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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. To the moderators, thank you for deleting 'the posts' I have no issue with that whatsoever, I was offended and let it overtake my better judgement
  2. I agree, I am sure Todd Viney in his review will hightlight where Nev moved the Gold Coast player backwards a few metres with a decent fair bump, he didn't even need to tackle him to clear a path.........and it led to a goal....you can add Bail to that list......
  3. Thommo.....if you have a mirror at home, I think you really do need to take a long hard look at yourself, from where Liam has come from to where he is now, with three sublime goals yesterday.......I expect and he will be a 10+ year player...another pre season and he will be even better than this year......if we managed to get the ball into the 50 a bit more often, he would have had a few more goals
  4. Sitting in the stand with the nr 39 on the back of my guernsey. it was good to see Nev playing his role, kicked a nice goal and had a hand in three others, six tackles........good job he is still only 21 and will be into his second full preseason come Oct.......sheesh....try and pick the good qualities.....I would if it was possible have 22 Jetta, Jones and McKenzies.........all are still young, people forget Jonesy is only 23.....patience is the key
  5. Tapscott....took the defensive forward role that Dunn normally does, played on Harbrow who had little influence, also kicked a good long goal......watched by supporters who have no idea Morton....played his role as link man McNamara...played his role, after two years away, needed the run
  6. ...yes of course the B & F should be the prettiest, most skilful, who has kicked bags of goals....Jones has played his guts out in every game this year, sometimes he has been the only one who never waved the white flag.....if he gets it, it will be because he deserves it.....he has been absolutely devastated by what has transpired this season...you only have to read his tweets and speak to him.......but I know when I watch the game he will be wearing his heart right on the front of the red and blue shirt and will run himself into the ground for the club For once yesterday I sat amongst the so called supporters on the bottom level of the G down the Punt Rd end and was absolutely disgusted by the constant bagging of individual players.....I actually told one bloke he may as well go home if he wasn't enjoying it.... I am as disappointed as the next man in the performance of the team this year, but it is not down to individuals, the game is a team effort and it needs 22 playing at their maximum, and all the coaching panel getting there coaching right. by two bob's worth Either Moloney or Jones
  7. What twaddle some of this is, so Dean Bailey never tried anything, how about putting Jack Watts in the back half, trying Rohan Bail in the tagging/run with role, moving Davey around tryinig to find the right fit for him.....the coach is gone now, so he was rubbish let's kick him now. As for the big gorilla parked in the goal square, haven't we moved away from that, just be patient, we are quietly building Jack Watts and maybe this weekend we may finally see Jack Fitzpatrick, who at 200cm may satisfy the height wanters...he has been injury hit a bit...then there is Lucas Cook
  8. satyricon


    If other team members worked hard off the ball, then Jonesy (who gives his all every week) would have multiple options to pick from.....it is not just about the ball carrier........sometimes I feel sorry for the ball carrier because at times during the game, Melbourne are a team of statues....
  9. The sky is not falling, the media love a bad news story, just look at the Herald Sun today with the Bulldogs, who are now also falling apart at the seams. I will accept Don McLardy at his word, he said "there are issues, not as bad as in the press, and we will sort them out"
  10. Oh look....an article in the paper saying Scully is not worth it and suddenly everybody who was wringing hands about him leaving has changed their opinion.........he is working his way back after a few setbacks Davey gets slapped in the media and same again.......he has had an injury interuppted season....that is a reason not an excuse.... Sylvia is selfish/laxy/not a team man......let me see a few comments on tv and radio at the weekend... Who will be this week, we will know on the Monday and Tuesday after the game with the negative posts on a once favourite player... .....the cliff is over there...lets all follow the leader... If you must have an opinion...try and make it an original one
  11. Best fit means what should his role be in the team NOW, it is like Jones, in the past Jones would be in at the bounce now he plays on a wing.....do we keep Davey forward, on a wing, half back...where can he be most beneficial...that was my point......hopefully this week he will be up a notch or two...
  12. I always like it when one of the comedy writers on this board add to a topic....Davey won the B&F in 2009, that was a season and a half a go, or doesn't that count, he was coming back from a long layoff last week, we haven't quite worked out were his 'best fit' is same with Jurrah, Bennell is learning all the time, just needs a bigger body, Jetta has had a bit of a bad run with injury,but when he gets his chance at least you get 100% each time, Wonna has had a terrible time with injury and personal issues.....let's wait and see shall we, like a a lot of other players on the list.......
