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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. ok let's not throw money, let's throw tongues....local butcher should be able to provide
  2. 2 words from this time last year....Charlie Dixon...... or from about five years ago....Courtney Johns or from a few years ago....Justin Koschitzke let's wait and see shall we.....nothing like a firework that burns brightly and then fizzles out..yes Cameron looks the goods at the moment, but he is eleven games in
  3. Please note....for every young/not so young/over the hill/delisted forward who is slightly muscular, and maybe has kicked a goal or two that appears in the next month or so....we don't need him Because of injury/circumstances etc, and it still may not happen, we have the following tall (ish) forwards who could happily one day stand next to Mitch Clark Lucas Cook Leigh Williams Stef Martin Col Garland Jack Fitzpatrick Tom McDonald Jack Watts Liam Jurrah But I am sure if the Club discounts the above and has their eyes on someone the first thing we will know about it is during the draft period
  4. Persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person", is a legal term used in diplomacy that indicates a proscription against a person entering the country. It is the most serious form of censure which one country can apply to foreign diplomats, who are otherwise protected by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution. So you can actually speak about him, but not welcome him, bit like Scully, we post because we have an opinion, the opinion being why must we continually revisit things, it is gone, he has gone........perfectus
  5. WYL., and I thought you would be listening to this
  6. Gee, you can tell there was no game at the weekend, noboby to bash from the MFC, let's lament about something that happened a few years ago, that's going forward isn't it.....I am with JM and Diesel......who cares if he may win the Brownlow....move on nothing to see here...
  7. It wasn't amongst the ten or so we were sitting with. For three quarters I thought we had engaged four wheel drive and were slowing cranking up the hill As for no questions at the AGM. that is just a silly statement......
  8. No I probably couldn't but then again I don't continually bash those who do I keep saying to supporters who whinge about supporting the club, nobody is making you, nobody has a gun to your head, walk away if it makes you that miserable If you want to come on and whinge you will probably get some of the replies you are getting.....if you want to be miserable sit in a corner facing the wall, chain smoke and throw buckets of cold water over your self Me personally, thinking of going to watch the Scorps Develop team to see what Leroy Williams is like and see if we have found another gem in the rookie draft.... If we haven't I am sure I won't come on here and berate the recruiting department for it
  9. Oh no!!!! radicalism, what are we going to do!!! this is all Barry Prendergast's fault, not picking up the nuances in Jack Darlings body language, and even listinening when Darling told most recruiters he would want to go home after 2 years anyway, and they thought well we've been told he has issues so we will bypass What a team we would have if RR and WYL were running the Recruiting Dept for the last ten years instead of the people who were......they could have opened the box called hindsight any time and fixed everything
  10. You also have the players as well, they are entitled to leave and days off like everybody else, would assume the four players have agree to forgo their entitlement to the time off, all the other players have disappeared far and wide for a few days
  11. My ability to understand a game of footy and all it's nuances is part of my personal makeup, so yes you were insulting me as a person, deriding me for not having the full scope of understanding that you so obviously possess I wasn't using the stats except as a tool to show NikNat "the superstar" is sharing a role in a team. I want to see him as the no 1 ruckman in the team with a backup who does not have the same experience or ability as Cox and see if NikNat can produce the same sort of display(s) On the few occassions last season when Cox was not there NikNat got smashed, nobody said anything then, (check the stats from last season if you don't believe me)
  12. What's wrong RR, I don't agree with you, so it is on with the personal insults Didn't realise your nickname masked a mix of Leigh Mathews/Norm Smith/Mick Malthouse and David King Get over it he has played one good 4 quarter game, if he plays half a dozen, great I will join in, but in a measured way, but until then his numbers show exactly what is happening, take Cox out of the side and let him ruck 22 games as no 1, then we will see whether the acolades are deserved. Enough nuancing for you? Jake King has presence....I don't see anybody saying he is a superstar
  13. Ok time for stats for the superstar Stats read left to right, Kicks, Handballs, Disposals, Marks, Hitouts Tackles Cox 106 66 172 60 261 28 Nat 51 77 128 27 240 16 Jamar 48 53 101 25 383 20 Watts 97 73 170 54 2 16 Jamar trying to ruck on his own and get around the ground, nice twenty tackles though
  14. Coz you need to get permission, and Vlad gets very miffed if he finds out and we haven't, remember that scratch between Collingwood and us early in pre season, had to get permission for that.....opens a can of worms they even had to get permission to play those 4 this weekend, only reason they are in is they are on way back from injury
  15. I take it you are making a big call and saying the Weagles will be in the GF this year, he would not get within a mile of the Norm Smith if Cox was not playing..... He is not a flash in the pan, he is also not a superstar....he is someone with great athletic ability, who will improve but at the moment, he just makes Bruce McAdventure get a tingling in his nether regions... .he needs to string another couple of those games together....and have a run without Cox.. .last time that happened...he got smashed in the ruck and was stuffed so he did not get around the ground
  16. I hope everybody realises that WYl is speaking from a position of experience, having for so many years worked in the footy industry, hasn't missed a junior rep game in ten years, has read every physch report from every AFL draft camp for last 15 years, interviewed that many young players he has lost count, was privy to every list management meeting at MFC for last 10 years was absolutely miffed when passed over for Barry Prendergast as Melbourne recruiter.......I could go on but I won't... keep going WYL.....always like to read your first post in a topic you have started......you must really know why it took over 20 picks for Darling to get a club....
