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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Agree. Spencer is another who gets unreasonable stick on this site. He is still a raw kid who was starting to show a bit when he was injured. Let him get fit and show what he's got.
  2. Have to go to Dandy on Wednesday. Is there training at Casey? Club site is not up to date.
  3. Last year a young lad I teach told me about his football team- as follows. "The ruckman taps it to me. I kick it to the full forward. He kicks a goal" Simple really.
  4. Jurrah's The Man. I would love to see him play all games and kick 60++ !
  5. I just nearly busted a gut. Do you know who said this?
  6. He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. GB Shaw.
  7. I like the way your mind works
  8. Agree with the sentiment but I think banal is a better description
  9. Yes! He has to lift in fitness, form and, most importantly, leadership.
  10. We could call Magner Carter which would do the filth supporters heads in.
  11. Maybe. Another "hard body".
  12. Many were disappointed ( rightly) with last year's effort. If we put together a bit of early success, I reckon waverers and others will come on board. However we may consider the notion of loyalty, success is a terrific sales pitch.
  13. Agree with the above. Newton is quite capable of dominating at that level.
  14. "a medial meniscus tear of the right knee" Can someone explain this? Where does it rank on the scale of knee injuries?
  15. Given that we hung onto Newton for 7 years (or was it an eternity?), I would not write anyone off at this stage.
  16. You are correct, a spearing pass was an oddity - hence the "delight" (good natured shock) of the crowd
  17. You are not suggesting Watts is an underperformer surely?
  18. My first game was Melbourne V Geelong at the MCG. I reckon it must have been !963. Melbourne won in front of a huge crowd. Clear memories of "Bluey Adams" running around the boundary and Brian Dixon spearing a pass to another Melbourne player to the delight of the crowd. I also think it was a long weekend (Queens Birthday?) I'll accept a correction on the year.
  19. True enough. But expectations are being built. Talk will need to be backed up with performance - and sooner in the season rather than later.
  20. "refer the MFC media release where it states hed been drinking." I conceded he had been drinking.( Though no evidence to the extent) My points remain.
  21. What has stupid got to do with it? Sylvia is not a Rhodes Scholar - we know that. However, there is no evidence that he was [censored] ( but he may have been). My point is this - what harm has been done to MFC given that he was on leave , he was not driving and the police do not consider an offence has been committed. Sylvia is a victim of the fact that ther is not much footy news at the moment.
  22. Change the culture? You must be kidding. We're regarded as a bunch of pissants. Sylvia shows a bit of mongrel occasionaly and everyone becomes sanctimonious.
  23. He was punished by the IR squad by being left out of thr international team. Question? Would melbourne have suspended Sylvia had he not been in the IR side but simply on leave?
  24. Well I think it's BS. The guy was on annual leave. He was smart enough not to drive. The police are taking no action because no offence was committed.
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