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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yes well thanks I think. Real problem here. I have supported Melbourne since an unknowing child. Now that revalation has has struck can an athiest suport the existence of Demons? Don't answer this , the red is empty and I don't need any more confusion in my life
  2. Give me a break - I'm an athiest for god's sake.
  3. Come on Benno - what are you going to do? You have recieved some very sage advice. Decision time. I cant wait any longer my has told me to do the dishes.
  4. OK time to "Man Up". If it all comes down to it - is it the footy or the girlfriend?
  5. And it is a given that they will not know who their father is.
  6. Thanks. I'm a bit slow because the red is kicking in but it why did you reply in a different order?
  7. Thanks for that but I have a further problem -what does FMD mean?. Yes I'm serious.
  8. Yes! Isn't it wonderful. I don't have to worry about repartee or football knowledge, i can just be a MCP. ( Who knows what that means?)
  9. "piqued by the irony". This really is out of control. This is a footy forum for gawds sake.
  10. Call me old fashioned, but since when has having consideration for a girlfriend (or a wife for that matter) in any way impacted upon one's enjoyment/ viewing/attending of a football/cricket/or other sporting event?
  11. You're right. Why did you mention Juice? I'd managed to put that out of my memory.
  12. As I said on another thread - "can this site get any sillier"? . The team can all be on pensioners concession cards for all I care , so long as we win a flag before I die or become so consumed in red wine that I don't notice.
  13. Where's that great haircut LJ had ? Can you photoshop that in? He looks as mean as cats..t with it?
  14. Since DB became coach the idea has been to clear out and reinvigorate the list - no problems with that. But are we becomming too ruthless? Too youth orientated? Is a player automatically over the hill when they turn 30? Realistically Junior and bruce had more footy in them. If Brad Green is still playing good footy at 30 do we offer him a 1 year contract? Would we blame him if he took 2 years elsewhere?
  15. Yeah looks good but I don't like the picture of Jurrah. Got an alternative?
  16. Can this site possibly get any sillier?
  17. What a bizzare group we must be. Sunday night on a long weekend thinking about a team that finished its season weeks ago and will not resume normal activities for months. As a result of there being no " real " action to talk about this forum (or what I've read of it) appears to have descended into some strange,fantastic, offensive and absurd areas of content. These include remarkably complex draft possibilities, overly optimistic projections for next year, slagging (by some) of Robbo, slagging of PJ and perhaps most astonishingly the retention of "Juice". Now I haven't read everything ( I was OS for a month) so give me some views - what is the silliest thing that has been written on this forum since the GF.
  18. Agree fully. Had my doubts early in the season but now that he's settled he will be a regular in our best 22.
  19. I can see no logic in getting rid of Miller and keeping Newton. Miller had a go and showed a bit of aggro when needed. Newton just made up the numbers although he can kick a bit better than Miller.
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