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I don't agree with what has happened to that girl at all rp, i was just pointing out a Law in Victoria which would have influenced any court proceedings.

Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that you meant anything other than a clarification of law. I should have put some space between my first line and the rest.

The argument of 'she was legal' is trotted out by a few people who want to defend the footy players but, honestly, if that was your daughter, what would be your view?

Of course it is consensual too and they have no duty of care, but neither does she. They didn't look after anything other than their own arses and she has acted the way teenage girls act when they are hurt, frustrated, and ignored - with an excited fervour tinged with naivete and a touch of malice.

And this txt back-and-forth with an experienced AFL player concerning the fascination with group sex, is getting back into the territory of none of my business but...guys, really?

You do that to have 'something to talk about at training?' (Do they want immediate feedback on performance, technique? How they look naked and on the job?)

You can't read the papers? Play xBox? Jonesy seems happy enough to go to the movies with his (one) girl and talk (or tweet) about it. And he didn't even have to watch it in front of the rest of the lads...

The key is they are rock stars and they are acting like it becasue all their friends are rockstars. Make sure that our kids have 'real' friends to bring them back down to earth please? I'm looking at you Chris Connolly...

Edited by rpfc
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I wasn't implying that AFL players are more likely to be bastards than the rest of society, or that the AFL system doesn't run a wide range of programs on anti-bastardry.

By the same token,

Do you seriously think that only a few incidents a year making it to the media is any kind of indication of overall standards? AFL players and their apologists seem to like the idea that the rest of the world is just out to get them - girls are asking for it and just get sooky afterwards (just find the St.Kilda-originating emails that went out about the 'Schoolgirl', who apparently had made sleeping with AFL players some kind of collector-card game...), and fights only start because of people 'headhunting' them.

The media gets worked up too easily once something is 'out in the open', and that often looks ridiculous. But 'Buddy Franklin was rude to me when I asked him for a drink in a bar' doesn't make much news. 'Colin Sylvia was a total tool when I knew him back in Bendigo' isn't front pager.

AFL players aren't being asked to be flawless characters, they are being asked to -

refrain from sexually assaulting people,

try not to put yourself into a coma from drug overdoses,

not wear giant novelty dildos while wandering around Federation Square in the middle of the day,

avoid getting teenage girls pregnant and then ditching them cold,

don't make videos about chicken rape

limit their involvement with known organised crime figures

and generally avoid boozing it up and hanging around nightclubs after about 2am

How hard is that? Seriously, how hard is that?

You want your cake and you want to eat it too. Don't be so naive.

They are young boys/men who happen to be very good at kicking a football around. They are not necessarily 'smart' or 'upstanding' young boys or men. Granted some, maybe most are- but not all. And invariably it is those few who are the ones making the news.

It is those few who see their non-AFL mates getting on the gas week in and week out, partying, going to nightclubs, and sometimes getting up to mischief (and i'm not talking about sexual assaults, organised crime figures etc). They live a high-pressure, highly regulated, always in the spotlight life and sometimes they crack. They need an outlet and they take it- rightly or wrongly.

This is not to excuse what happens. It is merely to say that it IS what happens.

Some of those who have been involved in the incidents you make reference too are some of the most talented and at one point in time best footballers in the league. Yet they are flawed characters. Perhaps that is what makes them so good.

As Ben Cousins said- "you want me to behave like an Angel all week long and play like the Devil on the weekend."

AFL clubs will continue to draft the best available talent in the land. Not necessarily those with the best character. It is about winning premierships, not currying favour with the masses. And anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. Clubs will try to work with these flawed characters however, sometimes the players will make poor judgement calls and incidents involving these types will continue to happen, it is just the way it is.

Having seen on a regular basis, what really happens out in the community on a weekly basis, AFL footballers are but a small reflection of what goes on in the wider community, they are not the leaders of behaviour that you expect them to be. Fev and Cuz continued to get in trouble, but that didn't stop kids having their numbers on their backs or adults, well educated or not, still cheering like crazy for these players when they run out on the field...

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Seems there are double standards operating within the AFL and Andrew Demetriou has some difficult questions to answer about how the St. Kilda players who had sex with the 16/17 year old girl who can't be named were cleared. The AFL's policy on child protection applied to this girl but as per the Human Headline's column in HINCH SAYS

Rina Russo from MACSA, Mothers against Child Sexual Abuse emails:

‘Irrespective of whether the legal age of consent in VIC is 16, the AFL Policy on Child Protection addresses children for their policy as being Under 18!  How then can these footballers be cleared by the AFL when they have breached AFL policy? Not to mention its policy on Bullying.’

