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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. John Howard was the one who let the AFP tip off the Indonesian police rather than let them get home. I remember him taking the credit for it after one of the nines' father rang the AFP himself. Terrible thing to do as was the Hicks incarceration. As an aside.i have no problem with the death penalty for serial killers,multiple murderers,jihadists,rapists and other low life. No drama at all. Bring it in here also . Drug importers should probably not be executed but these guys wre insAnely stupid. I feel sorry for their parents but they knew the risks. They have no hope at all.
  2. you have to get up pretty early to pavlova the wool on my eyes.
  3. It's like fricken catnip fer clones.
  4. That was in 1921 for my work on photoelectrics. The draft wasn't even around then. We had zones.
  5. A failed heroin importer in an Indonesian gaol awaiting clemency?
  6. Is he shaving twice a day yet ? Andy Lovell and Garry were in ''87 so that's when he will be ready.
  7. Better a new kid than Jones. That is all I will console myself with. Still shitz me to tears.
  8. Jolly Good! I bet he's glad that's off his mind. Hopefully he can get back to renovating melodrama asap as the world needs more shows dedicated to the tedium and conjecture of the construction and decorating process.
  9. I'm not into that oriental practice whereby they stick multiples prix into you if that is what you are inferring.
  10. They are desperate to unlock the secret as to how we kept beating them when we were at our worst and they were fully juiced.
  11. I think he means stop buying from Coles and Safeway or Bunnings/Masters Woolies, Walmart etc if you can help it. They are destroying Australian agriculture in favour of inferior product. They are killing other small business and homogenising the market. I agree with Dee if that is his point. As far as Anzac biscuits go, I remember having them with coffee one Anzac day when my Turkish neighbour came over. As he went to grab one off a plate I told him he was not allowed to have one as they were for Australians only. He took one anyway and explained "Why not, we won!" Which I thought was a bloody good answer.
  12. I'm using your quote on a tasteful tattoo. Hope you don't mind.
  13. I want him to get full face tatts. And to dress as an emu before every game.
  14. Crimestoppers probably gives them plenty enough.
  15. He was only ever good for about half a day then he kept headbutting the window expecting a different result each time. Severe mental problems. One of the most fukked up blowies I have ever shared a relationship with.
  16. Another tauntingly obvious offering from the poisoner of logic.
  17. The St Kilda cricketers also. Most of them are fine to the best of my knowledge. Apart from asbestos,I cannot think of any enviromental factors that may be responsible for the Junction appearing to be "hazardous". There is a huge amount of pollution in the air there during peak hours ,and was probably worse when we trained there but that would apply to nearly any ground in town. Hopefully Jolly will be fine. and be a rare good news story about an ex Demon.
  18. Could not have been a worse result for the Rabbotts. 11 more to votes to go for Mal Turnbull ,who will turn on the charm ,something Abbot lacks. There will be a delayed change of leadership now , leading a "do nothing opposition" strategy which will likely win. Terrible state of affairs in oz politics. I see more independents,whackos,greens,freaks and a diluted Senate in the future. Neither major party has a vision, a plan,a diagram or even a sketch on the back of a napkin of how this country should look like in 10 years time.
  19. Jizza- if I need a cultural dessert to depress me I shall make my way to beech Forrest . In the meantime,I would rather disembowel myself with a blunt knife than visit a non smoking philistine like yourself. No offence personally,but I am a sophisticate and cannot abide enduring,proud ,idiocy.
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