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MCC members ALERT !


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As Junior pointed out, all levels of support should be welcomed, and to me, those holding an elitist 'if you don't buy a membership then you're not a true supporter' mindset are morons.

If you were smart enough, you'd realise there's nothing "elitist" about buying a membership.

Not your strong point though.

Stick to being a tightarse.

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Last time I checked this is a forum for supporters of the Melbourne Football Club. Please forgive my bias to the club and not giving a [censored] about how many ANZAC day games, friday night games or cricket games you go to.

Not telling you how to spend your money, not telling you whether you get value for money out your MCC membership. Just saying that I've got no time for the Melbourne "supporters" that put their money into their MCC membership and give nothing and do nothing for the club.

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Unfortunately, I live in the real world.

Where member numbers are a badge of honour (or dishonour) for clubs.

Without the MCC/MFC donators that give money for nothing OUR club would have 25,000 members and a hell of a lot more pressure on us.

We do a great service for this club, over and above the merchandise we buy from Brunton Ave.

We'll be happy to have you.

I agree that you do a great service for the club, and you are to be commended for that.

It just isn't for me.

In the real world, membership numbers may be a badge of honour, but merchandise sales and attendance numbers also help the club as well, and those are the areas in which I choose to contribute.

If you were smart enough, you'd realise there's nothing "elitist" about buying a membership.

Not your strong point though.

Stick to being a tightarse.

Nowhere did I say buying a membership is elitist, if your ability to comprehend the English language was at a higher level, you would know this.

What I did say, however, is that it is elitist for people to view others as an inferior type of supporter if they don't buy one. You are one of these individuals who doesn't appear to acknowledge the other mechanisms through which someone can support the club, and instead, see membership as the only way to do it. Just because someone has a different approach to supporting the club, it does not make them any less of a supporter, at least not in my eyes.

As I and others have said above, any type of support for the club should be welcomed and embraced.

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Nowhere did I say buying a membership is elitist, if your ability to comprehend the English language was at a higher level, you would know this.

What I did say, however, is that it is elitist for people to view others as an inferior type of supporter if they don't buy one. You are one of these individuals who doesn't appear to acknowledge the other mechanisms through which someone can support the club, and instead, see membership as the only way to do it. Just because someone has a different approach to supporting the club, it does not make them any less of a supporter, at least not in my eyes.

As I and others have said above, any type of support for the club should be welcomed and embraced.

My definition of a supporter is someone who buys a membership to support their club.

It's that simple.

Stop hiding behind a vague "I support the club in other ways" argument.

If you don't donate to the club or have a membership, you don't support them in my eyes.

I'd understand if you didn't have the cash, but you obviously do.

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Last time I checked this is a forum for supporters of the Melbourne Football Club. Please forgive my bias to the club and not giving a [censored] about how many ANZAC day games, friday night games or cricket games you go to.

Not telling you how to spend your money, not telling you whether you get value for money out your MCC membership. Just saying that I've got no time for the Melbourne "supporters" that put their money into their MCC membership and give nothing and do nothing for the club.

Is this directed at me or is it more of a general statement?

My definition of a supporter is someone who buys a membership to support their club.

It's that simple.

Stop hiding behind a vague "I support the club in other ways" argument.

If you don't donate to the club or have a membership, you don't support them in my eyes.

I'd understand if you didn't have the cash, but you obviously do.

Mate, how is saying that I go to games and buy merchandise from the MFC store vague?

It's clear and it's easily understandable unless you're a moron.

Also, it's rather myopic to suggest that there is only one way to support the club, bordering on ridiculous in fact.


Let's sort this out once and for all....How much on average would you spend on Merchadise through the "Demon Shop" each year??

Well, this year I bought a new jumper, a t-shirt and one of those singlets (which I kind of regret buying because I can't pull it off as well as Col Sylvia did in the catalogue).

What does that add up to? Somewhere around $200 I guess.

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In the real world, membership numbers may be a badge of honour, but merchandise sales and attendance numbers also help the club as well, and those are the areas in which I choose to contribute.

Membership numbers are massive for clubs, however.

They would much prefer people to buy memberships than make the same profit from merchandise sales.

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Can't wait for my MCC membership, only 15-20 more years. :)

It was charity to the club that got me a nomination.

If either of the couple that handed me a filled out nom form at the debt demolition luncheon partakes in land, I'd just like to say thanks again. :wub:

Have to say I agree that it's poor for people that can afford an MCC membership not to get at least the $50 MFC add on. Who provides you the most joy? Who are you more emotionally committed to? The Cricket club or the footy club? If you're sitting on the edge of your seat in the members riding a roller coaster of elation and pain, I'll bet 9 times out of 10 you're watching the Dees.

Wouldn't it be worth $50 a year to see us regain our place as a powerhouse of the competition. That's what we'd be if all Melbourne supporting MCC members got the add on. We'd enter the upper echelon of the membership ladder.

I think if we can have a successful period with multiple flags a lot of those people will return to the fold. People like to be associated with success.

If you're not a member of the football club then you are not a supporter, you are a barracker. There is a difference.

