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Whats Bailey doing?

Guest unstable punt

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Remember Clarkson's first few years? Remember how everyone ridiculed him for playing a foreign style that they players couldn't yet play?

Look what happens now when the players do it properly.

Yes, I remember Axis Of Bob, Bailey's been cut out of the same mould as Clarkson over at Port Adelaide. SOmetimes you've gotta stick fat, wait until he gets the players he wants to implement his gameplan. This year was always going to be pain after last year. There will be more pain to come next year. Stick fat people, stick together.

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I refuse to believe that our coach, or any coach, would instruct the players to handball unnecessarily through the middle of the ground before turning the ball over. There is no way Bailey is asking them to over-possess the footy.

IMO it's just a basic lack of skills and most importantly a lack of smarts that is causing us to look like a mess on the field. We have so many dumb footballers that even the simplest of game plans cannot be executed properly.

How much do players like Garland, Maric, Morton, even Grimes stand out from the rest because you can see they think the game through, not just panic, fluff a kick/handball and run around in circles before running into an opponent. That some players (our most inexperienced ones at that) are capable of executing the game plan to me demonstrates that Bailey is not really at fault here.

Just out of curiosity. Anyone looked at a similar game plan that has talented a grade players that hand ball through the middle past oposition there forwards dont have to come out of the forward 50 because the team has talent and has been playing this style for 3 years now. I would be refering to the CATS just watch there next game it looks like a similar game plan to ours but with skilful players and players that are used to it. correct me if i am wrong please but this is what i have been thinking for most of the year

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To have a successful game plan you first need to understand where your competitive advantage/s lay.

Do you have potential advantage over other sides through any of, or multiples of, pace, high marking, physical toughness, sublime skills, a clear winner, e.g. Carey, great midfield assets, etc.

The reasons your competitive advantages may not yet be defined may be;

Poor list, changing list, young list, no-one or group identified as extraordinary to build a game around, e.g. Carey, J Brown, Franklin, current Geelong midfield.

If the club has not identified its best potential playing list to identify competitive advantage, then only skills and basic game plan can be trained.

IMO we are still sorting our playing list, and so have not identified our competitive advantage/s.

An idea or plan could and should well be on the drawing board. Drafting and trading will need to be completed now to get us to square 1.

This year has been only about sorting the playing list out, and maybe working on skills development.

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Having been to all the games in MELBOURNE and geelong also casey this year one thing is painfully obvious, we dont have a forward line. NO I dont mean a competitive line, I mean anybody standing inside our forward 50. Time and time again there is just nobody there!!!!!!!!! WHY? WHY? Are they too stupid to relise we need to kick the football through OUR big sticks more often than the opposition. Do they get suckered down the field? I dont care if Wonna is our full forward, just so we have somebody in our half of the ground.

How would you like being one of our defenders knowing no matter how many times you won the contests[and they were pretty good at it this year] and beat your opponent the ball was just going to come sailing back as the forwards were milling in around the centre of the ground picking their noses.

We crusified our back line this year and it is to their credit they kept at it as well as they did.

QUESTION. Do we draft RICH to get the ball into our forward 50, or do we draft Watts in case we get the ball into our forward 50?

JADED I agree with most every thing you say, and I think you sit just in front of me , look over your right shoulder and I am the old bloke having a very noisy heart attack.

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I meant in the way the bloke above me put it.

Pagan's paddock meant there was no one IN the forwardline until the ball come down there

We don't play Pagan's Paddock. We sit 2-3 forwards our half of the ground who are generally double-teamed (at least). They're often stationary/leading to the ball (rather than back towards goals).

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I know its his first season but l hope Bailey knows what he's doing because apart from playing young kids, which is fantastic, the game plan is horrible, and l can't work out what he's trying to do. There is NO-ONE up forward, they stuff around with it in the middle because they haven't got anyone up forward to kick it to :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Its the players not following the gameplan, hence DB's anger after the match..

Our gameplan is to counter attack, and move the ball on freely at any opportunity, but the players are often falling back on old habits, it will come, especially with a MASSIVE pre season ahead!

In Bailey, I trust..

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Guest unstable punt
Maybe it's just the players pushing too far up the ground?

