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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well i'm not sure what syndrome i've got but I was (and still am) so angry and appalled after the West Coast fiasco that I considered cutting up my member card and sending it back. Wiser heads prevailed however when my wife advised me not to do that. Rather, she said, lend it to people you hate so they can waste 2 hours of their life watching the rubbish MFC presents as football.
  2. "I didn't expect the team to stand up, nor did I expect the team to win. I expected them to be intimidated, and shown up by a young, promising side." Any team will get beaten by a better side - that's sport. But we as supporters/members are entitled to expect our team to "stand up" That is compete, battle, show some pride and heart. Melbourne did not stand up in any sense. It was a pathetic performance for which the team should feel ashamed.
  3. All I can say is I think it would be appropriate if I removed the "optimistic" from my name.
  4. If for no other reason, you'd hope this works just to stick it up Hawthorn
  5. "itll all be sorted out.....by her......" Failed to "man up". Before you know it we'll have a female Prime minister.
  6. This thread is doing my head in. If they still had institutions I'd be the number one customer
  7. It's been proven they have no consideration
  8. I reckon Benno has hit the cot with his girlfriend while he can
  9. Yes well thanks I think. Real problem here. I have supported Melbourne since an unknowing child. Now that revalation has has struck can an athiest suport the existence of Demons? Don't answer this , the red is empty and I don't need any more confusion in my life
  10. Give me a break - I'm an athiest for god's sake.
  11. Come on Benno - what are you going to do? You have recieved some very sage advice. Decision time. I cant wait any longer my has told me to do the dishes.
  12. "get a grip." Could be the answer!
  13. OK time to "Man Up". If it all comes down to it - is it the footy or the girlfriend?
  14. And it is a given that they will not know who their father is.
  15. Thanks. I'm a bit slow because the red is kicking in but it why did you reply in a different order?
  16. Thanks for that but I have a further problem -what does FMD mean?. Yes I'm serious.
  17. Yes! Isn't it wonderful. I don't have to worry about repartee or football knowledge, i can just be a MCP. ( Who knows what that means?)
  18. "piqued by the irony". This really is out of control. This is a footy forum for gawds sake.
  19. Call me old fashioned, but since when has having consideration for a girlfriend (or a wife for that matter) in any way impacted upon one's enjoyment/ viewing/attending of a football/cricket/or other sporting event?
  20. You're right. Why did you mention Juice? I'd managed to put that out of my memory.
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