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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. cViney as an assistant, coaching as he did at Hawks no probs. Forget about G. Lyon. He aint comin. Makin too much ezy foldin stuff elsewhere me thinks B)
  2. Lol Super. Gotta ditch that practice quick smart eh. Maybe the person who came up with the idea.....put em in the noose and.....drumroll pls!!! B)
  3. I'm with you on that one Nice. I would have preferred this for at least the first 3 years of the rebuild. Especially with so many young recruits coming in. The respect would have been massive and he would hopefully have have moulded them with the right culture/practices/attitude etc. I too think we would have picked up a lazy 3,000 to 5,000 members and maybe even pushed for a birth in the Anzac day blockbuster!! Imagine the head to head....Sheeds vs Malthouse! Folks...they're back at it again on this great day! Haha.... oops...i digress Although, back to a more serious note, i recall hearing Sheeds being asked about Bails after his appointment, and he couldn't have been more complimentary. He believed Bails was ripe and well groomed for success. Made me feel confident in the selection anyway. As disappointed as some of us are in whats happened this year to this point, deep down i'm sure many here (including myself) are hoping Bailey & the boys can pull this out of the fire and achieve something amazing for themselves and us. And finally turn our Demons into a Mighty Force once again! As many of you have stated so well already, other successful teams (eg., Geelong early in 2007, and their finishing 10th in 2006) have been in this position before and managed to turn it around and find glory. I live in hope that this will be us from here. Arghh...someone belt me over the head with a hammer, i'm dreamin again B)
  4. Not quite sure what you're trying to say here Dee but thanks for voting mate...and thanks for the welcome...i think! B)
  5. OH YEAH! Time for the boys on this list (they know who they are) to grow into MEN! Both mentally and physically, on the field and off! 2yrs enough? The rest of this season is gonna be real interesting for us demonoids. Hopefully for all the right reasons! At the same time we gotta back our club 110% so no one (including the FD) can say we weren't backing em to the hilt. For one decade of my life I wanna be able to say... Go you MIGHTY Demons! And know that the MIGHTY has real meaning and puts the fear of Bael into our opponents rather than just saying it in hope (Thats Bael, head of the Infernal armies of 66 legions, not to be confused with Bailey). B)
  6. No arguments from me on this one. The little things and the one percenters can make a big impact to the end result for sure. Unfortunately, we are way down versus the top 5 over almost any meaningful comparative period in the last 4 years on these stats (not telling anyone anything new here i know). As Acka Dacka sings, "it's a long way to the top if u wanna get outta this hole!" And boy, have we got a long way to go before we even resemble a fair dinkum truly competitive (and feared) footy team. What does our FD (or any FD) do with all these KPI's re: team selection anyway? Each player set certain minimum KPI(s) levels for certain criteria that's expected depending on their position/role over a rolling period of say 3 to 5 games at a stretch? If they aren't met, you look to replace with alternatives from affiliate VFL, in our case Casey? No need to answer guys! I don't profess to be an expert in the nitty gritty of day to day professional football operations. I can't help but wonder tho lol. Regardless, there's gotta be a quantitative and qualitative processes by which they determine the ins and outs. But that's a whole topic away for me (ok maybe 50 topics and a years apprenticeship with the Mick before i'd even start to get it lol) Although according to more learned peeps than me, we don't have too many "walk-up" alternatives at Casey right now with the exception of Petterd and Bater (oh...lets not forget the big FEV! Hmmm ) . I'm referring to plow and one other SEN commentator who apparently watched Casey's game against Frankston yesterday. And no, i aint saying Plow and SEN commentators are the only source we should take notice of re: Casey alternatives/potentials. Nor do i think any potential/existing footballer should be judged on 1 game alone B)
  7. G'day Range. Interesting post. More referring to champion as in "amongst our playing group" he would be seen as probably our only champion at this point. Agreed there's also very few from past years i would consider a true champion in a "comparative" sense with the rest of the league since Gary Lyon. That's just My op. However, if you were to place Greeny in a champion team (prior to this year anyway) i think he would be very highly rated and considered close to or just behind some of the other leading super stars. Emphasis on "close". B)
  8. Thanks Belze. Always enjoy reading your posts mate. Please note ASAP emphasis. Obviously we can't have Malthouse right now, that's a given. Maybe Krusty? He's got 1 vote already (and an endless supply of Duff at his disposal! Lucifer knows i need a heap of those after Thursday night)....
  9. Ahhh, the wonders of democracy and the web! Jack, you're just jealous cause you've been here over 2 years and you didn't think of this first haha. P.S. Not my first time here. Just a different account now. Besides, i've been with the club 40+ years mate. Earned my stripes B)
  11. We will know after round 11 whether he's staying or going. This is Bail's last stand for sure. If our board and others within the football dept have some balls, they will be telling him the same. 2nd best and accepting mediocrity within this club has been tolerated for decades. Enough is enough. And the bulk of us have had enough!! (i think) B)
  12. BE CALM YOUNG DEMONOIDS! BRAD GREEN is one of Our few proven champions. Champions don't lie down for long. But, he aint young enough for a utility role anymore. Bails.....settle him down up forward and......ROTATE!!! B)
  13. I hear you BUT..... It's the MFC way to accept mediocrity and accept the status quo. Get used to it. Since 1964 the only Coach to truly turn us into a feared opposition was John Northy. His tough, no BS approach was infectious and he and "most" of his players took no prisoners. He also opened up the FD to the supporter base for the first time, allowing anyone and everyone access to the players post match in the rooms. The place actually felt like a real footy club for the first (and last) time. Unfortunately he wanted a little more in return for his efforts, including a longer contract, and MFC establishment wouldn't accept. He also ran into one of the great teams of his era in the Hawks in the 88 GF. I guess that didn't help his case lol. So, unless you're willing to give up your week nights, weekends and some days and nominate yourself for the board, or volunteer yourself into the FD and somehow work your way into a position of power, or start playing lol, i'd just forget about trying to change the MFC and get on with living your own lives. A leopard never changes its spots. And this is one TOFFY NOSE SOFT COK of a leopard. Gutnick & co. tried and failed, and he had millions to back him up. In the end his coup to try and turn Melbourne into a peoples club was cut off by the establishment. What hope you think any of you have?? Don't waste your time guys. Life is too short to waste trying to change this dud of a club. And no, i'm certainly not saying you the supporters or any of the players are duds, just the established board and culture. Hec, in 10-15 years time there'll be virtually no one left alive who'll have even seen or played in our last flag! Just enjoy your occasional "dead cat bounce" wins that we have once in a while and be happy. Oh, and the unfurling of our Grand Old Flag at home games!! Haha....omg. No other club would even dare pull this BS. Jimmy are you watching this crap (on and off the field!!)?? This is presently NOT a genuine football club. For it to become one, it needs significant changes, from the top down. Not Jimmy. But the way the board and club runs and is willing to accept 2nd best on the field. It lacks a hard nose culture generally and it shows. So until, or unless this changes....get used to more of the same BS on the field.
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