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Brendan Fevola

Daz's Dee's

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Bradshaw is 33 and will either be ineffective or be out of the game in 2 years time. Rischitelli is just another average mid, and to make it worse Carlton have no first round pick. Carlton are getting screwed royaly by themselves and are without question the most poorly managed and dumbist AFL club.

While there isn't a strong enough pejorative in the English language to fully express my hatred for the Carlton Football Club, I think anyone even pretending to be objective would concede that since Pratt's takeover (and complete overhaul of the club's operations), they have been one of the more shrewdly run outfits of the competition. If the deal goes through as is it will be a very un-Carltonlike move, and will suggest that they are absolutely desperate to get rid of him, at any price. Which really makes you wonder about the problems described by GNF, and just how deep they really go.

It's a nightmare scenario, and it couldnt be happening to a nicer club.

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While there isn't a strong enough pejorative in the English language to fully express my hatred for the Carlton Football Club, I think anyone even pretending to be objective would concede that since Pratt's takeover (and complete overhaul of the club's operations), they have been one of the more shrewdly run outfits of the competition. If the deal goes through as is it will be a very un-Carltonlike move, and will suggest that they are absolutely desperate to get rid of him, at any price. Which really makes you wonder about the problems described by GNF, and just how deep they really go.

It's a nightmare scenario, and it couldnt be happening to a nicer club.

They would have got rid of him a lot earlier except for the intervention of one R Pratt.

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Dean Jones on 3AW yesterday morning said that a Carlton's Number one player has said he will not play there if Carlton's Number two does. This came about after someone apparently pulled down the top of the Number One Player's girlfriend at an after Brownlow function to have a "TWIG" at her breasts.

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Ok i ask a Question, i thought Fevola just F'ed up on the Brownlow night, I have heard nothing of the Footy Show!! The Footy show doesn't make it to Asia!!

This means not only were the segments Pre recorded but there were days in between where all vision coukd be screened??

Call it my opinion but i call that pretty bad judgement on behalf of ch9 Similiar to the Chaser situation on the ABC earlier this year.

The Buck stops with ch9 Hierachy not "the Footy Show" when things like this happen.

Standards have dropped even further within that Rabble since "The Goanna" passed on & Jamie Took over, but then he is not a fan of TV like his Dad, & is more addicted to Las Vegas Casino buying.

Well as long as you can kick some goals then all is good with the world.....

And I understand the argument of he hasn't had to deal with any fall out so far in his career of being an idiot, so he keeps doing what he does, but for gods sake he is an adult (at least he is old enough to be regarded as one) and should therefore bloody well know what is the difference between decent and indecent behaviour, at least in a professional environment like that.

I heard David Parkin take responsibility for Fev's actions saying that he should have been tougher on him when he was drafted why back when, but a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, and you would have thought that after all the issues he has caused he could have learned something by now. But apparently not and he still has his apologists, Crown for serving the alcohol, Carlton for either not banning him from drinking or removing him from the room, Judd for being a weak captain, but only one person is to blame for the situation there is now.

So are Channel 9 responsible for Fevola? Not in my opinion, at least not for his actions.

He was drinking to the point of drunk during the count (which incidentally was broadcast on Channel 7), and this behaviour obviously continued after that. He also did this knowing full well that he was contracted prior to the event to do a media segment, something that he is being well paid to do. As it stands Nathan Brown had the unenviable task of jumping in and finishing Fevola's well paying pre-organised gig (and it is irrelevant how he went doing it expect to say he was thoroughly unprepared for it). Channel 9 should never have even had to ask him to do it.

The argument here however is whether "The Footy Show" or Channel 9 should have aired it. Well it comes down to a matter of opinion. Maybe they could have showed a little more restraint, which could well be argued they did by editing certain (large) parts of the evening out of the final broadcast product, but in truth in the current media environment salacious will always win out. This was considered news-worthy, and was probably excellent for their ratings on the night, not to mention any money they made from on-selling the footage to rival networks.

So whether you like the media or not, it was Fevola that put himself into this position and while his TV employers have capitalized on it, he alone must pay the price of his choices.

At the end of the day Brenden Fevola alone is responsible for his actions and hopefully he gets what's coming his way,

.......and I seem to be pissy today :rolleyes: !!!

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They would have got rid of him a lot earlier except for the intervention of one R Pratt.


Carlton had to deal given the circumstances.

Fevola's position at Carlton was untenable.

I think you might be right. Fev may have walked into a trap totally unsuspecting.

If the Heavyweights wanted him stopped it would have been easy to do. Cut to a 60 second commercial & have security remove Fevola.


If Carlton had trully wanted to keep Fevola, they would have saved him. But just Like "Underbelly" they allowed him to sink with the old oven tied tightly to his ankle....thus creating an escape clause.

They didn't and Fev had already tied a number of anchors to his ankles himself with a sign saying this way down.

He only had himself to blame for each and every incident through his career.

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Carlton had to deal given the circumstances.

Fevola's position at Carlton was untenable.

They didn't and Fev had already tied a number of anchors to his ankles himself with a sign saying this way down.

He only had himself to blame for each and every incident through his career.

Agreed, but he is actually Dumber than i thought, & i already considered him a total cot case imbecile.

In no way am i trying to defend him, i just find it quite incredible that he was allowed to get away with so much.

Age is irrelevant. Some people do not grow up.

A mini series of carltons demise will be made one day!! Maybe sticks is a hopeless President.

I Hope so & BTW Good luck Brocky who must feel like a dead man walking right now :lol: :lol: :lol:

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... but he is actually Dumber than i thought, & i already considered him a total cot case imbecile.

In no way am i trying to defend him, i just find it quite incredible that he was allowed to get away with so much.

Age is irrelevant. Some people do not grow up.

