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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Back in the main group ....but... Is he really back!!?
  2. A few pics from yday's session at Gosch's. Jack V testing that knuckle!
  3. D u may well be right. Although some of us may have already mutated after partaking too often in some of these alternatives and might now be immune! Also if you consume enough red (or white or anything with grapes as a base) I'm sure most of the nasty "thingies" would have trouble surviving the massive dose of sulphur dioxide that accompanies such delights! That stuff could kill a rhino depending on the dose
  4. Port Melbourne for mine. Good ground, great (winning) culture/history and have our name In there, use our song and similar colours. And arguably the best coach In the VFL, who has AFL pedigree and would know the Importance/value of running a similar method/structure and style of play that closely resembles that being run at seniors level. No brainer for mine. Might be a riot by the old Borough faithful at the mere mention however.
  5. Dont think they'll risk him Adam. Most likely Harmes/Grimes In. Bit of Roosy cat & mouse going on me thinks
  6. can't say I have Steve but given your keen interest in muscle you could always give NOS a go. Might be cheaper out that way!
  7. Yes, apparently there was a big bog hole out at Casey Bz...and we shat in it
  8. I would have gladly exchanged your 5 minutes for my 3 quarters Emerald
  9. Looked like our entire mid field had a big wager on Pendles for "most marks in defensive 50", especially Michie
  10. Hip flexor injury CBD. Will be back after the bye. I'm assuming they meant the first one so that would mean the Rnd 13 Richmind game or at worst the Rnd 15 match against Bulldogs
  11. Gut feel after today's session is they wont risk JV. Tad too early, possibly unable to grapple etc. Hope I'm wrong but just going on the overall look rather than anything specific
  12. Hip flexor. Shld return after the buy. Source: Macca , reckons he'll be a jet
  13. Harmes yes. Havent seen Grimes or Michie. But glasses In car I'll certainly let u know If Incorrect
  14. Jack V started with light training early but has since joined the main group for end to end at the moment. I would say a very good 70/30 chance he's good to go but they probably will do other tests/follow up after so dont shoot me if he doesnt make it
  15. Sounds like the cruise is working wonders! Possibly a tonic for all suffering landers
  16. Have made the leap of faith and haven't looked back. A bit flexible though, occasionally throwing in a little stir fried chicken or a bit of fried whiting/flake to mix it up but even going off chicken now. Haven't touched meat in a year and can't handle the smell/taste anymore in any form. Although the smell of bacon is still difficult to ignore. Also drinking a fair amount of PH Alkaline water. Seems to give me a fair bit of extra energy and is supposed to create a horrid environment for nasty disease thingies (so they say!). Can't say i've tried many organic bananas however. Would go down well in a banana cake maybe with a nice cuppa (or a single malt lol).
  17. Is there any chance "He arches his back" can be banned from Chanel 7 commentary as well?
  18. I don't think the answer was ever in doubt! I'm not a big L&O fan but i think you chose well
  19. Ha! Nice work fellas. Continuing the Ferrell ........
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