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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Axis are you aware of what the role was that he was expected to play but didn't?
  2. I have no doubt that is the case behind the scenes with all players Lucifer and would be very surprised if this isn't the case. I was under the impression (maybe a false one) that the club writes a review of the player's and their progress at Casey. What the club is expecting and how they are progressing sort of thing.
  3. There's a fine line between blooding the youngsters and playing more experienced (but maybe in Roos' the Fds eyes...a player that doesn't fit into the grand scheme going forward) players Steve. I just hope we aren't cutting off our nose to spite our possible finals chances in favour of the experimental/blooding side. Personally not that fussed at what Roos says or doesn't in the pressers, especially if we're winning I don't think asking for some sort of "what's required fro him to get back" is unreasonable guys. The fact that we don't see/hear it for Dunny would again appear to add weight to the theory that his papers are signed.
  4. Or play Dunn until Pedo is ready to return?
  5. Axis i'm pretty sure if Omac/Frost are up to playing their role down back (many would say poorly outcome wise) in a zone situation then Dunny is capable of, and more than likely, doing the same. I tend to think it's more to do with the way we want to transition out of defence once we have the ball that may have sealed Dunny's fate. He is the lowest hand baller of all the key defenders (Garland/Tmac/Omac) and relies heavily on medium to long up the line kicks or kicks to advantage. May be seen by the FD as a little old school for the "nouveau" attack off HB style that the modern day game is seeing now with heavy use of handball to cut through the opposition's press as well as short precision passing by foot. As Dunny tends to go more medium/long in his kicking he also presents the Coaching dept with another conundrum. That of intercept marks by our opponents and one in which they would be trying to minimise wherever possible. The longer the ball carries through the air the better chance an opponent has of intercepting. Short precision passing, handballing through the press is (so i've heard said) critical in today's slingshot style of defence. My only concern, aside from the handball part, is that the other key defenders here (see above) are also not that adept at short precision passing, albeit some are using handball much more than Dunny, especially Tmac & Omac. How effectively they are handballing however, who knows. Dunny is also a little 'one paced' and the coaching staff might also be looking to increase the speed at which we move the ball with run and carry across the ground. Not sure whether the other 3 are any faster in a sprint though. Maybe OMac. That's just my take on the matter. I may be totally incorrect and barking (mad) up the wrong tree of course.
  6. Lynden Dunn - Season Stat Averages 2015 / 2016 Games 22 / 4 Eff Disp 13.3 / 12 ED% 81.1 / 87 Tackles 2.5 / 2.5 Clangers 1.8 / 2.8 R50s 4.3 / 5.8 1%s 4.6 / 5.6 Stats: Courtesy of footywire.com Would seem to be fairly similar. 6 rounds or so would be a better sample though and stats alone never tell the full story as we know.
  7. Compare the Pairs - 2016 season averages (to & inclusive of Rnd 10) Key (Tall) defenders. Rank in parentheses Dunn / Garland / Tmac / Omac Games 4 / 6 / 10 / 3 Eff Disp 12 (2) / 9 (4) / 14.4 (1) / 10.3 (3) ED% 87 (1) / 80 (3) / 83.7 (2) / 70.1 (4) Tackles 2.5 (2) / 3.2 (1) / 1.1 (3) / 0.7 (4) 1%s 6.5 (2) / 4.0 (4) / 8.0 (1) / 4.3 (3) i50s 1.5 (1) / 0.5 (3) / 0.5 (3) / 1.0 (2) R50s 5.8 (1) / 1.8 (4) / 3.9 (2) / 2.7 (3) Kicks 10.5 / 6.0 / 10.4 / 4.3 H'balls 3.2 / 5.2 / 6.8 / 10.3 Bounces 0.5 / 0.0 / 0.6 / 0.0 Stats: Courtesy of footywire.com
  8. Didn't see the game Jnr and stats are always fraught with danger on their own but my weighted rankings had them fairly close on the day with Tmac slightly ahead. The rankings include allowance for clangers. Also these particular rankings/weightings are fairly accurate in terms of comparatives as they are both playing down back, rather than completely diff areas of the field. Although you mentioned Dunn playing up forward at some point. Not sure how much TOG he spent the direct comparison might be a little out. Tmac - 14th (2.40*) Dunn - 16th (2.15*) Both were ahead of the other 2 regular defenders on the day in Lumumba 18th (2.05*) and Jetta 19th (1.93*), however all those scores are relatively low and a bit sub par in terms of being a decent game (statistically anyway) which is probably to be expected in a losing team. In his only other two matches after this i had him ranked 9th overall against the Sons (3.95*) and 9th again the following week against the Doggies (3.95). Again, i didn't see either of those matches but he couldn't have been too bad if he was in the top 10 statistically. *Denotes weighted score
  9. If he cant make It In ahead of Omac after that last performance I would suggest his papers are now signed Hellfish
  10. If you saw my stat rankings you would probably change your view SS. Ranked stone cold bottom last week. Really stunk It up.
