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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We can whizz them down to Bridie O'reilly's for some guiness and some crap food then take them to hear a tinny fyfe band or just put on a Sinead oconnor album. Problem solved.
  2. Not such a big problem in Japan I believe.
  3. "did I miss Lunch mum, I am actually fairly hungry."
  4. That's what separates you from the pack. Keep it up!
  5. Hes riding a lowrider fixed gear bike for a meeting of the Bronies,then off to get his beard shampooed and out for an organic cider with his "partner" who is in fact, a woman.
  6. The world team X1 we picked . My team was unbeatable as we must now all agree.
  7. But across the country your girls are stroking it beautifully while I watch on T.V outside Colac.
  8. Parole would be nice. An ankle without the heavy bracelet would be good too. Maybe next year.
  9. Compliments of the silly season. Just flicking through the last 600 pages here and wondering if the silly season ever had an end or a beginning. Jazza ,if you are going fishing, try having a shower as fish can smell the Bullsh!t from miles away. I am off to start some bush fires in Beech Forest with some CFA volunteer mates. We are going to be heroes if we can put it out. Nothing of any cultural significance there anyway. The land needs clearing. Col b- we missed that beer at the Bristol- she is all over as of last week. BBO. You have brought this Xmas solitude on yourself.Hope you enjoy reading the religious teaching of the Marquis. It is a tome written for the captive,solitary reader . Ethan - you are my fave gen y poster- keep up the [censored] taking. Red,WJ,OD. All the best gents and hope you are enjoying the festivities with your progeny. DC.Please give your urges a well earned rest today.It is a family time after all. The only stuffing should be in the Turkey. Frog. A picture paints a thousand words but if you could learn to write it would be a gift to us all. Hemlock. Your attempts to help the lost souls on here are admirable ,but ultimately futile.Carry on regardless. BJDEE.May you receive one today. Red and Bluebeard.Lay off the sauce mate. Earl. Stay safe and keep away from the Velvet Undergrads in Smith st today.There is a bad batch in town. Moonie - I hope you are over the trauma BBO has caused us all. Anyone else I forgot, see you at the Gat for a party tonigh.Top floor,up the back.
  10. Sometimes we do and sometime we just sit and observe how strange people are.
  11. Very cruel summation Jazza. My teeth are more of a dark orange. You also overestimate my wealth. Kerry Packer was the last Australian to be able to afford packets of smokes. I have been relegated to the rollies for years. Smooth,mellow, manly,beautiful smokes.
  12. Discretion forbids me from telling you the real story but due to her vacancy I am told "The Hangar" was actually a nickname for THirds Skull
  13. By the way. The Russians are coming!!! I'm not sue if they have cialis,payday loans or what but they are here amongst us. Not under the bed as I at first supposed.
  14. Jazzas insults are too cryptic. I don't speak(fat) hick. He should get back on the weed and just chill.
  15. If he loses the hair he might start to look like a footy player. Needs to find himself a tattooist also.
  16. 4. Allows him to quietly roll away from Saty when he offers "Trenners "a free foot massage.
  17. Bondi is the most expensive tip in Australia.and the greatest place for viewing attractive young men and women outside of Rio. Manly is for bores and "The shire" is for bogan molls ,always has been.
  18. WGAF about Jake KING, Tattooed midget with a speech impediment,jailbird mates and very little future. He could rent his teeth out to open cans if he falls on hard times.
  19. Could be a spy. It took years of ASIO training for me to come to this conclusion. Luckily ,DC , you were able to help spot him.
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