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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. There were a lot of D'Landers not signed up as members last year. Who has decided to change the bad habits of couch potatoe, and buy a membership?
  2. Obviously Hogan is fitter than last year. Did anyone see his kicking style? It was pretty awkward last year.
  3. I cancelled my dedicated demon "Legends Membership" The first time ever I have cancelled. I had a call from Brooklyn Fraser - Membership. She asked if that was a mistake? We went into a long conversation. In the end I accepted to downgrade to a Redlegs home game membership. No sponsorships, no pet membership. So if anyone is looking for a seat in the legends area N49 Row M ( back row) Then mine is available. ( 4 seats from Glenn Bartlett )
  4. The tweet may be gone, but Twitter should go. It causes more trouble than than the good it gives. Let's keep the gee gees and get rid the uncontrolled social media.
  5. My favourite time of the year. I just hope I don't fall over at the first hurdle (sorry 1st round) I wish them well, keep your eye on Peta Christie (if you are a 40yo male) Her dad used to play for Caaaarlton back in the 60's
  6. I have been saying for a long time. Put the two golfers back together and you have a great team. Tyson and Tomlinson to be re-united.
  7. Only one Beatle left to help McCartney ....... Ringo.
  8. We have done worse in the trade period. I am surprised that we couldn't do anything with trading pick 3. I guess it shows how shallow this draft really is in the eyes of other teams. I really don't see any standout recruits from this draft. There might be a handful of good types, but no champions. Let's see what the draft brings and what dead wood we get rid of, before looking at the total picture.
  9. Totally agree with G is G Drummond is either made for football Or is a basketballer. Does anyone have info?
  10. It would be another dream to land Danger man. I have just finished cruising down the Rhine with 34 Adelaidians. They are devastated that Danger may be leaving. Although not so bad if he goes to Melb. They would hate the thought of him turning up at Port or Pies. I have had a great couple of weeks talking footy with them. They aren't as mad as a lot of people think. Or maybe I just happened to get the 34 sane barstards. Any hoo now that we look like we may get Harry with still a chance of Danger. I am am in a better mood as I head for France. Bonjour
  11. I thought 2014 was going to be his year under ROOS. How wrong I was. If we can get a suitable trade, do it.
  12. Why not offer him the captaincy as well or co-captain with jonesy. Grimesy thought he was pretty shite himself.
  13. Hey BBub, Just cruising into Dernstein. Start pumping out your chest and read your posts on jonesy in 2008. Spot on the money Congrats on great foresight.
  14. Broken leg in the school quadrangle. 2 years on the sidelines and behind the 8 ball for the rest of his career. What a waste.
  15. We got more for Morton than we deserved. Pick 88 for memory
  16. IF.... Frawley goes and Petracca is available at 2 we will take him. And trade the compensation for another elite midfielder. IF.....Frawley stays we will trade 2 for an experienced elite mid. I can't see any other option.
  17. Swannies, only speaking through my wallet. Backed them when they were $6.50.
  18. Tex's ol mate Bernie, reckons he would love the Melbourne lifestyle. I wonder if lifestyle means more than $1m per year.
  19. Personally I'm all for bringing in characters with slightly left of centre personalities. Surely you remember Jacko, Jakovich, Pyke, Schwartz etc.. We never complained then. The group we have are too sanitised they are too predictable.
  20. Get ball kick ball hit target ....... GOAL Don't get ball. Tackle player who has ball get ball.......Defence. Footy isn't real hard.
  21. Was there any ....subject to injury clause... In his contract.? If there was then that would have been pure genius by the club.
  22. Who is the dude masquerading as a sports reporter. Go to the naughty corner and suck your thumb. You are a lame brain.
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