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Luke Ball in the National Draft


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Not surprising what so ever. Impossible to pick up a high profile player when you've got a 12-54 record over 3 years.

So who do we now set our focus on:

Joel McDonald

Jesse Smith

Scott Harding

Daniel Harris (handy replacement for McLean)

I'd happily take any of the above players over an 18 year old who was ignored in a weak draft. There will be no Liam Jurrah fairy tales this year folks!

Firstly just because Hannibal heard a rumour doesn't mean it's true. Pretty poor by Hannibal writing something like that and giving us very little information about it.

Secondly I would take none of them Smith clearly doesn't want to come to us and the rest are just ordinary players who won't give us much more than we already have.

Edited by BROCKSTAR5
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Pretty poor by Hannibal writing something like that and giving us very little infomation about it.

Actually, that is a pretty fair comment.

The Ball Camp:

1. An influential Family member doesn't want Ball to go to Melb. He's done the hard yards at another club and Melb's window for a flag is considered to be at least 5 years away. He's Captained another club and has probably passed the stage in his career where he wants to revisit struggle street, albeit they know Melb's future is very very good.

2. They consider it a "2 to 1 chance" that he'll reach Collingwood in the ND. I was surprised. At this stage, and it could well change as they firm up the chances of reaching C'Wood, the likley scenario is that he'll take his chances in the ND in the belief that he'll get there. But repeat, this isn't set in concrete. Next week could change the landscape.

3. Melb have pushed hard and impressively.

4. Nutshell: Collingwood favourite (in their view), i.e. 2/1, with Dees and Saints still a chance. He doesn't want to return to the Saints, but it is still an option.

Of course they may be too optimistic with regards to Collingwood as I see roadblocks in their way.

We'll all know soon enough.

Source: impeccable. But as I've said, things can change.

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Good info.

If Ball's going in the ND, and is not totally opposed to going to Melbourne (screw the influential family member, I'm sure Ball is capable of being a big boy), why don't we just pick him up at 18?? Last time I saw Collingwood have pick 30ish.

Am I being too simplistic?

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2. They consider it a "2 to 1 chance" that he'll reach Collingwood in the ND. I was surprised. At this stage, and it could well change as they firm up the chances of reaching C'Wood, the likley scenario is that he'll take his chances in the ND in the belief that he'll get there. But repeat, this isn't set in concrete. Next week could change the landscape.

Over-optimisitc, I would have thought. Surely they realise that, since Collingwood doesn't have any picks before 30, he has to survive 29 other picks, including North Melbourne and Essendon in the mid-20s.

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Good info.

If Ball's going in the ND, and is not totally opposed to going to Melbourne (screw the influential family member, I'm sure Ball is capable of being a big boy), why don't we just pick him up at 18?? Last time I saw Collingwood have pick 30ish.

Am I being too simplistic?

Cos with pick 18 we could still get a very good young player.

You've got to weigh up the pros and cons of Ball over who you'd expect to be available at 18.

I'd go for the youngster.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic
If Ball's going in the ND, and is not totally opposed to going to Melbourne (screw the influential family member, I'm sure Ball is capable of being a big boy), why don't we just pick him up at 18?? Last time I saw Collingwood have pick 30ish.

Am I being too simplistic?

Not simplistic but I would be very unhappy that we wasted a top 20 pick on someone we could have got for free. I'd rather we BS'ed him and told him we would take him at 18 so if he nominates for the ND all he will be doing will be hurting the club he will be playing for. If he calls the bluff we take a kid at 18 and leave him to the mercy of the other clubs.

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Actually, that is a pretty fair comment.

The Ball Camp:

1. An influential Family member doesn't want Ball to go to Melb. He's done the hard yards at another club and Melb's window for a flag is considered to be at least 5 years away. He's Captained another club and has probably passed the stage in his career where he wants to revisit struggle street, albeit they know Melb's future is very very good.

2. They consider it a "2 to 1 chance" that he'll reach Collingwood in the ND. I was surprised. At this stage, and it could well change as they firm up the chances of reaching C'Wood, the likley scenario is that he'll take his chances in the ND in the belief that he'll get there. But repeat, this isn't set in concrete. Next week could change the landscape.

3. Melb have pushed hard and impressively.

4. Nutshell: Collingwood favourite (in their view), i.e. 2/1, with Dees and Saints still a chance. He doesn't want to return to the Saints, but it is still an option.

Of course they may be too optimistic with regards to Collingwood as I see roadblocks in their way.

We'll all know soon enough.

Source: impeccable. But as I've said, things can change.

