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Daniel Bell

Dappa Dan

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This year will be somewhat difficult

2009 - any of Whelan, Wheatley, Robbo and Junior for retirement. Buckley, McNamara, Miller, Bartram, Cheney Wona,Dunn are names for consideration. Sylvia and Jamar to be recontracted

Next year, there are names definitely in the gun.

2010 - any of the the 2009 retirements that didnt, Newton, Bell, PJ/Meesen, Bail for starters.

I try to keep track of contracts but if you and Jaded are right about Bell I have to say that one of Buckley, McNamara, Batram, PJ, and Dunn are gone.

And Robbo, Wheels, Wheats, and Junior would be odds on to 'retire' at the end of this year.

We'll see...

We can wait to have this difficult conversation when we are finished with the other difficult conversation...

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I try to keep track of contracts but if you and Jaded are right about Bell I have to say that one of Buckley, McNamara, Batram, PJ, and Dunn are gone.

And Robbo, Wheels, Wheats, and Junior would be odds on to 'retire' at the end of this year.

We'll see...

We can wait to have this difficult conversation when we are finished with the other difficult conversation...

PJ and Dunn are both also contracted I believe. IMO that means names like Buckley are in the gun before time. McNamara was drafted as bottom age, he's the sort I'd be looking to delist and then redraft in the rookie draft.

BTW I don't think Rhino is suggesting that Wonaeamirri will be or is likely to be delisted, but it's pretty certain his name will be discussed since he's out of contract this year.

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PJ and Dunn are both also contracted I believe. IMO that means names like Buckley are in the gun before time. McNamara was drafted as bottom age, he's the sort I'd be looking to delist and then redraft in the rookie draft.

BTW I don't think Rhino is suggesting that Wonaeamirri will be or is likely to be delisted, but it's pretty certain his name will be discussed since he's out of contract this year.

Correct Nasher.

I agree with your assessments in the first paragraph. However I think Dunn is out of contract but will survive the cut at year end and get offer a 2 year appropriately priced contract.

PJ is contracted in 2010.

lol :P

I don't think RR's ever been a great fan of the Tiwi Turtle.

What he did last year was good but he flew under the radar a bit with oppositions providing both MFC and Wona with no respect or defensive pressure.

However, I have yet to see him take the next step and reserve judgement on him. Its going to be interesting to see if he can scratch out a living in the FP. For mine he lacks a dominant skill (eg pace, kicking, marking) that may limit him either in the FP or playing further up the ground Time will tell. He is out of contract this year and his name will be consider for delist but I doubt they will do it.

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I hate you so much.

I'm not here to make friends.

As your first post suggests: If Bell was contracted only for this year he would be out the door.

Just because he has a 2 year contract and paying it out would mean a loss of $$ doesn't mean we should keep him.

I would prefer that he had the chance to play for the rest of the season and prove himself one way or the other but that chance is gone with his injury. Regrettable, but there have been better players delisted for the same reason.

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Just because he has a 2 year contract and paying it out would mean a loss of $$ doesn't mean we should keep him.


The paying out of contracts should only be done in extreme situation particularly given MFC's parlous financial state. Nathan Carroll was one such case. Daniel Bell is not one.

Paying out contracts early has the following impacts.....

1. Loss of $$ in advance and without commensurate services provided by the player.

2. Potential complications with the salary cap.

3. Strains limited financial resources in the Club.

4. Undermine the confidence of the playing group in their futures at the Club.

5. [censored] off the MCC and AFL that is making significant additional contributions to the Club.

6. Disenfranchise MFC with player managers who will see MFC as an unreliable future for their players.

7. Raise perceptions about list management that do not necessarily reflect all the facts at hand.

While it might create an additional spot on the list, there are more cohesive and less disruptive means to achieve the same end.

MFC wont be paying any contracts early this year and Bell will be on the list next year.

