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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. If so we are now in a very dangerous place.
  2. Here we go. Dons the problem now, not Cameron anymore. Ok new problem and the solution is?
  3. Sorry Hardnut but don't understand your comment. We have not just been beaten the past two weeks, we have a percentage of 28% and you allow the players to abrogate responsibility? Who else ran out on the field?
  4. Christ! Does anyone get to stay? Football dept and players have not fired a shot in 5 years and get to take another scalp whilst being hauled out of danger to Sorrento . Hope no one on hear complains when the financial results are announced later and stand ready to dig deep. Say what you like but Schwab played a role in getting the club back to a financially viable position. Will we still be there come the end of the year? Playing performance and making a buck are directly related so good luck to the next CEO. Could it be that Schwab actually got this and that's what caused him to become concerned about about the football playing shite of the past little while? So when will it be time for the players and football dept to deliver? Are they a protected species at our joint? They wouldn't be anywhere else. Who do we blame next? Who's next in the queue? Oh that's right it will be DM's (who initially took the job on with great reluctance ) fault. Bloody ridiculous, how about we just start winning and don't stop and it over to you football dept.
  5. Agree and just think the if the football dept and players got their s..t together and simply won a few bl..dy games most of this would go away. We have been fed how fit we are, how well we have trained, how better our list is, how well we have drafted, but we are on the bottom with a percentage of 28%? We have also been advised that the objective was ( last year) that we were to be the hardest team to play against yet we appear/remain one of , if not the softest? Ok boys something has to change or we will simply be presented with more of the rubbish of the last two weeks.So I would like to see total all out aggression as a not negotiable. I would like to see this taken into consideration at selection from the first ruck to the substitute. On this subject agree with Greg Wells who suggested we need more mongrel in the side. Not quite sure how to put this and I hope I'm not right, but could it be a possibility that some players coming out of contract could have already been got at "a la T$" . Could they be simply going through the motions and protecting their bodies for something beyond this year? I say this as it doesn't seem to me that a few are playing with anything like the intensity expected from AFL players. On the basis of recent performances they should be dropped for this week anyhow to at best help them with their focus until they pull their fingers out.
  6. Didn't go Lucifer, comment was based on what I saw of Jamar's form last year, last week and yesterday , Warren Deans comments today, your comments that Gawn is underdone at this point ( although would be happy to roll the dice but bet Misson wont) and the need to give the Spencil a chance to show us if he's value on the list or not. IMO reckon a change should be made to the ruck on the other hand you could leave Jamar in against the West Coast where we might get further confirmation if we really need it and what does it say to the rest of the playing group about the need to perform consistently to retain your spot?
  7. No he's not. He's aggro got a bit of grunt and he's a lot bigger than 198cm. Completely different picture and sounds like he's EARNED a call up.
  8. I find it simply amazing that Taggert is playing in this group at a time when we cant find a midfielder to bless ourselves with. Did we recruit him with VFL seconds in mind? Has he gone backwards? Did he not have it from the outset? What does playing VFA seconds do to a young players confidence? I just don't get this and as he's not in the better players does this mean he stays there? What is the story?
  9. 1 posy. 2 for the first half. That's good is it?
  10. I'm with you. Good clubs have 22 good footballers, who risk their bodies ,play for one another and refuse to accept defeat. Its not that hard. I'd give the senior players one more shot ( Silvia, Jamar, Dunne etc) if nothing we have nothing to lose bringing in the kids
  11. Viney and Matt Jones did ok , where were Silvia and Jamar ( and there were other more experiences players who have played under numerous coaches)?
  12. Proven v. Unproven coaches is a separate issue and worthy of separate thought at another time. I'll grant you that. For the moment however we have experienced coaches ( Refer Craig /Rawlings ) but its the blokes who pull on the boots who essentially determine the outcome. They were woeful yesterday IMO and they have nowhere to hide.
  13. Sellar and Nicholson dropping marks, Gillies and Garland being unprepared to take marks, Watts getting two kicks etc etc had nothing to do with coaching and IMO we make far too many excuses for players not accepting responsibility. They players were prepared, Jones was jumping out of his skin, raring to go so we heard, but when it was time to party they were limp. Neeld mentions 3 acceptable playing performances for the day. Coaching on the day wont change a 70 point hammering like that. Not thrilled at all with the concept of the players calling the shots or exerting influence on coaching matters. I would just like them to consistently be competitive and win games of football, nothing else.
  14. So the bloody players get away with playing the same card as they did with Bailey and get to take another scalp? I don't think so! This mess is right in the players faces, they are the one who have to fix it.
  15. Was it just me or did anyone else notice how often the Port forwards were able to turn our backline inside out, turn back and head towards goal? Was like they had no boot grip or able to get traction at times.
  16. If a third of our side are squibs there could we could have a problem Houston. Don't think you're truly serious with a few of the names you have mentioned , but we were short of single minded resolve by a few you have named.
  17. I think that's right and won't be lost on Mc Lardy. The football dept set the club back yesterday. No one else did. Schwab and Co's ability to 'sell the club' was made far more difficult on the back of that lame effort. Any chairman worth his salt will now be aware of a potentially serious problem, will need to address the problem with the football dept ASAP, if it hasn't been already , be satisfied with the action plan to right the ship pronto and have the appropriate measurement methods in place to oversee this and make sure it happens. The comment about Neeld now coaching on the edge seems pretty right and he has to find. That's his and the players job.
  18. I think the requirement for round two are a win at any cost. The players have simply got to learn to die for the cause. Sick of the excuses, its time we expected to win every week. Full Stop end of story. Just get it done.
  19. Yep , only 198cm, not to mention being Hudson's [censored] and gentle as a lamb. Huge part of our midfield problem IMO.
  20. I wasn't at the game either, I simply make the point that I think he has had three practice games and put his hand up three times. ( What more can he do?) I am aware by the way that some parts of his game may need development -( whose don't in our side) but he gets plenty of the footy ( Watts had two kicks today), he works hard, he is a reasonable size, he has leg speed and grunt, yet I call him the "invisible man" as he seems to get overlooked for others ( like Dunne, Garland, Joel Mac and Watts ) for backline positions.( Viney turned the ball over a couple of times today but none of us would criticize that as we appreciated his endeavour and heart.) No drama though, its just a personal view, I notice that in terms of proposed changes for next week no one else sees as I do and that's fine, but IMO if the blokes in the side aren't doing it for us and we have others who are putting their hand up, then I believe its incumbent on the selectors to bring about change and see what happens, not continue with more of the same old crap and spin. I would hate to see us lose promising people to other clubs through lack of opportunity and I recall seeing Davis and Tom McDonald doing a good job for us a while back in the VFL and it struck me how well they worked together.
  21. Jamar is responsible for supply to our midfield. Take a look at the first 4 centre bounces and the majority of others later, you may wish to reconsider your voting. Thought their big blokes killed us and gave their midfield an armchair ride. Also set the tone for the game. I wouldn't have had him in my first 10 today.
  22. The "invisible man" Davis ,on those numbers, seems to have had plenty of it again. So still a fan.
  23. Where will he finish up I wonder. The Demons would be nice.
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