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I wasn't implying that AFL players are more likely to be bastards than the rest of society, or that the AFL system doesn't run a wide range of programs on anti-bastardry.

By the same token,

Do you seriously think that only a few incidents a year making it to the media is any kind of indication of overall standards? AFL players and their apologists seem to like the idea that the rest of the world is just out to get them - girls are asking for it and just get sooky afterwards (just find the St.Kilda-originating emails that went out about the 'Schoolgirl', who apparently had made sleeping with AFL players some kind of collector-card game...), and fights only start because of people 'headhunting' them.

The media gets worked up too easily once something is 'out in the open', and that often looks ridiculous. But 'Buddy Franklin was rude to me when I asked him for a drink in a bar' doesn't make much news. 'Colin Sylvia was a total tool when I knew him back in Bendigo' isn't front pager.

AFL players aren't being asked to be flawless characters, they are being asked to -

refrain from sexually assaulting people,

try not to put yourself into a coma from drug overdoses,

not wear giant novelty dildos while wandering around Federation Square in the middle of the day,

avoid getting teenage girls pregnant and then ditching them cold,

don't make videos about chicken rape

limit their involvement with known organised crime figures

and generally avoid boozing it up and hanging around nightclubs after about 2am

How hard is that? Seriously, how hard is that?

I would agree with you Littly Goffy

and they get paid mutiply $100 000's

It just shows me that a sizable percentage of AFL players are not very bright.

The Saints culprit with the camera is a good example.

If he was not a good player you would not feed him.

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Seems there are double standards operating within the AFL and Andrew Demetriou has some difficult questions to answer about how the St. Kilda players who had sex with the 16/17 year old girl who can't be named were cleared. The AFL's policy on child protection applied to this girl but as per the Human Headline's column in HINCH SAYS

Rina Russo from MACSA, Mothers against Child Sexual Abuse emails:

‘Irrespective of whether the legal age of consent in VIC is 16, the AFL Policy on Child Protection addresses children for their policy as being Under 18! How then can these footballers be cleared by the AFL when they have breached AFL policy? Not to mention its policy on Bullying.’

So let's get this right.

The AFL keeps Fevola under investigation for four months including two months after police enquiries reveal there is no evidence against him but a quick investigation lets off these St. Kilda players who appear to be in breach of its own written down policies.

The word "hypocrisy" springs to mind.

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The Human Headline just won't let go of this JUST BETWEEN US ....

The question is whether the AFL is prepared to do anything about it at this point in time. I think they'll just ignore it in the hope that it'll all go away.

After reading the article WJ I think he is dead right but as you suggest the AFL will not do any thing in the hope the idiots at the ACB will take all the media attention over the next six weeks then the Pre season competion will start!

If something does see the light of day they will hide behind the fact the police have investigated and no charges will be laid.

BF and LB all over again.

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Guest melbman

After reading the article WJ I think he is dead right but as you suggest the AFL will not do any thing in the hope the idiots at the ACB will take all the media attention over the next six weeks then the Pre season competion will start!

If something does see the light of day they will hide behind the fact the police have investigated and no charges will be laid.

BF and LB all over again.

Would make a great 4 corners episode

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It's not over yet, this one....I think laws are being revised and re written for this case..

Who owns photos in cyberspace?? This is new territory...and i certainly do not think the St.kilda Football Club have handled this well at all, from the start.

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It's not over yet, this one....I think laws are being revised and re written for this case..

Who owns photos in cyberspace?? This is new territory...and i certainly do not think the St.kilda Football Club have handled this well at all, from the start.

It isn't that complex WYL. If they are obtained and distributed illegally then the person who obtained them or distributed them illegally can be prosecuted. As for remaining images in cyberspace, if there is a court ordered injunction on their publication then that is what stands. It is a matter of then enforcing that injunction which is where your issue comes in. Will they go after every forum, every user who publishes the photos- it would be an expensive exercise, a nightmare. It isn't worth the time nor money. As long as all the media outlets and websites don't publish it then they are satisfied i believe.