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This year will be somewhat difficult

2009 - any of Whelan, Wheatley, Robbo and Junior for retirement. Buckley, McNamara, Miller, Bartram, Cheney Wona,Dunn are names for consideration. Sylvia and Jamar to be recontracted

Next year, there are names definitely in the gun.

2010 - any of the the 2009 retirements that didnt, Newton, Bell, PJ/Meesen, Bail for starters.

Sorry Rhino but Wona's just a ridiculous inclusion

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Sorry loges, his contract is expiring. He will be considered as a consequence but is unlikely to be cut. Keep up the good work.

You too

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However, I have yet to see him take the next step and reserve judgement on him.

Probably because he's been injured and hasn't played a senior match this year! :rolleyes:

From all reports he had a great pre-season, slimmed and toned down significantly and was on track to play some midfield games this year.

What a ridiculous notion to suggest that he hasn't taken the next step yet. Of course he hasn't. He hasn't even played a full season yet!

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However, I have yet to see him take the next step and reserve judgement on him. Its going to be interesting to see if he can scratch out a living in the FP. For mine he lacks a dominant skill (eg pace, kicking, marking) that may limit him either in the FP or playing further up the ground Time will tell. He is out of contract this year and his name will be consider for delist but I doubt they will do it.

This is one of the more stupid things I've read from you. How do you expect him to 'take the next step' when he's been injured all year? A ridiculous statement.

And if you're looking for a 'dominant skill', try his kicking. His set shots for goal are brilliant.

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What a ridiculous notion to suggest that he hasn't taken the next step yet. Of course he hasn't. He hasn't even played a full season yet!

This is one of the more stupid things I've read from you. How do you expect him to 'take the next step' when he's been injured all year? A ridiculous statement.

Here is what I said kiddies:

However, I have yet to see him take the next step and reserve judgement on him.

Let me add to the end to that ..."until he is back playing senior football".

I had not said he hasn't taken the next step and am fully aware of his injury status. I would like to make a judgement on him when he is given a bit more defensive pressure by the opposition and can handle positions up the ground. If he can great. But its good to see Jaded is sold on him doing when she hasn't seen him and accepts third hand reports of a "great" pre season. Wonderful.

Suggest you save our melodramatic indignation for an important issue.. if possible.

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This is one of the more stupid things I've read from you. How do you expect him to 'take the next step' when he's been injured all year? A ridiculous statement.

And if you're looking for a 'dominant skill', try his kicking. His set shots for goal are brilliant.

His field kicking, awareness and vision were brilliant in preseason.

On his return game in the VFL, Jake King did get into his head and spent the whole afternoon trying to swat him.

He's definitely in my best 18. Jack Watts is about the same chance of being delisted as Aussie. Zero.

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I had not said he hasn't taken the next step and am fully aware of his injury status. I would like to make a judgement on him when he is given a bit more defensive pressure by the opposition and can handle positions up the ground. If he can great. But its good to see Jaded is sold on him doing when she hasn't seen him and accepts third hand reports of a "great" pre season. Wonderful.

Suggest you save our melodramatic indignation for an important issue.. if possible.

Please, backpedal some more, why don't you!

When did I say I was sold on him? I just said that your notion that you haven't seen him take the next step is ridiculous, given that he has been injured. Of course he needs to improve, but how can he if he is not on the field?

If you want to see him take the next step, you'd have to re-sign him and see whether he can or he can't move up a level, don't you?

Not many rookies in their first year have had the same impact that Aussie had. On that alone, he deserves time to prove to us what he can do. I'd take the same consistent output that he had last year, every year for the next 10 years thanks.

It was a silly comment to make, and one that you obviously felt you had to write after putting Aussie down as someone who is out of contract and should be looked at for delisting. I note that you chose to leave the likes of Martin and Maric out of your list, even though they are out of contact, so clearly you weren't just listing all out of contract players, but just those you think the club may look at chopping off the list.

