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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Gut feel after today's session is they wont risk JV. Tad too early, possibly unable to grapple etc. Hope I'm wrong but just going on the overall look rather than anything specific
  2. Hip flexor. Shld return after the buy. Source: Macca , reckons he'll be a jet
  3. Harmes yes. Havent seen Grimes or Michie. But glasses In car I'll certainly let u know If Incorrect
  4. Jack V started with light training early but has since joined the main group for end to end at the moment. I would say a very good 70/30 chance he's good to go but they probably will do other tests/follow up after so dont shoot me if he doesnt make it
  5. Sounds like the cruise is working wonders! Possibly a tonic for all suffering landers
  6. Have made the leap of faith and haven't looked back. A bit flexible though, occasionally throwing in a little stir fried chicken or a bit of fried whiting/flake to mix it up but even going off chicken now. Haven't touched meat in a year and can't handle the smell/taste anymore in any form. Although the smell of bacon is still difficult to ignore. Also drinking a fair amount of PH Alkaline water. Seems to give me a fair bit of extra energy and is supposed to create a horrid environment for nasty disease thingies (so they say!). Can't say i've tried many organic bananas however. Would go down well in a banana cake maybe with a nice cuppa (or a single malt lol).
  7. Is there any chance "He arches his back" can be banned from Chanel 7 commentary as well?
  8. I don't think the answer was ever in doubt! I'm not a big L&O fan but i think you chose well
  9. Ha! Nice work fellas. Continuing the Ferrell ........
  10. If they went this morning they would have been staring at dew dripping off the grass ends. A great opp for as many as possible to get there tomorrow and get around the boys. Get a bit of that old 'club feel' going which would be pretty rare nowadays. Hoping to get there! Thanks gents
  11. Some of our other players, especially some of our reg forwards, would do well to follow his lead on 1%s and pressure acts. Probably our best on this side and this is one of our big weaknesses overall. If we could up the ante here, especially in the forward 50, I reckon we are a top 6 proposition ....even with the current list (and some key outs back in like Viney and others firing up like H, Jeffy & Dunn all pushing for a spot again).
  12. I'm hoping they win one more at least for our sake!
  13. Sorry but I have bragging rights OD Posted Sunday at 3:43 PM · Report post I would have thought Garlett firstly. Hasn't performed since Rnd 7 against the Suns. Bottom 4 performer in all rounds since and WOG for us y'day. Averaging just over 1 goal per game since the Suns match and would have thought he would need 2 - 3 on average (at least) to justify his position, especially seeing he is doing little else to contribute. I realise they are diff roles but pretty sure Ben Kenn could handle small forward role in place of Garlett. Need to send a big message here and actually put someone in who who might be willing to work harder to keep the ball i50. Have to try something to improve our forward pressure. Harmes would be next off the block but his recent form (without being acceptable) hasn't been anywhere as bad as Garlett's (until yesterday where he was only 2nd to Garlett for WOG). Yes i know he isn't a stay at home small forward but he does spend a fair bit of time i50 or close to it. Could instruct him to play deeper regardless. Garlett / Harmes from Rnd 8 to 11, 2016 Eff Disp 11 / 39 Goals 5 / 4 Tackles 11 / 14 1%s 3 / 3 Clangers 9 / 12
  14. Yeh Viney was doing light duties with H this morning. Pretty sure he wont be a late Inclusion.
  15. Something along those lines. Many say the bottom 6 players define a team from week to week. As to whether it has any validity i have no idea. In the end i think general work ethic, talent at the top end (100+ gamers) and leadership (knowing what to do & how to win etc) are 3 critical components in successful sides. Roos would appear to have solved the work ethic issue and we have turned this around since the ugly years. Cross played a big role in helping here. Talent at the top end of our experienced 100+ gamers? We could argue that till the cows come home i guess but what we can't argue is that at present we don't have enough experienced/ elite talented players (especially by foot/cool head in a crisis etc) at the top end (100 / 150+ games). Really hope this is our focus for next season. With regard to leadership. outside of Jones, Vince & Viney through the middle and to some degree Tmac/Vince down back, we are still searching for a strong leader up forward (could be Hulk in future given enough games & to some extent Watts is offering this a little by example) and a very strong leader down back to command/organise the troops (Frawley!). Oh, plus we need 1 or 2 match winners (champs) who can take control of a game and win it through sheer will/effort and skill. They may be in the list now (eg., Clarry/Tracc/Viney/Hoges/Tyson) but no one has reached these heady heights ....yet. Fingers crossed.
  16. I would say Wag was the best of the young rookies against the Hawks behind Tracc and Clarry bandicoot. Harmes had the shocker. Grimes has earned it and although there are no games to compare with anyone this year, he was ranked about 3rd for effective disposals last year. Worth a look.
  17. Has averaged only 3 contested possessions and 0 clearances (a more robust stat) in his 3 matches. Would be way below requirements if he is seen as an inside mid by FD. Zero chance of returning this year (barring severe decimation of mid field through injury/suspension) i would think.
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