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Making it to 30000


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Much is lamented that we dont have high numbers in mebership. An interesting throw away line..cant for the life of me remeber who said it re Mon... but was alluded that 18% of memebers from last year didnt renew.. Thats a fair whack

This year we have roughly 27000. But thats not a real number as there ar those who have bought doubles..and some for various reasons. So if we deduct say 2.5% for duplications that brings us back to 26325. Now of teh 18% its possibe some passed on, some drifted away, there were duplicates etc. what say we reduce that 18% by a fifth . This being 4032

If these members could be signed up again we would make that magic mark .. 30357

Now if we could grow that over ten years by 1% compounded..wed get closer to 35000.

The point of this little exercise is to show..that even with a modicum of luck..and some better use of directions and potentials we can indeed get ourselves out of our demise.

food for thought

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Much is lamented that we dont have high numbers in mebership. An interesting throw away line..cant for the life of me remeber who said it re Mon... but was alluded that 18% of memebers from last year didnt renew.. Thats a fair whack

I can't believe that we have that high a number with the problems we face. The ex members should be ashamed of themselves there is no excuse not to be a member.

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Rising Membership is part of the answer. We must get more sponsorship into the Club to combine with the rise.

There must be natural average of membership fall offs..higher than 0% but lower than 18%. In any years there are going to be some members that just wont renew for a variety of reasons.

I dont know if I would adjust for duplications unless you have done a last gasp can banging effort like North. They have a big issue of sustainability of numbers next year. You cant bang the can each year.

I think 27,000 is a factor of poor on field for the last two years and had we been competitive then 28 to 29k was feasible.

However, the mix of members is important. How many are $40 members compared to past years?

We need to get membership through 30k pretty quickly and toward 40k within 4 years if we are to be competitive. We need to grow it quicker than our opposition. Hopefully, they will all be full members!

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I also read the 18% figure. I'd previously heard that we had the lowest churn rate in the AFL, although that may have been over the past few years, and not necessarily this year.

bb, is there a reason you'd adjust for duplications in this year? Would it be more than any other year, or less than any future years?

RR, the point about $40 memberships is a good one. It'd be interesting to have a breakdown of membership types.

That said, how much of it is about the money raised by member money, and how much of having a big membership base is about selling your Club to sponsors?

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I also read the 18% figure. I'd previously heard that we had the lowest churn rate in the AFL, although that may have been over the past few years, and not necessarily this year.

bb, is there a reason you'd adjust for duplications in this year? Would it be more than any other year, or less than any future years?

RR, the point about $40 memberships is a good one. It'd be interesting to have a breakdown of membership types.

That said, how much of it is about the money raised by member money, and how much of having a big membership base is about selling your Club to sponsors?

I agree. Its just means that membership numbers are an unreliable proxy of financial health particularly if the $40 member does not attend games and boost attendances. I roughly assume an $150 member is more likely to go to the games than a $40 one.

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I can't believe that we have that high a number with the problems we face. The ex members should be ashamed of themselves there is no excuse not to be a member.

There was a thread about the call around the Demonology members did to lapsed members over the last couple of weeks, and the resounding response was purely financial as the reason people were not renewing.

I guess footy membership V the mortgage is one where unfortunately for the MFC the mortgage will win more often than not.

So I guess there is no reason for them to be ashamed, and sometimes there is a valid reason.

Just so you know I am not one of the lapsed members. Am a chairmans members and have my wife and two kids joined up.

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I wonder how many bought memberships just for our 150th year, and won't renew next year.

If we can hold onto the ones we've gained, as well as keep in contact with past members, our membership could get a kick along if our on field form lifts

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I roughly assume an $150 member is more likely to go to the games than a $40 one.

I'm not sure about that.

The $40 MFC/MCC member is already paying out a substantial amount of money for their MCC membership, and there's little value in them buying the more expensive MCC/MFC membership.

$165 is the 'bottom/basic' membership option for an adult ('Red and Blue' adult 11) without an MCC membership. This is the membership of choice for many who don't attend games but wish to buy a membership.

There was a thread about the call around the Demonology members did to lapsed members over the last couple of weeks, and the resounding response was purely financial as the reason people were not renewing.

Correct - that was the most common reason reported afaik.

It stands to reason that in each year you'll lose members for whatever reason (whether it's financial, inability to attend games, etc.) and also pick up new/lapsed members - irrespective of form and the like.

