am I happy about where we are at?

I know you know the answers...we are all upset and frustrated...I hope you feel better now you have vented and called me names...

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Brent Moloney had zero possessions, zero tackles, zero involvemnet in the half a game he played and you want to give him the captaincy. I don't care if he was sick, he shouldn't have been playing. there were supporters there that did more than him...

I think all leadership should be stripped from the players and make the next leaders work hard to be the replacements...Might even turn out to be the same guy's, but at leased they worked for it....

Well said!

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Sad day for the club today but much sadder yesterday.

Dean Bailey did a lot for the club including sacrificing his own personal record for the good of developing a young list. I felt that sacrifice the most when we played the Bulldogs a month ago in a game that was crucial to his season, he gave Sam Blease a chance. I think that showed above all, that he was single minded in achieving something unique in coaching. Unfortunately it wasn't working on a number of levels and now he's gone.

We thank Dean. He was the coach that we had to have during the time he was at the club.

We move into an interesting five week period. History tells us that with players freed of inhibitions under a new coach, a team can rise to new heights. Matthew Primus and Port Adelaide showed that last year. Mark Bickley proved it to an extent today.

Make no mistake. Despite yesterday, it's possible with a new approach to team selection, tactics and game strategies the team can win every one of the five remaining games. There are players whose cards might have been marked this morning who have new opportunities. Some will be liberated to play in new roles, others will go back to more familiar roles.

The playing group has produced teams capable of winning games by 15 goals on more than one occasion this year. Such a team, with the right direction has the chance for redemption against its next two opponents. We owe them both big time for what they did to us earlier this year. Let's make it pay back time.

Oh, and it goes without saying that the recriminations against players can wait. They have five weeks to show what they can do - from the captain down to the rookies.

There will be players playing in the next 5 weeks to stay on the list next year.

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Nice reply...

Just checking you found out that you can't simply deny the red and blue blood in your veins...

Although we all wished we could yesterday...we know we can't.

Am I happy about never having seen a premiership? Am I happy about where we are at?

I know you know the answers...we are all upset and frustrated...I hope you feel better now you have vented and called me names...

I do. Marginally.

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I think the right decision was made. The club will be called reactionary for the decision but it's more than just the size of the defeat, it's the way it happened. Bailey inherited a difficult job four years is a long time in football and we are a long way past the period where we would have copped a flogging like that.

I have said in other threads that I think Todd Viney should take the job for the rest of the year and we should appoint the best available Assistant coach from one of the top clubs. To me it's a choice in two between Sanderson and Neeld.

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Agreed that he's arrogant and full of himself, but boy I'd give my left nut to have him at the MFC. No chance in he'll that it'd happen thOugh. We really don't have the resources or money to support him and the FD that he'd be used too. Clarkson would also be fantastic but I don't see why he'd leave the HFC for our basketcase of a club.

It's an interesting ethical dilemma. Jump into bed and cuddle up with the enemy, in the hope of winning a premiership... I'll sleep on it :)

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I must admit, unlike most I'm very disappointed with this decision. In my mind, the benefits of pulling the trigger on Bailey now aren't great enough compared to the potential costs. Saturday was disgusting. But, it was only 1 game. Yes, it's not our only bad game, but it was one bad game.

Put the season into perspective. Todd Viney looks like he will take over and coach the team against the Blues on Saturday. If we win that one, which is a definite possibility at the G, we'll be on track to make finals. If I had said to anyone at the start of the year that Melbourne would make the finals, but Dean Bailey would be sacked as coach, they would tell me that was a ridiculous prediction, and that the team would've had a good season.

What will the media be saying come seasons end if we are in the 8, but we sacked our coach? I think they’d be saying we made our call prematurely. And I think that is what we have done.

But what’s done is done. We will have a new coach this weekend. What I think we all deserve, what the fans deserve is an explanation. What happened Saturday was more than just a bad day, it looked as if the players didn’t care with a couple of exceptions. Had Bailey lost the players? Perhaps. But there have been some other explanations bandied about, problems with Schwab and the rest of the administration.

We all deserve an explanation as to why we played the way we did on Saturday, why Dean has been axed, and the state of affairs within the football club as they now stand. That’s how the players feel, how the admin feels, how the footy department feels, and how the board feels. I’ve been super impressed with the entire footy club since Jim Stynes took over, up until the last 48 hours anyway. It appears to be a knee jerk reaction this decision. We all deserve an explanation to convince us otherwise.

I’m not sure if Dean was the man to coach us next year, and wouldn’t have minded if the club moved him on come seasons end. But if we don’t get an explanation of the last 48 hours, then this has been handled extremely poorly, and the call has been made too early.

Lets hope that tomorrow our questions are answered. There can't be any secrets on this issue, it all needs to come out in the wash. Anything less is just insulting to the fans of this footy club.

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Correct decision, if a somewhat sad one. This was, effectively, the straw that broke the camel's back. Our year has been a disappointment, and it has been clear to me and many others that Bailey's coaching has not been great.

In the end, this was the trigger the board needed to move him on. I'm glad it's been done, and I hope that we do our homework and get the best coach available. Whether that's an experienced coach or a new one remains to be seen (but I see no reason for saying that we NEED an experienced coach).

I do feel sorry for Dean in that he's now out of a job just like that, but at the same time he wasn't performing and I wasn't hoping to see him hold the job for next year.

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I must admit, unlike most I'm very disappointed with this decision. In my mind, the benefits of pulling the trigger on Bailey now aren't great enough compared to the potential costs. Saturday was disgusting. But, it was only 1 game. Yes, it's not our only bad game, but it was one bad game.