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It isn't that complex WYL. If they are obtained and distributed illegally then the person who obtained them or distributed them illegally can be prosecuted. As for remaining images in cyberspace, if there is a court ordered injunction on their publication then that is what stands. It is a matter of then enforcing that injunction which is where your issue comes in. Will they go after every forum, every user who publishes the photos- it would be an expensive exercise, a nightmare. It isn't worth the time nor money. As long as all the media outlets and websites don't publish it then they are satisfied i believe.

This is the exact issue that interests me, now and into the future. This is almost a test case.

Photographs in cyberspace is a huge issue that will just get stronger.

Those Miami photos are still being passed around, i saw them last night in a pub, and they were certainly posed, so i do not believe all of Saint Nick!!!

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I can't believe people are still talking about the photos.

In my mind they're the smallest part of this issue.

Not if you were ever in them!!!! I am only interested because we are now dealing with a new technology that will defy most of the existing laws because these photos are not solid objects, they are almost part of the atmosphere.

Digital is so different to film and analouge...

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I can't believe people are still talking about the photos.

In my mind they're the smallest part of this issue.

I agree.

It's a distraction really.

She would have been better off coming out and saying what happened to her and not worrying about the photos.

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I agree.

It's a distraction really.

She would have been better off coming out and saying what happened to her and not worrying about the photos.

But she is now only 17 rpfc, this has been going on since adam and eve.

young girl gets involved with an older man.

Older man has his fun then dumps her.

Young girl is very sad and upset.

The only difference is in 2011 the young girl now has new ways to get revenge even if in a misguided way.

I do however agree with you and others the photos are not the real story!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Saints are going to foot the young lady's accommodation bill for a few months while she tries to patch up her relationship with her parents. It's a good move but since this resulted from their players having a relationship with her, then surely all of the costs should come under the salary cap?

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Well this rabble of club has gone from sueing her for the next 15 years to sugar coating hush money.

I'd say she had more ammunition than we think. Now Ross comes out wanting compassion and threating vilification.

I want to say bad things about this club but the story speaks for this club itself. Can't wait to give to these (*^)$#@^$ in the outer.

Reap what you sow St Failure. Messege to players....Don't hold back

To those who want to get on their high moral ground...don't bother...IDGAF!

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Saints issue warning on sledging

I've found this topic generally ridiculous, but is Lyon a total moron?

''So, just because you are on the football field, you don't leave behind community standards; so if people consistently are crossing those and it becomes an issue, that is something the AFL consistently deals with - any form of vilification.

''That's on the agenda. We like to play within the rules, the spirit of the game and, when we win games of football, we would like to think we have played within the rules and spirit of the game."

I think this stands for itself

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Saints issue warning on sledging

I've found this topic generally ridiculous, but is Lyon a total moron?

''So, just because you are on the football field, you don't leave behind community standards; so if people consistently are crossing those and it becomes an issue, that is something the AFL consistently deals with - any form of vilification.

''That's on the agenda. We like to play within the rules, the spirit of the game and, when we win games of football, we would like to think we have played within the rules and spirit of the game."

I think this stands for itself

I like the part were he states within the rules blah blah blah....What about the morals and rules of the community Ross??? Complete moron. lets us not hold back and let them feel our wrath when we play them.

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There's some blokes on the money over here.


The ones that are a bit sensitive don't look. Others for ammunition, laughter and banter...enjoy!

Suck it up Ross! Club is a bit fragile eh???

HaHaHa! that's great-can't wait to hear the entire footy public give the aints bucketloads this year.

Ross Lyon just should have shut it.-simple.

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Well this rabble of club has gone from sueing her for the next 15 years to sugar coating hush money.

I'd say she had more ammunition than we think. Now Ross comes out wanting compassion and threating vilification.

I want to say bad things about this club but the story speaks for this club itself. Can't wait to give to these (*^)$#@^$ in the outer.

Reap what you sow St Failure. Messege to players....Don't hold back

To those who want to get on their high moral ground...don't bother...IDGAF!

It reminds about something of Leopards & spots!

We all, or I thought they were changing their culture, down @ Linton st. I thought they were on the way to becoming a decent club.

I guess I was wrong, that they haven 't found a new direction, as there's no one to lead the way.

They just keep creeping closer to Frankston & the south beaches.

When will they stop, turn around & look back over their journey, to see how far they've travelled,,, to get No Where. saints Indeed.

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