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I'm not sure about that.

The $40 MFC/MCC member is already paying out a substantial amount of money for their MCC membership, and there's little value in them buying the more expensive MCC/MFC membership.

$165 is the 'bottom/basic' membership option for an adult ('Red and Blue' adult 11) without an MCC membership. This is the membership of choice for many who don't attend games but wish to buy a membership.

Correct - that was the most common reason reported afaik.

Its rough. There are alot of dormant MCC members who buy the $40 membership but dont necessarily go either.

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as far im as concerned...anyone i talk to that is not a member does not have anything to do with the club

i am so sick of [censored]*** people saying, what difference will my $40 make...

its the principle...if all of those people signed up things would be different

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as far im as concerned...anyone i talk to that is not a member does not have anything to do with the club

i am so sick of [censored]*** people saying, what difference will my $40 make...

its the principle...if all of those people signed up things would be different

You're what, 19 y/o? I presume that you're not married with several young children and trying to pay off a $300k home loan, living on your salary from week to week dreading the next time the car or home insurance is due, or wondering how you're going to cope if thigns continue as it costs $80 to fill up the car at the petrol station.

Thankfully I'm not in that position but there are a hell of alot of struggling families out there doing it tough and it pisses me off seeing young arrogant pricks who have probably come from a wealthy background make pathetic generalisations about somethign that they have no idea about. Some poeple don't buy footy memberships because they can't afford them, it doesn't change their love for the jumper.

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Good call Jarka, completely agree.

Only people who frustrate me are my mates who go for Melbourne, love the club, will have arguments with me all night about the club, go to 4-5 games a year (paying at least a hundred) and yet still don't buy a membership, which would clearly be better for them.

Negative generalizations in this circumstance don't help. I hope this board (demonland) can think of ideas to generate more members as well as the newly elected MFC board, as this is crucial to our survival

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Rogue.. I d adjusted for this years duplicates as I feel there will be more this year. The emotive 150th and all.

It amazes me we had such a low resign rate. Obviously needs readdressing..and I saw a hiint to this in somethig regarding preseason membership "somehing or rather " in the Stynes package. Possibly clutching at straws but its fairly common in sales that you will ( ought ) to spend a lot less maintaiinng a customer than gettting a new one.

maybe the wonderful pens put some off...lol

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I first became a member when I was 18 and have missed 2 years in between and they were both due to finance, one I was off work for 9 months and that means no $$$ for membership and I had debts to pay back the next year so those 2 years I could not afford it, but as soon as I could I was back and back with my reserved seat too :)

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More members = better sponsorship deals = more merchandise sales = higher attendances = more cash.

Better performance on-field = higher attendance = positive profile in the media = better tv scheduling = ... well... equals good.

on and turf our lovely pens - much more impressed with those nice slimline pens from a few years ago.. still have that one, the plastic monstrosity broke ages ago!

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More members = better sponsorship deals = more merchandise sales = higher attendances = more cash.

Better performance on-field = higher attendance = positive profile in the media = better tv scheduling = ... well... equals good.

on and turf our lovely pens - much more impressed with those nice slimline pens from a few years ago.. still have that one, the plastic monstrosity broke ages ago!

North has proved this to be incorrect

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-........................................ much more impressed with those nice slimline pens from a few years ago.. still have that one, the plastic monstrosity broke ages ago!

yep..still use mine ( slimline ) daily..had to replace the ink thing though !! :)

I suppose its the reverse of the viscious circle once you start inching forward bit bt bit...Be a nice change !!

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We will smash the 30,000 barrier next season.

The excitement generated by the arrival of Natanui, and winning the pre-season comp will see it happen.

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Thankfully I'm not in that position but there are a hell of alot of struggling families out there doing it tough and it pisses me off seeing young arrogant pricks who have probably come from a wealthy background make pathetic generalisations about somethign that they have no idea about. Some poeple don't buy footy memberships because they can't afford them, it doesn't change their love for the jumper.

I completely understand and sympathise with this issue.

I'm a student and I live from week to week (spend more on bills and car payment than I actually earn), and it takes me a good 3 months of conscious saving to scrape together the money to buy my 17 game membership including a reserved seat.