FWIW, there is no chance Aussie won't get a new contract, absolutely none, even if, in your eyes, he hasn't taken the next step! :blink:

BTW I don't think Rhino is suggesting that Wonaeamirri will be or is likely to be delisted, but it's pretty certain his name will be discussed since he's out of contract this year.

It doesn't mean his name will be discussed in relation to chopping off the list, otherwise we should include Maric and Martin in that list, shouldn't we?

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im glad rhinos not running the show down there, delist aussie,hes played 20 odd games he has dash and nows weres the goals are, lets swap him for pick 100 to the gold coast, old timer i enjoy reading your post but you screwed up there champ,i watched aussie train at least a dozen times at casey in the preseason and had high hopes for him, unfortunately injuries curtailed that,i think aussie being delisted is the last thing on baileys mind.

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Please, backpedal some more, why don't you!

When did I say I was sold on him? I just said that your notion that you haven't seen him take the next step is ridiculous, given that he has been injured. Of course he needs to improve, but how can he if he is not on the field?

If you want to see him take the next step, you'd have to re-sign him and see whether he can or he can't move up a level, don't you?

Not many rookies in their first year have had the same impact that Aussie had. On that alone, he deserves time to prove to us what he can do. I'd take the same consistent output that he had last year, every year for the next 10 years thanks.

It was a silly comment to make, and one that you obviously felt you had to write after putting Aussie down as someone who is out of contract and should be looked at for delisting. I note that you chose to leave the likes of Martin and Maric out of your list, even though they are out of contact, so clearly you weren't just listing all out of contract players, but just those you think the club may look at chopping off the list.

FWIW, there is no chance Aussie won't get a new contract, absolutely none, even if, in your eyes, he hasn't taken the next step! :blink:

Why do I have to backpedal. :lol:

My comment having not seen him not taking the next step is for the fact he has been injured. Its not to say he wont take that step. And I have already said he will be recontracted. I would like to see how he goes with more pressure applied by the opposition.

Your effort in trying to misconstrue my argument that because I dont think Wonna has made the next step that he is in consideration for the cut is even dim by your standards Jaded.

It doesn't mean his name will be discussed in relation to chopping off the list, otherwise we should include Maric and Martin in that list, shouldn't we?

Add Maric and Martin to the list if you like. It was an oversight.

Happy Misssy now.

At least you have got Jack the Ripper fooled.

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every ones entitled to there opinion rhino, no offence mate you sound like that bloke that was the singer for midnight oil, and hes the biggest back peddler in australia.

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Why do I have to backpedal. :lol:

My comment having not seen him not taking the next step is for the fact he has been injured. Its not to say he wont take that step. And I have already said he will be recontracted.

You said this:

He is out of contract this year and his name will be consider for delist

Unless you deem a player considered for delisting if he's on a list of players that are uncontracted I can't see how Wona will be 'considered for delisting'. We're not going to be ditching him.

every ones entitled to there opinion rhino, no offence mate you sound like that bloke that was the singer for midnight oil, and hes the biggest back peddler in australia.

That might be a little unfair - I'll leave it to you to decide for who it is unfair - but nice call :P

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This year will be somewhat difficult

2009 - any of Whelan, Wheatley, Robbo and Junior for retirement. Buckley, McNamara, Miller, Bartram, Cheney Wona,Dunn are names for consideration. Sylvia and Jamar to be recontracted

Next year, there are names definitely in the gun.

2010 - any of the the 2009 retirements that didnt, Newton, Bell, PJ/Meesen, Bail for starters.

Benefit of hindsight but I'm quite frustrated looking at the uncontracted players for 09 vs 010. Keeping Bell/Newton ahead of names like Buckley, Miller, Wona makes me feel ill.

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He has been on the list since 2002.

7 years and has not played one good game.

I am blown away that anyone wants to keep him.

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7 years and has not played one good game.

Not true, how can anyone forget Bell's breath-taking performance against Adelaide at the 'G in 2007? Got the 3 Brownlow votes that day, and looked like he'd well and truly "arrived".

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