Put the season into perspective. Todd Viney looks like he will take over and coach the team against the Blues on Saturday. If we win that one, which is a definite possibility at the G, we'll be on track to make finals. If I had said to anyone at the start of the year that Melbourne would make the finals, but Dean Bailey would be sacked as coach, they would tell me that was a ridiculous prediction, and that the team would've had a good season.

What will the media be saying come seasons end if we are in the 8, but we sacked our coach? I think they’d be saying we made our call prematurely. And I think that is what we have done.

But what’s done is done. We will have a new coach this weekend. What I think we all deserve, what the fans deserve is an explanation. What happened Saturday was more than just a bad day, it looked as if the players didn’t care with a couple of exceptions. Had Bailey lost the players? Perhaps. But there have been some other explanations bandied about, problems with Schwab and the rest of the administration.

We all deserve an explanation as to why we played the way we did on Saturday, why Dean has been axed, and the state of affairs within the football club as they now stand. That’s how the players feel, how the admin feels, how the footy department feels, and how the board feels. I’ve been super impressed with the entire footy club since Jim Stynes took over, up until the last 48 hours anyway. It appears to be a knee jerk reaction this decision. We all deserve an explanation to convince us otherwise.

I’m not sure if Dean was the man to coach us next year, and wouldn’t have minded if the club moved him on come seasons end. But if we don’t get an explanation of the last 48 hours, then this has been handled extremely poorly, and the call has been made too early.

Lets hope that tomorrow our questions are answered. There can't be any secrets on this issue, it all needs to come out in the wash. Anything less is just insulting to the fans of this footy club.

Didn't the Saints sack Thomas the year after he got them in to the preliminary final?

Bailey seems a very nice bloke and I have no problems with him personally; I doubt the board do either, it's just that it wasn't working and Saturday was the culmination of the problems that are within the playing group.

My wife said to me the day Melbourne appointed Bailey they had made the wrong decision and she is never wrong.

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Guest lambtotheslaughter

What happens if we make finals? We could come out and roll Carlton next week (you know the humiliation/new coach thing) and its not a far fetch that we win our last three. Think Bailey should have been given the year to coach out if you want to get a Malthouse or Roos this isn't the way to get it done.

A ridiculous statement

IF we beat Carlscum it will be because Bails isn't the coach

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Sad day for the club today but much sadder yesterday.

Dean Bailey did a lot for the club including sacrificing his own personal record for the good of developing a young list. I felt that sacrifice the most when we played the Bulldogs a month ago in a game that was crucial to his season, he gave Sam Blease a chance. I think that showed above all, that he was single minded in achieving something unique in coaching. Unfortunately it wasn't working on a number of levels and now he's gone.

We thank Dean. He was the coach that we had to have during the time he was at the club.

We move into an interesting five week period. History tells us that with players freed of inhibitions under a new coach, a team can rise to new heights. Matthew Primus and Port Adelaide showed that last year. Mark Bickley proved it to an extent today.

Make no mistake. Despite yesterday, it's possible with a new approach to team selection, tactics and game strategies the team can win every one of the five remaining games. There are players whose cards might have been marked this morning who have new opportunities. Some will be liberated to play in new roles, others will go back to more familiar roles.

The playing group has produced teams capable of winning games by 15 goals on more than one occasion this year. Such a team, with the right direction has the chance for redemption against its next two opponents. We owe them both big time for what they did to us earlier this year. Let's make it pay back time.

Oh, and it goes without saying that the recriminations against players can wait. They have five weeks to show what they can do - from the captain down to the rookies.

Although I think Brad Green would set an example by standing down like a Japanese Politician does when things go against them, I agree with all you have said.

Dean has been responsible and selfless in putting it all in place for our future. That he will not be part of what he was instrumental in constructing is sad. But if we are to be the club we want to be, his enormous contribution will eventually be recognized.

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Didn't the Saints sack Thomas the year after he got them in to the preliminary final?

Bailey seems a very nice bloke and I have no problems with him personally; I doubt the board do either, it's just that it wasn't working and Saturday was the culmination of the problems that are within the playing group.

My wife said to me the day Melbourne appointed Bailey they had made the wrong decision and she is never wrong.

No wife is ever wrong :)

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Didn't the Saints sack Thomas the year after he got them in to the preliminary final?

Bailey seems a very nice bloke and I have no problems with him personally; I doubt the board do either, it's just that it wasn't working and Saturday was the culmination of the problems that are within the playing group.

My wife said to me the day Melbourne appointed Bailey they had made the wrong decision and she is never wrong.

Hey Robbie, can you ask your wife who we should get next? Please.

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Anyone who thinks this decision was just about Saturday is kidding themselves.

There have been questions marks over our game style all season, and the ups and downs have been dramatic.

Close games against the Pies last year, floggings this year.

The Hawthorn embarassment early in the season, the ongoing inability to beat Victorian teams, and teams around our level like North.

A 26% winning percenatage in nearly 4 seasons.............and then the game on Saturday...............surely no one is suprised.

If the administration suspected it before, Saturday proved he wasn't the coach to take us forward.

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It's an interesting ethical dilemma. Jump into bed and cuddle up with the enemy, in the hope of winning a premiership... I'll sleep on it :)

It's like sleeping with your best mates attractive sister. So wrong yet it feels so good.

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Anyone who thinks this decision was just about Saturday is kidding themselves.

There have been questions marks over our game style all season, and the ups and downs have been dramatic.

Close games against the Pies last year, floggings this year.

The Hawthorn embarassment early in the season, the ongoing inability to beat Victorian teams, and teams around our level like North.

A 26% winning percenatage in nearly 4 seasons.............and then the game on Saturday...............surely no one is suprised.

If the administration suspected it before, Saturday proved he wasn't the coach to take us forward.

Perfectly put.

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