  17. Sheep means a journalist/commentator said it so it must be right......maybe you should change your allegiance and start following the Weagles then.....obviously that's what everybody in the media says.....NikNat is different, yes he has great athletic ability and is fun to watch...but he has played one good game of four quarter football.....and did not carry the full burden as the sole ruckman.....let's wait and see before we put the hyperbole into overdrive........ Here is a great example....Daniel Rich....we didn't draft him either and there were howls of protest on this board..commentators/media were saying we got it wrong.......how's he going this year...haven't heard one peep of comparison with Watts....strange?....you never know he may have a really good game in the next couple of weeks and that can start again as well
  18. The journalists and commentators go apeshit and the sheep on here follow..... he is a very good player but superstar NO (we would be raving about our own young gun ruckman but unfortunately he injured his knee) Nik Nat has put one good 4 quarter effort together FINALLY.......open door for the 'let's bag the Club no matter what" posters on here Now if I am not mistaken he still has one of the games top ruckman of the last 10 years playing in the same team, so the whole burden is not his shoulders....remember that.....let's see how he goes when Cox is not there
  19. We are not disapproving of 'our' site but the opinion on any player is very divided, the journo, if you can actually use that phrase these days, will usually in all probability pick the 'bad' first, it sells more newspapers Probably trawled through the site coz he had writers block, or poor imagination, you pick which one, and thought there is an easy target, What do want Josh Mahoney to say...."he is a complete spud of a list clogger, should never be picked again", I would be horrified if he did. Cale Morton has to answer to the Club, he will know exactly where he stands today The fact that he was booed off, by Melbourne supporters, disgusted me
  20. Said of course from the comfort of your chair in front of the screen
  21. Cook - he has not only played two games - he played quite a few last season - spoke to him at Fed Sq, just wants to keep going, if it happens, he'll grab it, still short of the playing weight they want him at, but GWS could be a chance Couch - has been set to work on a few things, a dominant display amd 30 odd touches, must be getting there, he will appear when Footy Dept think he is ready
  22. Magner is 11 games into an AFL career, Neeld keeps saying versatility, listen when he says it.... Getting Magner to learn to be a defensive forward as well as a midfielder will not only benefit him but also the Club.... He kept Maxell under control for 3 quarters, didn't get a lot of stats himself, but played his role..... Gee we sure have some very hard markers on this board
  23. you do face the green bit when watching the game? Magner has been playing as a defensive forward, he did it yesterday, as long as Neeld keeps picking him, I'm happy, once he is not or he thinks another player will be better at the role, as you suggest he will be at Casey.....
  24. we treated ourselves to some Premium seating on Monday, it was a mix of both sets of supporters..... including a young lady Collingwood supporter....who screamed (in anticipation/unrequited lust/excitement/mental incapacity) everytime Wellingham went near the ball..... it was at a perfect pitch as well to be really annoying.... . towards the end of the fourth quarter..... ..my normally serene, mild mannered, ever so lovely partner said she had thought up a new use for the flag we had been given at Fed Sq... aahhh footy, brings out the best in people
  25. I didn't pot Cotchin, I said he only played half a game, have a look at the stats, I also said that he will be an absolute gun, once he learns to deal with being hard tagged, but don't let facts get in the way of you having a pot RR
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