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Luke Ball in the National Draft


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getting luke ball is not the culture i want at the club...pick a young kid who can see that coming to us now..working hard is going to equal sucess...luke ball is bitter with the saints, is at the cross roads of his career,,,clearly to emtional to make a rational decision about his future...given we could have paid him a large amount of money. and has no confidence in his body. personally i feel he doesn't want to be apart of rebuilding phase at any club. just fit straight into the pies because they have the football department to keep his body going longer than melbs.

i say front load a few more contracts and pickup kids,,,who are best availble to fill some holes.

even though gold coast will be around....hopefully we could snag someone who doesn't want to leave melb/come to melbourne next year.

when do we let go of ball?

Right on the $!

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Melbournes Football Department is getting quite a few supporters on edge which is EXACTLY what effect it will have on 15 other Football Departments

Bailey holds the Cards in this years draft

He has been dealt 2 ACES already

In order to get a greater chance on obtaining that 3rd ACE picks #3 through to #10 need to contain a LUKE BALL and my guess is PORT with pick #9

No way Ball will become a Demon now

Welcome to Alberton Oval Mr Ball

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Yeh, commend you on parroting what other's have already said; proves you can read. Well done.

Point is, Ball's lack of response is a statement in itself. Nominating for the ND is more of a statement.

Have a think about it before you start cutting and pasting other people's comments.

I haven't cut & Pasted anything Barry. I am asking a Question that's all.

All i have heard & read is speculation. I want to hear some Quotes with my own ears before i condem someone.

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So relevant, the question remains...where would he go ?

Port #9 ?

Ess #10 ?

Syd #14 ?

Port #16 ?

Melb #18 ?

North #21 ?

Ess #24?

North #25 ?

Ess #26 ?

Bris #27 ?

Coll #30 ?

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something I posted elsewhere:

Those suggesting we take Ball at all are ignoring that if he cared one iota for the Melbourne Football Club he would have nominated for the PSD. He is asking us to pay for him by way of an early pick which ultimately harms the team he would potentially play for. This to me shows that our club is not in his interests, at all. Wasting a pick on him would be bad for team club culture. No argument there.

Sorry if this point has already been made I'm over Luke Ball and have stayed ear of these threads until now.

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something I posted elsewhere:

Those suggesting we take Ball at all are ignoring that if he cared one iota for the Melbourne Football Club he would have nominated for the PSD. He is asking us to pay for him by way of an early pick which ultimately harms the team he would potentially play for. This to me shows that our club is not in his interests, at all. Wasting a pick on him would be bad for team club culture. No argument there.

Sorry if this point has already been made I'm over Luke Ball and have stayed ear of these threads until now.

Im with you. Much efort is made with screening and evaluations when recruiting via the draft. Its not just how good ( or bad ) a player might be from a skills perspective but also how they handle themselves on and off the field. i.e youre trying to minimise the carry on you get with the Carroll types. Sylvia only now scrapes through. You essentially want to weed out potential hiccups. Why then would we not apply the same due dilligence when evaluating the performance and positioning of Ball ?

Its all very well to say that supposedly once you snare a player, in any manner available that they would produce according to their ability but I dont subscribe to this. If you applied to work for company A and distinctly didnt want to work for the outfit ( B ) only to have A swalowed by B and they your boss after all , youd fel jipped and might well harbour resentments. These will affect how you work. Im not sure that Ball's thinking is quite up there. He seems overly dependent on exterior influences and bases little on clear thinking if, if, his view of who and where Melbourne are situated is built upon the current ladder .

Come round 1 season 2010 all bets are off. we no longer start as team 16. I doubt we will be found at the bottom for many many years to come.

If his want is simply to play for Colingwood, to play under Mickey Mouse and sidekick then fine. Many, other than we biased, can se where we are going, that we will play a major part in finals for some years to come once our young brigade gels and that that timeframe isnt quite as long as nay-sayers suspect.

Why does anyone want someone who obviously isnt interested? I would however do my darndest to obfuscate our position and intent and in so doing capture our prizes whilst derailing others . Some battles are won off the field ;)

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Couldn't care less about what Ball wants or 'what he has done to us.'

If the FD think he is worth the price - pick him, throw him a shirt, and tell him 'that's life.'

strangely that would be contrary to the exact mantra Bailey is exuding to his wards :huh:

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strangely that would be contrary to the exact mantra Bailey is exuding to his wards :huh:

No it isn't.