Infuential family member, Fair dinkum!

Cant he think for himself?

2/1 on to get to collingwood seems pretty short

Take heart of dreams in the cox plate, certainty

well more certain than Hannibal anyway

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^^^ why don't we just pick him up at 18?^^^

As Beamer so eloquently put it at the Bluey Truscotts during the week, we want a team full of players committed to the cause.

That's it pure and simple.

If Ball wants to commit to the MFC then he knows the correct way to do so is by nominating for the PSD where we can take him with first pick rather than "waste" 18 on him in the ND. I can't see our no nonsense FD involving themselves in a game of bluff with Ball or anyone else. We put our case and if Ball doesn't want to be part of our future then I'd rather use # 18 and get a player who will.

It's unlikely he'll end up at Collingwood because there are 2 or 3 clubs with earlier selections in the ND who would take him anyway. And BTW, Ball is 25 years old. Is he capable of making up his own mind without the intervention of relatives?

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Over-optimisitc, I would have thought. Surely they realise that, since Collingwood doesn't have any picks before 30, he has to survive 29 other picks, including North Melbourne and Essendon in the mid-20s.

I would say it's near zero chance for Ball to go to Pies.

Norf have 2 picks in the 20's and they'll take their chances with Pick 6 kid and Pick 21 kid on board. They like ready mades.

Bumbres have 24,26. They've wanted someone to tag team with Watson for a while. Again 2 kids will be selected b4 pick 26 is up.

Lions have already stated their intentions after Bradshaw walking out. 27 for Ball is a big show. Rich Black Power.

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Actually, that is a pretty fair comment.

The Ball Camp:

1. An influential Family member doesn't want Ball to go to Melb. He's done the hard yards at another club and Melb's window for a flag is considered to be at least 5 years away. He's Captained another club and has probably passed the stage in his career where he wants to revisit struggle street, albeit they know Melb's future is very very good.

2. They consider it a "2 to 1 chance" that he'll reach Collingwood in the ND. I was surprised. At this stage, and it could well change as they firm up the chances of reaching C'Wood, the likley scenario is that he'll take his chances in the ND in the belief that he'll get there. But repeat, this isn't set in concrete. Next week could change the landscape.

3. Melb have pushed hard and impressively.

4. Nutshell: Collingwood favourite (in their view), i.e. 2/1, with Dees and Saints still a chance. He doesn't want to return to the Saints, but it is still an option.

Of course they may be too optimistic with regards to Collingwood as I see roadblocks in their way.

We'll all know soon enough.

Source: impeccable. But as I've said, things can change.

Not another McLean type family is it?

Personally I can't see how you can predict anything in 5 years time. I would have thought the fact that he has been at St Kilda would actually help us cause he has seen his club climb up quickly from bottoming out.

What would make him think that Collingwood are that close to a flag. There finals series was ordinary and they don't have much of a forward line if Anthony doesn't fire. They are a funny side Collingwood you know if they get written off they will pull something out of the hat but when they start to get rated as a flag contender you know they will some how stuff it up, they have been doing this for years now. I would say that the top 3 clubs are a fair way ahead of them, I'm not saying that Collingwood can't play a big part in the finals but it wouldn't surprise me if they were the sliders next year. If Ball wants to go to Collingwood for a chance at the flag I think he is making a mistake but if he wants to go there for their facilities then I could understand it.

The comment that has my interest is that he doesn't want to go back to the Saints. This must put us in the box seat cause I think it would be near on impossible for a player of Ball's quality to still be available by pick 30 in the ND.

If we could get a player like Ball it will give the club a massive boost the kids will start to think that we are going places if an experienced quality player can see a future with us. If we don't it will give the indication that we are still a basket case.

When he realises that he has very little chance of going to Collingwood who do you think would be favorites Melbourne or StKilda?

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When he realises that he has very little chance of going to Collingwood who do you think would be favorites Melbourne or StKilda?

I don't know. I'm not sure he does.

And I completely understand the reasoning. If I was his Dad I'd probably agree. Ray played 55 games for Richmond and South.

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Heard a whisper.

Don't get your hopes up for Luke Ball.

And here I thought studying for a marketing exam on a Saturday night was the worst news of the day...

Thanks for the info, shame it's not such positive news. If he does nominate for the ND, I hope he doesn't end up at Collingwood. One because I loath Collingwood, and two because anyone who doesn't want to play for Melbourne should suffer as if they did :lol:

Edit: fathers need to stay the hell away from their kids career. Have we learnt nothing from Damir Dokic? ;)

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If he goes into the ND he would be taking some bad advice from whoever is whispering in his ear.