  11. You would think we had just won or something.... hold on, we did! Ty Dee bloody brilliant
  12. Good question. Not even sure the Diamond is responsible for Saturday's bleeding Jack. Could be some other standard zoning that's responsible or just a few not following instructions or not working hard enough etc etc. Would need to watch replay but doubt the angles would reveal the whole story either. Only those who have access to behind the goal (or birdseye view if available) footage would be able to truly answer (& obviously the inner sanctum). If you were at the ground you might get a bit more of an idea but even then, the game's so quick now and so much happening across the park you would still need some footage for a more accurate 'total reveal' story. I don't necessarily think the Diamond is all bad though. As you said if the + 2 who push into the mid are able to assist then it should result in some quick entries and scoring opps and probably has done so at times. Personally i think a +1 is less risky and means we are only one down in our back half if the opponent gets first use or we turn it over somewhere horrid and/or our forwards don't apply the pressure needed to avoid a slingshot rebound. We don't know how often the FD is using it either so it may be just a random surprise strat to try and unsettle the opponent and give them a diff look plus add a quick goal or 2 as a bonus if it comes off. Then the team reverts back to 'standard' zone/press set ups for X amount of time. Back to diamond again at a specific center bounce etc. All speculation of course. Maybe some players are having trouble adjusting/learning to change up from one option back to the other. Like you i'm very curious to know why we had so many 'out the back' scored against us. Might take another look at the replay if i can find the time and ignore the scoreboard! Probably a waste of time though.
  13. Pls tell Mr Vince, kid gloves only on our future champ!
  14. Just got back from there. What county In UK Schneider?
  15. A great story. All the best for a solid return. Hopefully this will lift the team a little for something special on Sat. Go Jack!
  16. Did IT fix the problem with typing any letter after I as the first letter In a word Nash.... oh wait dw I have the answer to that :-)
  17. His 1st rnd game wld also be close chook. Doesn't seem to do so well In return/1st up games. Maybe a week In the magoos might be a better option next time before he returns
  18. If Dawes AND frost come In I wld rathersee Watts play a bigger role there than Frost picket. Frost looks like a potential future forward but more like a dog with fleas down back
  19. I can see how u saw It like that. Gave me a good chuckle, 'thx Man'.
  20. Not sure about that Dr. Anytime you're going into give your opponent a +2 In their forward line you are running a big risk If you turn the ball over In mid field or HB. Even If the +2 are Initially pushed wide to avoid the diamond (Ie, away from the hot spot as Intended) they will find ways to exploit It on the way back just as Port did multiple times on Saturday. Let's hope we dont use the diamond against the Hawks. Generally considered the best by foot the outcome could be even more horrendous. With no genuine KPF they rely heavily on Gunston, Puopolo and Cyril to run Into space or crumb and goal also In the case of the latter 2. Giving them the added advantage of the extra space and a +2 up forward would be like giving Usain Bolt a 10 meter head start.
  21. You would need to watch a decent amount of behind the goal footage or observe the game from a fair height to know how often/when it's being used Dr. Unfortunately none of us are privy to any behind the goal footage so may i suggest grabbing a top tier seat at your next game. Then you can let us all know! My understanding is that it's used at some center bounces, whether we retain a similar structure and roll it up the field if we gain possession who knows. Others may have observed details of this from behind the goals in some matches? As we all know if the ball is turned over quickly at HF or higher and it's transistioned quickly back in to the opps forward line, and if the 2 flankers pushing up aren't able to recover quickly enough and/or find a man quickly enough, then we are toast. In addition the 2 forwards that are on their own from the opposition (4 v 6 in their forward line) are effectively able to roam and do as they wish. Again potentially setting us up for a horrid result if we don't win first clearance at the center or a there's an easy turnover clearance in the mid field or slightly forward of mid as we attack. Personally i would just prefer the old +1 being thrown into the middle off HB (randomly) giving our opponent only one extra up forward rather than 2 and hope that a disciplined zone/quality defence can handle the extra on most occasions, provided there's decent pressure forward and through the middle when we turn the ball over. Allowing them 2 extra is just too gung ho IMO.
  22. If Dunn was an option he should have been played ahead of Omac agreed. But like some d'landers, you are jumping at too many assumptions and conclusions of my views based on your view of things, not the actual view/argument put forward by the poster you are rebutting. My expectations are very realistic when young blokes are in the mix and as i have said on many occasions in other posts, that where we have no choice (or by choice, whichever it might be), if the club decides or has to play a very young/inexperienced backline, then don't ask too much of them in terms of the complexity/layers of defensive rules/game style/method. As stated earlier i feel the KISS principle needs to increase in importance and practice as you inject more and more inexperience/youth. Further complexity/layers added as you inject more experience. In effect i am actually defending the youth who are playing by suggesting they not be 'overloaded' with too much too soon. The argument as to whether i think some individual rookies new to the scene are up to the fight or not, is a completely different one to that of the club's injection of 'youth as a whole' team wise.
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