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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. As far as i know yes it does. We are rockin! (compared to last few years anyway!)
  2. I think our mid field is ready and if Dawes stays fit our forward line (at least the attacking part...see below). A fit Maxy could take us in. The worry for me is that backline. Great runners, read the ball well, intercept ok and play the zone/press pretty well when it's had a chance to set up deeper up the ground. But one on one some of the youngsters would be severely exposed especially the young key talls like Omac & Frost. Pretty much all of our backmen, apart from Nev & Vince, also don't know when to play slow. Their initial dash is great but they often just kick blindly instead of steadying when not much on offer up forward. In addition they often choose the wrong option (eg, don't see the 45s when coming along the boundary under a bit of pressure) or just cant hit a target when trying for those 45s (Tmac one of the worst offenders here). Need a really solid defence to reach finals. in addition I still haven't seen the defensive pressure needed in our forward 50 on a consistent basis although QB showed improvement. Guess we need to see how it goes with Dawesy back. Might be on the up a little from here but the jury's out for me on this bit. We are close but still a little way off and might struggle against most teams from here outside of the Dockers, Suns and the Blues. At best we Might snaffle 3 more wins but wouldn't be enough.
  3. FWIW overheard someone at training on Sat ask him if he was any chance of getting back (not sure if they said this week or just any chance soon) and his response was something along the lines of "Not even close".
  4. Great example of one backman Improving his DE at the expense of another's AW. The play effiency stat would be pretty awesome and would give a better Indication of who Is making good choices. A play effiency under pressure handy too lol.
  5. So many rubbish stats like that one I agree. The Hawks often dont rate that well In many of any of the publicly available ones, Including that one, yet they're winning the silverware. They probably dominate kicking efficiency more often than not though which Is hidden In that stat.
  6. The trickle down (or in this case UP...to AFL headquarters) effects of starting to win more often should start to pay dividends if we can keep the momentum going LH. Onwards and upwards (albeit from a very low ebb!). Agree on the membership numbers. Ratings will also play a big part in the fixture going forward obviously. Would love to see those numbers! (club v club)
  7. We are sitting 8th for highest 'Home Game attendance' averages so far. Up 7 places from our 2015 average rank of 15th. Of the Vic clubs we are presently ranked 5th. Last year we finished last. Since last year we are up 10,000 per home game and have leap frogged the following Vic clubs ... Roos, Saints, Dogs, Cats and the Blues!
  8. Not an official record but I believe we may have broken another hoo doo. When was the last time the Demons were such a big favorite (both with scribes and the bookies) in a blockbuster game ...and got the chocolates!? Maybe it wasn't that long ago but im thinking back to a fairly big build up to a match against the Toiges in the 90s when Gazza & the Wiz were up and about. Seem to recall a big game build up but we were considered the favourites. The Wiz took a screamer in the forward pocket/flank in front of general members area at one point and we went on to win well from memory. Regardless, even though the Pies fielded a pretty ordinary outfit, we still had a huge mental girdle to break out of on QB and we did it convincingly. We also played at least one quarter of 'finals quality' football in the 2nd. We are a fair way off challenging the top 6 consistently but also not that far off holding our own against anyone from 7 down IMO, provided we have most of those who played on Monday fit & available. Another quality (experienced) mid in next draft would be very handy.
  9. Thank goodness we are finally pushing the limits of what constitutes a legal hand ball. No coincidence that the clubs that clear the ball like lightning, often sleight of hand, are also those who have had the most success over the last 8 to 10 years. We have finally caught on, sitting In 2nd position (almost equal 1st) in clearances with the GWS Circus. All kudos to our FD here and a huge ty! Roosy I could kiss ya mate! Beautiful to watch after so many years of watching us play what looked like (for me) ordinary 80s/90s type old style hand ball/clearance work.
  10. Disappointing fashion sense. Surely white socks are a pre-requisite with those sandles!
  11. This mix is just about right IMO and we can rest up after the Swans game. Plus the young blokes that looked a little loose/spent (Hunt, Oliver) will get another look at how the boys up top go about their business if they remain. Can't do that if they aren't playing. No changes this week please.
  12. We over used it by hand more so than any other match so far but wasn't far off our common 1.0 ratio. The Power match we had a 1.20 ratio and lost badly so in the end it really comes down to how well you use it by foot. We aren't as good as the Hawks just yet unfortunately!
  13. He was tremendous mate and was involved in many chains off HB that resulted in scoring shots. I would need to watch the replay again but also had him close to BOG along with Big M. Could easily have shared the cup!
  14. The trip back (If you had only brought the stang over!) ....."Eat my rubber Pie scum!"
  15. Our transport system is worse than Collingwood's system right now....and that's saying something
  16. That is a good day Left. Nice change hearing these positive stories after such bleak times a year or 2 back.
  17. No argument from me Deever. Watching from the bleeches can often dent your perspective of what has actually happened especially when you're down one of the field and can't see properly until the change of ends. Even then i wonder if i see things as well as i used to! They were both very serviceable albeit some ugly foot passes from Tmac may have put a dent in some of his run & carry efforts. The effort was def there from both though.
  18. I'll take your word on that Samael. Can only hope they were completely off page on Saturday. At the same time the track was very unforgiving but it was the same for both sides.
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