In some ways he is just the same boofhead been proven over and over again.

Despite his rank stupidity he is a very very good footballer and a matchwinner when switched on. The trouble is that the gap between his best and worst is the Grand Canyon and too often he plays at the extremes.

And its this reason that sportsman like Warne, Carey, Symonds, Fevola, G Ablett Senior and Cousins do get so much latititude is that they are so good.

You are right many of these people never do grow up.

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In some ways he is just the same boofhead been proven over and over again.

Despite his rank stupidity he is a very very good footballer and a matchwinner when switched on. The trouble is that the gap between his best and worst is the Grand Canyon and too often he plays at the extremes.

And its this reason that sportsman like Warne, Carey, Symonds, Fevola, G Ablett Senior and Cousins do get so much latititude is that they are so good.

You are right many of these people never do grow up.

Yep i agree, & if he slipped into the PSD i would expect the MFC to pick him up. He is a great Footy Player when "on"

Sometimes we got to take a chance. But it's not going to happen, but i am sure the "Fev" story is way off from being over.

Stay Tuned!!

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His 2008 Brownlow medal street talk was some one the funniest stuff ever.

This year's effort was just a showing a pathetic human being at work.


Unseen footage not on the footyshow.

I really did enjoy his comedy but for some reason the lack of respect he shows just hits a nerve.

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His 2008 Brownlow medal street talk was some one the funniest stuff ever.

This year's effort was just a showing a pathetic human being at work.


Unseen footage not on the footyshow.

I really did enjoy his comedy but for some reason the lack of respect he shows just hits a nerve.

Technically everything he said was 100% correct...

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and I could call you a suck up which could be true but it wouldn't change the fact that it is disrespectful.

Fair call, but I was aiming more at having a dig at those parasites Jeff & Paul, rather than agreeing with Fev...

Edited by Keyser Söze
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I think Carlton have done ok out of this.

They indicated early on that Fev was out the door for 'off field issues' - which normally tells potential buyers that there is a bargain on offer (as they want him out at all costs).

They managed to land a short term replacement in Bradshaw (pending his medical) and Michael Rischitelli who will add to depth to their in and under stocks.

AND most importantly - they don't have to pay Fev a cent.

$1.4 million free in the cap over the next 2 years - look for them to try and buy big again next year and entice more players to join them.

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I think Carlton have done ok out of this.

They indicated early on that Fev was out the door for 'off field issues' - which normally tells potential buyers that there is a bargain on offer (as they want him out at all costs).

They managed to land a short term replacement in Bradshaw (pending his medical) and Michael Rischitelli who will add to depth to their in and under stocks.

AND most importantly - they don't have to pay Fev a cent.

$1.4 million free in the cap over the next 2 years - look for them to try and buy big again next year and entice more players to join them.

They have considering the circumstances -

but J. Brown will sit Fev down, look him right in the eye and say, 'if you f**k this up...' or something along those lines ;)

Fev and J. Brown in their forward line.. wow

top 4 next year -injuries aside- for Brisbane..

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Yep i agree, & if he slipped into the PSD i would expect the MFC to pick him up. He is a great Footy Player when "on"

Sometimes we got to take a chance.

Firstly he is contracted. Secondly I wouldn't.

I think Carlton have done ok out of this.

They indicated early on that Fev was out the door for 'off field issues' - which normally tells potential buyers that there is a bargain on offer (as they want him out at all costs).

They managed to land a short term replacement in Bradshaw (pending his medical) and Michael Rischitelli who will add to depth to their in and under stocks.

AND most importantly - they don't have to pay Fev a cent.

$1.4 million free in the cap over the next 2 years - look for them to try and buy big again next year and entice more players to join them.

Agree with all that.

They have considering the circumstances -

but J. Brown will sit Fev down, look him right in the eye and say, 'if you f**k this up...' or something along those lines ;)

Fev and J. Brown in their forward line.. wow

top 4 next year -injuries aside- for Brisbane..

The upside is big.....so is the downside if Brown/Fev clash too often.

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There is still more to this story. All the skeletons in Fevs cupboard are not out. Fev has done other worse things that only Carlton Football Club knows about. Carlton fear that if these things came out no club would take Fev ...

This comes directly from high up in the CFC.

The only things that don't gel with me in this story are

1. if Judd dislikes Fevola so much and sees him as such a "cancer", why was Judd himself with Fevola on the Blackjack tables "losing $2000" (Herald-Sun report on Crown video footage) from 2pm, several hours before the Brownlow presentation; and

2. how it portrays Judd as a paragon of virtue, which he most definitely isn't.

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I already question myself on whether I have gone too far on what I have already said.

i appreciate all the inside info you provide us on the CFC and your thoughts, but you are smart enough to determine what kind of information is acceptable/unacceptable on this forum.

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Thank you Ch 9 for maintaining the low standards.

The correlation with that and Fevola on the Footy Show crossed my mind too. Something is wrong at Channel 9 when it comes to understanding modern community sensibilities. No wonder they've gone downhill.

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Thank you Ch 9 for maintaining the low standards.


I thought Daryl Somers was the Most offensive last night. His performance was just so ordinary.

Oswald Q Ostrich was Brilliant as always!! :lol:

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I'll go out on a limb here and state that the greatest trick the devil (Carlton) ever pulled was to convince the media and greater football world that they want to trade Fev, as long as my arse points to the ground they have no intention of trading that alcoholic bogan. They make all these statements to the media because if the did nothing on the issue then they would be seen as a gutless spineless football club, however if they say we want to trade and expect the world for him with no intention of a trade and the week finishes he stays where they want him without the scrutiny that would otherwise be there if they had done nothing. He is way to valuable to a club who has finally made it back to the finals without Fev they have no one to kick goals and that is FACT.


Edited by Cards13
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