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Found 9 results

  1. The Demons kick off the long weekend with an open training session at 9.30 on Saturday morning at Gosch's Paddock. They then move on to Casey Fields for the Casey Demons game v Collingwood VFL. Some features to look for at training - • will Jack Watts train freely enough to satisfy selectors that he'll be right for Monday's game? • which players will miss the training session meaning they will most likely be saddling up in the VFL later in the day? • will we see Max Gawn and Jesse Hogan? • and of course, no injuries please!!!
  2. Those who want to watch today's MFC training session will not only have to brave the city's wet and erratic weather but also the tennis crowds around Swan Street. Location change for Friday training session My question without notice is who are we most likely to spot first at Gosch's Paddock:- (a) Heritier Lumumba; (b) Dean Kent; (c) Nick Kyrgios; or (d) none of the above
  3. Arrived a little early... Rehab group already out on the paddock, with Don Tyson joining the regulars. Tyson, Hibberd, Big Mac and Melksham kicking in pairs on the lead with Crossie overseeing them. Viney on straight sprints, Vanders on fast laps, King mixing it up. The whole group arrived with Watts looking like a former Brisbane Brownlow medalist!
  4. The limited list allowed to train in the first couple of weeks of the preseason will be back in action this morning at Gosch's Paddock at 9.30am. Things remain at a low key at present but the observations of those who can make it out to the Paddock are, as usual, most welcome.
  5. It all starts on Monday for a limited number of players when the first wave of players will return at 9.30am at Gosch’s Paddock. TRAINING TIMES I'm sure most of you are looking forward to reading and discussing reports from training but please note the following:- Posters are asked to be polite on training threads. Personal abuse of players or other posters will not be tolerated.
  6. Ok boys and girls I am going to take the morning off from my wonderfully toxic workplace (marvellous how selective redundancies can change working relationships) to attend training. Will check:- * any player in a full body cast * if Jack Fitzpatrick is over his concussion, if he turns up and actually faces the right way should be a good indication * if Jack Watts in now out for 2-3 weeks * which part of Max Gawn's 2 and half metre long hamstring is tight If anybody from West Coast is watching, should be easy to pick, they will be the tallest person at training Does Dave Misson have an abacus and a clairvoyant on hand to work out what not to say in next week's injury report re the length of time a player will be out, think I will just tell him to consult the myriad of medical and fitness professionals we have posting on Demonland?
  7. Anyone get down to the open training session this morning? I happened to drive past and stopped for a few minutes but while there were plenty of support staff around setting up witches hats etc there were no players......that was at 10am - half an hour after the scheduled start..... keen for any updates?? Anyone??
  8. I managed to get down to training this morning, not many spectators there. The boys all came together in the middle about 15 minutes in. Roosey announced something and there was a big cheer. I am guessing he announced Alex G's elevation off the rookie list. There were many high fives and a few Mr Bean references. Hogan, Viney doing a few run throughs over to the side early, then disappeared. Jamar doing laps but did get involved in at least one routine where both he and big Max played as lead up forwards. Gee Max should be a handful playing deep forward if we had control of the midfield. He took a couple cleanly at full extension, what nine feet up and took one cleanly off his boot straps, swung round and put it through. Fitzy was doing the same up the other end, leading up well and taking clean marks. My only concern was that he often took the mark at full extension above his head on the run. He should be timing his run to take those out in front away from a backman's fists. I took a day off with a bad cold but work keeps calling. I will provide some more observations a little later.
  9. Just leaving the paddock after longest and hardest session I have seen. Very excited about year ahead, will post summary later, feel free to get in with any questions in mean time, will try answer in summary.
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