The way it is, is the way it is.

He should, and those around him should also, come to terms with the fact that he is going to play for Melbourne or St Kilda.

Sydney at 14, PA at 16, MFC at 18 (although unlikely) and we haven't even got to the 20's yet...

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3. Melb have pushed hard and impressively.

I would like to know, how have Melbourne pushed hard and impressively ?

Since Ball has been in NY and his manager has allegedly communicated to the Demons to wait until his return.....

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I hope we don't take Ball with pick 18. That's all I can say. Beyond that, I don't really care.

Disagree mate. If he lasts at pick 18, you take the best available, and that is Luke Ball.

Taking Ball would cap off our best national draft since its inception in1986.

We need an immediate replacement (For Brock) in our starting midfield for next year.

Having said that, I know he won't be at the MFC next year. I can't be arsed getting my hopes up yet again.

Edited by Bring-Back-Powell
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As Beamer so eloquently put it at the Bluey Truscotts during the week, we want a team full of players committed to the cause.

That's it pure and simple.

If Ball wants to commit to the MFC then he knows the correct way to do so is by nominating for the PSD where we can take him with first pick rather than "waste" 18 on him in the ND. I can't see our no nonsense FD involving themselves in a game of bluff with Ball or anyone else. We put our case and if Ball doesn't want to be part of our future then I'd rather use # 18 and get a player who will.


You've summed up the situation perfectly Demon Head!

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If Ball wants to commit to the MFC then he knows the correct way to do so is by nominating for the PSD where we can take him with first pick rather than "waste" 18 on him in the ND. I can't see our no nonsense FD involving themselves in a game of bluff with Ball or anyone else. We put our case and if Ball doesn't want to be part of our future then I'd rather use # 18 and get a player who will.

But Luke Ball is an absolute professional. If he nominated for the ND, he will give 100% to what ever club picks him up.

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If Hannibal's inside information is correct then I somehow can't see Ball nominating for the ND. He could not only end up at a club whose premiership horizon is as far away (if not further) as ours but he might have to move interstate to Fremantle, Port Adelaide or Brisbane which might be hard to take for even a consummate professional whose roots are in Melbourne. Collingwood would be a remote chance IMO.

If Ball doesn't like us then he might want to take his chances with a contract at St. Kilda who may not now wish to offer him a three year contact. That might suit him in the end because he might want to give Collingwood another try next year but who knows what their prospects will be at that stage?

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2 to 1 is way too generous. Brisbane have already declared they'll take him and they have pick 27, You'd also think Essendon would use either 24 or 26 before then as well.

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If he goes into the ND he would be taking some bad advice from whoever is whispering in his ear.

The way it is, is the way it is.

He should, and those around him should also, come to terms with the fact that he is going to play for Melbourne or St Kilda.

Sydney at 14, PA at 16, MFC at 18 (although unlikely) and we haven't even got to the 20's yet...

I think that the Port Adelaide pick at 16 is a massive risk to Ball and if his management don't appreciate Port's situation then they are mad. Ball (like many other non SA players) has shown aversiveness to moving to Adelaide but if he nominates for the national draft then it is fair game and Port are one club who do not give a toss about such issues anyway. The reality is that Port were pushing pretty hard to get a quality experienced player in return for Burgoyne, they know such a player is very important for them (similar actually to MFC). They tried for Lewis with pick 9 and then they thought they had Lovett only to lose him to the Saints. Port ended up with 3 decent ND picks but this is surplus to their needs/priorities from a youth pov IMO. Picks 8 and 9 will do them fine and then 16 (which they would have preferred Lovett to) will easily be parted for Ball. Port are an arrogant club and in desperate times will do what serves them and in context of the ND will laugh at any sentiments of Ball not wanting to play for them.

I agree rpfc that Sydney (14) could be touch and go but Port (16) is the clincher I reckon. Ball is dreaming if he thinks he has any hope of getting through to Collingwood.

Options look like Saints(re-sign)/Dees(PD)/Power(ND - if not Swans) IMO and I have a feeling that he will end up staying at the Saints.

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Cos with pick 18 we could still get a very good young player.

You've got to weigh up the pros and cons of Ball over who you'd expect to be available at 18.

I'd go for the youngster.

We're looking at Ball for his leadership as much for his football ability. I'm not sure that we'd want him if he enters the ND hoping to get to Collingwood. In so doing he would be effectively saying that the prospect of working up from the bottom with a group of kids does not interest him.I wouldn't sacrifice Pick 18 for a reluctant mid-age player.

For me its PSD or not at all

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