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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Medical science has come a long way since then. but it will make it hard to trade him with a dicky knee
  2. When his contract was extended by 1 year I thought Someone is not sure if he is the guy. Nothing since then has convinced me he should go beyond 2011 He has had a terrible run with injuries this year but whatever the reason very few coaches get the nod to continue with his win / loss ratio It is not going to improve in the next month.
  3. DC you have just saved me writing 9 lines, covered it beautifully. I am smiling "$64K question"
  4. I have been for 46 years Hoopla And to be honest I do not see us any closer than most of that period. 7-8 players who are good enough then another 12 that are simply not good enough. Any idea if it is this decade?
  5. Hope you are right because we could easily become as irrelevant as North Melbourne.
  6. If we cannot afford the best and have to choose a middle cost coach for cost reasons Then IMO we are doomed to continue the mediocrity we have achieved for most of the last 45 years. God help us if it is cost that determines who the coach is in 2012 and beyond. I know all coachs start somewhere but can we afford a coach that takes 2 years to find his feet?
  7. DS I agree with almost all you say I feel the same, I am rapidly getting to the stage of defeat by weariness. I am almost worn out by the MFC Unless we show something by the end of this year I fear for our existance by the end of 2015. How many members next year if we finish in the bottom 4? I doubt there is another rebuild in this club You can only go to the well so many times. Perhaps that is our destiny. I sometimes wonder if becoming the GWS Demons would not have been the better option. At least I could have walked away in peace WWS You are spot on. We are way too excepting. Not one MFC person challenged Malthouse when he called Maric a cheat Imagine if the boot was on the other foot!
  8. We have been waiting 3 months so far for 1 reasonable result from them. When do you think they will get the job done?
  9. And still no replies Doggo, the guy has vanished off the face of the earth. I even emailed the club last week and NO REPLY. God knows what has happened to him!
  10. Agree 100% He has been one of the very few bright spots for this year. IMO we need someone who can stand their ground and mark in the forward line. All our forwards are lead up types. If Stef can release Jamar to play that role for a part of every game we are way ahead. And he has a red hot go every week, something missing in a few of his team mates.
  11. Always does at this level. Means little to me, give someone else a go.
  12. BBO we are crying in the wilderness!
  13. Guys I have little real knowledge of DB's coaching ability. Only the results on the field. Before all the injuries we were not setting the world on fire. I believe we do not have the cattle right now to implement DB's plan even if the plan is a good one. We are now 3.5 years into the Bailey reign. In spite of the changes over that period our progression seems to be limited to the size of our defeats. We have had a little bad luck with some draftees in Strauss and Blease. However few clubs get every pick correct. My biggest criticism is we seem to pick mainly skinny kids who are going to take 4+ years to develop. Not a Rich or Darling anywhere. The nett result is a list that is probably 3 years from maturity. And if they all make it we will have a good team that may make a GF. But with each passing week I have less belief in that theory. My patience is almost at an end. IMO if we do not see a great revival in July and August I will be looking for a Coaching change Because that is probably the only thing that will get me up for 2012.
  14. No DC he is DB's brother!
  15. Please don't tell me I have to endure Bennell for another 80 games!
  16. Mate imagine what you will feel like in 41 years time! God knows why I continue.
  17. You are amazing Sue Positive in the face of a cyclone The only thing I could add to your list is No suspensions either ( apparently )
  18. Remember guys our injuries cascade down to Casey. If we are short 8- 10 players so are Casey from 3 weeks ago. I went to this same game last year with what looks like a similar result.
  19. Sad but probably true. There are days when I think it might have been better to become the GWS demons. At least I could have walked away in peace. This way it is a long drawn out death by a thousand cuts.
  20. I agree and I do not want us making fools of ourselves on friday night TV. Especially when we run around in Pink jumpers. I had 2 sms last night asking if we wore those jumpers to help out O.N.
  21. Oracle your report is spot on. We were out classed. The injuries / suspensions have reduced us to a team that is way below the level that produces results at AFL level. I went last night and got close to what I expected. One thing I had confirmed last night that I doubt will be fixed when our better players return. Our Forwrd line is one dimensional They are all lead up type forwards. We have no one who can stand and deliver. No one who can hold their postion in a pack and mark. Yes Oracle there is always next year. But I am just a little tired of that idea. I have seen two many "next years" I think I have only one more next year left in me. I certaintly do not have another rebuild in me.
  22. That is an extremely good question! You have my vote. Week after week I see us clear the ball, go forward and there are 3 players in our forward line. All are the opposition. Either our game plan stinks and or we do not have the cattle to implement it.
  23. GL for a team that made such a mess of drafting they seem to be still winning a few games more than us. As well as belting us when we play. We should be so seriously stuffed up. They have written their success. Ours is still very much written in pencil. Time will tell how good we are but right now from my view point the Hawks are way in front.
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