Wouldn't knock a coaches game plan til you know exactly what he wants the players to do, rather than what the players are actually doing themselves

an example they showed 'on the coach' and l remember it clearly, Maric had someone running into the forward line by himself and kicked to another player across the ground with 3 to beat, WTF is going on??? that has got all to do with the coach, he might be able to talk the talk but bloody hell they need to improve 200% otherwise get rid of him. If they are still churning out that shyte by round 8 next year it has to be adios amigo and bring in new coach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest skipper3

Bailey's plan is pretty simple.

When the ball is in the backline the deal is this; play on when you can, run & move the ball quick (either by hand or foot), run the ball through the middle of the ground. Kick long to a leading target who will take the mark.

This game plan has to have a few key ingredients to have the positive outcome;

i) shepard the ball carriers,

ii) run wheather you have the ball or not - if you do, run & play with dare- if you dont, run to provide an option.

iii) play on quickly

iv) have a few tall leading forwards,

v) comunicate.

What is happening at the moment;

i) we are not running out of the backline enough - we do it sometimes, but not enough & with not enough dare & convitction.

ii) skills under pressure - the players have no confidence at all and as such dont believe they will be able to hit a target when under pressure. With this we look sideways, back, to players not ready, etc - dont for a second think the coaching staff are happy with that when it happens. Players dont play on due to; no confidence, not enough players around him moving & talking to him.

iii) We do not have the right structure in the forward line for a variety of reasons (not the right players out on the field, players not having the confidence to demand the ball).

iv) Players moving too far up the ground & out of position to get a kick etc.

The players over the summer will be instructed to move the ball the right way & with our best 22 out on the field - we will improve. We do not the luxury to not have our best 22 out on the park (not many clubs do). The players will be expected to improve & they will, remember - alot of these guys played footy under ND & it does take time for all players not to revert to old wasy when under pressure.

This above game plan is simple & alot of clubs do use it (Geelong included) - the difference is that they have been doing it longer & have players with more confidence & more skills. Bailey's game plan will become better, straighter & more fluent - the players just have to keep working at it.

The worse thing we could do would be to sack Bailey now - he has a job to do it - let him do it.

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Guest unstable punt

l know that we don't need to sack him but reckon he needs to start getting results by midway through next year or we look at other options. When l say results, l don't mean getting into 8 or even top 12 but just some semblance of looking like a professional AFL team.

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Bailey's plan is pretty simple.

When the ball is in the backline the deal is this; play on when you can, run & move the ball quick (either by hand or foot), run the ball through the middle of the ground. Kick long to a leading target who will take the mark.

This game plan has to have a few key ingredients to have the positive outcome;

i) shepard the ball carriers,

ii) run wheather you have the ball or not - if you do, run & play with dare- if you dont, run to provide an option.

iii) play on quickly

iv) have a few tall leading forwards,

v) comunicate.

You conveniently left out point vi) under no circumstances do you kick to a contest.

Apart from that, what you've stated above is exactly how I've read Bailey's game plan.

And the simple way to counteract his game plan is by zoning off. The opposition know full well that we won't kick to a contest, hence they target the recipient of the inevitable handball or sideways kick. Through opposition pressure, the result is usually a turnover, with all our players who are providing the run to support, getting caught out of position.

And note, that you started your analysis of the game plan with "When the ball is in the backline". What are you suggesting? Bailey has no plan for winning a centre clearance or retaining possession in our forwardline?

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You conveniently left out point vi) under no circumstances do you kick to a contest.

Apart from that, what you've stated above is exactly how I've read Bailey's game plan.

And the simple way to counteract his game plan is by zoning off. The opposition know full well that we won't kick to a contest, hence they target the recipient of the inevitable handball or sideways kick. Through opposition pressure, the result is usually a turnover, with all our players who are providing the run to support, getting caught out of position.

And note, that you started your analysis of the game plan with "When the ball is in the backline". What are you suggesting? Bailey has no plan for winning a centre clearance or retaining possession in our forwardline?

The side doesn't kick to a contest because they have no confidence in thier skills to kick to advantage and no confidence in their teamate to win the contest, ie we lose most of them.

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The side doesn't kick to a contest because they have no confidence in thier skills to kick to advantage and no confidence in their teamate to win the contest, ie we lose most of them.

If the coach doesn't have the confidence in the players skills or ability to win a contest, it's little wonder that the players haven't responded to the coach.

I rest my case.

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If the coach doesn't have the confidence in the players skills or ability to win a contest, it's little wonder that the players haven't responded to the coach.