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Mate, how is saying that I go to games and buy merchandise from the MFC store vague?

It's clear and it's easily understandable unless you're a moron.

Also, it's rather myopic to suggest that there is only one way to support the club, bordering on ridiculous in fact.

Getting a bit wound up, are we?

Attending games as an MCC member supports the club?

Wow, you buy some clothes.

Weak. No wonder the club has been in trouble with pea-hearts like you as "supporters".

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I'm reticent to say this but maybe we get Cam Schwab to try and do a deal with the AFL where we put a rider on items purchased at the Demons store and it goes toward a membership.

I'm reticent because it's a little silly but if there are thousands who think like our friend here then that is thousands of paying supporters who don't have a membership and we can't have their contributive clout.

If you are an MCC menmber and spend $250 at the store you automatically get the $50 membership ticket?

I dunno...

Jeez, running a footy club is tough, especially when you are beholden to a cricket club and it members...

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E25, belting someone around the ears, kicking him in the nuts then saying "do the right thing, pal" is probably not the most unifying nor diplomatic approach to building a desirable "family" club

I know you are a pitbull, but isn't it time you desisted and called it a day

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E25, belting someone around the ears, kicking him in the nuts then saying "do the right thing, pal" is probably not the most unifying nor diplomatic approach to building a desirable "family" club

I know you are a pitbull, but isn't it time you desisted and called it a day

Yeah, I don't disagree with anything you say.

But while he's happy to continue calling me a moron, I'll continue to remind him he's a pea-hearted tightwad.

Difference is that I'm correct.

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Well, this year I bought a new jumper, a t-shirt and one of those singlets (which I kind of regret buying because I can't pull it off as well as Col Sylvia did in the catalogue).

What does that add up to? Somewhere around $200 I guess.

So out of $200 does any one here know the direct cut that goes straight to the MFC?

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So out of $200 does any one here know the direct cut that goes straight to the MFC?

I know what you are getting at, but the likelihood is that the merchandise would be bought regardless of the $50 membership.

I really don't get the MFC membership for romantic reasons (to slightly cast aside earlier posts of mine) but for the very real and tangible reasons of power and influence and stability.

The more members the club has the better off it is. AFL is a zero-sum game when it comes to memberships and we are hamstrung by the MCC in this regard.

There are benfits out of the MCC but the fact remains that the club would be better off, setting aside the historical relationship, if the MCC didn't exist.

With that in mind I pay-up to give my club a step-up.

Pragmatic or romantic?

Maybe semantic...

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I know what you are getting at, but the likelihood is that the merchandise would be bought regardless of the $50 membership.

I really don't get the MFC membership for romantic reasons (to slightly cast aside earlier posts of mine) but for the very real and tangible reasons of power and influence and stability.

The more members the club has the better off it is. AFL is a zero-sum game when it comes to memberships and we are hamstrung by the MCC in this regard.

There are benfits out of the MCC but the fact remains that the club would be better off, setting aside the historical relationship, if the MCC didn't exist.

With that in mind I pay-up to give my club a step-up.

Pragmatic or romantic?

Maybe semantic...

I think the MCC connection is is a positive, we just haven't seen the MFC as a power in the modern era with the MCC connection yet.

That is not to discourage people from being MFC members, but if 2for 1 goes to lets say 10 home games, spending money within the MCC each visit and also spends $200 per annum in the "Demon Shop" i consider him to be a Financial supporter of the club.

His spending is helping the club to grow, his voice hopefully helps the players.

No he is not a Member, but he still supports and grows the Mighty Demons.

That said, i do hope one day 2for1 becomes a member, but until then please keep CONSUMING!!!

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Sick of these you got to be a MFC member to be a supporter discussions. You do realise this mass buying of memberships is only a modern phenomena? Back in the 50s and 60s we had a massive SUPPORTER base, now go and check the membership levels - bugger all, and that was for all clubs. Are you saying your parents/grandparents weren't real supporters? - don't think they'd be very happy with you.

oh by the way, MCC member and being buying membership donations to the MFC for several years, including the daughter who doesn't go, and the daughter who can get in on a guest pass anyway. And yes, there are circumstances where an MCC membership will be purchased and the MFC won't be, like next season when I don't work for 6 months due to chemotherapy and luxuries such as MFC membership will only be paid for 1 daughter.

also how can anyone say MCC membership is not great value? AFL membership just doesn't compare.

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Sick of these you got to be a MFC member to be a supporter discussions. You do realise this mass buying of memberships is only a modern phenomena? Back in the 50s and 60s we had a massive SUPPORTER base, now go and check the membership levels - bugger all, and that was for all clubs. Are you saying your parents/grandparents weren't real supporters? - don't think they'd be very happy with you.

oh by the way, MCC member and being buying membership donations to the MFC for several years, including the daughter who doesn't go, and the daughter who can get in on a guest pass anyway. And yes, there are circumstances where an MCC membership will be purchased and the MFC won't be, like next season when I don't work for 6 months due to chemotherapy and luxuries such as MFC membership will only be paid for 1 daughter.

also how can anyone say MCC membership is not great value? AFL membership just doesn't compare.