If they want him. Take him.

If they don't, leave him for Essendon.

Hurt feelings aren't a barrier for improving my team - if they want him, take him.

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No it isn't.

If they want him. Take him.

If they don't, leave him for Essendon.

Hurt feelings aren't a barrier for improving my team - if they want him, take him.

yes it bloody is.. its not just "feelings" my learned colleague. Were talking about motivation, life goals etc. Ball is certainly entitled to them. This isnt the 18th century and press ganging has long since gone.

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Nice work there.

But whether its true or not, I did read an article about Ball yesterday claiming one option he is keeping in mind is to refuse to sign with the team that drafts him and sit out 1 year of football, after which he can then be traded to the pies.

It didn't go into any more specifics and I don't remember which article.

But it seems you've proven even that to be incorrect.

No, that's correct. It would be reliant on him being traded, he couldn't enter the draft for another season, as he would be contracted. The club wouldn't have to trade him unless they chose to, so if they chose to spite him for sitting out, they could keep him out of football for another year. However, you would suggest they would trade him and get something for him.

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and your point ?

If we Pick him at 11 or 18 and pay him 500k a year because the FD perceive him to be the best pick available at that point,

He will Bloody well play, that's his motivation. Because if he doesn't his value will drop immensly very quickly.

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and your point ?

I think his point is quite simple. The club also has the motivation & goals to achieve the best list possible for it's members and their set goals. I will back the FD to make the best decision for the football club. They're the ones in the position to decide what is best. If that means they perceive Ball is a better option to fill the void, improve the list and select him at 18. So be it.

He will play for any of the 16 AFL clubs that select him, his motivation - to assist his teammates to reach the ultimate accolade in AFL - will be the same.

You say he is entitled to those goals. So he is. He is open slather, just like any other 18yo draftee in the ND that awaits a new start in life. He signed on for this and made his own bed. He may have certain preferences, but there are 16 franchises that have goals and motivation too.

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I think his point is quite simple. The club also has the motivation & goals to achieve the best list possible for it's members and their set goals. I will back the FD to make the best decision for the football club. They're the ones in the position to decide what is best. If that means they perceive Ball is a better option to fill the void, improve the list and select him at 18. So be it.

He will play for any of the 16 AFL clubs that select him, his motivation - to assist his teammates to reach the ultimate accolade in AFL - will be the same.

You say he is entitled to those goals. So he is. He is open slather, just like any other 18yo draftee in the ND that awaits a new start in life. He signed on for this and made his own bed. He may have certain preferences, but there are 16 franchises that have goals and motivation too.

Right on the money HT. Its a Business world out there & ball signed up for the ND, so he will go to wherever.

Sentiment & emotions aside please fellow Demons

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Ive no argument at all that Football is a business. But Id argue that playing football, even at the highest level is a passion, not just a job.

Any of you that have been fortunate enough to have access to Personal Dev courses , seminars and the like will advocate that you are far more productive in work that you have passion for. Otherwise..its 'just' a job..etc etc.

I can hear some already dismissing that at bunkem and thats your perogative but I have no doubt that Bailey and his crew want people who are passionate to play for Melbourne...to WANT to be there , to give their 100% and then some. I would argue there is a difference between the generally accepted 'journeyman of football" and the case of Luke Ball. In general journeymen will look at all things on merits and play accordingly in a gun for hire manner. Luke has , to me , exhibited sincere contempt for our club let alone any lack of desire to play for it.

Well..there are only 15 clubs that are supposedly in any race as he's already rejected StKilda.. and id suggest already rejected us. if he was as some would say prepared to play for us why would he not sit down and negotiate a deal to the best advantage of both parties ? Why... because he simply has no interest.

Having said this I also put my faith in our FD and Ill be very surprised if I hear the name; Ball, Luke # xxxxxxx called out after our club is called.

Any idea that he is as effectively up for grabs as a Draftee simlpy overlooks the glaring differences of circumstance

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Ive no argument at all that Football is a business. But Id argue that playing football, even at the highest level is a passion, not just a job.

Any of you that have been fortunate enough to have access to Personal Dev courses , seminars and the like will advocate that you are far more productive in work that you have passion for. Otherwise..its 'just' a job..etc etc.