Perhaps the new board can come up with an initiative where supporters who feel they are not financially able to purchase a membership, can apply for a concession membership where perhaps the club can supply them with a discount, or possibly distribute some free memberships to loyal supporters who are struggling, which will ensure they come to games (revenue for the club) and remain loyal to the club in the future (they'll purchase a membership when they are financially able to again).

We certainly can't expect people who are struggling to buy food for their families, to spend $170 odd on a membership.

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More members = better sponsorship deals = more merchandise sales = higher attendances = more cash.

Better performance on-field = higher attendance = positive profile in the media = better tv scheduling = ... well... equals good.

I think its more like:

The club has no money, dear Liza, dear Liza, the club has no money, dear Liza, the club!

Well get some dear Henry, dear Henry, dear, then get some dear Henry, dear Henry, some cash!

But how shall we earn it, dear Liza, dear Liza, but how shall we earn it, dear Liza, just how?

With Sponsors and Members dear Henry, dear Henry, with Sponsors and Members dear Henry - that's how!

But how can we sign them dear Liza, dear Liza, how can we convince all of them to sign up?

With on-field performance, dear Henry, dear Henry, on-field performance will bring more support!

But how shall we get it, dear Liza, dear Liza, how do we stop the Dees pulling up short?

Coaches, facilities - all sorts dear Henry, more money for Connolly will improve our sport!

But the club has no money, dear Liza, dear Liza... etc.

Obviously a little over-simplified, feel free to add some verses about media exposure, fixtures etc.

This is the main reason I think the club needs some creative ideas or angles - it's easy to say that we need more sponsors or members or whatever, but everyone knows that dear Liza!

The MCC membership intivative and the Casey relocation are some good examples of this sort of thing.

As is this:

The excitement generated by the arrival of Natanui

Very marketable player - definitely worth considering this, in addition to his considerable ability, when we're drafting.

Also worth considering how we can best get a return on this marketability.


Open an office/stand in the Bourke st mall or at the parliament end of bourke st where office workers without allegiance may get on Board.

is also an interesting proposal and a good example of fresh thinking, even though I'm not sure if it's the way to go (expensive?).

and something like this:

Why not email for suggestions [for a new away strip] to ALL the fans... Then sift through the few-hundred suggestions, as well as add their own, then put the best 5-20 suggestions on an email or letter every 2 years...

You could have some kind of mail-out colouring competition as well, so kids can get involved.

Yes we need more members - but how? Lets try and come up with some ideas of our own.

Need to get the players out to local schools?

Where? When? Who? How? etc.

Maybe recently retired players during the season, and current players in the off-season?

Maybe focus on the Cranbourne area for a bit?

Maybe contact P.E. teachers (do they have a union or a mailing list/newsletter?) or school principles (I know they do), Youth organisations like the Scouts or, dare I say, The Reach Foundation (don't know how appropriate that would be)?

Maybe we can get recently retired players to donate their time for this sort of thing - don't we have some kind of ex-players accosiation that we can mobilise? How much of this sort of thing are players required to do under contract?

Maybe we can give out a free membership as a prize for pre-season strip colouring/longest kicking/school fete handball dunking competitions (I bet some of you would pay good money to dunk your less well regarded palyers!) - then that membership holder might increase the likeyhood of his or her mates/family going to a few games, perhaps signing up next year themselves?

Maybe at school fetes or something we could get Davey (a crowd favourite) to do some kind of shuttle-run competition against a Toyota Aurion or something. Toyota might even decide to make an ad out of it.

I feel a little silly using this as an example because I'm sure a lot of this stuff goes on already (Not really a "fresh idea") and I am pretty poorly informed to be honest, but it would be nice to read some detailed and original thoughts instead of just generalities like "we need more money" etc.

Need new sponsors? Who do you suggest? How do we get them? etc.


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I was one of the few volunteers who did the ring around only did one night but the general feel was money issues but cannot tell you exactly how many members were contacted but i am sure not all could not be phoned however what i was alarmed at was finding out exactly how many MCC members who actualy barrack for Melbourne and do not contribute to the club with any membership but they may contribute some other way however if you can afford your $600.00 fee correct me if i am wrong but surely another $40.00 or even the 11 game basic $160.00 however on a positive note i have heard that alot of MCC memebers have been joining on game day

what can the club do other than win a premiership to attract the old retain the current and sign up new, i for one do remember the 87 when we mqde the finals and people took to us unsure what the figures were then but it did start something fantastic

All i can say to the new team is good luck and wait with anticipation


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