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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Do we have league codes to join? TRIDENTS (DIV 2)
  2. I don't think they would understand the Red White and Blue Print.
  3. Or like being pulled over for a breath test. Officer I hav only had 6 stubbies. So driver being a little bit [censored] is really [censored].
  4. Deanox. If it was one player you would say he is a Richard cranium and guilty. But with 34 that don't communicate you have to say they are all effin dick heads and are all guilty as sin. I can't believe that none of the 34 spoke to each other.
  5. I'm a cliche person, one game at a time. Let's start with a Round 1 win. That's novel. Build from there.
  6. Not like 2 years ago when they simulated game day by having a nap frm 2:30 - 3:30
  7. This Watts guy.Based on this years clean slate. He hasn't done anything out on the track that warrants a game. It is amazing how his groin improved enough to get a trip to the Sunshine Coast.
  8. That's because when he is running the guys behind know who he is........... Seriously!
  9. Where's Rangey when you need him?
  10. I am not an optimist, but lets see what 6 months brings us. We may already have a couple of game changers, but we don't know who they are yet.
  11. Don't worry about the loss Biff.I'm sure you have only misplaced them. You'll find them.
  12. That will do me.Angus "Brownlow" Brayshaw
  13. Totally arse about. All the AFL has been doing is hurting the clubs to cover their stuff ups. And Essendon has been stuffing up the AFL to suit there own agenda.
  14. It has to be the best 5 midfielders we can put out on the ground. If they excell, the rest will look after themselves. So who are the ball winners. Tyson Viney Jones Vince Cross
  15. Well at least the timing is good. All this laughable comments starting tomorrow. Whilst our players are bonding up the Sunshine Coast. We'll have plenty to read this week.
  16. List MFC as a public company on the ASX. Dudleys raffle could be used to sell shares instead of chook raffle tickets.
  17. You wouldn't mention Blease in the same breath.
  18. As per Mondays training I guess. It's classed as no contact simulation.
  19. I thought his problem was a calf muscle tear (old mans disease) I'm sure that was his injury when he first landed.
  20. If any of these things happen in the NAB rounds. I'll lay money on the fact they wont be playing Round 1. With the amount of talent kicking around the place, it wont take long for Roos to replace them.
  21. Main group consisting of 36 players and 2 big B#$%stards from the AIS Chunk missing as mentioned. Trenners not there of course. All the Pre Xmas Rehab group is now on legs. Alex Neal Bullen had a slight mishap in the gym. He has a small bandage on his knee but nothing too serious. He is training with the rehab group as is Stretch. Tom McD was grabbing at his lower spine and Left Hip. He continued with the session. Jamar is looking great. Ben Newton did some nice work in the circle work Dunny was very vocal and moved from set groups to set groups trying to encourage them to keep it up. Grimes was impressive (yes I said it) Petracca was really putting in and is now understanding the training routine. Fitzy is making all posts a winner. He knows what he has to do to get a game. Toumpas has turned his good running into a great link man running off the HBF and delivering the ball to HFF other side of the ground. Very impressive. Saty will do more reports along with pics.
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