I can hear some already dismissing that at bunkem and thats your perogative but I have no doubt that Bailey and his crew want people who are passionate to play for Melbourne...to WANT to be there , to give their 100% and then some. I would argue there is a difference between the generally accepted 'journeyman of football" and the case of Luke Ball. In general journeymen will look at all things on merits and play accordingly in a gun for hire manner. Luke has , to me , exhibited sincere contempt for our club let alone any lack of desire to play for it.

Well..there are only 15 clubs that are supposedly in any race as he's already rejected StKilda.. and id suggest already rejected us. if he was as some would say prepared to play for us why would he not sit down and negotiate a deal to the best advantage of both parties ? Why... because he simply has no interest.

Having said this I also put my faith in our FD and Ill be very surprised if I hear the name; Ball, Luke # xxxxxxx called out after our club is called.

Any idea that he is as effectively up for grabs as a Draftee simlpy overlooks the glaring differences of circumstance

We all understand the difficulties.

The MFC should be wary of recruiting Ball.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't though.

Believe me, his tune will change quickly if he gets picked up by anyone before Pick 30.

If he is the preferred talent at 18 then take him.

I refuse to let Luke Ball and his family/entourage dictate the recruiting philosophy of my club.

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Ive no argument at all that Football is a business. But Id argue that playing football, even at the highest level is a passion, not just a job.

Any of you that have been fortunate enough to have access to Personal Dev courses , seminars and the like will advocate that you are far more productive in work that you have passion for. Otherwise..its 'just' a job..etc etc.

I can hear some already dismissing that at bunkem and thats your perogative but I have no doubt that Bailey and his crew want people who are passionate to play for Melbourne...to WANT to be there , to give their 100% and then some. I would argue there is a difference between the generally accepted 'journeyman of football" and the case of Luke Ball. In general journeymen will look at all things on merits and play accordingly in a gun for hire manner. Luke has , to me , exhibited sincere contempt for our club let alone any lack of desire to play for it.

Well..there are only 15 clubs that are supposedly in any race as he's already rejected StKilda.. and id suggest already rejected us. if he was as some would say prepared to play for us why would he not sit down and negotiate a deal to the best advantage of both parties ? Why... because he simply has no interest.

Having said this I also put my faith in our FD and Ill be very surprised if I hear the name; Ball, Luke # xxxxxxx called out after our club is called.

Any idea that he is as effectively up for grabs as a Draftee simlpy overlooks the glaring differences of circumstance

I asked this question a few days ago BB, similiar to your above point.

"Do you think all the players on our list are 100% totally passionate to be playing for the MFC list" or if they had a choice would they prefer somewhere else?

I doubt the number would be 100%- that's Life Don't Forget Norm Smith grew up a Filth supporter....

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We all understand the difficulties.

The MFC should be wary of recruiting Ball.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't though.

Believe me, his tune will change quickly if he gets picked up by anyone before Pick 30.

If he is the preferred talent at 18 then take him.

I refuse to let Luke Ball and his family/entourage dictate the recruiting philosophy of my club.

I can see the value of him as a player and should we indeed take him and he does our colours proud, then well.. I'll be as tickled pink as the next guy.

I too dislike the notion of having our course dictated to by him in any manner, its annoying to say the least..but id rather let him slide than take him in a show of position, only to cut off our nose to spite our face.

He's not even here ( or not ) and hes created a huge divide !! <_<

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Fwiw, I was trying to emphasise the point made.

All considered, I think we have better fish to fry. I don't expect him to be called out now. But such things are possible and I'll be supporting the FD, and I think they will make the right decision.

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I can see the value of him as a player and should we indeed take him and he does our colours proud, then well.. I'll be as tickled pink as the next guy.

I too dislike the notion of having our course dictated to by him in any manner, its annoying to say the least..but id rather let him slide than take him in a show of position, only to cut off our nose to spite our face.

He's not even here ( or not ) and hes created a huge divide !! <_<

I don't think we are that divided.

It's out of his hands anyway, our recruiting blokes have more control over the destiny of Luke Ball than he does. As does the PA staff, and Ess staff.

He's looking to wrest back some control by not meeting with anyone - good luck to him. We play a socialised game that is set-up to get the bugger paid but not by the organisation he chooses.

We are the ones in control though, and if we wish to, we can do what is right for our club (if it's deemed it is the right thing).

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