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Realistically, do we have the pieces to trade for another top 10 pick?


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We lost Woey and had to pay half his salary!!!

Look back at our picks in the 20-30 range over the last 8 years and name one who is certain to play over 150 games!!! like Green and Bruce.

Economics is not a strong point of the posters on this site .

We are in debt up to our armpits!!!

Even if we traded Bruce and ended up paying some of his salary, that this would come under the salary cap, which is set at the exact same level as any of the other 15 clubs (give or take interstate concessions). :wacko:

Besides, many players have been traded in the past while under contract, and clubs have not had to pay a portion of their salary. Just because we did this with TJ, doesn't mean we'll have to do it with Bruce. It's a case by case proposition.

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Realistically, not only are clubs not going to give up first round draft picks this year, we don't have anyone that we would want to trade for one, or that we could offload for one.

I think you will find in recent years, players that have been traded for high draft picks have either wanted to leave(Ottens, Tarrant, Judd), or have been shipped out by their clubs due to other issues (Spider, Hall, TJ, Hay).

I am not sure if we will have anyone demanding to be traded, and only those within the club would know if a player may get used as bait due to attitude problems.

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No team (apart from Sydney) will trade their 1st round pick for anyone off the Melbourne list - this year : you may get a side trading a second round selection, but that is a lottery.

Melbourne is a bit like Essendon - had a couple of poor draft around 2001 and are now missing the right players around 23/24 (Geelong did real well on the other hand). I certainly wouldn't be shifting any player like Sylvia, McLean, Jones and the like because I ready they're just about ready to go

My personal view is that like a lot of clubs, we are a good defender, good forward, nd a couple of good on-ballers away, you either get them in or develop them - St kilda may consider trading a Kosi for a ruckman and a second round pick, Sydney may trade a second round pick for another ruckman (Everitt is getting on).

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Besides, many players have been traded in the past while under contract, and clubs have not had to pay a portion of their salary. Just because we did this with TJ, doesn't mean we'll have to do it with Bruce. It's a case by case proposition.

What has TJ got to do with it? Its a matter of what Bruce's final years of contract are against what the market is prepared to pay for him... Period

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And you would have paid $200,000 for either of them this year with our debt????

NoddyLand is alive and well!!!


Paid $200k for who? You've lost me. Basic arthimetic tells me TJ or Bruce's full salary costs more than half their salary + a draft picks salary, so that would make it better for our debt.

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What has TJ got to do with it? Its a matter of what Bruce's final years of contract are against what the market is prepared to pay for him... Period

Which is why I said, it's a case by case proposition, and we can't use TJ as an example, because his case could be very different to Bruce's.

Where exactly did I confuse you? :huh:

Besides, whether or not we have to pay some of his contract is not a reason to not trade a player. If we can get a good pick for someone who is not going to be part of our next successful quest for a premiership, then we should take the opportunity to do so.

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I think we'll be struggling.

Everyone agrees Bruce should be traded.

Disagree. I would not trade Bruce. His disposal may bot be great at the moment but we need him. He has sacrificed his game to support the club. He has been playing in th ebackline most weeks and his right position is midfield pushing forward. When he has that role like on the weekend he is very effective. He is the best plater at the club. We must keep him and people need to accept he is our next captain -albeit for 1-2 years.

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we have to remember that with the new clubs coming in over the next few years, high draft picks suddenly became a lot more valuable....thus its going to be harder to get a high pick off another club than it was the last few seasons. With that said id agree to looking at a Bruce plus pick 18 to try and get a top 10 pick. It also comes down to the quality of the draft, if the recruiters think there is a few potential stars around picks 5-10 its worth the trade, if there is little difference between picks 5-20 then maybe no need to trade....i guess on the recruiters would know that!

i would also not be aposed to trading Brock, or almost anyone for that matter, for the right pick......

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DO I think we have the "pieces" ? No..I doubt it. This however does not preclude another club from thinking otherwise.

So would I entertain deals to get one ?? Yes. would I sell the farm ? NO.. ..but id look seriously at some machinery and those top paddocks :)

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I think Dean Bailey will try to get another high pick, in the top 10 or 15.

Looks like we will have picks 1, 17 and 18 heading into the draft. I just wonder what would we would offer another club to take on of their first rounders.

Four picks in the top 18 would really give Bailey a nice launching pad to build that list he wants.

Not really, but fortunately Fremantle is part of the AFL trade period, so anything happens.

Any club who has traded away Peter Bell, Jeff Farmer, Andrew Mcleod, Trent Croad, Number 1 draft picks, Paul Medhurst, all for essesntially nothing in return, has to be our friend come trade period. You wouldn't be afraid to offer anything across the table.

Sylvia and Green to Carlton for pick 10

Green has been awesome this year, I'd hate to see him go, however it's tough decisons like these that HAVEN't been made in the past that have us sitting wher we are at the moment.

Should have traded heavily after 2006.

Fremantle might take Yze for pick 3!