I rest my case.


Whatever case you just rested you lost.

The game is won and lost out on the ground.

Its simple, we are not good enough atm on every level. we lose games because we lose contests around the ground and we do not currently have the skills or confidence in our ability to play with flair and instinct.

Regardless, you still want the players to attempt to play a brand of football that will win premierships, not minimise a loss. It is about drilling the players to play to a standard, not compromsing the standard to your players ability. If your players don't perform to the standard the coach asks the players for more. Ie greater fitness, skill level, commitment, teamwork, aggression etc.. So far in the 7 or so months that Bailey has had this team made up mainly of kids, list top ups, last year players and just a few established players they have not surpringly been unable to deliver.

It would be very foolish indeed to make a call on Baileys ability to coach at this point. As supporters its time to take our medicine, be patient and wait for improvement. This may not come untill well into next season but it will come. I don't want to see quick fixes, I want a flag. If I have to wait til 12,13 or 14 then so be it.

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Guest skipper3

I did not "conveniently" leave out your point iv - I did not include "dont kick to a contest" because that isnt in the game plan! In regards to kicking to a contest; the only time you as a footballer kicks to a contest is when you have teamates further up the ground who will be able to have more than a 50-50 chance of taking that mark. At the moment with the side we had on Sunday - we cant do that. For this to work we need what is called "marking options" - apart from Miller - we dont have that. The aim over the summer is to more time in to Bate, Newton, etc & get players who are injured back on the park. Also, recruit a key forward (i.e. Watts).

Your simple way to conteract this game plan by zoning off only works so much. I dont see to many sides zoning of Geelong, Bulldogs & Hawthorn. The reason? They move the ball quickly enough that the other side is out of the position, there lies the two key points; i) speed, ii) skills. At this stage we as a side are still getting those two key points right.

I started with "in the backline", because I thought it may be easier for some people to get a visual of what they are reading. It had nothing to do with suggesting that DB doesnt have game plan of getting the ball out of the middle, I know he does.

I, unlike some people around town actually support DB & will continue to.

Further to some people saying "why do we play like this is we cant do it yet?" What do you expect DB to do? Have a game plan that is stunted, doesnt promote good attacking footy while two years down the track change that because the players now have the skills?? How stupid would he look? All of his critics would want his head!!!! Talk about football suicide!

You conveniently left out point vi) under no circumstances do you kick to a contest.

Apart from that, what you've stated above is exactly how I've read Bailey's game plan.

And the simple way to counteract his game plan is by zoning off. The opposition know full well that we won't kick to a contest, hence they target the recipient of the inevitable handball or sideways kick. Through opposition pressure, the result is usually a turnover, with all our players who are providing the run to support, getting caught out of position.

And note, that you started your analysis of the game plan with "When the ball is in the backline". What are you suggesting? Bailey has no plan for winning a centre clearance or retaining possession in our forwardline?

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Guest unstable punt

Finally, a memo to Melbourne chairman Jim Stynes and coach Dean Bailey. If you want members to come and watch you play, get your team to score. The Demons are ranked second in the competition for uncontested marks. They average 102 a game. But it's a waste of time and energy when the uncontested marks are the results of short kicks that go backwards and sideways.

It is infuriating watching this rubbish. Melbourne is last for inside-50 entries and scores. Why? Because the Demons play "ring a ring a rosey" in their back line and midfield. In case you don't know, Demons, you have to dare to win.

the above one and half paragraphs are from this morning column by Robert Walls, Bailey needs to take note of this and enforce it, the worse part of our year was the pathetic inability to score.

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an example they showed 'on the coach' and l remember it clearly, Maric had someone running into the forward line by himself and kicked to another player across the ground with 3 to beat, WTF is going on??? that has got all to do with the coach, he might be able to talk the talk but bloody hell they need to improve 200% otherwise get rid of him. If they are still churning out that shyte by round 8 next year it has to be adios amigo and bring in new coach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coaching or just Maric's decision making?

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Guest fatty
If I were in charge of the club, I would demand that MFC's percentage be at least 70% for Bailey to survive at the end of 2009. 62% is Fitzroy-like and is simply not competetive.

There’s a fab idea.

Most professional coaches and players will tell you that it is about the process and not the result.

This club is years away from focusing on results. You should stay o/s a little longer.

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