Well said. AFL membership is an absolute Rip off compared to an MCC membership. AND you have to look in to the sun all day!!! MCC Rocks.

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Membership numbers are massive for clubs, however.

They would much prefer people to buy memberships than make the same profit from merchandise sales.

To me, as long as the club is seeing some benefit from my support, then it's all good.

Even if they would prefer me to buy a membership, I'm sure they are grateful for my support in any case.

Getting a bit wound up, are we?

Attending games as an MCC member supports the club?

Wow, you buy some clothes.

Weak. No wonder the club has been in trouble with pea-hearts like you as "supporters".

Your posts are full of contradiction.

You insult my intelligence whilst failing to comprehend what I'm saying, you say I'm getting worked up when you're the one continually bagging me for being weak, a fairweather supporter and a pea-heart, you say you want the club to shed its elitist tag, yet you won't accept anyone as a supporter unless they buy a membership which doesn't give them any personal benefit.

Also, when you say things like 'wow, you buy some clothes' I could simply respond with 'wow, you buy a membership.'

At the end of the day, both are mechanisms through which to support the club, yet you feel superior for some reason which I can't comprehend. All I know is that there certainly isn't a logical or rational reason for your mindset, you just like to think that you're a 'true supporter' of the club whilst others who choose to do things differently aren't.

I think the MCC connection is is a positive, we just haven't seen the MFC as a power in the modern era with the MCC connection yet.

That is not to discourage people from being MFC members, but if 2for 1 goes to lets say 10 home games, spending money within the MCC each visit and also spends $200 per annum in the "Demon Shop" i consider him to be a Financial supporter of the club.

His spending is helping the club to grow, his voice hopefully helps the players.

No he is not a Member, but he still supports and grows the Mighty Demons.

That said, i do hope one day 2for1 becomes a member, but until then please keep CONSUMING!!!

Thanks mate, you're one of the few individuals within this thread who can view things objectively and intelligently.

Perhaps one day I will become a member, but for now I will continue consuming and I will continue to support the club and its associated players.

Sick of these you got to be a MFC member to be a supporter discussions. You do realise this mass buying of memberships is only a modern phenomena? Back in the 50s and 60s we had a massive SUPPORTER base, now go and check the membership levels - bugger all, and that was for all clubs. Are you saying your parents/grandparents weren't real supporters? - don't think they'd be very happy with you.

oh by the way, MCC member and being buying membership donations to the MFC for several years, including the daughter who doesn't go, and the daughter who can get in on a guest pass anyway. And yes, there are circumstances where an MCC membership will be purchased and the MFC won't be, like next season when I don't work for 6 months due to chemotherapy and luxuries such as MFC membership will only be paid for 1 daughter.

also how can anyone say MCC membership is not great value? AFL membership just doesn't compare.

Another great post, and I hope all goes well for you and your family next year.

I agree on the MCC membership point too, it really does offer great value.

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Thanks mate, you're one of the few individuals within this thread who can view things objectively and intelligently.

Perhaps one day I will become a member, but for now I will continue consuming and I will continue to support the club and its associated players.

Another great post, and I hope all goes well for you and your family next year.

I agree on the MCC membership point too, it really does offer great value.

just remeber 2for1 that next season collingwood are aiming for 60,000 members. That makes me sick.

One day i want the Melbourne Football Club to have more members than the Filth.

I do expect you to help in that pursuit. We must Unite-But feel free to Consume within the MCC Reserve!!!

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just remeber 2for1 that next season collingwood are aiming for 60,000 members.

Just remember Collingwood are performing a vital role collecting THOSE members - do you really want any of those particular 60,000 leaking over to Melbourne membership?

I suppose a reverse-exorcism to install a demon might force the pie out, but its a big risk.

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Just remember Collingwood are performing a vital role collecting THOSE members - do you really want any of those particular 60,000 leaking over to Melbourne membership?

I suppose a reverse-exorcism to install a demon might force the pie out, but its a big risk.

No i do not want any of them Polluting our supporter Base!!! God Forbid. I want Red & Blue Blood Melbourne supporters to sign up en masse in the years to come.. B)

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just remeber 2for1 that next season collingwood are aiming for 60,000 members. That makes me sick.

One day i want the Melbourne Football Club to have more members than the Filth.

I do expect you to help in that pursuit. We must Unite-But feel free to Consume within the MCC Reserve!!!

I think 2for1 would prefer you not completely contradict yourself.

He doesn't need to get a membership but he will at some point in the future, a future tied to what Collingwood will probably enact in 2011.

Talk about having your cake and eating it.

Talk out the front of your mouth, WYL. Not either side.

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I think 2for1 would prefer you not completely contradict yourself.

He doesn't need to get a membership but he will at some point in the future, a future tied to what Collingwood will probably enact in 2011.

Talk about having your cake and eating it.

Talk out the front of your mouth, WYL. Not either side.

Just Planting seeds rp, Just planting seeds..... B)

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