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The more I think about it the less likely I think it is we will be active come trade time. As nice as it would be to secure another first round pick we might just settle for 1, 17 and 18.

There is no obvious trade like last year.

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Sylvia and Green to Carlton for pick 10

Green has been awesome this year, I'd hate to see him go, however it's tough decisons like these that HAVEN't been made in the past that have us sitting wher we are at the moment.

No, no, no!!!


Oh dear!

Pick 10 is a good pick, but at that stage of the draft it is really hit-or-miss teritory.

I would only trade Green and Sylvia for a top 3 pick, and to be honest I dont want to get rid of them anyway!!!!!!!!!!

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Green should be our captain next year. Sylvia is young and therefore we 1000% should NOT trade him. we need all the young talent to stay.

only trades i'd consider at years end would be

1) Bruce for pick 15-22. If no takers, then just keep him.

2) Bell for pick 18-25 back to adelaide. He's not afl standard, but bc of his amazing physique, other clubs might be deceived into thinking he can play.

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With a few more retirements to come at years end I'm not sure we should trade any of our senior players. The kids need some experience around them to help them develop. The two names invariably mentioned in these threads are Bruce or Green. Greens courage has been fantastic this year. Time and time again he has ran back with the flight of the ball and had only eyes for the ball, I'd like Morton, Dunn, Buckley et al to see that courage, loyalty and talent are rewarded at Melbourne, not punished. And Bruce, love him or hate him, is an example to all less naturally gifted footballers of what you can achieve with hard work. For a low pick and late starter he's had a fantastic career. I think he frustrates some because we hoped he'd step up to that elite level but never has, but the only reason he got close to elite earlier in his career is because he works so damn hard. His example on the track and his professionalism will bs a good example for those coming through.

I hope Bailey only uses trades (this year at least) to reinforce culture. If someone isn't working hard enough or won't put their head over the ball the way he'd like them to, then by all means offer them up for trade. Other clubs might not take the bait, but at least a message will have been sent. I don't think anyone should be immune to this regardless of age or ability. The only other reason I'd like to see a trade is if Bails considers our list too heavy in one area, for example our inside mids. I'd like to see Valenti play most of the second half of the season to find out if he's up to it. McLean is the only one I'd consider untouchable (next captain for mine, but thats another arguement), Jones , Moloney and Valenti I'd consider trading if the right deal could be done. If we could get a high enough pick to get us a quality young KPP, say top 6-8 at worst, while either a) offloading a problem and sending a message to the list or B) adressing imbalances in our list, I for one would be stoked

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Green should be our captain next year. Sylvia is young and therefore we 1000% should NOT trade him. we need all the young talent to stay.

only trades i'd consider at years end would be

1) Bruce for pick 15-22. If no takers, then just keep him.

2) Bell for pick 18-25 back to adelaide. He's not afl standard, but bc of his amazing physique, other clubs might be deceived into thinking he can play.

Bruce is more pick 25 -28. If we got anything below 20 its a steal.

How do you get pick 18 -25 for a player that's not AFL standard, well cant get a game in the bottom club? He has been in the game six years. Crows and Power arent stupid. He is at pick 40 to 50. A flawed player is a dime a dozen on the trade table.

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With a few more retirements to come at years end I'm not sure we should trade any of our senior players. The kids need some experience around them to help them develop. The two names invariably mentioned in these threads are Bruce or Green. Greens courage has been fantastic this year. Time and time again he has ran back with the flight of the ball and had only eyes for the ball, I'd like Morton, Dunn, Buckley et al to see that courage, loyalty and talent are rewarded at Melbourne, not punished. And Bruce, love him or hate him, is an example to all less naturally gifted footballers of what you can achieve with hard work. For a low pick and late starter he's had a fantastic career. I think he frustrates some because we hoped he'd step up to that elite level but never has, but the only reason he got close to elite earlier in his career is because he works so damn hard. His example on the track and his professionalism will bs a good example for those coming through.

I hope Bailey only uses trades (this year at least) to reinforce culture. If someone isn't working hard enough or won't put their head over the ball the way he'd like them to, then by all means offer them up for trade. Other clubs might not take the bait, but at least a message will have been sent. I don't think anyone should be immune to this regardless of age or ability. The only other reason I'd like to see a trade is if Bails considers our list too heavy in one area, for example our inside mids. I'd like to see Valenti play most of the second half of the season to find out if he's up to it. McLean is the only one I'd consider untouchable (next captain for mine, but thats another arguement), Jones , Moloney and Valenti I'd consider trading if the right deal could be done. If we could get a high enough pick to get us a quality young KPP, say top 6-8 at worst, while either a) offloading a problem and sending a message to the list or B) adressing imbalances in our list, I for one would be stoked

Furious, how many of our players do you think other Clubs will really trade for? Not Many and not to high a pick either.

Trading is to improve your list not reinforce culture. MFC threw Carroll's name on the table last year and other Clubs laughed. Fat lot of good it did for the culture as he got suspended by the leadership group pre season

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Green should be our captain next year. Sylvia is young and therefore we 1000% should NOT trade him. we need all the young talent to stay.

only trades i'd consider at years end would be

1) Bruce for pick 15-22. If no takers, then just keep him.