  13. Again a non topic, Max Gawn tweeted he was at the game, how can you miss sonmebody that tall! I assume others were there as well
  14. What no claims of 'kicking while down"........ I was hoping for a quick lift in my morale....but a puerile cliche ridden piece obviously penned by a second year Arts degree Uni student, whilst attending a tute on 'Humour in Sport' by Max Walker and Sam Kekovich
  15. Everybody seems to be using the word ultimatum, this is not it, at the moment the Club is wobbling, it needs to get back on an even keel as soon as possible, if you don't want or won't be at the club next yeear then say so.....it is as simple as that......could understand at the beginning of the season the reasoning, to concentrate on footy but it hasn't helped he has played six games this season, let us move on.......I think a lot of supporters are over it now......and are generally sick of the whole thing and don't need it
  16. I have done a couple of edits to my posts, punctuation and grammer, keyboard ahead of brain
  17. Mr James, to go slightly off topic I think you will find that because the young lady involved has changed her mind and story more times that Eddie McGuire ensures he has a sound bite on the news each day, the Police have decided not to waste valuable time, resources and money on the case. I think you will find most of it was true. Being in just your undies, what he was hot?......
  18. We are not all to blame, I have given my unconditional support, I have bought my membership the day they went on sale, I have attended functions, AGMs I have tried to be a voice of reason on this board, I have supported players to the hilt,I encourage at games, and I have a go at any supporter who berates an individual player, but what was served up on Saturday was totally and completely unacceptable and only two or three players could walk off with their heads up. If there are internal issues at the Club, and one can never know the whole truth, but show me an organisation where some people don't have their own agenda, then fix them and fix them now. I know this is only football, but we are asked to be passionate about the Club, I want to see the same from those in the Club. If you read a lot of the posts on this board, a lot of long time supporters believe the Club has been apologising for things for too long, and not acting on issues I couldn't see it before but I see now. And I forgot one in my letter. Tom Scully and anyone else on the list - if are going to GWS tell us NOW so we can move on and fix whatever is ailing this great Club If not for the supporters but do what you have tried before do it for JIMMY
  19. It is not a threat, the 36000 'own' the Club, if a shareholder doesn't like the direction a company is taking they can make a change, I am saying and I would assume not many of the 36000 have enjoyed reading the newspaper since last Saurday and it needs to improve starting Saturday otherwise the is always the danger of a takeover I always walk the walk by the way, haven't missed a home game since I became a member, and although I am loathe to mention it, I volunteer as well, not because I have to but because I want to, because I love the Club, I just want to see the players doing the same...so you probably picked your scarf up from me..that's assuming you attend the games
  20. I know that some at the club read this board, so this is my attempt to pass on how I feel. Jim Stynes - rest and relax, you have done enough Don McLardy - keep everybody on the same page Gary Lyon - you have talked the talk, now walk the walk Cameron Schwab - run the Administration and the business, you are good at it, keep your nose out of the football Chris Connolly - tell us exactly what you do, apart from being a good MC Todd Viney - be ruthless for five weeks, we will love you for it The Leadership Group - Bloody Lead Jordie Mac, Trenners, Jack Watts, and Gys - if some of the players don't follow your example, let them know it, because we will The rest of the players - have a bloody crack and show some passion and fight To everybody - there are now 36000 of us, if you don't get it together we can and will force change.... I will be there on Saturday, like I always am for every game, but if you want 36000 of us next year, Saturday is day one. and finally Dean Bailey - thanks for the chats, the humour, the honesty, the integrity, the real passion you had for the Club, you gave it everything you had......best of luck for the future, you won't be out of the game long
  21. He obviously felt emasculated after the Geelong game, and if the above happens vicariously he may recover half a one..
  22. OK I think we all need to take a deep breath now.....yes I would love a win but realistically, I will give you six or seven words that are reasons we will probably not win.... Judd, Murphy, Scotland, Gibbs, Walker, Betts, Simpson..all in top form..plus a few others. Yes we will play better, yes we will defend with our lives, yes we may be still be in it in the last quarter.....but we have sacked the coach, we have not suddenly acquired two or three players with the experience or skill to take the game by the scruff of the neck...... also we will only have to stuff up a couple of stoppages and let Betts, Judd or Murphy goal side and we will find ourselves four or five goals down Best of luck to Todd Viney but personally I am going to expect us to have a bloody good crack, anything else will be a bonus
  23. I think this is called clutching at straws......Carey, great player but a dick as a person, no credibility no matter how hard he tries, Lyon does not need the stress, Thomas may be a good coach but highly divisive, not what we need now, Laidley see Thomas........
  24. I think you should take whatever medication you have been given and have a good lie down, no no and no
  25. In the four years DB was at the club I had the opportunity to have some great conversations with him, he finished the way he is, honest, candid, integrity intact and with a hint of humour.....we should all be grateful for the work he has done
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