2) Bell for pick 18-25 back to adelaide. He's not afl standard, but bc of his amazing physique, other clubs might be deceived into thinking he can play.

I've been told by an league recruiter that Bell would be worth a 2nd Rnd pick. That says to me that Green is worth around pick 13 to 22, (Rnd1 this year). Bruce at his age would be worth 3rd Rnd, Miller is at a good age & as a Key posi Utility would be worth around pick 18 surely.

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I've been told by an league recruiter that Bell would be worth a 2nd Rnd pick. That says to me that Green is worth around pick 13 to 22, (Rnd1 this year). Bruce at his age would be worth 3rd Rnd, Miller is at a good age & as a Key posi Utility would be worth around pick 18 surely.

we can't trade miller. he's our only KP forward this year. he's in our leadership group. we've put a lot of effort into developing him, would be a waste to trade him for pick 30 only to put another 5 years of effort into an 18yr old

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I've been told by an league recruiter that Bell would be worth a 2nd Rnd pick. That says to me that Green is worth around pick 13 to 22, (Rnd1 this year). Bruce at his age would be worth 3rd Rnd, Miller is at a good age & as a Key posi Utility would be worth around pick 18 surely.

Your post matches your name.....deluded

TJ went for pick 14 last year. Work out it for the others from there. But......

Green is 27 and is not in the same value proposition as the talent TJ had. 13 to 18...you're dreaming.

Bell is a NQR footballer who after six years is not able to hold a spot in an under performing bottom club. Pick 17 to 32....Dreaming. We get that for Bell....take it.

Bruce is 28 and wins more of his own ball than Green is good defensively on key small forwards... 3rd pick... Gee I'd trade Green in a flash.

Miller..just goes at CHF with the bottom club, questionable performance history and has alot to prove.....Pick 18 you say. We should take that in a blink.

In reality we would be lucky to get one of those deals away and not at the prices you dream of.

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we can't trade miller. he's our only KP forward this year. he's in our leadership group. we've put a lot of effort into developing him, would be a waste to trade him for pick 30 only to put another 5 years of effort into an 18yr old

He is MOR at best with a great attitude but he aint going to regularly win you games. We need to develop better options up forward. If D-loo-ded is saying pick 18 or a pick in the 20s, I would take it immediately.

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Furious, how many of our players do you think other Clubs will really trade for? Not Many and not to high a pick either.

Trading is to improve your list not reinforce culture. MFC threw Carroll's name on the table last year and other Clubs laughed. Fat lot of good it did for the culture as he got suspended by the leadership group pre season

Fair call on Carroll but let's face it, he's not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. Consistency is the only way to change the culture. One trade offer or one suspension won't change anything, but hold a consistent line and eventually it might sink in, even to the likes of Carroll.

I don't like pointing the finger at individual players, espacially in regards to things I have no idea about. But it's been suggested on here that Sylvia doesn't work as hard as he should and that Dunn has shirked a few contests. I'm not saying that's true, I don't go to training and didn't see the Dunn incident(s). But let's say Bailey feels the same way, he should shop them around. Sylvia may have some currency and Dunn is big and quick, don't forget RR Hawthorn made a pretty good offer for Ferg. Sometimes coaches see things we don't.

My main point was just because they're young and we think they could be good, doesn't mean they should be exempt from the right trade.

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Your post matches your name.....deluded

TJ went for pick 14 last year. Work out it for the others from there. But......

Green is 27 and is not in the same value proposition as the talent TJ had. 13 to 18...you're dreaming.

Bell is a NQR footballer who after six years is not able to hold a spot in an under performing bottom club. Pick 17 to 32....Dreaming. We get that for Bell....take it.

Bruce is 28 and wins more of his own ball than Green is good defensively on key small forwards... 3rd pick... Gee I'd trade Green in a flash.

Miller..just goes at CHF with the bottom club, questionable performance history and has alot to prove.....Pick 18 you say. We should take that in a blink.

In reality we would be lucky to get one of those deals away and not at the prices you dream of.

I occaisionally chat to this AFL recruiter & asked him his opinion on certain potential recruits & on some of our players values. I'd accept his thoughts way above some fat desk jockey who is way out of touch with just about everyone he communicates with.

He also suggested that Watts is the best Key forward going around ATM..

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I occaisionally chat to this AFL recruiter & asked him his opinion on certain potential recruits & on some of our players values. I'd accept his thoughts way above some fat desk jockey who is way out of touch with just about everyone he communicates with.

He also suggested that Watts is the best Key forward going around ATM..

Its good you believe everything you are told without question. Wise. It would not occur to you that the figures look ridiculous based on the performance of players at MFC and what trade deals were actually done in 2006 and 2007. Clearly not.

Maybe that why he is in recruiting and not list management and trading. Hardly a big call on Watts as its been freely spoken of in the press and for some time on supporter sites.

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